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Excel using autofill on filtered cells

  • 25-11-2024 10:42am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 175 ✭✭

    I'm not that experienced with Excel to be honest.

    What I've learned in a year of using it is it can be a pain to use and can do crap on you that you don't want it to do, so it annoys me and scares me what it can unintentionally do. For example using copy and paste on filtered cells copies and pastes from the cells that are hidden and unfiltered and I've completely screwed up one Excel I was working on using that and had to redo it.

    Anyway my question is can I use autofill on filtered cells or will that screw things up and copy data into hidden or unfiltered cells? Can I safely use autofill on filtered cells? By autofill I mean where you drag down to copy data from one cell into the cells below it.
