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QQ on ze Button

  • 01-02-2005 12:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭

    .50/1 Blinds. Ladbrokes 6 Seater Max
    ME($180) on Button Dealt QQ
    2 limpers. I make it $5.
    BB call, one limper calls

    Q A J rainbow

    BB checks
    Limper Bets $10

    I push

    Comments. cheers!!!!!!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭AmarilloFats

    sorry I had $180
    BB had about $50
    Limper had about $120

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭Iago

    you did the right thing. There are only two hands that can be ahead of you here AA and KT. It's a rainbow flop which is perfect for you, almost an ideal flop..

    If AA was in play and you raised preflop there would have been at least a reraise from the player. So the only hand that can be ahead of you here is KT. With a Q on the flop and a bet into you what else are you going to do? If you're not all-in here then when would you be?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    yep. what i would've done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    Iago wrote:
    If AA was in play and you raised preflop there would have been at least a reraise from the player.
    I agree it was the right move but as for the above I have to say not necessarily. I was playing .5/1 on VC last night and a guy slowplayed AA by calling all the way to the river, only raising then (not much either) and catching me with my top pair. At this level you have to expect the unexpected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,835 ✭✭✭karlh

    it's a cash game.

    you ask a question preflop with a sizeable raise (5xBB). you get 2 callers. Ask youself what cards are they likely to play and how would you play them!

    i'd have flat called you with AAs or KKs, reraise for the lot would scare you off. its a good flop for your hand but not a 'dream flop' by any means.

    if a muppet calls you with K10 then youll just have to curse his bad play and lose a tenner. AA has to be a serious consideration.

    Why risk your whole stack when the only hand that will call you will have you over a barrel?

    i'd flat call the tenner or raise ten to 'tap on the glass' and try to showdown cheap. hoping theres a scary card for him on the turn or river so you can get out.

    either that or in this rare situation, lay down your set.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    I think you did the right thing. If you check his bet you are letting him in cheap for a gutshot if he holds AJ, AK (which I reckon he has). You also have to think about what to do if a rag comes and he bets again. you either think you're ahead now and raise him or drop your set now, in which case you'll never make much as you will always think you are behind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭Iago

    karlh wrote:
    it's a cash game.

    Online cash game, there's a huge difference in the possible range of starting hands between online and offline players at this level.
    you ask a question preflop with a sizeable raise (5xBB). you get 2 callers. Ask youself what cards are they likely to play and how would you play them!

    i'd have flat called you with AAs or KKs,

    If you were on the BB with two players still to act after you would you still have flat called here? Particularly KK, any of the 3 could have Ax and maybe even AA. Do you want to give 3 players a chance to hit that A?

    Even with AA flat calling and having 3 possible callers really plays with your odds of being ahead after the flop. What if you flat called, 4 players in the pot and the flop came down KQ7 with two suited cards, if you were first to act what would you do? Raised all-in what would you do?

    I think in this case if you're holding AA or KK you should be reraising, it doesn't have to be all-in but it points to a very strong hand and should mean you're only called by premium hands
    its a good flop for your hand but not a 'dream flop' by any means. if a muppet calls you with K10 then youll just have to curse his bad play and lose a tenner. AA has to be a serious consideration.

    As above I don't think he has AA, you have to remember the BB is still to act after you. flat calling here could get you in trouble. If you raise it all-in then the likelyhood is that the BB will fold. The limper could have AJ, JJ or JTs, he'll call with either of the first two. If he had KT he'd of checked and let you as the preflop raiser commit chips first surely...
    Why risk your whole stack when the only hand that will call you will have you over a barrel?
    Limper would call with AJo, AQo, QJs, JJ...any of those hands is possible here considering the raise put in.
    i'd flat call the tenner or raise ten to 'tap on the glass' and try to showdown cheap. hoping theres a scary card for him on the turn or river so you can get out.

    either that or in this rare situation, lay down your set.

    I'm not laying down this set or letting him see cards cheap. What can be scarier than what's on the board already in conjunction with a preflop raiser who has position on him.

    Has to be all-in for me here...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,476 ✭✭✭Samba

    imo you are looking at the nuts with K10, $5 is very little to some and some Consider K10 to be a premium hand that is worth a $5 call.

    Take any cards off the board to remove the straight and all my chips are in here otherwise it is flatcalling all the way home with a lay down to a K or 10 coming on the board, this is online play where so often you see two plawyers flop monsters and pot sizes go way out of control.

    You have to put trips down sometimes.

    Here is a hand from ladbrokes I played last week.

    Blinds 1/2

    Dealt 1010 on the button I make it 15 to go after a load of limpers I get three callers, flop comes 10 7 8 rainbow. I check hoping to get a bet, no betting turn brings a two, SB bets 5, table calls, river is another blank, SB bets $15 two callers, both of us have a set SB flips over J9s.

    Now call me paranoid but how often do hands like this creep up in real play, two players flop sets and one the nuts?

    That's going to mean alot of action..

    Unless I have the nuts or a good read on an opponent I will not commit my chips in online play as in the past doing so has not been very beneficial to my bankroll.

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭AmarilloFats

    Cheers for comment lads.
    So I went all in.......
    BB folds... Limper calls... He turns over KT...For flopped nut straight.
    Turn and River brought no help for me.
    I think I could have played the hand differently, ie better. but I think the result would have been the same...Unless a scarey caard came on turn I think i ould have pushed then anyway.

    I think this is a ++EV move ..He will call with AJ AQ JJ..Also possibly AK...He was not very good.

    But I agree with Karlh...Why push without the nuts..
    A raise to $50 would have at least given me a chance to get away from my hand when he moved all in...Although I ain't good enough to lay this down.

    Cheers again

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    karlh wrote:
    Why risk your whole stack when the only hand that will call you will have you over a barrel?

    i'd flat call the tenner or raise ten to 'tap on the glass' and try to showdown cheap. hoping theres a scary card for him on the turn or river so you can get out.
    I wouldn't say that the only hand that calls him is one that has him beat. He's behind to AA and K10, but he should get action while he's ahead from AK, AQ, AJ, KJ.

    If I was playing this hand I'd call down, hoping for the board to pair, then I'd be happy to stick it all in. If it gets to the river with out pairing the board I'd have to consider the bet I was facing, my read on the player and the amount in the pot before I called.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭Iago

    lafortezza wrote:
    I wouldn't say that the only hand that beats him is one that has him beat.

    I would ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    Iago wrote:
    I would ;)
    Its the small victories that light up your day isn't it Iago? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    The hand is fine but I dont like the overbet on the flop, you actually representing a hand better than your own (ie AAA or K10) so you will tend to get called only when your behind. The gigantic size reraise gives your opponents a really good chance of getting away with hands that you beat, ie 1 or 2 pair, but they will never fold the nuts so in the long run its a losing play.

    I think your choices are calling down or raising the pot on the flop, the problem with calling down is if you are ahead, there are a lot of cards that might scare you opponent thinking you are looking for a straight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭AmarilloFats

    The gigantic size reraise gives your opponents a really good chance of getting away with hands that you beat, ie 1 or 2 pair, but they will never fold the nuts so in the long run its a losing play.

    I Think you
    -Overestimate the standard of opponent @ .5/1 ladbrokes
    -Underestimate the range of hands that will call

    Granted I have no fold equity on hands that beat me ie AA or KT
    But there are (as discussed alot of hands that will call)

    I still think its a + EV play ..BUT. I should and will wait for a better opportunity in future..
    Thanks for comment again
