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Getting married - please help!

  • 08-01-2025 1:25pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 676 ✭✭✭

    hi guys,

    delighted to have the notification app booked for tomorrow and to get things moving. Myself and my partner are looking to keep things absolutely as straightforward as possible for the moment and will organise in the future a proper celebration and ceremony etc.

    but i’m a bit confused and unsure about what the process for getting married in the registry office as opposed to a religious ceremony?

    Is it just a civil ceremony in this case and I’m contacting one of the HSE Solemisers? Probably a very stupid question but I’m rather clueless. 🤣

    I do know we need witnesses so will prob invite the in laws or something to attend as such but other than that I’m guessing it’s a straight enough shot of just popping in and signing the form or how does it work once we’ve given the notification?

    Thanks for any help! I’m a disaster with this stuff.

