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Strand Hill Tramore Housing Scheme - No Road-widening

  • 19-03-2024 5:12pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 817 ✭✭✭

    Can anyone explain how this development got the go-ahead without any requirement to set back the building line on the Old Tramore Road to widen the road along its length opposite the racecourse?? This was already a very tricky road to travel on, being so narrow and getting busier by the year as a major artery into Tramore from the city.

    Why wasn't their a condition attached to planning permission that they could only build out to an agreed setback to allow the road be widened? Instead the parking bays for the new road-facing houses are right out to the old boundary line. Pure nuts!!

    I dread when it's fully occupied and the big race meets come around; chaos will ensue.

    Was WCCC asleep at the wheel or do we have ABP to thank?
