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Cant Pair Ariva Universal Remote With Xoro DVB Box

  • 26-03-2024 4:52pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,014 ✭✭✭

    Trying to pair this remote

    With this box

    As per the manual I hold down the AUX button for 5 seconds. The remote cycles through different codes. Im supposed to wait until the box powers off and immediately press AUX button again and test all buttons. Remote does cycles codes (blue power button LED flashes every couple seconds) but box never turns off.

    The other option is to use a 4 digit "device code" to setup manually but cant seem to get any device codes for Xoro DVB boxes online.

    Any advice much appreciated 👍


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 942 ✭✭✭decor58

    Is that an Ariva satellite receiver remote, it may not be able to use on other receiver brands, the code for Xoro may not be stored in the remote, so it can't pair. Other than that if you find who makes the Xoro boxes and use their code or the code for one of the other brands they make but all the functions may not be correct, ie play button may be the back button or some other function.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,014 ✭✭✭jj880


    Found the exact remote shipped with the XORO box. Will order it up soon.

    18.50 delivered with An Post. Dirty feckers 🤣
