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  • 01-01-2025 10:21pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 505 ✭✭✭

    ........ ....

    Post edited by thestar on


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,015 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    Don't give up on therapy just because one wasn’t right for you - you often hear of people having to try a few before they find one they click with, that works for them. I think therapy would be very beneficial for you. Do you have any friends you can chat to about all this?

    The thing is…many families are dysfunctional and many people don’t have great relationships with their families - it’s doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you and accepting it is really the best course of action.
    I would say limit your interactions, bite your tongue and bit and try and have a cordial enough relationship with your mother before she eventually passes. If that’s not possible, then so be it - it shouldn’t get you down, you should have enough happiness and confidence in your own life without.

    Regarding the fortune teller - they can sense when somebody has low self esteem / is a bit down. Also she didn’t ‘coin’ that phrase, it’s been around for a long time…

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,156 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    People who claim to be fortune tellers tend to be people who can read a person, their mood, words even body language so nothing unusual there.

    Maybe going to a different therapist may help. They're all different and one will gel with you given a chance.

    Your siblings may find it difficult or feel guiltyor disloyal to admit that your mother has her faults just like everyone.

    Talking to a professnay help you to be able to accept things as they are or give you steps to take to change things with your family.

    Good luck

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,112 ✭✭✭thefa

    Have seen awkward family situations on both my parents sides and I wouldn’t underestimate how quickly being caught in the middle can become boring and unwanted. If the sum of what you bring to your relationship with your siblings is small talk and familial drama, I can understand it being watery. You could try putting in more effort here. Show genuine interest in their lives and avoid the topic of your mum for a good while.

    On the subject of your mother, would you say you have shared personality traits which don’t help the situation? Like you make her sound judgmental (looks down on you and another sibling) which was preceded by this;
    She has very low self esteem and confidence. She can be very stubborn though, having been on her own for so long. Covid has done her no favours, addicted to her phone having lost touch with people. It made her lazy too.

    One of my parents passed a few years ago. I’m a very similar age to yourself but would have had tiffs with them the odd time that would have maybe lasted a week or two max. In hindsight, most of the tiffs were just two opinionated and stubborn people refusing to budge for a while, one who basically learned from the other!

    You don’t detail the reason for falling out but it’s up to you to make out is it worth recovering and that’s maybe where giving therapy another go can come in. I’m slightly confused though because you mention you’ll still pop in to see her and maybe a call once a week so it doesn’t sound like the worst situation.
