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Sainsburys Newry on a Sunday?

  • 16-10-2024 1:03pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 375 ✭✭


    Did a shopping trip to Newry in July.
    Went to sainsburys on the Sunday and was surprised that they were open at 10am, whereas Tesco was 1pm.
    Planning another trip up soon but now their opening hours are 1pm to 6pm on Sunday.
    From google it seems 1pm opening on Sundays is the earliest by law?
    Question is, how was I in Sainsburys at 11am on a Sunday and shopping completed including alcohol at just after 12pm.
    Google timeline confirmed date and time, sainsbury receipt also.
    We went to Tesco after that and they opened their doors at 12.30 but tills didn't open until 1pm.

