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Heed help with transport from Monasterevin to Kildare st.Brigit’s School

  • 15-01-2025 11:29am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4

    Hello, my name is Darina and my daughter Teona, we are new in Kildare

    My daughter it 10 years old, I am photographer and I am absolutely in love with that fantastic place: calm, clean and lovely people 🙏🏻

    After Dublin I am feeling so amazing

    I am looking for someone who could transport my child to school for an additional fee

    Or if there are enough children in the area, I would also consider hiring a bus to take them from Monasterevin to Kildare door-to-door can be amazing option

    Or maybe you can give to me some advices 💫

    Thank you!

    my contact 0871032689
