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The accelerating fall in Sinn Féin support



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,462 ✭✭✭corkie

    • Currently, an aggregate of opinion polls puts Independents on the same level as support as Fianna Fáil, at around 18%. There could be up to 30 Independent TDs in the next Dáil. And, crucially, they are all for the people.
    • Over the last two years, their poll numbers have nearly doubled, and practically all of that shift has been at the expense of Sinn Féin. There are a number of reasons for this, but much of it has to do with Sinn Féin adopting positions and policies which are required to prepare for entry to government, …
    • … a cabinet of Independents would be sunk from the outset as every democratically elected government since Roman times has cheesed off some of the people some of the time and that simply wouldn’t do.
    • Their growing popularity is, to a large extent, due to alienation with the mainstream political process that is being felt in many countries across the western world right now.

    The article also picks fun at independents who would have to poll the constituents on every important issue.

    After #ge2020, I liked how Leo gave Mary Lou and SF time to try a form a coalition, knowing full well the numbers where not there. He put allot more faith in her negotiating skills, than I would have.

    If where looking at another coalition of independents with other small parties in the next GE, I don't know how a stable government would be formed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,435 ✭✭✭✭Water John

    As well as independents, you also have the Independent Ireland Party which won't use a whip system and intend leaving TDs vote as they wish. A party designed to be permanently in opposition.

    It seems a deliberate policy of SF to be shouty and moany, I think. Years ago, Pearse Doherty wasn't like that. I think it's based on the notion that the electorate must feel disgruntled and unhappy, thus allowing fruitful pickings for SF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,285 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    Except they voted with the government on a lot of things and then come out afterwards saying they are actually against it… you know once they realise the tide changed and they missed the boat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,330 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Pearse and Moany Lou are the two who have any talent at all in SF. Even so, Pearse has never achieved much in his life except moan. He dropped out of 2 college courses he was in, the last in Letterkenny. Even though a lot of the electorate have never had it so good ( the airports were never busier with people going on holidays, we have virtually full employment, more people than ever are going to third level education etc, the government is spending more on healthcare than ever etc ), some of the electorate will always feel disgruntled and unhappy, and he capitalises on that by being moany and shouty. And look at others who were elected for SF last time eg. Violet-Anne Wynne, who left Sinn Féin in 2022 citing "psychological warfare" while she was on maternity leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 891 ✭✭✭nolivesmatter

    They can do it if they want of course, but it's not the oppositions job to object indiscriminately to every single thing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    The job of opposition isn't to object, that is the excuse of a poor opposition.

    The job of opposition is to offer an alternative, a supposedly better alternative. Sinn Fein are just not capable of doing that. Some of the other parties make a better effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,995 ✭✭✭conorhal

    I've slowly come around to the parochialism of independent TD's over the years. I now want a TD that is bitching about the state of the local A&E, fixing pot holes and sorting out medical cards. At least they have some tangible impact that directly effects their comunities, and they are required by the very nature of parochialism to keep a keen ear to the ground about what the people they represent actually want for their area (Heaven forbid!) and to be responsive to them.

    For example, you can say what you will about the Healey-Rae's, but for years now Danny and his father before him have been sorting out the paperwork for people that would struggle with it, and organizing a bus each month to bring glaucoma patients to the North for day procedures that have a marked impact on the quality of life for older people in their constituancy. It's small things like these which make a huge difference in the lives of ordinary people that keeps them getting elected, because of a sense that at least some politician is actually doing something positive for them and not just dipping into their pocket to fund another white elephant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,435 ✭✭✭✭Water John

    But the health care abroad scheme is an EU initiative. Healy Raes and Collins only piggy backing on it. It's the Iriah Govn't that actually funds the scheme. Instead, a real contribution would have been to set up a charity to offer those services and expand on them. I just put up this link as to how such things should be done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,483 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,330 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Some would be of the opinion the army council appoint leaders of SF very infrequently: only G. Adams and Mary L.McD have had the position in over 4 decades. Such a long political life reminds me of the old SF comrade Gaddafi, who also ruled for 4 decades or whatever. If S.F obtained power, I wonder would we see Mary L. McD eventually shuffled off to be president? Mugabe was President for Zimbabwe for a few decades after he was prime minister there for a few decades.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,805 ✭✭✭blackwhite

    When people wonder if Sinn Fein will follow through on having promised everyone the sun, the moon and the stars………

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,389 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

  • Registered Users Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Norrie Rugger Head

    Ironically I am more likely to vote for this weaker Sinn Féin as they lose the far right numpties who were so vocal in their support for them.

    If the party moves to distance itself, meaningfully, from that "sort" they come closer to a party I can vote for

    ⛥ ̸̱̼̞͛̀̓̈́͘#C̶̼̭͕̎̿͝R̶̦̮̜̃̓͌O̶̬͙̓͝W̸̜̥͈̐̾͐Ṋ̵̲͔̫̽̎̚͠ͅT̸͓͒͐H̵͔͠È̶̖̳̘͍͓̂W̴̢̋̈͒͛̋I̶͕͑͠T̵̻͈̜͂̇Č̵̤̟̑̾̂̽H̸̰̺̏̓ ̴̜̗̝̱̹͛́̊̒͝⛥

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,805 ✭✭✭blackwhite

    But at least we know they won’t hold back progress….. oh wait

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,389 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Good for you, I alway say to everyone vote for the party who they think have the best policies for them. Have you read the Sinn Fein policies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,389 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Fair play to Fionntán, he has his beliefs, as a member of the flip flop party Im sure he can't keep up with what they are for and against

  • Registered Users Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Norrie Rugger Head

    ⛥ ̸̱̼̞͛̀̓̈́͘#C̶̼̭͕̎̿͝R̶̦̮̜̃̓͌O̶̬͙̓͝W̸̜̥͈̐̾͐Ṋ̵̲͔̫̽̎̚͠ͅT̸͓͒͐H̵͔͠È̶̖̳̘͍͓̂W̴̢̋̈͒͛̋I̶͕͑͠T̵̻͈̜͂̇Č̵̤̟̑̾̂̽H̸̰̺̏̓ ̴̜̗̝̱̹͛́̊̒͝⛥

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,995 ✭✭✭conorhal

    My answer to that would be, 'so?'

    It's an example of politicians doing something the HSE should be doing, and it's telling that you think another charity is the answer and not, 'gee, the Healy-Rae's have put in place a process to help blind people form fill and organize access to a service they may otherwise not been able to avail of, perhaps that's a process that the HSE needs to put in place? Perhaps a GP that is treating a glaucom patient for the last 5 years should be submitting these forms on the patient's behalf and the HSE scheduling transport for them'.

    You know, the kind if logical joined up thinking our politicians and depts seems so incapable of. If you think the answer is set up yet another unaccountable charity, well I don't know what to say to that. It hasn't required a charity for the Healey-Rae's to do it, just recognising there's an issue in their community that has been brought to their attention and then doing something about it, which BTW, they shouldn't have to. Instead however we breathlessly await our former minister for health's overarching peace plan for Gaza and resolving the Middle East crisis, No doublt Mary Lou has a draft document for world peace also, so it's understandable I guess that they have no time to focus on people going slowly blind in Kerry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    i think we're goign to see that this drop in support - which mainly IS the xenophobic right wingers who voted SF as a protest against their beloved FG or FF - as a fantastic thing to have happened. A solidified support, with everyone agreeing with the basic views of supporting the people of the country.

    Why would SF get rid of MLMCD just because FF say so btw? It would make me uneasy to see any of the current government parties back in the next government but Im sure theres plenty here who would disagree.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    unlike cloclo and the gang, at least you have the bollocks to state who you might vote for

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    unlike cloclo and the gang, at least you have the bollocks to state who you might vote for (quoting didnt seem to work on the last post)

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Wow, just wow. A drop in support is a good thing!!! I must say you had me laughing at that post.

    Were you saying the same thing when the xenophobic right wingers stopped supporting FG and FF and switched to SF? Did you say that was a bad thing, or did you rejoice in the increased level of support for Sinn Fein?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    You think that's who were voting for sf ? lol i ve bad news for you . the scumbag far righters were always sf demographic. but even those knuckle draggers have figured out that sf are just a loud empty vessel and now they have regressed to their teenaged dream of punching random people that they don't like the colour or language of, good old sf values of old right

    hope they dont get rid of mlm in the traditional party way , ya know shot in the head on a beach some where by masked cowards

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,555 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    Unless she goes into coalition with FF McDonald won't have enough to form a government.

    Its funny to see the shinners squirming every time they are asked about immigration because its the one topic they hate talking about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,496 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    How do we know it's far right people turning away from SF?

    I would imagine its anyone with a brain that thought they may have had viable policies on housing, immigration, healthcare etc that has realised, finally, that they actually don't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,330 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Another time I imagine Mary Sue squirmed was the other day when Simon Harris told her the SF health policy dissappeared "as quickly as Shergar". ( or words to that effect).

    Hasrris went up in my estimation slightly after a comment like that to her.

    Some would be of the opinion that SF and their comrades have form in disappearing things ( like Shergar, not to mention a mothers on ten like Jean McC. ). One thing they were good at, in fairness, but I suppose they got in plenty of practice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,480 ✭✭✭TokTik

    How come it’s not untenable or unreasonable in most other cities in the world?? What makes Ireland so special??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭crusd

    The parochial independent TD has no interest in changing the status quo. This is where the derive their power base. Being able to navigate the inefficiencies. If the inefficiencies were gone so to is their raison d'etre. Therefore they will talk about change to get votes but will never support real change

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,586 ✭✭✭✭For Forks Sake

    Making up claims and using children with cancer to attempt to score political points is a new low.
