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US Presidential Election 2024 - Primary Debates, News, Etc.



  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Q: Abortion has been a losing issue for GOP since Dobbs. Even in red states there are more referenda coming up. Gov Haley what do you say to your state, and your party, about the 6 week ban that was just upheld in SC?

    Nimrata: 'I am unapologetically pro life; we need to stop demonizing this issue; the justices didn't(did?) need to decide something this personal. It's with the people now. Can't we ban late term abortions, encourage adoptions, shouldnt we have contraceptives? we need to humanize not demonize'

    Q: you need to shift to get moderators or you will lose Ron Desantis how do you pivot?

    Ron: "I believe in a culture of life I signed the heartbeat bill" "No abortion up to birth"

    Mod: Would you sign a 6 week ban?

    Ron: ... states will do it different but I will promote the cause of life

    Pence: After I gave mah life to Jesus [woo!] etc. I'ma champion for life, sorry Nikki but compromise isn't leadership (again, he will support Trump if he is the nominee, cuckoo), something something abortion pain... I support a 15 week ban.

    Nikki: It's in the hands of the people and that's where it should be but be honest, no republican president can ban abortions than a democrat president can ban those state laws, you KNOW we don't have those senate votes, we have NEVER had 60 pro life votes in the Senate

    Mod: SCOTUS sent it back to the States, Doug Burham you're not in favor of a ban, some states allow it up to birth, would you be able to abide that?

    Doug: I'm a pro life governor of a pro life state - we should NOT have a federal abortion ban, it's the 10th amendment (Those powers not delegated to the congress or by the constitution are kept by the states or by the people). Feds are stepping into peoples lives and businesses over and over, where do we stop?!

    Mod: You signed a 6 week ban Gov Burgam, federally you think it should all go to the states.

    Doug Burgam: Yes, what works in North Dakota will never work in New York and vice versa.

    Asa: Biden is pushing abortion on demand! (no, he's not, he supports the roe position, about 15 weeks with exceptions), every state can determine a different outcome.

    Tim Scott: abortion up to birth is immoral and wrong! We must fight for a minimum 15 week limit, I'm 100% pro life record, I have the pro life membership card, I have the pro life bumper sticker, The creator TM! We can't leave it to Minnesota and Illinois!

    Nikki: Are Biden and Kamala for up to term abortions (not without exceptions, Nimrata)

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Pence: Extend trump tax cuts and abolish the department of education

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Q: What would President Christie do about guns?

    Christie: I ran the 5th largest federal prosecutors office in the country and one of the most violent... localities are refusing to arrest criminals. I would appoint an AG to enact a broad DOJ action to force federal charges on these perps in these jurisdictions and put them in federal jails. Hunter Biden!

    Q: What does POTUS Ramaswamy do about guns?

    Vivek: Do we have the spine? More cops without looking over their shoulder for getting sued (Jesus, unchain the pitbulls). Something something mental health epidemic, lots of identitarianism waffle, close the border, "who we really are" I am unclear what his point is other than to threaten rampant fascism. Definitely the type of thing a VP would say to be good impeachment insurance for a frontrunner. Says "We are in a Cold Cultural Civil War."

    Q: " " " " Desantis " ?

    Ron: Fire the Radical leftwing district attorneys! I'm the only guy in this country who has ever done anything about this crisis (hubris much)! I will get off on firing people left right and center! Who needs elected DA's anyway? Elect me and I will tell you who your DA is. (I might be heavily paraphrasing but I defy y'all to fact check me on this)

  • I was about to turn off this nonsense as not a single claim is being challenged by mods.

    But the topic of The Donald is up next...

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭ghostfacekilla

    Let’s see who fires shots at Trump now

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Q: "Yall signed a pledge, would you still support Trump if he's convicted?"

    Christie and Asa refuse, Christie waves his finger at the mods for normalizing his conduct.

    "Whether you believe the charges are right or wrong, the conduct is beneath the office of the POTUS" [mixed reaction]

    "Booing is allowed but it doesn't change the truth." [Boooooo]

    Vivek: I believe Trump is the best President of the century, [engages prepared remarks against christie.exe], I'm running for [vice] President of the united states, we have to end the weaponization of justice.

    Christie: "You make me laugh because you sit here [BOOOOOOOOOO] and answer -- " Mods have to scold the audience like children "You answer about law and order - your book had much different things to say about Trump [Vivek: That's a lie] You've never done anything to advance the interests of this government. I stood up for law and order as Prosecutor, as Governor (cough, bridgegate, but he owned up to this). Trump said it's okay to Suspend the constitution. That's not okay the pledge is to Defend."

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Q: Pence has faced hecklers on the trail for his actions on Jan 6. Pence moved forward with certifying, did he do the right thing Sen Scott?

    Tim: absolutely [claps and applause] ... Im gonna fire Chris Wray and Fire Merrick Garland and appoint the people I want because.. lady justice is blind, except when he does it. Dragging up talking point about DOJ and PTA meetings and an investigation about allegations of terroristic threats. "I will bring change to the greatest nation on gods green earth" nearly found himself diving into an MLK accent, yikes.

    Ron: This election is about 2025, we need to focus on the future of the country, don't you know I was in the military? We focus on the mission!

    Pence: (It was **** RUDE of Fox News to not let Pence answer this segment first?) I did my job on January 6.

    Ron: Is THIS what we focus on? We're gunna run biden ragged [woos]

    Mod: Trump is beating you by 30 or 40 points, so it's a factor in the GOP primary. Gov. Hutchinson, you didn't raise your hand?

    Asa: Trump has to be held accountable for January 6. [Booo] Without naming him, cites the legal argument of fmr judge J Michael Luttig, that the insurrection clause is self executing and Trump should be disqualified from running for office.

    Christie: Mike. Pence. Stood. For the Constitution. He doesn't deserve grudging credit, he deserves our thanks for protecting and preserving the constitution and our democracy etc. Mike Pence deserves credit for telling Trump no.

    Nikki: I do think Pence did the right thing and we need to give him credit, but -" zzz "I trust the american people, let them decide" we need a new generational conservative leader, we don't want a Trump Biden rematch, Trump is the MOST DISLIKED candidate in america (booooos) we cant win that way!

    Burgum: China is the #1 threat and China loves it when we talk about the past

    Pence: Can I say something on this issue?

    Mod: we thought you were done? (gobsmacked, this is literal disrespect) Big dustup now where Vivek has injected himself into the conversation.

    Pence: Its not about looking back at January 2021, it's about January 2017, I took my oath on Reagan's bible, so help me god, stump speech stump speech heavenly father, every person on this stage needs to do the same, prove they are owed the confidence of the american people. I wish it had not come to criminal proceedings and not solely by the people but nobody is above the law, and trump is still presumed innocent and we will extend that - the people NEED to know the POTUS asked me to put him over the constitution, and I chose the constitution, and I always will, I had no right to overturn the election, and Harris will have no right to overturn the 2024 election.

    Mod: we're moving on to other issues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Ron: Europe must pull their weight on Ukraine, Europe is currently not doing that. China! Do what we need to do with China.

    Vivek: funding to ukraine is "disastrous" literal Not My Back Yard argument. China! Pope Zelensky! South Side Chicago! Americans First! How many slogans can this guy shove in after blasting others about sloganeering.

    Christie: I went and saw Ukraine for myself. Imagine if this auditorium was filled, 25,000 more children would still be outside dead or missing or kidnapped. Graphic recaps of **** these audiences need to hear. 'This is the Vladimir Putin who Trump called brilliant and a genius. We need to stand up against autocratic killing or we will be next.'

    Pence: The Reagan doctrine endorsement. Vivek if we give Putin his land there's only a matter of time before he rolls across a NATO border.

    Vivek: I have a news flash, the soviet union doesn't exist anymore! (another slogan). Putin is not a communist!

    Pence: Putin wants to restore the soviet sphere of influence, Im sorrrrrrry I called him a communist, he is a murder and a dictator.

    Vivek constantly jumping into this, really trying to be a Trump lite on the debate stage.

    Pence: we achieve peace through strength and the US needs to stand for freedom.

    Mods give Vivek 30 seconds after admonishing opponents for ignoring the bell. Crowd boos the action to give him 30 seconds lolol

  • God damn, Vivek is getting pistol-whipped here.

    Someone take the poor boy off stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Vivek is clearly trying to emulate the debate strategy of Donald Trump in 2016 but it's simply not working for him, he doesn't have the pre-primed Apprentice acclaim, and everything against him with his calls to defund Israel and hand over Crimea to Vladimir Putin. He plays right into the hands of Nikki Haley and Pence as Vivek repeatedly dies easily proven allegations about his record.

    Ron Desantis: I will send troops to the southern border not to ukraine (someone hasn't read the posse comitatus act and/or he's selling his voters lies)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭ghostfacekilla

    Haley strongest on foreign policy

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Tim Scott: Fire the IRS and hire double the amount of Border Agents (with nobody to collect revenue to pay them with, capital idea old bean), cites Biden catching 200 most wanteds at the border like that's a bad thing, or evidence of non-enforcement. "As POTUS I will make that border wall... complete!" lol

    The debate is breaking down as the Mods fails to give each candidate time to answer the same exact question, he rephrases things for Asa and Pence.

    Asa: During the Bush admin we worked with the Mexican govt, their leaders were captured or killed. We need to have Mexico as a partner. The current administration in Mexico is not helpful we must use economic pressure. The military has to be limited in it's use. After 9/11 [ding ding] we protected the nation and the border at the same time, you can do both.

    Q: Would you support military going into Mexico, Desantis?

    A: Yes on day one! (Yay, a day one invasion pledge?) We have to re-establish the rule of law (say what again) Prepared Angel Mom Speech.exe about fentanyl death. (Lays the blame on mexicans but most stats show americans smuggle fentanyl).

    Pence: Joe Biden threw open the southern border (false, up until recently the title 42 plan was still in place for 2 years under biden) We worked with mexico on the stay in mexico policy (title 42), as POTUS I will engage mexico the same way and partner with the mexican military to hunt down and destroy the cartel.

    Christie: we stop more from coming, and then, we have to have law and order in this country. Ensure people who come here illegally are not rewarded for being here illegally (DREAMers much though?) We have to have illegals detained, on the fentanyl issue, with China, they're sending the chemicals to the cartels to make the fentanyl. This is an act of war against our citizens.

    Q: Would you send those people back?

    Christie: of course, you have to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭ghostfacekilla

    Pence and Haley gaining the most so far, Ramaswamy torpedoing his chance of being anything other than a crackpot VP

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Fox Commentators: Vivek is 'clearly the avatar for Trump' but he "overplayed his hand." lol

  • Once upon a time a former Republican governor from Arkansas would be the most deranged person on stage - tonight he's the most sensible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    DeSantis: We need education not indoctrination (Uh WHAT) We eliminated CRT, we eliminated gender education, we teach them about the bill of rights and the constitution, we need to increase civic understanding while im busy taking your right to elect your DA away from you oh wait

    Vivek: we have a 'crisis of achievement' kill the Dept of Edu, put the money (oh, we're still gonna spend the money, socialism/UBI alert) in parents hands. Make people pass a civics test! Nuclear Family! Women independence is wrong, they have to live with men!

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Burgum: education differs by state, the idea that teachers are indoctrinating is false. "Innovation not Regulation" Get rid of the department of education (ooh so innovative)

    Nikki: Crazy woke things! Reading remediation, transparency in the classroom, school choice, vocational high school classes (you're gonna work on the assembly line, billy), groomer/trans panic whistle.

    Q: Biden's age something something

    Pence: we don't need a president whos too old or young but whose been there. I will shut down Dept of Education and promote school choice to every family in merica (again, denied by fox the right to talk on these topics yo, he injected it at the end)

    Vivek: Trump Body Language.exe, attack biden.exe, it's quite remarkable how much he mimics trump, it's like a Scaramucci, remember Scaramucci? slogans slogans slogans, Reagan 1980 revolution, my identity as a man of color, etc.

    Pence: But you had never voted before 2020? !!!

    Asa: Every school in America must offer computer science so we can compete with china

    Tim: be the model behavior we want others to follow... destroy the teachers unions. (lol)

    Q: Should military service be voluntary, Ron DeSantis?

    Ron: yeah, thank you for this softball to inject my stump about me having military experience, did I say this bit about focusing on the mission already? ****. Smile.exe

    Q: Okay nobody else wants to wave their military record around so we're moving on... Chris Christite, About UFOs

    Christie: I get the UFO question!? Audience roars laughing

    Q: would you level with the american people?

    Christie: Just because you're also from Jersey how dare you ask me the UFO question... the job of POTUS is to stand for truth and the american people, and be a role model for our children, whether it's UFOs or teachers unions, which I tore down, that's the biggest threat, not UFOs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭ghostfacekilla

    Christie turned the UFO low block around pretty well. The hosts obviously were keen for him not to gain ground. Hannity on record saying he won't give Christie any airtime in the Spin Room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

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  • Tim Scott with the sly "If you commit a VIOLENT crime, you go to jail."

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Q: 20 years ago 70% of americans said they were proud to be an american, now it's 39%, Reagan said the USA was a shining city on a hill. Tell american voters why you can inspire americans to a better day

    Burgam: Biden's inflation (corporates inflation) is choking us, our cities are not safe, fentanyl, inflation, gas prices, secure the border, get the economy sprinting (IMO he did not understand the prompt) fight china by growing the economy, bring out the best of america and improve every american life (okay pedro)

    Asa: not 4 more years of Biden or Trump [Boo] we need New leadership (you were from the GWB administration, Asa...), individual responsibility! secure the border! enforce rule of law! Join in this fight go to my website

    Tim Scott: I was a disillusioned young man mired in poverty (oh god he gave portions of this stump speech already as an answer earlier). If you take out a loan you pay it back, etc. trans panic dogwhistling.

    Christie: We have to beat Joe Biden, Im the only one on the stage to beat a democratic incumbent. The last incumbent who was defeated was Jimmy Carter. GHWB stood for the truth, accountability, and stood strong against waste. The democrats want some other candidate who hasn't beat them before and I will restore our country etc.

    Nikki: "You may address me by my husband's rank" energy <- precisely what my wife said to her opener. I have nothing further to add.

    Pence: might be the only one who read the prompt and is trying to give one of those classic leadership speeches. "God is not done with america yet" "renew our faith in him" "wilderness shores" [2nd ding ding] etc.

    Vivek: Celebrate our diversity and our differences... more identity politics. 'God is real, there are 2 genders, fossil fuels are required, reverse racism is racism, the nuclear family is the greatest form of government, capitalism lifts us up from poverty' (probably the falsest thing he's said so far), other diatribe

    DeSantis: I used to work minimum wage jobs and now I sue Disney to prove how I can put service above self or something. I delivered on all my promises trust me bro, no mulligans in 2024 I wont let you down

    Mod: Thank you, Milwaukee! /

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Lady FNC commentator: Vivek annoys me, he needs to shed some of that Red Bull energy.

    FNC guy: Vivek is a "breath of fresh air." Literally their words. "He was polarizing" so therefore he won. That's enough of the bubble, ima **** outta there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭ghostfacekilla

    Vivek in the Spin Room asked if he would pardon the bidens after saying he'd pardon Trump and says he would put them into jail for the rest of their lives. Eek. This lad is not very connected to reality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,407 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

  • Right, I'm putting my Republican cap on and ranking how I think candidates did based on where they were at the start of the night.

    1st. Nikki Haley - I remember saying on here when she left the UN that I saw her as a potential future candidate. Heading into the debate I had lost all hope as she has done absolutely **** all since she announced her candidacy - not a lick of sound from her. But tonight...she skull-dragged Rawaswamy on Russia/Ukraine, she gave a solid answer on abortion**, acknowledged climate change is real, also had that great moment where she attacked DeSantis, Scott and Pence for voting to raise the debt and... she admitted The Donald is totally unelectable. She brought the sauce tonight and I think among moderate Republicans and indies she'll have done very well. Unfortunately for her however, she has that fatal affliction of being a woman running for the Republicans. She's white-passing so I don't think the voters will even know her parents are Indian.

    **Her record on abortion is utterly abysmal but I think she handled the question cutely, made it clear she was pro-life but stated she doesn't think women who have abortions should be vilified.

    2nd. Mike Pence - I thought Big Poppa Pence was pissing into the wind when he announced his candidacy but I thought he gave it a good go tonight. I don't remember his answers on particular issues as much as I do with Haley but he was more energetic than I ever that he could get, he banged the God drum non-stop and espoused the usual Republican values with vigor. And of course he had a whole segment dedicated to him defending the Constitution on January 6th. He put country before party and did his duty which I think will do well with moderates. He DID say he'd support Trump if Trump was the nominee but that olive branch won't mean a lick to Trump supporters as most would still hang him if they could.

    3rd. Vivek Rawaswamy - Secured the Trump base. Ticked off every, single, one of the issues they care about. Had he a bit more political nous he'd have dropped the Ukraine/Russia thing when Pence and Haley were whooping him. Not much else to say, individual topics are from the Trump textbook. Did he VP chances no harm tonight at all.

    4th. Chris Christie - Was disappointed with Christie tonight - he brought the sauce but unfortunately his was garlic mayonnaise. He had a couple of good moments - when he interrupted saying he had enough tonight already and called Vivek ChatGP I thought he was gonna go balls deep all night, but alas... the whole Obama thing with Vivek too "Skinny kid with the funny name" was good stuff as he got his dig in at Obama at the end too when he called him an amateur which always scores well with Republicans.. He also handled the UFO question well too. But overall, it felt like 2016 Christie too much sitting in the pocket afraid to throw a few uppercuts.

    5th. Tim Scott - Again, he was steady, standard Republican stuff. Lacked the energy and charisma and...he's a black man running for the Republicans. A definite improvement on Herman Cain and Ben Carson though. Progress, of sorts.

    6th. Asa Hutchinson - I didn't know much about this fella before the debate aside from he was a former governor of Arkansas and he was admin of the DEA and had some other role under GWB. Maybe it's because my expectations were so dismally low but I thought he gave some solid answers. Obviously he's a charisma void and didn't do anywhere near enough to get his voice heard - lowest overall speaking time tonight.

    7th. Doug Bergum - I had forgotten his name while writing this.

    8th. Ron DeSanctimonious - Usual guff - climate change isn't real, kill the transgenders, invade Mexico, BUT he did treat us to the most amazing of tales... The Ronald managed to meet a woman named Penny who survived multiple abortion attempts only for her grandmother to rescue her from a **** hospital bedpan and bring her to another hospital. Trump fans wish he'd have been aborted and no moderate or indie would tolerate any of the above bollocks. Campaign **** DEAD.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,025 ✭✭✭silliussoddius

    It’s hard to believe we’re at a point with constitutional fetishers that doing your basic rubber stamp job of certifying an election is a selling point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60,548 ✭✭✭✭Agent Coulson

    DeSantis looked and sounded more of a deranged cokehead than Don Jr with his Woke Deep State rants

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,932 ✭✭✭✭AMKC

    The araggants of Trump. I really hope it costs him and that the poles are wrong. Would love if Trump never even made it out of the Primaries. That would teach him not that he would learn . He would say it's all fixed of course.

    Live long and Prosper

    Peace and long life.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,932 ✭✭✭✭AMKC

    Let's hope not. I hope Trump does not even make it out of the primaries.

    Live long and Prosper

    Peace and long life.

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