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Should FF and FG even consider bring in a Left Junior Partner

  • 06-12-2024 6:28pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,885 ✭✭✭

    I know there is this suggestion that to have a cohesive and stable government not only do you need the 88 seats to form a majority but potential 10 more.

    With this in mind there is a suggestion that both FG and FF will need to bring in a junior partner with 10 or more seats, and the 2 most likely candidates are SD and LP with 11 seats each.

    SD have said they will go it alone when negotiating any government deal, refusing LP's offer to have joint Left negotiating team.

    FF and FG together are just 2 shy of 88 seats.

    There is a certain suggestion that none of the other smaller political partners would be able to commit to a 5 year government.

    This is odd considering that Ireland has continually had a stable government since 1997 with the exception of the 2007 FF/PD/GP government and that continued longer than it should have, resulting in the 2011 election just one year ahead of a full term.

    Why should FF and FG even consider any of the LEFT parties as partners when they have extra seats with II and potential 8 seats with form FG/FF independents.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car

