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DeV's Bad Beat No:248795346908734789634

  • 21-01-2005 3:44pm
    Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭


    I'm sitting in the freeroll last night (yes I'm aware its impossible to have a "bad beat" in the freeroll, but for me its all about the winning not the taking part nor the prize! :) ).

    I get dealt QQ and all night my pairs have been tripping up on the flop. Blinds are 200/400 and I'm second UTG. I raise it to 1100. A stiff enough raise you'd think right? 2 callers so I pray for no Ace or King on the flop and I get a beautiful qc 8h 2h flop. I check to a look of surprise from Mead (?). All check. The turn comes Th. Now I have the Queen for a heart flush draw too, not to mention any pair of the board gives me a house. Sweet. I do my best to look like I'm stealing and push the remaining 3300 of my stack into the pot. Mead thinks and thinks and then calls saying its a donation. He has A9, no hearts AT ALL. I barely have time to work out if he has ANY outs when he hits a black jack and I'm outside, kicking the kerbstones and mumbling to myself.
    To be fair to Mead he said afterwards that he thought I was stealing and knew he could only beat a bluff and that I was happy to see him call (which I was).

    As I was walking down the stairs he called out to me "Sorry Tom, I didnt think you had a pair" and I couldnt keep the steel from my voice while replying "I didnt. I had a set."

    I think I'll have a entire section on just for my bad beat stories.

    That aint the worst I've had statistically but its close!
    pokenum  -h ac 9s  - qd qh  -- qc 8h 2h th 
    Holdem Hi: 44 enumerated boards containing Qc Th 8h 2h
    cards  win   %win  lose  %lose  tie  %tie     EV
    9s Ac    3   6.82    41  93.18    0  0.00  0.068
    Qd Qh   41  93.18     3   6.82    0  0.00  0.932



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭henbane


  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Skitbra

    Even though it was the freeroll that was a bad beat. painful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    From now on any bad beats posted on the poker forum can only be bad beats that you *inflicted* on some poor sod.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,116 ✭✭✭✭RasTa

    Should of went all in after the flop

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Ian147100

    In Super System Doyle Brunson says that when he plays with a pocket pair and flops a set then he comes out betting and that's the end of it, he never checks them from any position, even if he hits top set and the flop is a rainbow, he says that he's not going to let anybody catch him up for free. From reading that book I always opted to bet my sets when I make them on the flop and I don't remember ever getting beaten after doing so, most of the time everybody just throws their hands away, I can see the point in what you did but Doyle Brunson would have disagreed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    lafortezza wrote:
    From now on any bad beats posted on the poker forum can only be bad beats that you *inflicted* on some poor sod.

    Ok so.

    I hold Ah10d.
    Dev has 44 (both black I think).

    substantial raise by me called.

    Flop KQJ all hearts.

    Major bet by me. Dev thinks for ages, declares that I have none of it and calls.

    Turn Q. Bet & Call.

    River 4. Sick.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Henbane... sorry about the vague topic I put on this thread. I can see how it confused you and led you to click and read it.

    Lafortezza, I'd have to be behind when calling to see them! :) (I did spike Oscar last night but when the money went in we were 50/50 ish with JJ vs AKo).

    Rasta, I have hit a monster and want to get paid. All In on the flop will kill the hand stone dead and I go back to looking at T4o for the next 20 hands. One of the things I think makes a successful tournament player is the ability to stay out of the marginal hands and not leak marginal EP/MP calls after the 50/100 level, that means you get to play far fewer hands so when you DO hit something big the last thing you want is to scare everyone away from paying you off. Just mho.
    I dont think I could play the hand better (I'm open to suggestions/criticism though) I'm just recounting a bad beat :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    DeVore wrote:
    I dont think I could play the hand better (I'm open to suggestions/criticism though) I'm just recounting a bad beat
    I'd have put in a medium sized bet on the flop. Make them think you had a flush draw. Chances are someone will call or possibly even raise. If they raise happy days, if not then hope a heart doesn't hit. If it does then hope to take down the pot there and then.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 8,927 Mod ✭✭✭✭mewso

    Funny I just read the Brunson bit recently in Super System. His logic is that sandbagging lets good players get away from a hand and is not necessarily the best way to maximise the chips. So you flop a set and check. Someone bets. Say you re-raise. A good player may now let their hand go. Say you call. A good player may now be suspicious and check on the turn then fold to your bet. Betting your set on the flop can often disguise your hand as the fancy "check your set on the flop move" is so prevelent in the Fitz it nearly always raise susppicion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭Davey Devil

    That's a good point Muso. The bet on the flop may also trigger a bluff re-raise from an opponent. Then you have them in all kinds of shìt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    The flop comes up JJ10. Someone bets, other guy thinks and calls. Turn is checked, then on the river the caller raises all in. He may as well say, I have a J.

    A mistake loads of players make is not betting their great hands on the flop, thsi is often picked up on, especially as the preflop rasier usualy autobets the flop no matter if they hit or not, this also had the side effect of making the pot smaller, and with deep stacks a bet on the flop really helps build the pot. That said, you shouldnt play the same way all the time, and a check is good sometimes, especially as it protects your checks, ie just because you check doesnt mean you have A hi. A check on a Kxx flop with AK in a cash game is a good move because you get to keep the pot nice and small.

    In this hand I dont think you can critisise De Vores play as he got his opponent all in almost drawing dead, and he probably wouldnt of had he bet the flop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    That's a good point Muso. The bet on the flop may also trigger a bluff re-raise from an opponent. Then you have them in all kinds of shìt.

    I had a nice hand in the merrion 100 recently. A few hands previously I raised utg to 300, got raised all in by a very shifty looking Daniel (shifty for this hand). I showed 10Js and folded. A few hands later I raise on the button with AJ after he limps, I deliberately overbet it to about 600 as I knew hed think I was trying to get back at him, he goes to fold, looks at me then calls. Flop is 10 Q K. He checks to me and I bet 1000. He again goes to fold, then looks at me and goes all in. I call and he has K5 :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,897 ✭✭✭BigDragon

    I learned more playing this hand that in alot of the countles hours playing in B&M card rooms.

    PokerStars Game # Tournament # Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2005/01/17 - 20:15:38 (ET)

    Seat #9 is the button
    Seat 6: Hero (10190 in chips)
    Seat 9: Villian(3310 in chips)
    Hero: posts the ante 25
    Villian: posts the ante 25
    Villian: posts small blind 200
    Hero: posts big blind 400

    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Hero [2d 2h]
    Villian: raises 400 to 800
    Hero: calls 400

    *** FLOP *** [4c 4d 2c]

    Hero: checks
    Villian: checks

    *** TURN *** [4c 4d 2c] [4h]

    Hero: checks
    Villian: bets 1200
    Hero: raises 1200 to 2400
    Villian: raises 85 to 2485 and is all-in
    Hero: calls 85

    Villian said, "gg"

    *** RIVER *** [4c 4d 2c 4h] [4s]

    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Hero: shows [2d 2h] (four of a kind, Fours)
    Villian: shows [Ac 5c] (four of a kind, Fours - Ace kicker)
    Villian collected 6620 from pot

    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 6620 | Rake 0
    Board [4c 4d 2c 4h 4s]
    Seat 6: Hero (big blind) showed [2d 2h] and lost with four of a kind, Fours
    Seat 9: Villian (button) (small blind) showed [Ac 5c] and won (6620) with four of a kind, Fours

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,882 ✭✭✭Doc Farrell

    I dont think I could play the hand better (I'm open to suggestions/criticism though) I'm just recounting a bad beat :)


    Now that you mention it...

    If I was there you coulda told him that you had a monster hand coz after the beating i took from those aces the last time I woulda told him to run and hide.

    I'll get you my pretty, dont you worry!
    D. :mad:

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    heheh, you bitter bitter man... I like nothing better then to put on an act when playing poker. Unfortuntely I convinced him I was bluffing and got him all in with only 3 outs. Then he hit one! :)

    I feel morally obliged to point out that I pull a nasty beat on Waylander (?) yesterday in the BSOP. It felt glorious. :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,832 ✭✭✭Waylander

    not on me you didn't, i was already in the final.
