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next weeks UCD tournament

  • 11-02-2005 6:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭

    Any of you guys planning on entering this?

    I couldnt make the trinity one this week so considering going to the UCD one next thursday, if not I might make my first trip to the fitz for the freeroll.....

    I've emailed them to find out some more details and to see if i can get tickets.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭podgeen

    doesnt look like anyone else is interested... but just incase here is the response i got..

    "Firstly you dont need to be a student to enter this
    event. Tickets should be available at the door on the
    night HOWEVER all interest in the event has far
    exceeded my judgements. Tickets will be on sale from
    the door at 6pm on February 17th and will be dispersed
    on a first come, first served basis."

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    A friend of mine knows the organising committee, so I might venture to this one depending on the night and if I'm working or not.

    From what I've heard (3rd handed) its €20 + €5 reg, with rebuys and top ups, guaranteed €3000 prize fund.
    Again, I'm not sure about the policy of capping the prizefund or what % of the total prize fund (if any) is being taken by the organisers for costs and stuff.

    If I find out more I'll post it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,473 ✭✭✭Roddy23

    Here does anybody know what the story with the tickets are.
    I got down to UCD there yesterday and there was nobody around selling tickets. Does anyone know what time the tickets are sold between or are they sold out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭podgeen

    Here is the reply I got from them when i asked about tickets -

    "Tickets on the 17th will go on sale at 6pm SHARP at
    the O'Reilly Hall. The tournament is set to begin at
    7pm. Hope to see you there"

    I'm going to head along but it will probably be around 6:30 when i get there, hopefully its not sold out by then. If it is i might head into the fitz.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,473 ✭✭✭Roddy23

    Right , so is anybody heading down to this tonight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,586 ✭✭✭gerire

    Im off golfing now, but if im back in time I might head over to it

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    Must be a long golf course!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,476 ✭✭✭Samba

    Ahhh bugger, went out in 5th for 300 and $100 online credit.

    I am furious with myself for one hand, I put down AKo to three all ins before me.

    This would have given a stack to actually play with at the final table.

    Flop came Axx 3 players flip over QK, QJ, 10J.....

    My reasoning behind putting it down is as follows 1.I suspected at least one of them had pockets.

    2. I thought my outs were all taken with Ax etc...

    3. If i didnt hit i was going home with 50.

    (looking for comforting remarks like, great laydown etc...)

    I caught very few decent hands all night, no rockets at all.

    But some steals and bluffs ensured I survived all the way until 5th.

    Sigh - Absoloutely furious, lads you are right I play too tight and it cost me at least a good shot at the top three.

    Overall happy with my performance upto that one hand that in my opinion cost me alot of money.

    What can you do.

    On another note, I was really impressed with how organized the whole event was.

    Well Cough (apart from the hand where a guy went all in with 55s, Yes 55s....)

    Other guy flipped over AA was gutted.

    Bum deck.... god knows how long we actually played with it for.

    Big up to all the guys who organized the event and to who contributed to the prize pool

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭podgeen

    I went out around 10:15 blinds were 400/800 at this stage :(

    Here's a quick summary of my night - 3rd hand, i had trips on flop some guy went all-in, i saw him and made the house.

    A few hands later I got trips again on the flop, checked it, guy next to me goes all-in i call and take the pot.

    The next hour or so consisted of me folding usually before the flop, just wasn't getting the cards.

    I was bb with K8 and there was no re-raise so i decided to stay in. had a pair of 8's on flop, stayed in hoping to pick-up something, dont know why, next thing i'd lost 2/3's of my chips. I tried to bluff a straight, you just needed a 6 to make it. anyways everyone assumed i had it but one guy was more or less pot committed so he saw with his few remaining chips, and won the pot with a pair of jacks. Bad play by me.

    I split 2 small pots and stole the blinds with KK and that was about it.

    I got a top-up at the break and just hung in there. Eventually I got an AJ suited so i decided to go all-in pre-flop. Basically I only had enough for about 2 big blinds (600 each) so it was no big deal. Anyhow 2 people see me, flop comes, one guy checks the next guy raises 5k and the other guy folds. Yer man has a pair of kings or something, i have a pair of aces. So he says well done and I take my chips. As I am taking them a guy opposite me says he wins that pot he has trips. We pointed out that he never saw the 5000 raise, he said he didnt realise there was a raise and would have saw it. Everyone else goes, ok, except the guy who raised the 5k points out he never saw my all-in either, he just saw the big blind. At this stage one of the organisers comes over and makes the ruling that yer man would have saw my all-in as he was holding pocket 8's and definetly would have saw yer mans 5k raise so he wins the pot. No one else at the table seemed to agree with me, so there was nothing i could do. I tried to argue, eventually the organiser guy says sure give him 1k in chips and that was that. I split another pot and eventually I am forced all-in by the big blind and go out.

    Apart from that the tournament was pretty well run and organised. There was one other thing that happened that I thought was wrong but no one else agreed with me so maybe I was incorrect -

    There were taking out white chips. I had 3 whites, another guy has 1 and another guy has two. The organiser comes over and tells this guy who is holding the deck to a card for each white a person has. First off about 1/4 of the deck is still on the table from the previous hand but they just delt with what was left of the deck. I'm not sure how things go but i assumed you'd use a full deck. One guy gets a Q, one guy gets K,9 and I get K,Q,2. The organiser determines that the guy with K,9 wins and gives him the chips. This is the guy who had 1 white! I asked him how did K,9 beat my K,Q,2 he said the yer mans K was clubs, mine was spades. Clubs beats spades. I said I didnt know suits had rankings, that it should be played like a poker hand etc.. He said no thats how its done, no one else agreed. I couldnt argue anymore. I might well be wrong with this but I've never before heard of suits being ranked?

    Apart from the two decisions I've mentioned I thought it was a good tournament, I was unhappy with the hand I played badly.

    Well done on getting 5th samba.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭Iago

    podgeen wrote:
    I got a top-up at the break and just hung in there. Eventually I got an AJ suited so i decided to go all-in pre-flop. Basically I only had enough for about 2 big blinds (600 each) so it was no big deal. Anyhow 2 people see me, flop comes, one guy checks the next guy raises 5k and the other guy folds. Yer man has a pair of kings or something, i have a pair of aces. So he says well done and I take my chips. As I am taking them a guy opposite me says he wins that pot he has trips. We pointed out that he never saw the 5000 raise, he said he didnt realise there was a raise and would have saw it. Everyone else goes, ok, except the guy who raised the 5k points out he never saw my all-in either, he just saw the big blind. At this stage one of the organisers comes over and makes the ruling that yer man would have saw my all-in as he was holding pocket 8's and definetly would have saw yer mans 5k raise so he wins the pot. No one else at the table seemed to agree with me, so there was nothing i could do. I tried to argue, eventually the organiser guy says sure give him 1k in chips and that was that.

    That's a joke, where the cards not taken in when the player folded? If that had happened to me I'd of lifted someone out of it. How can you organise a poker tournament and not have the first clue about how the game is run?

    There were taking out white chips. I had 3 whites, another guy has 1 and another guy has two. The organiser comes over and tells this guy who is holding the deck to a card for each white a person has. First off about 1/4 of the deck is still on the table from the previous hand but they just delt with what was left of the deck. I'm not sure how things go but i assumed you'd use a full deck. One guy gets a Q, one guy gets K,9 and I get K,Q,2. The organiser determines that the guy with K,9 wins and gives him the chips. This is the guy who had 1 white! I asked him how did K,9 beat my K,Q,2 he said the yer mans K was clubs, mine was spades. Clubs beats spades.

    It should have been a full deck not a quarter of a deck, if he only has one white then he should only have got 1 card. 1 card per chip in the run and Actually Spades beat clubs in the chip run, the order of suits is as follows


    Clubs are the worst suit in this situation, another joke decision..
    Samba wrote:
    Well Cough (apart from the hand where a guy went all in with 55s, Yes 55s....)

    Other guy flipped over AA was gutted.

    Bum deck.... god knows how long we actually played with it for.

    and between those 3 things lies the reason you won't see me at one of these tournaments. If you're going to organise something this big then you either do it right or don't do it at all, theres no prize for getting it almost right.

    What if you were down to the last two and that happened and then you went on to lose after a bad run of cards, you can't play in those circumstances.

    Still well played Samba, and unlucky at the end. Personally I think your laydown was ok, difficult to call but ok. 3 all-ins before you...

    1st guy might have been chancing his arm
    2nd guy should have a high PP or A with a high kicker
    3rd guy should be playing with AA, KK, QQ or Aks AQs

    at least that's what I would have assumed

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭podgeen

    Iago - I probably it wrong about the suit, maybe yer man was spades and I was clubs. I can't remember which it was for definate. I never knew they ranked suits so that one was my mistake and they probably made the correct decision.

    It was my first tournament so i never expected to come anywhere in it. I think I might give the freeroll a go next week in the fitz to get some more practice.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,476 ✭✭✭Samba

    Thats rough podgeen, I did my best to keep things in line at my table and experienced very little of what you talked about, who made that ruling?

    With the 55s incident, one of the guys actually wanted it to stand as did the with AA :)

    Saying, well you had 5 5's in the deck. Thankfully a few of us there simply were having none of it and demanded a bum deal and new deck.

    I think the problem was mainly the fact that rulings varied from one judge to another.

    Overall, things went well and in fairness to the guys it was a hectic one, around 300 runners.

    That however is no excuse for the decision you experienced podgeen, you should have demanded a phone call to a casino for a ruling!! :) seriously though, i would have done that to put things right long term.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭podgeen

    samba im curious did you re-buy or get a top-up. Almost everyone had my table did one or the other. Do you know what the final prize was?

    I guy on the table behind us went all-in on the first hand of the night and lost. I dont know what hand he had or what beat him but it his 20euro lasted about 30seconds!

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    The hand where they allow the guy to pay the bet AFTER he sees the flop is utterly disgraceful. Suppose the flop had come down all high cards, he plays along until someone asks him for the chips and then feigns ignorance and immediately folds. That certainly IS a no-lose gamble, he either completes the bet if he hits or mucks the cards and "apologises" if he doesnt. Neat trick and the organisers should have been shot for that call. The hand should be mucked and its own dumb fault. Along with the dealer's for not demanding the chips.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,476 ✭✭✭Samba

    Just topped up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 601 ✭✭✭willis

    I got knocked out just after freezout began,a run of bad beat stories to rival the best of them!Just wondering about something i saw last night,some guy went all-in after the flop and the other guy who was still in the pot turned over his cards to see if he could get a reaction or something from the guy that was all-in,nobody seemed to object to this but i was just wondering is it actually legal?its a stupid thing to do anyway imo,wats the guy going to do after seeing your mans cards,start celebrating or maybe start crying??does the guy expect to get a tell here because i cant see someone being stupid enough to give away a tell in this situation!anyone got any thoughts?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 8,927 Mod ✭✭✭✭mewso

    If you were a stickler it's a fold to reveal your cards in that situation. In general if you say to the table you are not folding and ask if its ok to turn them over then it's ok.
