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Aftermarket android auto/carplay in an f10 bmw


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28,802 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    Go to a pro with this before you spend any money there's coding involved.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 609 ✭✭✭jumbone

    I think the only coding required would be if I upgraded to a bigger oem screen, the aftermarket ones (and mmi boxes) don't need coding

    I've got bimmercode and an e-sys cable anyways.

    Kind of hoping to DIY as I've spent too much on this car already

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,311 ✭✭✭Harcrid

    I have been running the below in an F10 for about 3/4 years now.

    Its not the same as the Android options as it only adds Car Play / Android Auto functionality so there is no opportunity to install apps from Google Play store as there is on the Android units buts I did not need that. It works well for me with spotify and google maps which is all i wanted. I also added a backup camera which works well with this. The car will use the stock BMW interface until you touch the screen which will then launch Car Play. You can switch back and forth between stock screen as you wish.

    Some notes: I rarely use the touchscreen and use I-Drive controls mostly. Steering wheel controls dont really interface with it outside of volume. I still use the stock BMW phone system for calls. I had to run a cable from the back of the headunit to the AUX socket in the armrest to get the audio to work. Wireless CarPlay has been very stable and I never habe to go wired. Its a chinese unit so random odd behaviour can occur, but for me its been rare. No coding was required.
