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Aer Lingus Flight Crew Industrial relations thread 2024



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭dublin49

    When you represent only 7% of revenue nothing is off the table.I am not saying anything will,but depending on how it progresses seismic change is not off the table.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,232 ✭✭✭Widdensushi

    Iag must get tired of going from one union to another (he got more so I want more etc)I presume if they give aer lingus what they want it causes issues elsewhere,at some stage might they look to tidy up the operation, amalgamation of two into one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭jellies

    I think that's a bit more complicated after Brexit because the UK pilots are not licensed to fly (based) in the EU and vice versa. So it's hard to see how they can merge Aer Lingus and BA for example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 371 ✭✭gossamerfabric

    They won't be merging with high cost BA. They will use another AOC or create one as needed.

    This is all reminiscent of when folks round here were salvating at the thought of Ryanair management backed in to a corner and would give the Irish crew everything they wanted.

    Years roll by and I fly Ryanair often but rarely find myself on an Irish operated plane.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,763 ✭✭✭lintdrummer

    That article having no direct quotes but made up entirely of quotation attributed to "a source" should be ringing alarm bells with anyone who reads it. I'd hazard it's almost entirely fabricated and the unnamed source is a senior member of the Aer Lingus management. It's a hit piece designed to steer the public narrative. Not to mention the author was an Aer Lingus employee in the 90's and according to another poster here joined the company with an individual who is now a member of the management suite. Not a stretch to imagine there's a connection there.

    As for an excuse for dramatic overhaul of Aer Lingus: I don't believe that for a second. If IAG had wanted to take that kind of action, they don't need an excuse. And if you insist that they do, wouldn't Covid and the subsequent recovery have presented a much better excuse for restructuring? Regardless of how small a percentage of IAG Aer Lingus makes up, there's no denying that their business model is successful and very profitable. It doesn't need to be restructured, it works.

    Engage your critical thinking heads people. Two sides are at loggerheads and they are spinning the stories they want the public to believe. IALPA, to their credit, have been pretty damn consistent in what they have been stating to the media. Aer Lingus have been ramping up the rhetoric and sensationalism week by week. To me that screams desperation. I think Aer Lingus have actually conducted themselves disgracefully in the media. They haven't shown an ounce of respect for their pilots. They have disclosed their salaries and pensions and used those as sticks to beat them with in public. I don't care what you believe, or which side of the fence you sit on: that is no way for executives who are earning in excess of €1m annually to behave or treat their staff. It's bitter and completely unprofessional.

    On that point, perhaps there will be major restructuring of Aer Lingus when this is all said in done - but it will be confined to the management suite. The damage is done, the pilots will never trust these individuals again. IAG will likely put them out to pasture before the year is over.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,914 ✭✭✭EchoIndia

    I have no skin in this game and am no fan of the Indo, but it's quite a leap to suggest that one of their journalists is just making stuff up. You don't set out any evidence for this assertion. Also - and I am not a fan of the "unnamed source" school of journalism either - there is more than one source quoted, and at least one is a union one. Given the references to internal Fórsa processes, that organisation or someone with links to it may be one of the sources.

    Post edited by EchoIndia at

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Hmmm… seem to be going down the auld semi conspiracy theory against Ei management.

    Most sensible folk realise that managements job is to manage for the better strength of the the company, not hand out ‘sweeties’ and be popular .
