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Should I do a major upgrade to this mid-terrace house?

  • 31-08-2023 7:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 156 ✭✭

    I’m toying with the idea of altering a tiny single storey mid terraced townhouse. Current configuration is living room at front, and bedroom at back (original house). Extended onto this is a small kitchen (big enough for a breakfast bar if not a table), and a loo. I was thinking of knocking down the original rear wall, and making an open plan kitchen/living room space. 

    The original rear wall of the house is 55-60cm thick so a lot of material to remove. Replace with RSJ.

    Replace the flat roof of extension with a pitched roof (high ceiling with glass/velux to make up for loss of window). 


    Increase in floor space. 

    Existing extension is of poor quality, and prone to mould. 

    A change like this would probably allow me to let the house at it’s market value rather than the current barely viable RPZ rate. Alternatively would the work involved raise the value enough if I was going to sell?

    Cons (just the ones I can initially think of). 

    Manhole in yard would be covered by new extension - how to make this work?

    Small yard would be even smaller maybe 1.5m x 1.5m

    Loo directly connected to primary living space.

    I doubt that proceeding with this project will be worthwhile, but I’d love some opinions on it!

    Many thanks.



  • Posts: 15,362 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    First, accessing the toilet area off the main living area is weird AF. I currently have this in the living room and only for I'm planning to go travelling for a few years, I'd be looking at addressing it. Seriously, its weird. You want some kind of a hallway/second door/corridor or something. I know I do. In your shoes, I'd look at incorporating a utility area and loo. I'd also get rid of that last bit of yard. It'll be too small to be useful....well maybe for bike storage, thats about it

    Second, and again, this is my current situation that I would love to fix but won't for a few years. The living area looks very long. I have this. Have the sitting room at the front and dining area at the back, there's a big empty space in the middle thats useless. Well not useless, I could do something, I just don't know what. Maybe you could fill your space with the help of a designer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 156 ✭✭pj9999

    Good points!

    Another thing I'm half considering is razing the whole house, and building a modern 2 storey. One of the adjoining houses is already a 2 storey. Would this make more sense?

  • Posts: 15,362 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Costs would be the biggest issue doing that but if that's an option then 100% you'll get a better result imho.

    It depends on what you plan to use it for e.g. 1 person living alone versus a family versus renting it out versus selling it etc

    If its for you to live in, I'd raze it and get an architect to design it in a way to get the max amount of natural light down into the middle of it especially if you want a 2 storey. Last thing you should end up with is something that's as dark as what is there now as it would be a missed opportunity imho

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 378 ✭✭iniscealtra

    You will need somewhere to put the bins. No matter how small. Having a small courtyard to sit out in at the back nicely decorated with a few pot plants and a table and chairs is a plus. I wouldn’t get rid of the only outdoor space you have.

    If you have the money. A two story in its place would be great. Go up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 156 ✭✭pj9999

    It's a rental house and I've no plans to live there myself. I could finance a rebuild which I know would be the best thing, but I'm not sure I fancy taking it on.

    House cost ballpark 100k.

    200-220k for demolish & rebuild ... maybe end up worth 400k. (5min walk of Cork city centre). No garden would affect the value of course. Do those numbers sound on the mark?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 149 ✭✭Beefcake82

    is the small house beside you currently inhabited ? If not would you consider buying that and knocking through to create 1 bigger place ?

    Another option for reworking current build might be move the kitchen and living space to the front with ur new presented entrance and push bedroom to back with ensuite bathroom but still maintaining current back door connected to living area as per my unpretty picture
