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150KTubs - future career in Virgin Radio and other soulful pursuits **Mod: Read OP**



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,023 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    We can forget about the Presidency and radio presenters of any stripe or ilk. Not going to happen.

    Paddy Power are giving Tubridy 100/1. And they sponsor his national UK radio show. This whole idea that he might run for President was entirely made up as a publicity stunt by BoyleSports last summer when he was all over the news. The tabloid media of course ran with it because they knew it would get the hits from his pathological detractors, who were the only ones who ever took it seriously, just so they could have something else - even imaginary - to rage against.

    Duffy doesn't even feature on the list.

    You can't just decide to make up that someone is going to do something, just because you don't like them and want to criticize them for it (even though there's no rational indication that they have any intention of doing it). Well, you can, but it's not a good look.

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 Neferteena

    You're right, it's not Frost/ Nixon, so no need for the etreme comparators Gregor. It is what it is, a tiny news podcast from a print media broadsheet, who assigns these time slots, in order of maximising of listensrship, based on metrics I'd imagine.

    Whatever makes you think he's a stranger in a strange land. Sure didn't he work in London when filling in on BBC radio, didn't 2 of his siblings live here also. Wasn't he bragging to us that he was virtually a VIP on the Irish Embassy guest list. And then of course he's inundated with many lunch invitations by the likes of Graham Norton & co, ...he's yet to wangle one from Wogan's son. But that's a work in progress, especially now that nothing has come from his 3 week on air hustle for a free trip to Japan (with his daughters). He didn't even get a Katsu chicken roll out of that grift.

    And sure isn't he being dragged out to watch the rugby & forced to post pictures of it on social media.

    I'm sure the constant churn of Irish tourist visitors to London, who go to his 'Guinness favoured pub' will keep the welcome in London going for him.

    I'd love to do it myself, no really I would, but it turns out I'm washing my hair most nights, fetlock by fletlock. Diddums 😔

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,023 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa


    he's inundated with many lunch invitations by the likes of Graham Norton & co, ...he's yet to wangle one from Wogan's son. 

    Just on a point of information - as you know, I'm meticulous about facts - he did indeed receive, accept and engage in a lunch invitation from Mark Wogan. A pleasant encounter, by all accounts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,412 ✭✭✭Tow

    Lunchtime in Mark's restaurant looks less than busy, maybe he is looking for a dig out as well.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    "Just on a point of information - as you know, I'm meticulous about facts"

    Yes, but speaking from my experience, you are also not immune to getting it wrong.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,023 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    And I'm happy to be corrected in a polite and constructive way, with citations. Just as I engage with others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

    Too much Workers Party baggage. Besides, Workers Party 2.0 (Labour) might want to nominate Bacik if she loses her seat in Dublin Bay South. At least Tubridy could have counted on some FF votes as he and his family (apart from the SF TD) are FF.


    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,023 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    There's many reasons that section could be off-limits at that time of day, particularly if the owner wishes to entertain a guest with some privacy.

    Unfair to go casting aspersions on Mark Wogan, who by all accounts is a successful restaurateur, innovative podcaster and a genuinely nice guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,362 ✭✭✭Morgans

    No one criticised Tubridy for being interviewed by Times Radio.

    You, on the other hand, claimed it was some evidence of how well he is doing in his new role, and context to your claims was provided - not incorrectly in my view.

    But Tubridy's and NK fans - and of course, you are not one of them - assume that anyone not wowed by Ryan's successes are 'haters'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    The "interview" last night AFAIK did not make headline news after the event.

    Yes he, his accomplices and NKM etc. may not be reading the thread. However, on his Instagram he has stated publicly he blocks certain connections "at dawn" and he is not on Twitter / X for the same reason.

    From my experience A LOT worse has been said and even worse personal abuse has been thrown at Tubridy on Boards over the years.

    I think this thread pales in comparison.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 635 ✭✭✭TheBMG

    I find it interesting that a large amount of the more negative posters on this thread aren’t seen anywhere else in the radio forum. It’s like they’ve got this singular obsession with Tubs.

    I don’t think the show is good btw - I’m more impressed at the tech that enables the simulcast but don’t see more of our rabid posters getting down to that level of granular detail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 457 ✭✭DaithiMa

    The wise old saying "the lady doth protest too much, methinks" springs to mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 Neferteena

    When I first read Bobson's post about Noel & Co not reading posts on Boards my first reaction was

    'The poster doth protest too much , methinks'

    I only say that because Bobsy (excuse my familiarity) told us that he is far too busy with work & everyday life to even listen to Ryan on the radio. Yet he's in like Flynn to offer 'balance & nuance' on here about any negativity about Ryan, & his radio show, that Bobsy doesn't listen to. Now that's a lot of professional love & support, from someone with zero vested interest.

    In fact I'm now inspired to take it upon myself to contact Noel & commend Bobsy for his blind support to Tubs, irrespective of cold hard fact. I'll even recommend that Bobsy gets a free vehicle from Renault or Vespa, for a year or 10, in keeping with the beater gratitude currency of the era.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    The BMG, you would be aware of the technology. The only thing we probably disagree on is Ryan Tubridy 👍

    But if I post this kind of stuff and talk about radio in general, I will be very quickly told that I'm going off subject. I am trying to keep my critique of Tubridy as to his presentation of music radio and how he seems to think that he is above a radio station's format. And I have no problem with going to hell on him for that.

    For those interested:

    They have the RCS Zetta system in both Q102 and Virgin Radio - All News UK stations use this. Utilising a system like source connect as a sort of high quality ISDN, they can simulcast The Ryan Tubridy Show.

    It is not new technology as Atlantic 252 implemented this system to link their studios in Trim, Co Meath with their studios in London. For instance Marc Brow's breakfast show could come live from the London studio at 74 Newman St in 1998-99 - The audio was fed from there to the HQ in Trim and back out on 252 LW.

    In this case it goes to an FM TX at Three Rock. The finer details can be updated by other posters as I'm sure I will be corrected.

    The 'split ad-breaks" on Q102 vs Virgin are nothing new. Q102's log has the same songs 10am to 1pm as Virgin Radio and seperate ad-blocks of with identical durations. At the start and end of the split "segments" there is a "macro" or silent file of say 0.0sec duration. It instructs channels to close or open etc. or "rejoin" the main feed as the producer gets the timings right. In fairness, this can prove difficult when working with presenters such Ryan Tubridy - who cut songs, talks over the out times, and don't seem to understand how to work the RCS Zetta system.

  • Don’t worry about the pathology of detractors, so to speak. Look after your own health first.

  • He’s a Fianna Fáil man, a supporter of Callely and many other FF figurines from the past. Loves Bertie.

  • Don’t forget the other fingers of the glove.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 Neferteena

    I'm not sure the barter account runs to five fingers. NK will have to call Geraldine & Dee to get that level of convoluted sign off

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 635 ✭✭✭TheBMG

    I’ve seen Zetta in action elsewhere and it’s a nice piece of kit.

    I’d agree that stuff like split links/ad breaks are easy enough to do these days but the TOH junction must be more of a nightmare with Dublin running a live local news bulletin while London does something else.

    I caught some of the show in Dublin during the week and it was difficult to spot ‘the join’.

    Q also have Tubbs doing some fairly straight voice tracked generic speed links between songs. Not a bad idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    Response to The BMG.

    Just to provide as much clarification and I am conscious of the fact that we may get shtick from other posters or mods for taking the thread off in a tangent, so I'll just leave it at this ok😊👍

    Right so these are my thoughts on this OK.

    "The TOH junction must be more of a nightmare with Dublin running a live local news bulletin while London does something else"

    London plays a song, usually a 3 minute song or 2 minute song and a promo for Virgin Radio and they hit the end point the same after an adbreak.

    " It was difficult to spot ‘the join’"

    That's because the spotblocks can contain a ton of various items - Virgin Radio, for example have traffic news also during Tubridy's show but Q102 will be playing a promo or going into ads while this is on....

    " Q also have Tubbs doing some fairly straight voice tracked generic speed links between songs. Not a bad idea."

    What you heard is just one very bland sentence that says "You're listening to the Ryan Tubridy Show on Dublin's Q102" which runs at the same time as his announcement on Virgin Radio muttering "The Ryan Tubridy Show On Virgin Radio with Paddy Power Games". IMO it actually sounds terrible and repetitive as he does it in a non natural tone - and hearing it a few times each hour for 3 hours can be irritating to the Dublin and UK listener respectively.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭jmcc

    Does this format require presenters to hit the starts and ends of their links within a few seconds? If Tubridy cannot hit these targets repeatedly, would it mess up the syndication and the programme itself?


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,529 ✭✭✭ford fiesta

    Is Tubs driving the desk in Virgin London?

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    I will attempt to make the first paragraph as simple as possible so please bear with me:

    As per BAI /CnaM regulations, if he is consistently late with commercials in say his 1st hour (10am hour) and then he overruns - meaning Q102 is actually playing the final 10am "into news ads" INTO the 11am hour - technically this causes a breach. *which is why a long time ago there was a rule in sister station FM104 and Q102 that the final ads of the hour must be finished by .58past.

    He continually overruns when ads go out. Usually 20, 40 and 55/6/57 are the general News UK spotblocks.

    He continually ignores these hard posts and talks so much that ads end up happening at 24/25, 45/46 past and 59past thus "overrunning". Hope I'm making sense🙂

    It is extremely important that he completes his links as per the time allocated.

    Aside from that he seems to be incapable of doing a speedlink - so for the type of radio that he is now involved in he would never have been welcome at The Sands Hotel Portmarnock, especially under the supervision of a very slick, tight and stringent US radio consultant the late Bill Cunningham. He would have had Ryan out the door faster than you could say the phrase "I listen to the red hot sound...

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    He has an assistant producer controlling his levels and Zetta (through the glass). He has minimal to do bar open his mic.

    As most of the time he doesn't know what song he is playing nor does he respect the music, its best they have two producers trying to do damage limitation from behind the glass🙂

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,479 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    I was listening to Anton Savage on NewsTalk this morning and he had Mark Wogan on. Mark is Terry Wogans son. He has a podcast called spooning and for his St Patricks Day special he has had everyone's favourite lanky w*anker on. He said that when Ryan "first" thought about going to tI mean we all know he UK he had written to Terry Wogan, looking for advice.

    My first thought was: I don't really believe that story.

    I mean we all know RT was close personal friends with Sinead O'Connor and Delores O'Riordan and basically all the other celebrities who died in the last few years or so, but Terry Wogan is kind of a bridge too far for my belief-o-meter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 984 ✭✭✭Hyperbollix

    I could see Terry helping out an Irish guy trying to get a foot in. What I don't believe is that Tubs had any intention of moving to the UK before "the events, dear boy"

    He's the most parochial man in Ireland. Even Terry's son mentioned that Tubs has all the culinary sense of adventure of a 7 year old child.

    What his stints at the Beeb did achieve was giving NK more leverage with RTE in his contract negotiations. That was the sole purpose of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,827 ✭✭✭podgeandrodge

    Tub's diary is a hoot today. Half it about why Irish bookshops are better than UK bookshops, naming a pile of them, before going on about Michelle O’Neil appointment as Northern Ireland’s first minister.

    He also mentions that he misses Sisi's chipper ....."Now I’m salivating as I type just thinking about some curry chips and a chicken fillet burger…" - cos Ryan, you know, is just your average bloke soaking up the chipper food after a rake of pints.

    His diary is accompanied by a few photos by a professional photographer, while Tubs grins and drinks coffee, with a book.

    I guess there is only so much you can say about your new life in London in a London diary.

    I did miss his childlike prose this week, and wonder were suggestions made to him in that regard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭CollyFlower

    Great book.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,731 ✭✭✭Brian Scan

    "Career of Mediocrity" would be a good title for his autobiography.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,853 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    His nerdy nerd stuff is just a little bit more palatable than his Oirish oirish oirish stuff.

    I always said RTE could have saved a fortune by putting a broom with a dictaphone to stuck to it to host the late late.

    Just get it to ask two questions "Do you have Irish links?" and "Isn't Ireland a great place? Chicken rolls, Guinness etc etc."
