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150KTubs - future career in Virgin Radio and other soulful pursuits **Mod: Read OP**



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    Trying to kill Irish companies? Are you always prone to such wild exaggeration?

    You do realise as a customer I am entitled to vote with my feet and not give my custom to a company because of their actions and in these cases associations? Thats the very nature of and balancing act companies enter into when they associate themselves with individuals. If the public don’t like the individual they can choose to disengage and spend their monies elsewhere. Equally people are allowed to object to such associations on public fora. We’re also entitled to disagree with Mr. Kelly’s assertion that “Ryan Tubridy is the most trusted man in Ireland” - something these very brands who paid for him to endorse their wares might have considered before entering into these agreements.

    When people do not like “celebrities”. they are entitled not to purchase goods from brands or retailers those “celebrities” endorse - you do realise this right? Last time I checked Ireland was still a democracy. Or are you seriously suggesting the converse - that we must all burn WillowWarm briquettes in our home and only purchase books from Easons?

    As for your plea to close down the thread - it’s not the first time the pro-Tubridy and NK camp seek to shut down any and all criticism of them. It’s tantamount to censorship, and really is not a good look.

    Stalking? That comment doesn’t even deserve a response.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    Once again they’re trying to close threads that dare to criticize NK Talent. Straight out of the Bobson Dugnutt/Dr. Phibes/CGI Livia Soprano et al playbook.

    Utterly disgusting behaviour.

    I can’t see who thanked those posts because I'm on mobile but I’m willing to bet who it is and that their username starts with an “E”. So utterly predictable.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Utterly disgusting behavior from yourself and your sidekick to try and drum up a boycott of two Irish companies. Have ye honestly nothing better to be doing with your time.

    Wont be long before you are banned again. Your posting style at the beginning was restrained but now you think you are over the hump now so its flat out at the old carry on that you got banned for.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 658 ✭✭✭Paterson Jerins

    Youve been trying to get the mods to close the thread for about 2 years now. You and yours are nothing but trolls. Do you still want to become a mod?

    Just cop on, and take up a hobby, maybe go for a walk etc etc..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    Drum up a boycott? Off with the exaggeration again I see.

    I’m sorry, who do you think I am? If you’re trying to suggest I am someone, just say it. It seems you and your chums like to accuse lots of posters of being former posters. And yet you accuse others of stalking? Bizarre behaviour.

    I hate to disappoint you but I am a first-time user of this site.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭StevenToast

    Fascinating behaviour from some bad egg here....


    "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." - Fletcher

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,885 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Companies base things on sales.

    For example Tubs potential increased sales and distribution of The Mail On Sunday, now if sales remained the same and the cost of having Tubs on board the Sunday Mail is nothing of significance the the Mail will retain Tubs. They will also calculate page views online along with the normal loss of reader as people move on line.

    What is more interesting is that the Mail on Sunday are obsessed by RTÉ's Nixers list, this week and last week having full stories and editorials on the subject.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    I wonder is the absence of a column this week a sign that the relationship has ended? Or will we see Tubridy bouncing back with a triumphant column next weekend?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    The irony of you - a self-confessed re-reg - daring to suggest another poster is someone else is I assume lost on you? How many posters have you (and Emmet) now accused of being someone else?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,885 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    No as I say, and sadly I wasn't be sarcastic, they are publishing a booklet in association with Eason with Tubs' Top 50 Book and the best of his Diary from 2024.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    the difference is I closed my previous account with zero bans and infractions. I did this voluntarily. Your old account was riddled with bans and infractions and eventually site banned, you were a time sync for mods. The similarity of your new and old account is very obvious through the style of posting and the threads you destroyed with your obsessive spamming and nasty attitude, it’s very evident and as i said earlier you think you are out in the clear with your new account so its full steam ahead to try and hit the 50k posts your old account failed to reach.

    Historically I’ve had little to do with the radio forum and zero interaction with other posters on here so you are off the mark.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    What other account? You’ve lost me there I'm afraid. I can take comfort however in the fact that I know it’s not the first time you’ve accused someone of not being who they say they are. You have also done this in other radio threads btw - you seem to have forgotten this? Honestly these fantasies you’re engaging in aren’t healthy.

    I did say “and Emmett” btw, you seem to have missed that? He too has a history of suggesting other posters aren’t who they say they are.

    if you suspect me of being someone why the reticence to name that person?

    As for your comments on posting style, again the irony is laughable.

    I’m not going to engage any further with you as it’s obvious you’re trying to get the thread closed - you’ve essentially admitted this earlier.

    Post edited by Peter Dragon on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,698 ✭✭✭yagan

    If Easons made Conor McGregor part of their marketing it would put me off shopping there. I'm put off shopping there by their association with Toyman.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    But you’d be “killing an Irish business” then just because you don’t like their brand ambassador…….according to some.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 14,255 Mod ✭✭✭✭pc7

    Mod Note

    THIS IS THE FINAL WARNING - The thread is a mess again, from this post forward if I feel anyone is trolling, dox'ing, attacking a poster or off topic ITS A THREAD BAN, end of.

    Use the report button (thanks to those that have already). But again, next reported post that I feel breaks the charter or this note its a ban.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 362 ✭✭nonetheless

    If Tubridy were to lose his radio show tomorrow, it would be due to his lack of talent, versatility and compatibility as a music radio presenter and let us be clear about this, if a normal radio jock had presented that slot in the manner in which he has and had made as many music presenting blunders live on air, their building security id badge would be revoked very quickly post a meeting with the PD. This is not just something that I am stating because I am anti-Tubs, Ryan has very clearly demonstrated this over the past year with no sign or initiative on his part to improve.

    However, the above scenario is unlikely to happen in the short term as NewsUK's management have adopted a particular approach to presenting on their flagship radio station VRUK. At this point in time they are not particularly focused on the quality of presenting but more on the presenters celebrity status. Tubridy has not generated consistent listenership growth for VRUK and up to now has definitely failed to do so for Q102. Until lack of growth is transferred into falling revenue, this type of celebrity led programming on that radio station shall continue with the same most likely being applied to Q102 in the future.

    Some celebrities can crossover into presenting music radio and do it successfully but it does require at least two basic qualities: talent and effort on their part. Up to this point Tubridy has displayed neither and of course there is also the problem of there being a division of opinion with the general public regarding him. When presenting on a commercial music radio station, you need to appeal to the listener on a 1:1 basis, come across as being likeable and NOT to be presenting as to what is perceived to be the Tubs Club with examples of hello my friends and your very welcome this morning and thanks for joining us. This type of presenting will not work in the long term and will also alienate those listeners who would otherwise be sitting on the fence so to speak.

    Whether Tubridy stays on VRUK or is relocated to Q102 as part of NewsUK's Irish operations restructuring, they need to address Q102's listenership freefall for which I do not believe having Tubridy on the roster alone will be successful in that regard. Q102 is supposed to be a formatted music station and they really need to focus on their music programming.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,698 ✭✭✭yagan

    All he has is his brand which is a legacy from from his days at an institution in which he has few of no friends left.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,782 ✭✭✭✭retalivity

    Thats not true, he also has a new shiny podcast studio.

    And 150k.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,692 ✭✭✭Tow

    NK's other podcasts appear to use the same set. Maybe Tubs is renting out his state of the art studio podcasting setup while in London.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,968 ✭✭✭✭Beechwoodspark

    heard a rumour last week NK was pushing an “appearance” by the Toyman via zoom on the Toy Show - but Kielty’s head of production completely shut down the conversation.

    Kielty said “run that by me again” then burst out laughing when he was told of it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,968 ✭✭✭✭Beechwoodspark

    So many have told me they completely boycott Easons since they “recruited” the Toyman.

    Another common complaint is Easons have drastically reduced their stock range over the years.

    Glorified stationary shop was a phrase said to me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭GSF

    Ghost of Christmas past - someone would have to explain to Tubridy that it was a book before the muppets adapted it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,698 ✭✭✭yagan

    The last time I was in one they seemed to going more into gift business, themed mugs, tea pot sets, tea towels etc... a little fancier than O'Carrolls gift shops.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭rightmove

    not sure why any brand would associate themselves with toxic tubs.

    Saying that I thought Kieltys worst LLS interview was with Piers Morgan where he really just went with the rte I dont like you coz your not woke mood music and then when Morgan asked him to argue on something they disagree about Patrick wasnt able to come up with a single thing. Morgan than gave him a free pass.

    anyhow back to toxic tubs!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    In news that will have delighted noted cinephile Ryan Tubridy (I’m joking on the noted cinephile part - obviously) I read this morning that Barry Keoghan is set to have a role in the upcoming Beatles biopic. Now it would likely have to star Trump and Musk for Tubridy to say a bad word about it given the subject matter, but now that there’s an Irish connection Tubridy will be in his usual full-on OTT gushing mode as (and we all know this), every Irish movie or any movie with even the most tedious Irish connection is just the most amazing, totes amazeballs, beautiful, gorgeous, delicious, and best movie ever made!

    He will doubtless rue the fact there’ll be no private or preview screenings this time around for him given his exile into virtual anonymity in the UK, but will find a way to insert himself into the local media about it, perhaps in the London Diary….. “I remember saying to Barry when he first met me that he’d make a great Beatle” or “Great to see my former Late Late Show guest and all round good egg Barry Keoghan doing so well for himself and landing a role in the upcoming Beatles movie. I’d like to think it’s a subtle nod to The Toyman as Barry knows how much he loves the band.” or something like that.

    Speaking of the London Diary, has last weekend’s surfaced yet or has there been any explanation for the absence of same?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 683 ✭✭✭supereurope

    A hangover from my 16 years living in London is that I'm still subscribed to various UK-related subs on Reddit. A few days ago, someone asked the AskUK sub "Which DJ do you find to be the absolute worst on UK radio?" Over 200 replies, and unsurprisingly, Chris Moyles was a common answer, along with names like Scott Mills, Amanda Holden and Dave Berry.

    No one mentioned Tubs at all. Now, is that because no one strongly dislikes him or is it because no one knows who he is?

    EDIT: here's the link to the sub:

    Post edited by supereurope on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,009 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

    I'm going with Option B

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭joebloggs32

    I was amazed to hear Tubs on an advert for Easons. He rode off into the sunset without returning the money he promised to. It's a slap in the face to us the licence payers.

    I'll be actively avoiding Easons.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,582 ✭✭✭Tork

    The branch of Easons I've been going into since I was a kid is a shadow of its former self and is half the size. I tried to buy a birthday card for my aunt recently and walked out again with nothing because the selection was woeful. It's hard to know who would even bother boycotting the regional branches because you'd struggle to buy anything in them regularly. The best thing about them these days is the selection of magazines they still carry. The book-selling part of the business has really fallen away and the experience is closer to that of an airport bookshop. You'd almost expect to be asked for your boarding pass at the checkout.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,885 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Pre-record, edited out Piers Morgan's views on Covid.

    Tubs time at on TLLS was dull due to any lack of controversy, canteen guests and misery.

    Now we have edited pre-records, mixed with live, with some misery thrown in for good measure.

    How you could defend coming from a different set for TLLS for the exit poll. Showing that RTÉ only have the exit poll on TLLS to boost its audience.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    London Diary/Famous people who met me this week is back, and it’s peppered with more celebs this week than a full season of The Late Late Show. If you’re stuck for a new drinking game this Christmas, you could read this latest entry aloud and take a shot every time Tubs drops a name.

    He even praises the Disney+ series “Say Nothing”, a show that has been hugely criticised by the family of the deceased protagonist as being “horrendous, hurtful, and cruel” - that’s not very kind is it?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,885 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    It is odd because he links it to his editorial of yesterdays supplement with the daily mail that he edited, by saying that he'd talkabout books, but then its just a list of people that he met.

    I wonder if he met Mr. Murphy's grandfather I believe a good accountant to former Late Late Show hosts!*

    *Tub's mentions Eoghan Murphy's book as one to read


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭podgeandrodge

    Claire Byrne has announced she's leaving the NK stable. Doesn't need representation anymore she says, but still good friends with Noel, and he fully understands.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,885 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Well she doesn't take extra work out side of RTÉ so what use is she to him? …. this has been over the last few years … except for last year when she hosted a quiz show for a weekend and earn €25k outside her normal RTÉ contract.

    Looking forward to series 2!


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,582 ✭✭✭Tork

    It'd be nice to be able to read it in a different way. That NKM no longer holds the same sway in RTE and that it makes no difference who a presenter's agent is.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,379 ✭✭✭Viscount Aggro

    His options are being limited by the day .....

    St Ita's hospital radio has closed down.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14 OnAirÉire

    I think 2025 will be interesting,but not better for radio....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 407 ✭✭animalinside

    They invite you Ryan because you have large reach and are easily impressionable, it's marketing to them.

    "and we became friends as I was telling everyone on Instagram how great his books were" - he really is a sharp one isn't he?!

    He's so eager to brag about high profile people being his "friends" and talking about "rubbing shoulders", probably hardly saying a word to them.

    How is Tubridy his friend, do they go over personal issues together? I'd never dream of calling myself a "friend" of someone I hardly know on a professional basis - especially when they're not in the same room to hear it but rather going behind their back. It's just so rude.

    I'm surprised he's not been shunned outright by everyone by now for being unlikeable.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭GSF

    interesting line in the article about Conclave saying there “are some benefits …. to being in London”. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the idea of being there

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭podgeandrodge

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 683 ✭✭✭supereurope

    I noticed that line too…doesn't read like he loves life over there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,692 ✭✭✭Tow

    Any word on the 150k repayment?

    The clock is ticking for Ryan to get his taxes back from Revenue, under their 4 year rule.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,835 ✭✭✭mountain

    has he been taking writing lessons from that tool Barry Egan with the Independent?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭rightmove

    did 5 mins hate listening. all I could last.

    First thing he did was name drop siobhan from bananarama sitting beside him at some awards and then blabbered on about the beatles.

    not an awful lot going on in that lads head.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    I’m no fan of Egan’s (is anyone?), but his writing is bordering on Shakespearian when compared to Tubridy’s primary school “What I did over my summer holidays” style prose.

    I do find it amusing he compiled a list of his Top 50 books of the year; as to compile such a list implies he had read more than 50……from January - mid/late November. I’d assume I’m not alone in believing I doubt he read a fraction of that. A Top 10 would at least hold up to some scrutiny and bluffing, but > 50? Even 10 might be pushing it, but the brand machine has to be fed.

    Has that supplement been published? Does anyone have a copy of same, or a link to it?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭hawley

    Just an online list on Eason's website. Can anyone imagine him reading about Donegal football or Robert Enke? Thirty two books on the 2024 list.

    It's a Gaffer of an Acca

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Peter Dragon

    Apologies, I had taken it from another poster there were 50 in his list.

    Regardless of the number, he’s not seriously claiming to have read a book about GAA players, is he?

    Post edited by Peter Dragon on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭rightmove

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭hawley

    Playing the Russell Crowe interview again now. Called it bonkers. Listening on Q102 and it's still coming back from the ads half way through a song. Complete mess of a show.

    It's a Gaffer of an Acca

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 362 ✭✭nonetheless

    Regarding Q102, it looks like they have started the process of removing the listing of presenters (bar Tubridy) from their weekday programming schedule.
