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  • 02-12-2004 10:23am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭

    OMFG!!! I just got Pro Evo and i suck?

    Lesson 1: The ball is a baby hold onto it for dear life
    Objective: Holding the ball

    Start an International Cup with Brazil on 2 Stars, try to keep hold of the ball using X. Simple passes should easily tear apart the opposition. Think football if you are a winger draw out the left back or even better draw out the centre back then play a pass to the player in space with triangle if you want it in front of him or just X if hes in a good position. Holding onto the ball is vital in this game. Try rack up as many passes as possible. 2 Star defenders dont tackle much so it shouldnt be difficult.

    Hey dude in FIFA i press shoot and goal happens, Pro Evo it goes out for a throw wtf is up dude?

    Lesson 2: Rattling the onion bag
    Objective: Working the keeper

    Again on 2 stars play an exhibtion against Germany or Spain [Casillas and Kahn are goalkeeping gods). Again with Brazil learn how to get players into shooting positions assuming you have learned how to keep the ball this should be easy enough on 2 stars and 5-0 wins shouldnt be a problem. There are no known sweet spots in Pro Evo 4 yet. But getting a winger down the byline and pulling it back is pretty much a gauranteed goal hard to do vs good players but if you pull it off its an easy goal. Keep trying 1st time shots with Ronaldo and shooting from outside the box with Ronaldinho. In Pro Evo its important to keep shooting on the players prefered foot. Learn how much power is req for Ronnie to whack them in from 30 yards (just under half btw) and keep trying it. Crossing the ball is legendary in football for goals so keep at it use your head to make sure your striker is in space. Drawing out centre backs is a good trick.
    If you keep trying the Cup on 2 Stars you should be top scorer and top assist .

    OK i got this much but CPU and me mate keep taking the ball off me, help :/

    Lesson 3: NUTS!
    Objective: beat a player

    By now you a passing goal machine , somewhat arsenal like. Stick it on 3 stars
    and play vs CPU who is hard to beat one on one(there 3 more stars :eek: ). CPU and your mate are different kettles of fish. Both can be easy to skin and both can be hard depends on your skill level. Running straight at a player will probably lose you the ball, unless you draw him in and hit R2 or dash or pull hard on analog stick to escape his tackle. 3 Stars is ideal for learning how to beat players. Using your most skillful players (Duff C Ronaldo etc) try beat a player as once you do the pitch opens up for you and usually beating a midfielder or defender results in a goal scoring oppurtunity (which is why its so hard). Vs your mate he will tackle one way with X and its pretty much 50-50 he goes right you go left , if you had a rear view mirror you would see him in the distance lying on floor. Or see him thundering down your wing, its a hard art to master. There are skill moves and tricks but this is a beginners guide.

    Right i can pass, shoot and beat players but i on the back of 57 straight 0-0 draws ,we seem to just counter balance each other?

    Lesson 4: Basic tactics
    Objective: Be a Carlos not an Alex
    We all football know it alls and in Pro Evo Tactics and formations are vital to winning games, find your own style of play and position your players into that formation to suit you and SAVE IT!!!.
    My prefered team is 3 at the back , 2 wide wingers 2 sitting defensive midfielders a play maker and 2 strikers one a goal machine and the other a passing master.
    So C Ronaldo Duff Keane Zagorakis with Ronnie as playmaker Robbie keane as left sided striker and a large strapping V Nistlerooy or Vieri as striker. I play on the break if possible and also with 2 mids can hold the ball when needed. So its a varied team, When i get better at the game or feel on top in a game i will push one of the def mids up further to help attack and suppress the other team into their own half (in their box is class total ownage) THIS DOES NOT WORK ONLINE REPEAT DOES NOT WORK ONLINE!!!. You will be raped badly.
    So to get your own tactics tis off to Master League with Match Mode players and learn tru trial and error (ie passing to places there are no players we all do it) Find a system you feel comfy with and keep at it , be prepared to change on the fly if CPU is a clever **** who nullifies your attacking play.
    There really is no clearly defined way of setting winning tactics and formations, you must use your head and play your own way. ML allows you buy in the players you feel would do your team justice.

    I can pass shoot beat players ,have a 23221327287598735 formation which works, am i the best ?

    Lesson:5 You are not the best and never will be
    Objective: Take thumping defeats with a smile
    Its only a game i have a solid concrete wall beside me with Logitech PS2 clone pad indents in it from Winning Eleven 7Is stupid AI catch up bug(have purchased 4 of them now). Thankfully it seems to be fixed. You will be beaten by the CPU and by me online, its not cos you suck , its cos a ball bounced a certain way and your defender stuck in an OG from 25 yards. It happens its a good game try to have fun and not abuse your opponent or CTRL ALT DEL your way out of a hiding. Learn from it **** happens in football Pro Evo mirrors that ie "It was never a foul" , "thats a ****ing peno" "thats a free you b***ard" " your a dirty **** chopping me up everytime i cross halfway line" " i was ****ing onside you c***ing b***ard wanker ref"

    Ahh Wait till we all have it and we have teamspeak.

    Medium Guide soonish with indepth formation and skills info and cover 4 stars. 5 and 6 stars are seriously advanced.
    So for now practice practice practice and have fun.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    So having mastered the basics , time to move up to intermediate which is special moves and tactics.

    Special move list and usefulness rating.

    Low One-Two
    L1 + X then press Triangle again before the ball reaches the first receiving player
    Pro: Excellent used on the wing or whenever the 1st player has space to run into.
    Con. Lose the ball and 2 players out of position.

    High One-Two
    L1 + X then press Circle before the ball reaches the first receiving player
    Pro: Same as above
    Con. Again same

    L1 + Square
    Pro. lob keeper easily.
    Con. None really just tap square tho or is balloon city.

    Strong Pass
    Hold X
    Pro. handy in midfield when you want it to the furthest player.
    Con. Offscreen opponent nicks it 3 players out of position.

    Extended Dash
    Hold R1 then double tap the D-Pad in the direction you are running (or double tap R1)
    Pro. Your faster.
    Con. None

    Super-sprint 1
    Whilst sprinting with R1 press R2 and push the D-Pad forwards and to a 45 degree angle
    Pro.Run really really faster
    Con. Hard to do under presure.

    Double tap L1
    Pro. None still get tackled.
    Con. Look foolish when lsoing the ball

    Quick Step-overs
    Double tap R2
    Pro. Look good
    Con.Looks silly when you lose the ball.

    Hold R2 then tap the D-Pad to the side
    Pro. The singe best move in the game, superb for beating CPU and human players and giving you time to pass.
    Con. None its brilliant.

    The Drag-back
    Side step then pull back on Dpad
    Pro. Brilliant beats CPU and human with ease.
    Con. None

    The Dummy
    Hold Square to shoot then release and quickly press X. (You can determine the side that you feint to by pressing the D-Pad.)
    Pro Brilliant move beats anyone.
    Con. Bloody hard to do under pressure.

    Flick and Volley
    After flicking the ball over your head press Square to volley it
    Pro. Looks great Le Tiss be proud.
    Con. Never happens in game that you can do the flick near the box.

    The Roulette
    Push right on on Right analog and do half circle
    Pro. Looks good only works on keepers.
    Con. Never do it with a player in front of you , always into space.

    Lift the ball
    Move the Right Analogue Stick
    Down then Up.

    Pro. Superb for beating players, the ultimate skill. Will leave any player for dead.
    Con. Try it impossible to do under pressure.

    Low Manual Passing
    Push the Right Analogue Stick in the direction you want to pass, then click in the stick. Release when power bar reaches desired length.
    Pro. Total control of the ball, perfect passes.
    Con. Damn hard to do under pressure.

    High Manual Passing
    Hold L1 then push the Right Analogue Stick in the direction you want to pass, then click in the stick. Release when power bar reaches desired length.[/b]
    Pro. Perfect long passes, this is excellent.
    Cons. Lack of fingers make it quite hard to pull off.

    The Dummy
    Release the D-Pad then tap L1 just before the ball reaches the receiving player
    Pro. Good move , you will know when to use it.
    Con. None unless ball doesnt make it to prefered player.

    The main problem with the special moves is the PS2 pad, R3 and R2 and R1 do not go together. Maybe its lazy design but quite simply running with the ball (R1 using right index finger) and then trying to press R3(with your thumb) and aim all the while running possible under pressure is not possible everytime.

    It can be done when you have SPACE but playing online or on 5 or 6 stars space is not something you find easily. 1 thing that works is changing R3 to L2 (i dont use the tactics) and Holiding L2 to pass manually in the direction the player is facing.

    Same with the Piroutte and lift, damn hard under pressure easy when you running clear and have the time to do it, but the moves are more useful when under pressure.

    Tactics and playing random.

    No i am not crazy for playing random online vs Real Madrid, there is a point and its the only way you will get good (like me top of the league../head grows).
    Every team in the game has their own formation and i have seen about 40 versions of a 4 4 2. Some are good some are not. IT DOESNT MATTER WHO IS IN YOUR TEAM!!!! Its how you make them play. I have beaten everyone here online with a **** team while they were Barca Man Utd Real etc: (pisses them off a lot)

    There over 200 teams in the game Full list each with a varied formation suited to the players they have. If i play as Finland with their 4 5 1 getting the ball wide and crossing to Forsell is the tactic and the plan. If i being frustrated by grouped full backs playing it into Litamenen and tru ball to Forsell is the way of the goal. This works its simple and they have a flat back four with 2 protectors and deep wingers. Very well organised team , i reckon you could beat anyone with them. Their stats are crap compared to France but doesnt matter if you play them to their strengths you will win.

    By playing random you find a lot of different formations and ways of playing and soon enough find your own special formation. Taking PHB as an exmaple , he plays with Real in a 3 4 3 if he has the ball he will thump you (beat me 5-1 :( yesterday ) but its a very flat formation, you will have chances just taking them is the problem.

    Playing random will teach you every possible formation and by trying and mastering each of the above moves, you should be a damn good player and 5 stars is a beatable challenge for you.


  • Registered Users Posts: 20,617 ✭✭✭✭PHB

    I thought I'd add some stuff:


    There are only 2 decent formations :)
    Completely flat, all attacking players have arrows forward and to the side line, and have all the defenders and wingers and the DMF on high defence.

    This is a nice wide formation.

    The central backs are in the normal position.
    The wing backs are pushed up to just before the midfielder line.
    The mid is playing in a diamond formation.
    And the strikers are playing normally.
    Give the front five arrows towads the front and to the wings.
    Set the defence to zonal.
    Set the wingers, wing backs, centrals to high defence.


    Have an offensive midfielder, I like Zidane or Scholes, I think they are the best.
    when you have the space, with you in front of the two attackers, just press the through ball and you'll latch onto it about 75% of times. Eventually with practice you'lll get it up to near 100%

    If you don't see an option, imagine its real football, and work it around somewhere else.


    1 on 1's:

    I think this is the worst option, I think if you miss, theres no rebound, and imo its very hard to do.

    Shoot Early:
    If you do this, you have to do it at the right moment, timing is everything.
    You need to look at the player, and decide which corner to aim to.
    If you are on the upper half of the pitch, you should shoot to the lower half, and vice versa.
    Do not just tap shoot, hold it for a half second and you will always get rebounds.

    Shoot late:
    You wait just until the keeper is upon you, and you jst tap shoot, and the player will either nick it over or tap it under.
    However if you miss, you lose the chance.


    One of the easiest ways to score.
    give yourself some space, press shoot then qquickly pass and press the diret you want to turn, then shoot, goal.
    Easy peasy.

    Turn to side foot it in:

    If you are running left to right,
    If you are in the upper half, press down and run a step, and then side foot it into the bottom corner.
    This works best in this exmaple with a right footed player.

    Through ball on to another player:

    If you run on, and you play a decent formation, there should always be another player to your side, and the best way to score is to press triangle towards him and to tap it in.
    Wait til the keeper is nearish to you, and make sure you have a passing option, and make sure he is onside :)

    Other ways to score:


    In the corner:
    If you are there, and it isn't on the break, its very very hard to score, so I would recommend working it back out again.

    On the break:

    This is by far the easiest way to score, however it does not happen very often.
    If your winger is on the break, and running down, double tap the cross button and then head the ball in.
    To maximise effectiveness, press R2 just before the ball gets to your player, pulling him back a little, to make it a diving header.


    Corners are by far the easiest way to score in the game.
    Make sure its an outswinging corner always, aim about half way between the goal line and the 6 yard box line, cross in at about 3/4 of the half way mark, press up, and just time your header.
    It will give you a goal about half the time.

    Hardist skill in the entire game.
    Happens after a corner is header away, you will see in the radar the ball comign to a player:
    Wait till the ball is about a second away, press R2 and hold back, and then just as it is coming for you, just tap shoot, it'll go nicely into the top corner :)

    Hope this has helped some people

    p.s. It does matter who is in your team, their skills count towards the effectiveness of your shooting passing through balls etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    cough spellcheck cough
    Some good stuff there PHB.

    I dont think skills count for anything online as any player can create space and its the PLAYER (ie you) does with the space that matters.

    /me lays down the smackdown challenge to PHB next time we play you pick my team......

    Defending is simple keep 4 players in front of your opponent and they will find it very hard to score. One on ones nowt you can do except hope other player misses. And if its a 30 yard screamer well bugger.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,053 ✭✭✭Cannibal Ox

    I was reading the Intermediate guide, and...
    There are only 2 decent formations
    Completely flat, all attacking players have arrows forward and to the side line, and have all the defenders and wingers and the DMF on high defence.

    This is a nice wide formation.

    The central backs are in the normal position.
    The wing backs are pushed up to just before the midfielder line.
    The mid is playing in a diamond formation.
    And the strikers are playing normally.
    Give the front five arrows towads the front and to the wings.
    Set the defence to zonal.
    Set the wingers, wing backs, centrals to high defence.

    I gotta disagree :)
    They are both good but saying there the only good ones seems wrong to me. I use 4-5-1 all the time and have a decent win loose ratio with it. Then there's Classic Brazils formation, which I personnaly think is more effective then 3-4-3. Maybe it's just me, but I figure with both formations I'm bound to let in a couple of goals, but CB's formation is a lot more effective in attack then a 3-4-3.
    I get what your saying about the arrows and high defence to cover yourself, but I think you can do that just as easily by stalling up attacking plays. And if you can't, and they do score you can still be pretty confident with CB's formation that your going to put the ball in the back of the net.

    Anyway, I just think one of the great things about Pro Evo is the formations, and the meddling you can do with them and I think saying there's only 2 good ones isn't quite true.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL



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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    I agree with Ox, I dont think only 2 formation are good in PES/WE.

    I tend to only use a heaviley modified 4-4-2 with teams I know, or else the default formation for any team I dont know, but with some added after effects on the tactics or "individual" tactics.

    The main thing you need to be in any was successful are 2 solid CB's and a DMF with defensive awareness set to "covering". Then of course you need to not pull people out of position (which is a main reason why newer people to the series lose a lot of their goals) and basically use the computer players (on your team) to pressure the ball, while you stand off and cover any easy passes for your opponent or wait until the right time to pressurise and win the ball. Once you have a solid defence of at least 3 people you shouldn't be caught out to easily, even on counter attacks.
    Another major point is NEVER commit. Keep your defenders on their feet unless you can be 99.9% sure of winning the ball, players on their feet are a lot more worthwhile than players out of the game, (I sound like an U12's coach now, sorry) its true. Keep the pressure on the player and always try to position the defender so that the most obvious pass to a team mate is blocked off, but not so that leaving the goal totally open.
    It's funny, but the main thing in PES/ WE isn't really skill, but moreso anticipation. If you can anticipate what your opponent will do, then they'll find it nearly impossible to score against you. Unfortunately, unless you realise what kind of player you're playing against (online of course) then it can take more than one game to figure them out, against your mates you usually have a fair idea and can make things far more difficult for them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,299 ✭✭✭Sandals

    How do you score a free-kick?
    It is the one thing that really get's to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,326 ✭✭✭Zapp Brannigan

    Great guide here.

    You'll have to register first though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,179 ✭✭✭FunkZ

    I use the 3-4-3 on six star with Liverpool. I usually win, sometimes buy six or seven goals.

    Anyway I play the team like this 3-1-1-2-3.
