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  • 04-12-2004 9:29am
    Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭

    Only played about an hour of it and I am impressed. Much more of a story line then HL2, and wow you can pick things up and throw them too :eek:


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    What!!!! u can pick stuff up and throw it!!!!! OMG like HL2 thats the feature every game should have from now on.... and and and.... what about a weapon or special power that enable u to pick up the item (of which there is a grand total of 5 distinct objects) and u can throw the objects further than normal and enough of my sarcasm...

    Is the game out now or u talking about a warezed version?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Dont buy it now anyway. Wait for the patch. Its apparently very rushed. I say apparently because I cant play it. Get a Runtime Error every time i try to get into it. Lot of people are having it, no solution yet. Activision recognise it but their solutions dont work:|

    But even if I did get into it I can apparently look forward to bad framerates, choppy sound, the game slowing down after about an hours play requiring a reboot, people gliding around rather than walking, eyeballs showing through eyelids and so on and so forth. At least these are the recurring bugs ive seen whilst trawling through fan forums trying to find a technical fix for my own problem. Even the fanboys recognise them and work from the angle that there are workarounds rather than the usual line of "its your pc".

    Course, for all I know it could be a wondeful gaming experience without a hitch. But i wouldnt know because I cant launch the game. Hurrah.

    yes, im annoyed

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    oh thats ****..... Theres nothing I hate more than paying money for a game only to have it not play or for it to be a buggy piece of rubbish.... I mean wht would happen if ya bought a car only to be told there is no steering wheel... That will come as a patch later.... The invention of the internet gives developers an excuse to release an unfinished game and then sort it out later with patches... bah.....

    But I'm still gonna buy it....

    Sand u have all yur drivers up to date and the correct version of DX9 running?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,065 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    I was really looking forward to this but its actually too buggy to enjoy. My PC runs Half Life 2 really smoothly on medium-high graphics yet stalls to a halt in Vampires on medium graphics. There are a half dozen bugs in the opening cutscene alone !!!

    Its anoying because it looks like a really good game too... One thing that did anoy me about the game itself though was the fact that you cant customize your vampire... half of them look ****e and turned me off picking them. I ended up with a stealthy one even though I didnt want to play the game stealthy. Just picked her because she looks good and rest looked crap !

    Anyway - I await a patch :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    hmmmm I'm slowly starting to wonder whether or not I should get this game.....

    damn I'll get it anyway and wait for the patches

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    The invention of the internet gives developers an excuse to release an unfinished game and then sort it out later with patches... bah.....

    Well, I think the blame lies more with publishers than developers. Developers dont get the game fully finished in time, but the publisher is the one who decides to go with it anyway rather than wait an extra month or two. Christmas rush and all that.

    Second time Ive got burnt on a hasty purchase but I just wonder how much the reveiwers got paid to tone down the nature of the bugs in their reviews? To actually complete the game, you have to use a console hack to switch maps as Troikas level change is fecked! How can a reviewer miss that, let alone Activisions QA department?
    Sand u have all yur drivers up to date and the correct version of DX9 running?

    Yeah, I spent hours on the evening I got it trying to make it work. Checked all my drivers and stuff, even put the resolution down to 800*600 ( you need to do this to run the game sometimes it seems ?!?!), sound acceleration to basic etc etc. Im done with it now until theres news on a patch, which the very pretty, very useless flash site is thin on details on. Least I got HL2 to keep me busy.
    Its anoying because it looks like a really good game too...

    Yup thats the kicker alright. If it was some piece of crap I wouldnt mind, but theres supposed to be a fine game in there behind the bugs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Working fine for me although I have also heard a large number of people having issues with the game.

    Shame really because it is a very good game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,432 ✭✭✭vasch_ro

    i bought it having read reviews on line and was aware there were a few issues , it is a good game , but it tends to be stuttery and jumpy at the best of times
    but it has slowly sucked me into it so far .......

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    The hotel part just scared the crap out of me. I had to keep saying "Its only a game". I like how it is somewhat non-linear as well (Complete half a mission then go back later, or fail a mission to get a different mission).

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Yeah it has it's bugs, but worth playing through them anyway, very good game.

    I'm a Malkavian, damn are they nutso.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    bah.... shop near me was sold out :( I want a copy NOW!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,689 ✭✭✭orangerooster

    Im really enjoying this at the moment-although recently I cant play it for more than say two hours without my memory going psycho.Huge pity cause I was actually enjoying this more than I was Half Life 2.Still great though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,468 ✭✭✭Lex_Diamonds

    Yeah its really buggy alright, especially in the hub areas where it stutters like all hell. Having said that, the game is just too much fun and I cant stop playing it, absolutely great stuff. I play as a posh Ventrue. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    Got this yesterday and played it for a good few hours. Didn't crash on me. I must say the impression I get is that Troika couldn't use source very well and the game feels rough rather than something I'd call buggy.

    That said tho I'm playing as a gangerel and loving it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    I got this working at last - if anyone had the problem i had you have to use regedit to delete the win32 folder in python...back it up first, there is a more detailed explanation on Activisions website.

    Ironically, now that I can play it Im encountering relatively few bugs. Some slight fps drop in the hubs, the odd skip in music every hour or so etc etc. Nothing close to show stopping yet.

    The game is close to excellent in some parts and pretty weak in others - you can play a smooth talking vamp if you want, I am and its definitly a help in the first hour or two. After that the sort of missons you get require brute force and a touch of stealth, with a real inclination to brute force.
    Anyone try sweettalking their way through the maniacs in the Malkavian mansion?
    All my xp has been going into stuff like fortitude and melee not charisma or subterfuge.

    And some of the missons are pretty badly designed/laid out. The two examples that spring to mind are from the main storyline quests :
    the psychic cop with the shot gun on top of the cargo containers on the Elizabeth Dane who apparently can sense you approach even when youre sneaking, not in his eye line and 40 feet away behind another container. As a comparison I was sneaking past cops less then 8 feet away from me without any issues. Another design issue with this level is you can drop a shagging containter on the ground and no one comes to see what the fuss was about. The second example would be the break in to the museum - a stealth misson. It is not possible to do this misson stealthily. To get the fetish for the occult flesheater you have to go through a glass panel. There is no detectable door that I can find. You cant break the glass quietly - you have to shoot it out with 4-5 gun shots. Fecking Splinter Cell 3 in the making here. On the same level there are beams to pass through - the control for them is also behind a glass panel, containing a guard with no other detectable entry. So again you have to shoot it out to get in - or you can try jump through the beams, best of luck. Remember this is a stealth misson, the Prince stresses youre not to kill anyone - given the constraints, thats a badly designed misson

    I am enjoying the game though, apart from those silly/frustrating issues which demonstrate a game rushed for the christmas season and given very little in the way of playtesting. Hopefully itll be patched asap with an eye to resolving those problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    agrees about the sneaky thing..... It seems very hit and miss... Also after watching Blade the other nite I reckon some cool fighting would have been in order....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 404 ✭✭calhob_ie

    I really enjoyed it up to the last quarter or so, it gets very combat orientated towards the end.

    Which was a bit of a pity as I'd spent the first 3 quarters plowing experience into comp/lockpicking and charisma skills. Which left me getting my a*se handed to me on a regular basis.

    Which is a real shame as theres some great sub-quests. One thing that did strike me though is the voice acting and characterisation, some of the characters are very well developed and acted. Pity the only way to see the end is to play as a tank. I ended up chucking it just before the end, going to go back and play as a gangrel though when the patch comes out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    heh heh..... think I might reevaluate so.... was putting xp towards hacking.... will redirect to melee and so on to make me more of a nasty bastard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,864 ✭✭✭uberpixie

    There is an unoffical patch out which seems fo fix some performance issues.

    My house mate found it via google. Have yet to test the patch myself but it seemingly backsup any files it changes so when an offical patch comes out you can use it wiht out borking your install too much.

    Overall really enjoying the game. Playing a ventrue wanker. Was getting my ass kicked until i got a shot gun. Best way to kill meatbags as a ventrue is to trance them and them suck em dry. Works a treat and you keep your health and blood pool topped up.

    The supernatural stuff is a bit tough to beat. But again get a shotgun!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    Have been thinking about whether to get this game , serious lack of patch putting me off it.

    I mean it out a few weeks now and nowt from troika.

    Very odd


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 189 ✭✭Ave

    KdjaC wrote:
    Have been thinking about whether to get this game , serious lack of patch putting me off it.

    I mean it out a few weeks now and nowt from troika.

    Very odd

    Seen the same thing happen with TOEE(their previous game).

    Atari's QA spent almost a month "testing" the patch before finally letting it out.
