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Real production versus forecast production - anyone got data?

  • 17-01-2024 7:51pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 222 ✭✭

    Does anyone here use forecast data from Forecast.Solar ( or other PV production forecasting system? I wonder how accurate this data is for Ireland, compared to actual production.

    Why I ask is because I plan to add PV to my house some time next year, and have enough roof space to install 21.5kWp in 430W panels. But it's all SE (103deg), NW (283deg) and NE (13deg) aspects, so not exactly prime locations. Been using forecast data for the past couple weeks to see what production might look like from this setup. Today, based on 15 minute intervals, it forecasted 29.2kWh (11.1 NW, 14.8 SE, 3.3 NE), between 8am and 5pm. At least it's clear the NE aspect would be a waste of money.

