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First time at the Fitz last night

  • 10-04-2005 7:43pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭

    I got my Fitz baptism on Satuirday night. Was up in Dublin seeing a friend and decided to call over on the Saturday. I klnew Saturday was not a the day for a big tournies but I get to play very little live poker so I'm happy top play almost anything.

    I got there late for the free roll but sat sat back and watched for a bit. What is it about the clattering-clinking of poker chips that gets your adrenalin rushing? I registered for the 8:30 15+R. I wasn't sure if I was going to love it or hate it. Switching between PL Holdem and PL Omaha in the same tournament. Sounded like it was gona be a crazy suck out fest but I really enjoyed it.

    Everyone there was very freindly and eager to chat. Much different from the old school vibe I get at the Macau but maybe that was just the night that was in it.

    I misplayed A-K out of position the very first hand of the tournament and lost almost half my chips. Thankfully that was the last mistake I made. I was worried about the Omaha, because I play very little and unlike most people I actually prefer the H/L game. I was delighted to see though that for the most part my oponents were not exactly shy about seeing flops with Garbage.

    I got in quite a few battle with one chap. I got lucky when calling his big reraise when I had Q-J-T-T double suited, but my call was correct. I was getting better that 40/60 to call with what is a pretty powerful Omaha hand (if there is such a thing) Also its a rebuy and it was a huge pot, If I folded I would be back to starting chips but if I won I would be table chip leader. This was such a good oportunity to put myself in a position to go deep in the tourney folding would be just silly. I flopped a flush draw and multiple ways to make a backdoor straight but my saving grace was a 10 on the river for a set to crack his Aces.

    Then the deck hit me in the face. I won two large multi-way pots with KK and QQ back to back which hit great flops. I think I forced 4 players to rebuy in the first 45 minutes. I never had to rebuy and after the add-on I was probably in the top 4 in chips with about 13K.

    After the break I didn't see anything playable for a long time and everyone caught up. I was down to about 13 BBs at one point when in a 6 way pot when I was in teh BB with QJ the flop came 2-Q-4 rainbow and the SB bet out the pot. I had to take take some time in moving all in incase of a SB special but I really had no choice, and was delighted for everyone else to folde and for him to show Q-8. My kicker held up.

    I battled my way back up to slightly below average stack status when in a 4 way omaha hand, again in the BB I had Q-Q-x-x when the flop came Xs-Qh-Kh. SB checked and I bet the pot. The player's who's Aces I cracked earlier called quickly, MP folded, and the SB called and was all in. Turn brought the ugly 5h and I checked to the UTG player who put me all in. If I dfolded here I was in pretty bad shape with about 9BBs. I was getting the pot odds to call for the house but let me tell you something EV in tournaments is a load of bollocks if you've been put all in. Not only that but the SB could be drawing to or have some of my outs if he had K-Q or an underset. I was certain UTG had the nut flush, there was nothing else he could have flat called my flop bet with. I took over a minute to decide but in the end I showed and folded my set of Queens. He had the flush and the river didn't pair the board. I got a mixed reaction from the table some saying it was a good fold, others saying they would have called in a flash. At the end of the day had I caled I'd have been out half way through the tourney but by folding I kept myself alive.

    The following orbit after taking a few smallish pots, in the BB I got AA-xx in the BB and was ****ing exstatic to see 6 limpers. This was the huge pot I was looking for. I turned the screw and everyone folded around to the SB who called. I hated the flop, x-Q-K again and the SB put me in. I had not choice to call. I was happy to see he diodn't have a set, just an openender and 9-9 so I had 2 of his outs and my Aces held up.

    The follwing orbit once again in the BB the same player limps in and we see a flop on the cheap with some garbage hand I can barely remember. flop came 3-T-K and we both sae the turn for free. Turn was a Q which brought a piossible straight and a flush draw, neither of which I had, SB hesitaes before checking to me and I decide to try and take it. I think all I had wa a pair of Queens but I never looked back at my hand. He called. River was a black 8 and he checked again. I decided to value bet the river an amount that would make him think I wanted a call. He said "I'm not gona let you suck me in" and folded, I threw my little piggy in the muck and took down a nice pot which was probably the one that got me to the final table.

    Down to 8 and I was about 4th in chips when I picked up 66 in the BB and the solid female player in the cutoff came with me. Flop was an awesome 3-6-Q rainbow. I checked and she bet the pot, I put her on a big Q here, If I slow played the set I might not get paid off, so I figure I'm more likely to take her chips now and I reraised the max, She called quickly and the turn brought another Q. badabing!! I move in the last of my chips and she calls with KQ for a set. The river was the last 6 giving me the evil Quads, and I was now the chip leader with 70K (still gloating to myself about the set of Qs I layed down that got me there)

    A few hands later I got raped by some muppet with the most appualingly played hand I have ever EVER seen. I think his name was Joe, we'll call him that anyway. I'm not sure what nationality he is, possibly spanish. I got K-J off in the SB and we see a 5 way pot on the cheap which comes a nasty J-9-8 rainbow. I hate being first to act but I can afford to take a hit here and to be honest it's an easy enough one to fold to a reraise. I bet the pot and Joe is the only caller. At this point I put him on a 10. The turn was a nasty 10 which meant if he had a Q I was drawing to a 2 outer, but he had only 12K left and quite frankly it would be rude not to just put him all in here which I did and was disgusted to see he actually beat me into the pot with his chips. "Oh, well" He flips over A-K. WHAT THE ****? River of course was a Queen and he beats me with a bigger straight. "You did what now?"

    So the guy limps with AK, calls a pot size bet on a flop J-8-9 and gets it all in on the turn on a gut shot which he hits. He says "they call me river joe, I hit the river 80%" I mean the guy had no idea of the stupid play he just made, He gloated at if it was totally correct. lol! you can't beat the machismo of poker players.

    I bust out a shorty when I had pot odds to call his all in on a flush draw which I hit, and when it was down to 4 we were all about even. I thought about trying to deal at this point but decided against it because of the blow up potential of 80% boy. "I want those chips!" As it happened I went card dead and anted away my chips as the blinds caught up with me. I raised in the SB with A-8 and got put all in with just 3 BBs left. No choice but to call and met T-T which held up.

    4th was only $100 so $65 profit, but I was playing more for the action and the practice for next weeks IPT. There was a queue for the cash games so I called it a night. Was a good trip anyway. May head up to play in the festival at the end of the month. If anyone on the site spots me in the fitz please come up and say hello.



  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 21,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dub13

    Glad you injoyed it,I played the freeroll but I have to say I did not see any doggy looking people around... :p:D

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,664 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hyzepher

    Went out about 17th myself - dont really like the tournie myself but used it to get some practice for the cash game. That guy Joe is a terrible player and believe it or not plays the same way in cash games - dont bother complaining to him just suck all his chips up - he only gets lucky the odd time. He forgets the times he doesn't hit - 80% my ass.

    btw - was htat you in a red top?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    Hyzepher wrote:
    btw - was htat you in a red top?Hyzepher

    No, but I think that guy was sitting on my right in the middle stages. I was at table 2 the whole time with a guy called cecil (with a mustache and an unlit cigarette) 2 to my left and a big buy called Mike 2 to my right. Bald guy called Ray on my left. I had an olive green T-Shirt with a wolf on it.
