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Appliance out of warranty

  • 08-01-2025 1:00pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 371 ✭✭

    Bought an electrical inset heater March 2023.

    It has a flame effect setting which you can use without putting the heater element on.

    Over the last few weeks when just on the flame effect, there's a clicking/gear noise.

    The shop where I bought it said it's out of warranty and they would pass on my details to the manufacturer who would charge a fee if called out.

    I haven't replied to the shops email.

    What would peoples opinion of this be? Its not a major fault as the heating function works fine.

    We just got unlucky and take the hit as it's almost 2 years old? Or should a 1000euro be working 100% at this stage in its life.


