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Hamas strike on Israel - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23

  • 07-10-2023 7:17am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,144 ✭✭✭✭TheValeyard

    Anniversary of the October war.

    But I'm surprised by this. Surely this will mean the end of the Gaza Strip as we know it. The military resources of the Israelis are huge.

    I do not know how Hamas are not expecting to get crushed. Maybe they feel its time to strike at Israel now, rather than suffer a slow death over years of Isarel taking piece after piece of land.

    Either way, a lot of innocent people are going to die.

    Mod - Anyone posting any NSFW footage of this conflict will be banned

    Mod warning 19/10/23:

    We realise this is a very sensitive topic with entrenched views on both sides, along with other views within the extremes.

    Having strong views and expressing them here is not an issue. Doing so in an uncivil manner, attacking other posters, throwing out descriptions like "Israelbot" or "Palestinebot" is not acceptable. Respect the rights of others to have differing views to your own or you can expect to lose posting privileges. If you feel someone is not reflecting these principles then please report rather than reacting in thread.

    All eyes on Kursk. Slava Ukraini.

    Post edited by Big Bag of Chips on


