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Australia - Stay or go?

  • 04-06-2024 2:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 331 ✭✭

    Hi there, my heads in a bit of a pickle at the moment with regards to the direction of my life for the next while. Will try to make this post as straight to the point as possible!

    I was in Australia earlier this year for a few short months and came home a couple of months ago. I was in Sydney for 3 months and unfortunately I didnt have a great time there. So I decided to go to Perth for a few weeks and I really liked the place. I still decided to come home to Ireland though after visiting Perth as I thought I had enough of Australia at that point.

    As soon as I came home though, I felt like I made a big mistake coming home and instantly wanted to get back to Australia. It didnt feel like the usual holiday blues.

    I was lucky I picked up work a couple of weeks after coming home, and my boss really does seem quite decent to deal with. But I have thought about nothing except returning to Australia to see out the rest of my 12 month visa since returning home to Ireland. I was aiming for end of June to head back. But now that we are almost 1 week into June (!!) I can feel myself chickening out of the whole thing. I know I'll regret not going back to Australia to fully eperience seeing the place. But at the same time I dont want to go back to Australia and feel like an idiot for leaving behind a life in Ireland Im comfortable in. Going back to having no job and no car when I arrive back, etc. I like the job Im in now even though its not the field I normally work in and the pay is a lot less than what Im used to. I dont know why I feeI like Im chickening out of it booking the flights, I have told my parents I want to go back soon and they are fully supportive of it. I just feel like June is already flying by and Im just a bit spooked and unsure of what to do. It would be a shame to not go back and see out the rest of my visa especially since I have thought about it everyday since coming back to Ireland. Unfortunately I cannot pause the visa, it finishes in November. Thanks for any insight and advice.


  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭LilacNails

    I remember ur previous thread.

    Go back, u have the opportunity on your hands, please do not waste it.

    Having ur parents support is huge. When u do come back to Ireland, things may or.may not fall into place asap.....but eventually u will find ur feet again.

    It's normal u feel like pulling out last min, most would feel like that....but all it is is an uncomfortable feeling, that passes by And soon forgotten about.

    U already have support, and a visa in ur back pocket...Go for it! Life's too short!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,741 ✭✭✭✭yourdeadwright

    You need to be honest with yourself here, Is it really Oz your missing or do you have a case of the grass will be greener ? You wanted to go then wanted to come back while there, now want to go back while home,

    its impossible for us to know without knowing what type of person you are,

    If you've a home to come back to here , ( parents or whatever) then why not go what have you got to lose,

  • Registered Users Posts: 331 ✭✭All that fandango

    Thanks, Lilac. I remember your very helpful comment aswell on my previous post. I was all gunning for heading back all during the spring, and then June 1st came, and then June 2nd, and its freaking me out how quickly its all coming.... Another thing wrecking my head is what do I tell my boss? How do I tell him? Do I tell a white lie and say I got a better job? Or do I be honest and risk p***ing him off? As I would like to keep the door open on the job and not burn bridges.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭LilacNails

    Just tell ur boss the truth, there's no point making up white lies , it'll just being more stress. I'm assuming ur quiet young, early 20s? People come and go in jobs all the time. Some don't bother handing in notice anymore, just stop turning up. 99 percent of bosses don't care as much about u as u think, they just have targets to meet and keep their boss happy.

    It's awkward, l told my boss I was available for X amount of hours, but something else came up and had to go back and say Iwas only available to do half .... it was uncomfortable and awkward...but...u go through suitations like that in life. And u just have to face them. Over time it builds up character and courage. Facing these uncomfortable suitations pays off in the future. U don't see it now, but in time u will, and ul give the advice to someone in the same position as u, to just face things like this.

    Tell him u don't want to burn bridges with him, that u would love to come back (only if u actually would) , when u do come back from Oz. If ur a good and honest worker there's a good chance u would be brought back.

    Ur doing nothing wrong. Ur taking up opportunities while ur young.... u must!

    To quote the book, feel the fear and do it anyway.... l think it would benefit u (and anyone else) there's a great lesson to learn in it. Don't let fear hold u back. Like u said, u have support from ur family, thats half the battle, u don't even know it.

    I wish u the very best OP, don't let fear get in the way. Face it and ul see urself grow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,120 ✭✭✭yagan

    If you're in your 20s then it probably won't surprise your boss that you have unfinished business you need to get out of your system. It's kinda of expected.

    Now on another note I lived in Perth for three years and while there was aspects I enjoyed overall the place gets real small real quick. It was good for a short time, but we never regretted leaving.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,337 ✭✭✭KaneToad

    Whatever you do, it'll be grand. Don't stress over it. Nobody cares about how it looks more than you.

    These decisions contribute to our life skills/journey irrespective of whatever we decide. There is no decision that you make that will ever be disastrous - as you'll never truly know the outcome of the decision option that you didn't take!

    We tend to assume, when things don't go as expected, that the other option would have been better. But, in reality, the other decision could have turned out worse!

    You're healthy, smart and have family support. You will be grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,445 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    Why do you actually want to return to Australia? What is it you miss? What are you going to do if you return?

    You said about going back to fully experience the place, but if you didn't do that the first time you were there why do you think it will be any different the second time?

    Seems like its not Australia you want, you just don't want to be here. Its not actually all that uncommon, I remember heading off to Asia once, didn't like it all that much, finished up and came home but then still had a hankering to go back to the country I'd finished up in. So I did go back and guess what, it was no different to the first time I was there.

    Theres an old saying "Wherever you go, there you are". Means that it doesn't really matter where you are, its still going to be you inside your own head.

    If you can't figure out what you want then all you're doing is spending a load of money to change where you feet are standing, but inside you're head you'll be no better off.

    If you're going to do that, at least spend the money on going somewhere different. You already know what Australia is like (Trust me, there ain't much depth there, if you have been there for a few months then you've seen it) so why not go to somewhere else instead?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,120 ✭✭✭yagan

    Got to chime with the above post, aside from climate variations Oz suburbs all look the same.

    You could use the NZ working holiday visa in the future if you really need another year away. The couple of months we spent as tourists in NZ were far more interesting and enjoyable than the three we spent in Oz. People are more chilled there too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,342 ✭✭✭tara73

    your post seems all over the place without giving relevant information. what do you want to do when you go now back to australia? you need money there to survive and it's not cheap there as you know. are you in your 20's and want to do work travel? is it that visa you have? you are not defining your sort of visa in your post. If you're still in your twenties you have years left to go to australia again and experience it. you have a good job here now, happy with your boss, that's not easy to find. I would stay here and work for a few years, earn some money and experience and then you might go back to Oz for a sabbatical or so. anyway, as said, not much information in your OP to give real advice, all speculation what would be your plan in OZ and so on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    You will have far greater regrets about things you didn't do, than those you did. My mother once said this to me and she couldn't have been more right.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,596 ✭✭✭snotboogie

    You are going to quit a job to head to Australia on a visa that will run out in November? Are you expecting to work on Australia or will it be a holiday?
