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Are you making money ?

  • 22-02-2005 5:19pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,047 ✭✭✭

    Serious question !!

    Since Jan 1st, how are you doing? .... Honestly

    Since Jan 1st 2005 .... are you making money ? 50 votes

    Making Loads !
    0% 0 votes
    If anything, slightly ahead
    16% 8 votes
    Break Even ... I think
    50% 25 votes
    I'm down a few quid
    10% 5 votes
    OMG, have to hide the credit card statements, getting hammered
    22% 11 votes
    Don't have a clue (honestl)
    2% 1 vote


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 204 ✭✭Rodge

    I worked it and I have 4.83 times what I had in my account on the 1st jan. Not great but I'm only playing low limit Stt's and the odd Mtt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,047 ✭✭✭Culchie

    Yeh, I'm playing $10 and $15 STT exclusively, and the odd MTT (without any joy)

    I'm up from $15 to $240 at present, I've set a goal of buying a new laptop by ($1200 or so) by end of May ...helps focus the mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 580 ✭✭✭kencleary

    Since January 1st - absolutely terrible frankly!!!

    Got major problems with my discipline rather than my game though I think. Live i'm fine bar the odd brainfart but online.............

    3 times since January i've deposited 50 into VC poker. Twice i've worked it into over 500 through patient play at .50-1 NL, each time i've tried to make the step up to 2-4 NL and failed miserably, which is intensely annoying. I've tried to remain at the lower levels but every time i've caved, made the step up and been annihilated. I played this game profitably before Christmas for a while but I think that was probably luck rather than good play and the overconfidence gained from that has cost me dear. My game selection is horrid too – sat down at 2-4 NL between Raistilin & our very own Hectorjelly which as regular VC players will know is not a good place to be under any circumstances :)

    That said I’ve had a savage run of bad cards. Last night 6 handed .50-1 NL, I get dealt aces, two players go all-in ahead of me, I call, one shows KK, the other QQ. Doesn’t get much better than that – until one jambag flops quad kings. After that things got worse – called an all-in preflop with AQ, he turns JQ – hits his J. Another hand the turn brings me 2 pair, some guy calls with top pair from flop, inevitably the river pairs the board giving him a higher 2 pair etc etc well you guys get the idea :)

    Still I did manage to qualify for the 200 WSOP qualifier on Thursday night on VC so I do have something to look forward too!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,832 ✭✭✭Waylander

    For a change I am doing rather well. Had two final three finishes on mtt on VC, last friday came 3rd in the $27 rebuy, and about three weeks ago I won the $1250 guaranteed. Also won $300 on laddies in a small mtt.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Interesting question, one I've been thinking about for a while. I keep a poker diary so I'm pretty sure about how much I'm up or down in a week/month/whatever. I've given up playing online apart from the Boards games as I found myself jumping in and "dossing about" too much and losing money hand over fist. The worst thing you can do is say "I've 20 minutes before I have to go out, I'll sit into a 3/6 game and pass the time". Its a recipe for loss making.

    In the Fitz I've had a savage good run lately with a number of final tables and money finishes (that have put me on top of the % stats at the moment with 75% of tournies entered turning into final table placings... watch *that* number drop like a stone over the coming months :) )

    So since Jan 1 I've a net profit of about 1K. Nice but nothing to write home about so I'm not sure which option above fits me.

    Also, I've spent about 400 notes entering those tournies etc, which comes off the 1400-odd I've won. Or does it? I'd have spent about that entertaining myself during the same time so I wouldnt consider that money "lost" if I hadnt won a penny... Every time I sit down to play cards I pretty much get what I paid for. A night of playing cards and having a laugh with my mates. Shouldnt *that* be valued and *added* to my profit too?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,297 ✭✭✭ionapaul

    Like DeV, I keep a fairly close track of my poker spend. Since New Years I haven't played much online (moving apartment, I lost my BB connection until last weekend, now moving again in 3 weeks so will lose it again for a while!) but am down about $200 for the year to date.

    Live, I am up about €700, with three final table payouts out of 9 tournies played. Forget DeV's 75% statistic, if I can keep my 33% going I will be delighted! TBH when I hand over the money, it's gone from my mind, I don't expect anything back, so *any* amount becomes is a nice win for me! I am much more demanding of myself in online play, where I expect (in both STTs and MTTs) to get in the $$$ more than 50% of the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,838 ✭✭✭DapperGent

    Doing well since the start of the year. A win in the fitz, a win and some good MTT finishes online, online STTs going slow but well and PLO has turned from an enemy into a friend. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭henbane

    DeVore wrote:
    Shouldnt *that* be valued and *added* to my profit too?
    Eh..., no?

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 21,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dub13

    I would be ahead mainly because of a 4th place finish in last weeks 100 game,I would also be up online with a couple of small wins since the start of the year.

    I have not been playing as much since me and the other half had a baby about 3 weeks ago,but I am starting to play a bit more now things have settled down

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Forget DeV's 75% statistic, if I can keep my 33% going I will be delighted!

    Jeez, any pro in the world would be delighted with a 33% win ratio! consider that 50 people play the 100 in (roughly). Its played once a week giving 52 tournies a year. Random assignment would say you'd win one a year.... or 2%. Add in final table placings gives you 9/52 or 17% chance. Of course, its not randomly assigned is it... :)


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,362 ✭✭✭Hitman Actual

    Up about 3500 since the start of December, so cant complain. In saying that, a lot of that is due to a lucrative cash game I found back home (although I finally turned idiot in that last weekend and dropped 650 on Friday night).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    Since the start of the year i'm up about 700$ online and down 200€ live.

    Most of that is because of my turning 5$ into 500$ in the GamingClub's step thingee but also because of quite a good cash run on VC and GamingClub. I've had a bad run in the last week too and was probably up about 300 more before then. MTT's are a major loser for me although STT's (aside from the steps thing) generally show a small profit.

    As for live, well I decided to try out the local casino a few weeks ago. They have a rather limited selection of games (4/8 limit HE, 10/20 limit HE, 7-stud and a twice monthly 150€ MTT) and the only one that I could really afford was 4/8 limit holdem and well that didn't go so well. Won't be rushing back there unless I get a few large wins online and can afford to buy into the twice monthly 150€ MTT's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭Davey Devil

    I had a good Jan, 6th in the 250 (€1000) in the Fitz. Also the BSOP (€770) which of course is nothing compared to the honour of the title.

    I'm playing alot less these days which I think has actually helped my play. For a while when I was playing more it started to feel like a chore and my play suffered. I think putting more distance between games makes it fresher and really allows me to enjoy playing.

    Still haven't been bitten by the internet bug, I just don't enjoy it like I do in the club. Maybe once I actually get a job I'll give it a proper go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,700 ✭✭✭tricky D

    Haven't staked much this year: 300-400. No online play. Mainly freerolls, Sngs, home games and low stakes. Assuming I sell my 270 ticket, I'll be up over 70%... which is nice:)

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,664 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hyzepher

    Well lets see;

    Online - had some great runs and up ~€3000 - most of that over a 2 week period.
    Offline - not really done great in the tournies recently (Haven't entered much really) but cash games have been my friend and I'm up about €2500.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,476 ✭✭✭Samba

    In the past two weeks between off and online play I am up around 1.8k.

    I've done well in the Fitz cash games netting around 400

    All in all id say around 3-4k, but when you have 600 Euro Eleci bills coming in the door and high rent it tends to make a big dent on the bankroll (curse those flat m8's leaving every appliance in the apt. on)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    Live tournament: Probably down, I haven't had a decent tournament result in months in the Fitz
    Live cash game: Going pretty well of late, the nights I lose €100 are nicely erased by the nights I win €300.

    Online tournaments: probably down a little, I placed in a MTT for a few hundred €, but the €27 rebuys on VC haven't gone amazingly well. STT's are about break-even.
    Online cash games: Omaha tables are pretty profitable, low limit hold'em tables aren't bad either. Up a reasonable amount compared to the limits I'm playing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    Had a great 2004, mostly towards the end where I split the Friday 50 game and had about 4/5 final tables in a row.

    2005 has been a disaster for tournaments. In one tournament I got to about 13th but other than that I can honestly say I didn't get past the first two levels (and that included rebuy tournies).

    I am still up about 300 in 2005 due to one big cash game win where I was up nearly 900 on the night. Don't play on-line. YET !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,047 ✭✭✭Culchie

    I'm glad I asked that question...makes for interesting reading !

    Looking back, I should have factored in the stake amount, a guy making €1k from €10 STT, has made a better return on investment that if someone made €1k from playing €100 STT..... the nuance of it all is if the €10 STT guy can survive at the €100 STT level.
    I for example find playing you fellahs on the Pokerstars tourney quite a challenge, whereas at the $10-$15 STT where I normally play on-line, I make money, not a massive amount, but still it is profit.

    I think it's a real question (if the idea is simply based on making a profit) of knowing your most profitable game, where you get ahead and can stay ahead.

    In the STT arena Shortstacks tip around the 10 times buy in rule has helped me, and whilst he had a target of €1k (how is that challenge going now?), I have a target of a new laptop, so I think that really helps focus the mind....Complacency is your biggest enemy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    There are a lot of factors there too. some players are comfortable with playing multiple tables and so play at levels a little lower than those they could successfully beat if only playing one table. I prefer playing shorthand because I don't can't seem to multitable successfully and I don't have enough patience for a full table.

    In saying that though, I find the boards tournament good for working on that patience and learning to play against better players. There's such a mix of players in that game that you need to play the player and not the cards more than I would in the normal games I play. This worked for me last night against Brendan who had frustrated me the other times I had played him. HJ is next on the list ;)

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    There is a really funny article by Jesse May about the differences or lack of them when playing big stakes poker... a guy comes up to him at the 300/600 table in the Belagio (iirc!) and starts asking him for advice about the difference in playing 300/600 to playing 3/6... Jesse May doesnt know what to tell him and says the most obvious thing, that the chips are different colours. The player thinks he's having a laugh and continues to ask him how it plays compared to 3/6 and May cant think of an answer so continues to explain that the chips are different colours and marked differently... I think its in this months Cardplayer, if you get a chance have a read, its worth a chuckle...


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭Iago

    I think I'm ahead but I don't know for sure, I don't really keep track to be honest. I'm not playing as much as I'd like to but I'll rectify that over the next few months, I'm slightly ahead I would say, but more because I haven't played much at all this year. I've won a few cash games and got a 5th in the Fitz so that would put me ahead, won't be quitting work just yet though..

    Would I be a better player if I cared about the money in the tournament? I honestly don't know but it's something I've wondered about.

    I mean don't get me wrong, I like money, I've always like money, we've had a pretty intense relationship for many years now. I can't get myself motivated when I think about money. Take last Friday night for example, I'm sitting there after two hands having busted out on KK and rebuying and all I was focused on was finishing higher than Hussain and the fckuin spanner sitting on my right (I did, which was nice) then as the tables dropped and we were down to 3 tables, I was still at the stage where I was thinking I want to finish higher than that guy over there, yeah him..rather than money.

    For me Poker is a night out, I play with some people I like and some I don't (which is better fun lets be honest) if I somehow end up with more money in my wallet than I started with then that's nice but not overly important. I want to win but not for the money, just to know I was the best player that night...

    Does that make me a better or worse player, or does it have no effect at all?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    I would guess that it makes you better. My reasoning would be that all your plays are based entirely on the cards rather than how much you might lose in a cash game or that you might go out on the bubble in a tournament. Def in a cash game you need to be able to make calls and not have to worry about your losses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,886 ✭✭✭Marq

    I'm losing my bollocks, each and every day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    Marq wrote:
    I'm losing my bollocks, each and every day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,886 ✭✭✭Marq

    lafortezza wrote:
    no. i'd only lose my keys.
