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What’s the hot hair device this year ladies?

  • 08-10-2024 2:04pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,091 ✭✭✭

    My very much better half has her birthday a week before Xmas so I get hit on the double for gifts & need to be creative on them.

    The past couple of years I’ve been getting her a hair tool for one of the events so she has a good few but likes getting them as she loves to experiment with hair design.

    She has a Dyson supersonic, & airwrap, an OG GHD which she loves and has had repaired three times (cable replacements), swears the newer ones aren’t as good. A GHD heated brush (last year), some sort of steam thing as well as the usual selection of curling irons etc.

    I was thinking of the Dyson corralle. It that’s essentially another straightener, right?

    Then the GHD cordless (rechargeable) caught my eye but unless she’s gonna do her hair on the dart, I’m not sure of the point of them.

    Is there anything which is hot or trending or I’ve not covered that she may be interested in?
