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  • 07-03-2005 10:48am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭

    This is my perfect hand, if I wasnt still sitting at the same table with the history in front of me I would believe it was a dream. After a long night tearing up the $25 tables on VC I go to bed. Unfortunately for some reason I cant sleep so I decide to get up and see if any of my friends are online. Lear a irrasicable young chap is playing a .50c $1 game cash game so I sit down beside him. I get $100 in chips and post the BB just where I like it, under the gun. I get the 5 and 6 of spades and check. Theres 1 limper after me and the blinds check.

    The flop is 7s Ah 4c, which gives me an openended straight draw. The small blind min bets. Theres only 1 limper so theres a good chance a bet here will pick up the pot, so I make it $5 to go. The limper folds and the small blind calls.

    The turn is the Jack of Spades. So I have a flush draw as well as my straight draw. The small blind checks and I bet $8. I bet $8 because it seems like a natural amount that an Ace would bet, and I didnt want to price myself out of the pot if I got check raised. The small blind calls.

    The river is the 3 of hearts, giving me the nuts. The small blind checks again.
    Now many here will bet small hoping to get paid off, but not me. I want to give the give the small blind the chance to make a brave call. I want him to earn a gold star for bravery, to make a stupendous call against the odds. To be the hero of the moment, not letting this brash newcomer steamroller the table. I push all in for $85 and he calls instantly.

    What did he have? Well he wouldnt tell me in the chat box so well never know. My guess is a flopped two pair. The river call might suggest 2 5 but I doubt anyone checks the river. And Ive never seen anyone min bet an inside straight draw before.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    I'd say he had some sort of 2 pair, probably A3 since he called your river bet quite quickly. He has the Ace on the flop and min-bets "to see where he is" because making an information bet like that is the sign of a really good player (!!!11) but with your aggression he check/calls the flop raise and turn bet, thinking your on a stronger Ace than him.
    When he hits his 2 pair on the river he think he has it sown up. But he does not. Haha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,147 ✭✭✭Dr_Colossus

    Nice one Hector, certainly worth getting out of bed for.
    I think the all-in bet on the river is just brilliant. Don't think there is anything more annoying than having the nuts and betting small in the hopes of being called to find your opponent had a hand and would have equally called a big bet. The all-in bet could also make him think that you were bluffing getting him to call with a mediocre hand where he might have folded to an inviting bet. That's my two cents worth anyway so congrats and well played.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,637 ✭✭✭Trampas

    I hope you put him in your buddies list so you can meet him again

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭BrendanB

    I've been wondering about using massive overbetting for a while, Roy Brindley has a chat about his first online game when someone pushed all in (I think) for 150 in a .5/1 UTG, got called by AK and AQ and trebled up his Aces. I think if only in a game a few minutes and have lost a pot or two and find the aces it might not be the craziest idea in the world. It's obviously not something you'd do regularly, and on the river maybe its generally better to try to induce a bluff than fake one.

    Funnily enough, I was afraid you might have been doing this with a hand last night and seriously thought about dropping the AK:

    Blinds 15/30
    I raise to 90
    Hector all in for 930
    Everyone else folds
    I call.

    Me: AKo
    HJ: 9Ts

    *** FLOP *** [9s Tc Jc]
    *** TURN *** [9s Tc Jc] [Qd]
    *** RIVER *** [9s Tc Jc Qd] [3c]
    KeepThePiece: shows [As Kh] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
    Hectorjelly: shows [Th 9h] (two pair, Tens and Nines)
    Hectorjelly said, "bad beat"
    KeepThePiece collected 1965 from pot
    DapperGent said, "lol"

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    The shame about that hand was that if I had flat called the raise I would of won the pot on the flop. I dont think its fair to hold the tournaments that early in the morning anyway, I havent gotten into the swing of things yet.

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