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Positive outcomes from chiropractic

  • 22-12-2024 10:39am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭

    I'm interested in hearing success stories if possible as there's so much skepticism. I've just started attending dur to a chronic back issue and no success after 4 different physios, so desparate to try something different. Heretofore I would have also been very skeptical but am at the stage that I'm out of options. So he ordered an xray which found scoliosis! Never before did I know this so bit of a shock but an explanation for all my woes. He tells me he can't (obviously) cure it but can treat my joint stiffness and inflammation as I'm all out of sync.

    Anyways, 5 treatments later and not feeling any difference but he wants to see me twice weekly for a couple of months which I didn't foreseen so with that amount of time and money I'm really hopeful of a successful outcome but still wary so I'm keen to hear good news stories please. I find it difficult to see how a 15 min treatment twice weekly is going to resolve my issues but I feel I have to keep going with it to see.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,370 ✭✭✭Ezeoul

    My adult daughter has Scheuermann's disease and suffers from chronic upper back pain.

    She attends an Osteopath once every four to six weeks to manage it and he keeps her - not 100% - but almost pain free. She can always tell when it's time to book in! It's not a cure, but it gives her a lot of relief. She has been going to him for 5 years now. He is not cheap but she swears by his results.

    The Osteopath is in Dublin. If interested, PM me and I will share details.
