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Novice video card questions

  • 03-03-2005 11:14am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,398 ✭✭✭

    I have been asked to buy a pc for a friend. He wants it for his kids and they play lots of pc games. He doesn't want to spend too much on the system, say 700 max if possible. I have seen cards alone that cost most of that.
    What I would like to know is what card will offer decent gaming performance with the best bang for the buck at the moment. Does a 128MB GeForce4 5200 fit the bill, or an ATI Radeon 9800 128MB? Is there enough extra grunt with a 256MB GeForce4 6800 to justify the extra cost?
    I don't think his kids are looking for ultimate performance on Half Life 2 or whatever the very latest is, and if they are, he isn't willing to pay for it anyway:)
    Thanks, iwb

