If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact
Hi there,
There is an issue with role permissions that is being worked on at the moment.
If you are having trouble with access or permissions on regional forums please post here to get access:

CoD/UO, CoD2, CoD4, MW2, BOPS and MW3 Server List!

  • 14-04-2005 11:42am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,917 ✭✭✭

    If you want to advertise a good CoD1, CoD:UO, CoD2 or CoD4 server and/or a TS/Mumble server, feel free to do so here! It will be much easier to keep track of them as a result.

    Make sure you include the following:

    - Server IP (and TS IP/Pass if applicable) and location
    - Game (CoD1, CoD:UO, CoD2 or CoD4)
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, etc)
    - MOD (No MOD, Promod, PAM, Realism MOD, HOB, etc)
    - Maps/Game Types on rotation (optional)
    - Your xFire (optional)
    - Any other information you deem important

    This is a sticky so thanks for keeping it simple and tidy! ;)



  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 14,748 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dcully

    [G.F.F] GUNS FOR FUN [18 public and 4 reserved slots for GFF lads making it a 22 man] clanserver UK based - sweet pings.

    COD united offensive [mostly COD maps though with UO weapons]

    Domination and Headquarters modes.

    mp_cassino Dom,mp_railyard HQ,mp_foy Dom,mp_brecourt HQ,mp_uo_hurtgen Dom,mp_pavlov hq,mp_kharkov Dom,mp_bocage HQ,mp_uo_dawnville Dom,mp_stalingrad hq,mp_ponyri Dom,mp_neuville HQ,mp_uo_carentan Dom,mp_tigertown hq,mp_uo_harbor Dom,mp_rocket hq,mp_peaks Dom

    We are a 100% fun clan who are a bunch of guys who like to have a laugh more so tah have skill.

    We also have a 20 man public team speak server which can be like a cabaret comedian night most nights lol.
    Ask on the server or pm me for details of our forums and how to get on teamspeak.

    My Xfire name is Cully.

    Get on early as once it gets past 7pm it can be tough to get on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 [AMOK]SLAYER

    name of server: [AMOK] Australia Clan Server
    Game: COD 1.5
    Game type: TDM
    Mods: No
    All TDM maps on rotation, talk to me on msn at

    [AMOK] Full Assault Clan website -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Scalper

    - Server IP
    - Teamspeak
    - Game CoD/UO
    - Game Type TDM/HQ/BAS/DM/CTF/DOM
    - MOD AWE 2.1
    - Website
    - Your Email
    - -=RcK=- clan has been together for the past year and started of as a SOF II clan and have recently just added a COD:UO sever. We have quite a few Irish members in the clan. So if ur up for a bit of craic then come along for a game and join us on ts for a laugh.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,814 ✭✭✭Drapper

    1st-IB Clan

    Public Server Address.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭crawler


    Digiweb currently testing a new gaming platform. For now it's beta and free for all to use :-

    - Server IP (and TS IP/Pass if applicable) and location:, Dublin
    - Game (CoD/UO): CoD
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, etc): DM
    - MOD (No MOD, PAM, Realism MOD, HOB, etc): None
    - Maps/Game Types on rotation: Default rotation

    - Server IP (and TS IP/Pass if applicable) and location:, Dublin
    - Game (CoD/UO): CoD
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, etc): TDM
    - MOD (No MOD, PAM, Realism MOD, HOB, etc): None
    - Maps/Game Types on rotation: Default rotation

    - Server IP (and TS IP/Pass if applicable) and location:, Dublin
    - Game (CoD/UO): UO
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, etc): DM
    - MOD (No MOD, PAM, Realism MOD, HOB, etc): None
    - Maps/Game Types on rotation: Default rotation

    - Server IP (and TS IP/Pass if applicable) and location:, Dublin
    - Game (CoD/UO): UO
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, etc): TDM
    - MOD (No MOD, PAM, Realism MOD, HOB, etc): None
    - Maps/Game Types on rotation: Default rotation

    Feedback appreciated - happy gaming

  • Advertisement
  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Tukker

    - Server IP : UK
    - Game: UO
    - Game Type : CTF, DM, TDM, DOM, BASE
    - MOD: Can change
    - Maps/Game: Every few weeks a new cycle
    - Ur entering a Cheat Free Zone!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Bob nl

    Small update on the [G.F.F] server , we went back to COD UO with the AWE mod after a period of GFM.
    Server IP and all has not changed and can be found in Dcully's post.
    Hope to see you on the server.

    Bob nl aka [G.F.F]Bob[CO]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19 Tovarishch

    A larger update on the [G.F.F] server.

    We are now running a 20 player server of original COD (not UO).

    Server IP is

    Game type is HQ and we are not currently running any mods.

    We also have a public TS server which can be found at

    Feel free to visit us at our new website

    Hope to see some of you soon, and remember, the most important thing on our server is to have fun! :D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19 Tovarishch

    Okay [G.F.F] is now running a COD 2 server instead of a regular COD server.
    The IP is the same as the old COD server but I'll put it up again anyway:
    Game Type: HQ

    Also please feel free to join our public teamspeak channel at


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 959 ✭✭✭ZeRoY

    Hi guys,

    I am operating 2 Call of Duty 2 Linux Servers (not cracked - need retail)


    Map rotation: gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_brecourt gametype ctf map mp_carentan gametype sd map mp_dawnville gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype dm map mp_farmhouse gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype tdm map mp_railyard gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_trainstation

    - (Rifles only - DM)

    Map rotation: gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype dm map mp_dawnville gametype dm map mp_decoy gametype dm map mp_farmhouse gametype dm map mp_leningrad gametype dm map mp_matmata gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_trainstation

    Both are running a few mods:

    - Blood mod, Admiral Mod 1.19b, New_weapons mod

    Up most of the time, used by the GuRhKa// Clan but everybody is welcome!

    Enjoy your stay! :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,511 ✭✭✭BrokenArrows

    AKA is recruiting again and they are specifically looking for european members to boost their world domination goals. lol.

    AKA clan plays the following games.

    COD2 - (Main game at the moment)

    We have server for all of the above except WOW.

    If you wish to join our servers and have some fun here are the ip's

    We have two COD2 servers:
    COD2 - 30 slots) and COD2 - 22 slots)
    BF2 - - 24 Slots Available
    CS:S - - 20 Slots

    If you wish to join fill out our clan application form Here

    Our newly designed website is here

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭jonnybadd

    =[TDM]= are a new Irish CoD clan, we only have a few members at the minute but feel free to stop by and have a game with us.

    - Server IP: Based in London but decent pings.
    - Game UO
    - Game Type: A mix of TDM and HQ but some others will get into the rotation eventually
    - MOD: None at the minute
    - Maps All of the stock maps for the moment
    - My Xfire user name is Jonnybadd so anything you need just gimme a shout

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 938 ✭✭✭logic

    - Ireland (The Gaff Clan Server)
    - COD (v1.1)
    - DM (Sometimes TDM)
    - MOD Excessive & Other customs mods & Plugins
    - Stock Maps with extra map Neinville
    - Website

    CoD2 server coming soon. Will be modded too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Scalper

    - Server IP
    - Teamspeak
    - Game CoD 2
    - Game Type TDM/HQ/DM/CTF
    - MOD Radiers Extreme Mod
    - Website
    - Your Email
    - -=RcK=- clan has been together for the past 2 years and started of as a SOF II clan have had a CODUO server and have recently just added a COD 2 server. We have quite a few Irish members in the clan. So if ur up for a bit of craic then come along for a game and join us on ts for a laugh.:v: :v:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭jonnybadd

    Our UO server is now running AWE for the next week. So if your interested pop on in.

    We also now have a CoD2 server

    Ip is
    Maps: All stock maps
    Gametypes: All Gametypes feature somewhere or another

    We also now have a ventrilo server so if you want to hop on and say hello just PM me and I'll give you the details.

    We also now have a website, the site is under construction but the forums are open

    Hope to see some of you server side.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Sven71


    Basically it runs AWE 2.12, but it has been altered to add tons of fun stuff:

    Ride accelerated Jeeps that got race car skins, chrome wheels and a music tune on radio (Panzerlied for the Axis, Donald Duck receiving a blowjob for the Allies).

    The tanks have been refitted, too. Check out the fun on the shermans and ride em at slightly accelerated speed, too.

    Sniper scopes are full screen. Unlimited sprint speed guarantees action packed game play. Panzerfausts take two instead of one projectile.

    Most of the fun, however, comes with the strongly enhanced spoken quickchat messages and taunts: up to 15 variations per quickchat message, some of them truly funny. Listen to the Tarzan scream when killing an opponent on certain occasions. Much more .....

    We got more servers including German Front Mod and Revolt Mod (modern weapons). Check it out at

    Rhinevalley IP:

    Come and invite your friends, too! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Ghaypoc

    Public CoD2 S&D server - 56 Slots!
    Total War Mod
    Usual maps + custom
    my msn -

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭Snowbie

    New Irish server(NI) Corrado And Crew's Server


    CoD UO
    Base assault
    MODs none atm.
    Rotation of the standard maps excluding Stalemate Kursk.
    Max players 24.

    We are a break away from the 1stad european base assault server as we always get banned from being to drunk and talk alot.

    Its a fun server that we have just started up and are looking for people to come in and join us for a bit of craic and decent gaming,as we all have played COD from the beginning of time and like to bring our own style of gaming as we are all pretty good.(even when drunk)

    We the admins are of Irish Scottish nationality,no TS as yet as you wont understand the scot.

    As we are new we will update to modern weapons and different maps etc but we need ur help.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated here too.

    my xfire is irishsavage

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 [DVDF]Merlin

    [DVDF] Call Of Duty 2: Multi Gametype Server: :28960
    [DVDF] Call Of Duty: UO Multi Gametype Server: :28961
    [DVDF] Call Of Duty 2 Rifles Only :28963

    [DVDF] Public TeamSpeak Channel:

    New maps added regularly. Also running the current AWE mod. All welcome. If you want to play COD in a fair and enjoyable environment there is no better place. A word of caution though we run a ZERO tolerance policy on cheating tking on purpose ETC.The server is also over 18 because we like to swear a lot.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 JimmyT

    Hostname: =JHF= eXtreme+
    IP Address:
    Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

    Player Slots: 24
    Team Name: Just Having Fun!
    Team Website:
    Server Notes: TMD, Punkbuster, Pure. We run the extreme mod (v1.4v9/5/3beta10), with some modifications to it. Tripwiresenabled, arty, napalm etc. Custom taunts with sound! A mix of custom and fresh custom maps. No swearing, server is for respectful players. All playing styles welcome. :)

    Join our forum or our server for more information.

    -- JimmyT (CDN)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,917 ✭✭✭Steffano2002

    Unfortunately, I think ping is going to be a bit of an issue if the server is all the way in Texas...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 43 Joe-Bloggs

    Call of Duty 2 Server

    All game types played with games most nights

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,015 ✭✭✭Ludo

    COD2 server based in UK
    CTF only. Busy in the evenings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 94 ✭✭DigiMarc

    =([ISDP])= I See Dead People Server

    IP: 193.47.83220:28951
    TS: Contact us for TS details
    Location: London
    Game: COD:UO
    Game Types: DM, CTF, CNQ (Coming Soon)
    MOD: AWE 2.12, Modern Weapons

    This is a fun server running mainly DM but there are a few CTF maps too. 2-3 new maps added every week. Anti-camping and anti-spawn killing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 284 ✭✭Puggy

    Hi, new here, but not to COD2. We play using Tactical Realism (TR) rules using WRM (Wolfsbane Realism Mod) and GFM (German Front Mod) when the TR mod is released.

    The mods mean we play a more realistic game, ie no nade spamming at start of round, you must aim down your sights when shooting and no second story jumping. The idea is if you could not do it in real life, then dont do it in the game... TR generally attracts more mature (not necessarily older) more skilled players looking for a better game experience.

    Our web site is and our server details are:

    Game Server:
    Team Speak: password is 1255

    Other TR Clans in UK can be found at

    The home of WRM is at

    Why not give it a try, your more than welcome...

    Puggy (XFire nickname) in game clan name is [12.SS]Coduro

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 cG|crybaby

    - Server IP:
    - Game: COD2
    - Game Type: DM
    - MOD: No Mods
    - Come cook some nades! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,015 ✭✭✭Ludo

    cG|crybaby wrote:
    - Server IP:
    - Game: COD2
    - Game Type: DM
    - MOD: No Mods
    - Come cook some nades! :D

    Cooked nades ROCK!!!

    Annoying as fook when they go off just as you throw them though if you get distracted or something :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 =RGU=Kaiser

    We are starting a new clan, the Rebel Gamerz United. =RGU= clan. We are very new and we are still working on our servers. We have 2 servers right now. An AWE 3.2 server thats used for anything but tactical. We have a lot of newer maps and will change the map/game type upon a majority request. We also have an AWE Tactical/Realism server that we are working the kinks out of as well. Feel free to drop by and post in the forums. Contructive criticizm and commenst are welcome.

    - AWE RNG server -- / Realism Server -
    - Game COD 2
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, ctf)
    - MOd AWE, various sound and weapon mods
    - Maps/Game Multiple game types supported
    - Xfire - kaisersosaie

    Our Team Speak channels are open to the general public. IP to TS

    We are geared towards having fun, being respectful,no cheats of any kind, and showing good sportsmanship. Your skill level is not important.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 284 ✭✭Puggy

    Hi, new here, but not to COD2. We play using Tactical Realism (TR) rules using Extreme+2 mod with some of our own changes and rules.
    The mods mean we play a more realistic game, ie no nade spamming at start of round, you must aim down your sights when shooting and no second story jumping. The idea is if you could not do it in real life, then dont do it in the game... TR generally attracts more mature (not necessarily older) more skilled players looking for a better game experience.

    Our web site is and our server details are:

    Game Server:
    Team Speak:

    Why not give it a try, your more than welcome...

    Puggy (XFire nickname) in game clan name is [12.SS]Coduro

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Neotech

    Hey everyone... Come and visit our Bolt Rifle extreme+ server

    I.P. -
    Port - 28960
    Gametype - DM
    Mods - Extreme+

    Visit our Forums at -

    You will need to register to view all of the boards on the forum

    Thanks for visiting :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,015 ✭✭✭Ludo

    Ludo wrote:
    COD2 server based in UK
    CTF only. Busy in the evenings.

    Any Irish people looking for a COD2 clan, come visit us. We are trying to organise an interclan nations cup and us Irish are short one for our 5 man team.

    Over 16s only please!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,917 ✭✭✭Steffano2002

    Ludo wrote:
    Any Irish people looking for a COD2 clan, come visit us. We are trying to organise an interclan nations cup and us Irish are short one for our 5 man team.

    Over 16s only please!
    Very interested in this although I haven't played a lot of CoD2 in the past few weeks... Will you accept a 50% Irish / 50% French man living in Dublin? Is that Irish enough for your clan?

    When is the Nations Cup starting exactly (I'm on holidays abroad all next week)?

    Edit: Oh... CTF only you say? Never really played CTF... I'm more of an S&D man!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Polar Ice


    Irish E-Sports is proud to finally announce it's new dedicated server located in Dublin.
    This new server provides Irish players with exceptional pings! (as low as 5ms on the TF2 server)

    Irish E-Sports is an Irish Gaming Community/Clan founded in mid 2006 and since then has grown massively. The clan was originally founded around Battlefield 2142, but since then has spread into several different games... With members from Ireland, England and the Netherlands and a few other countries .:iE/ is a diverse group of people playing all sorts of games.

    Anyway onto the good stuff - here's the official list of our new game servers IP and port numbers for the games:

    Game Servers:
    cod4mp.gifCall of Duty 4 - TDM 24 Player

    cod4mp.gifCall of Duty 4 - Other Gametypes 24 Player

    Seeing as this is the Call of Duty forum we're not posting the ips of our other servers here, but you can check out our website for the details to our other gaming servers too -

    We also host a 64 person Teamspeak. You can find more details on our website at

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 dec1269

    Server IP
    - Game (CoD/UO)
    - Game Type TDM
    - Maps/on rotation
    - xfire =S-V=MrsBones
    - website
    We are a sniper clan with many members from all over the world come and join us for a game

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,423 ✭✭✭jonski

    - Server IP (and TS IP/Pass if applicable) and location
    [BTC] Located on our own box in London
    - Game (CoD/UO)
    COD 4
    - Game Type (S&D, TDM, DM, HQ, etc)
    ALL , in rotation
    - MOD (No MOD, PAM, Realism MOD, HOB, etc)
    No Mod
    - Maps/Game Types on rotation (optional)
    ALL in rotation
    - Your MSN (optional but it would be nice if we all had eachothers...)
    Don't really do MSN but we can be contacted on irc #badtaste @quakenet
    - Any other information you deem important

    This is our own clan server hosted by us ( with a lot of help from sponsorship ). Stick it in you favourites and look us up when you are jumping on for a game .

  • Advertisement
  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 azazeal

    UKCS:COD4 - Mega Game Server

    Location: London
    Game: COD:4
    Game Types: We are currently running a bit of everything, soon to be changing to TDM and possible Domination.


    Our servers are not rented, they are owned by the owner of our community and are based in London.

    To go with our many game servers we have; we have just launched a COD4 server to add to the artillery.

    Currently a 50 Man server, we are still in the process of fine tuning the server so comments and suggestions at would be greatly appreciated.

    Come aid our community on our high quality servers!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 CreepingDeath69

    Server: Call Of Duty4
    Players: 32
    Website: ECSGAMING.COM
    Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Game mode: HARDCORE!!!!!!!
    xfire: rrk9005

    Counter Strike Source IP:
    Maps: 50+
    Fast Downloads: ENABLED!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 azazeal

    UKCS:COD4 - Mega Game Server

    Location: London
    Game: COD:4
    Game Types: TDM Hardcore
    Server size: 54 players


    Our servers are not rented, they are owned by the owner of our community and are based in London.

    To go with our many game servers we have; we have just launched a COD4 server to add to the artillery.

    Currently a 54 Man server, we are still in the process of fine tuning the server so comments and suggestions at would be greatly appreciated.

    Come aid our community on our high quality servers!


    PS. Repost due to not being able to edit. Game types have been sorted and are now updated above.
    PSS. Our servers consist of: 3 CSS servers, 2 DOD:s, 1 CS 1.6, 2 TF2, 1 COD4. See our website for details

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 linuxbox

    IP: Chicago
    gametype war map mp_creek
    gametype war map mp_crossfire
    gametype war map mp_crash
    gametype war map mp_pipeline
    gametype war map mp_backlot

    26 man server..looking for admin(s) to run server.
    pm me or better yet email me at coder at


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,778 ✭✭✭Sod'o swords

    COD 2 =
    COD 2 =

    COD 4 =
    COD 4 =

    ARMA =


    Cod2 servers run WRM and cod4 servers run TRL 1.7.5

    Arma, i don't know havn't play that game that much.

  • Advertisement
  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 moulton

    Requited Gaming Public Popular Maps Server

    We have moved to a new server hosting company and since we have a month left on this server we decided to make it public and let people practice on the pam4 mod enjoy.

    Gametype = Search and Destroy
    Game Mod = PAM4
    Game = COD 4
    Server Details =
    Slots = 10
    Map rotation = gametype sd map mp_backlot gametype sd map mp_crash gametype sd map mp_broadcast gametype sd map mp_strike gametype sd map mp_carentan
    Location of server UK
    Hosting =
    Clan website =
    And frag movie =
    Xfire = masaxgpmat1

    It's best to be on the server very early since when it gets towards night there are quite a lot of people who play on PAM servers making our server hard to enter due to the 10 slots.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 QS10

    COD2 + 4 UK servers.

    Game type S&D tactical realism.

    No run and gun (Always use sights when firing)
    No Nade Spam (No random nades over buildings/areas)
    No bunnyhopping

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,778 ✭✭✭Sod'o swords

    COD 2 =
    COD 2 =

    COD 4 =
    COD 4 =

    ARMA =


    Cod2 servers run WRM and cod4 servers run TRL 1.7.5

    Arma, i don't know havn't play that game that much.
    QS10 wrote: »
    COD2 + 4 UK servers.

    Game type S&D tactical realism.

    No run and gun (Always use sights when firing)
    No Nade Spam (No random nades over buildings/areas)
    No bunnyhopping

    omg QS you tart.:D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 jonnye1122

    name: GFAM public server
    game: COD4
    map: all stock maps
    type: stock TDM

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 PassEFist

    35th Clan custom COD2

    - Server IP COD2 custom maps
    - Game Type CTF
    - MOD - Extreme + v2.3
    - Maps - Rotates through lots - many new maps
    - Stats available on website
    - Website
    - Xfire robandjack
    - Ventrilo access available when registering at clan website

    35th Clan COD4

    - Server IP COD4
    - Game Type CTF, HQ
    - MOD - Extreme + v2.3
    - Maps - Rotates through stock maps
    - Website
    - Xfire robandjack
    - Ventrilo access available when registering at clan website

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 pubelicious15

    - Server Name: ***BORN*TO*KILL***
    - Recruiting: We are on this server for now but we will stop in a while as we are upgrading to 1.7 but only 18 years or older or mature 16 and 17 year olds
    - Server IP:
    - TS IP:
    - TS Password: bornBTK187
    - Game: CoD4
    - CoD4 Version: 1.0
    - Game Type: S&D
    - MOD: None
    - Maps rotation: Alphabetical
    - Your MSN:
    - Location: Boston (i know its american bad ping, but you dont i get a good ping)
    - Any other information you deem important: This server is on CoD4 version 1.0 for those who havn't updated to 1.7. We are the best clan on CoD4 version 1.0 we've only ever lost a scrim/clan war to 1 clan that clan was SR*Clan when they were 1.0 (we would kick they're asses now).

    - Server Name: ***BORN*TO*KILL***
    - Recruiting: Yes but only 18 years or older or mature 16 and 17 year olds
    - Server IP:
    - TS IP:
    - TS Password: bornBTK187
    - Game: CoD4
    - CoD4 Version: 1.7
    - Game Type: S&D
    - MOD: None
    - Maps rotation: Alphabetical
    - Your MSN:
    - Location: Boston (i know its american bad ping, but you dont i get a good ping)
    - Any other information you deem important: This is our newer server, we are upgrading to 1.7 at the moment. We are the best clan on CoD4 version 1.0 we've only ever lost a scrim/clan war to 1 clan that clan was SR*Clan when they were 1.0 (we would kick they're asses now).

    By the way my in game name is |B*T*K|Pete! so if you join just tell me u got the server from so i know not to treat you like a yank lol, also we got 3 irish recruits so you will never feel alone lol, they are myself, |B*T*K|*AC*Mikey (The AC means Admin Council) and |B*T*K|Piznam we would love to see more irish guys on our servers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 [OAP]B2point1

    Well Hello.
    I represent a well mocked & disreputable clan of geriatric delinquents/ PC gamers.
    I recently came last in a who's got the largest prostate competition on our forum so I get to troll round the web pimping my little guts out.
    So with that I give you

    The OAP clan

    I thank you & hope that If you don't mind the smell of wee you'll pop in.

    Love B

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 jonnye1122

    jonnye1122 wrote: »
    name: GFAM public server
    game: COD4
    map: all stock maps
    type: stock TDM

    the server has moved to a server with better ping
    the new ip is :

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 MjrW1nt3r5

    - Server IP
    - Game COD 4
    - Game Type Team Deathmatch
    - MOD No Mod
    - Maps All COD4 Maps Available except Shipment
    - Your MSN
    - New 32 man TDM Server Visit The Site at

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 morpheus8888

    hi everyone come and vist our hardcore s &d server


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