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Trip Report: IPT Supersat, Cork.

  • 17-04-2005 4:31pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭

    Friday Night

    Well, I'm just back from a very unlucky weekend in Cork. Friday night was the start of the second supersat on the Irish Poker tour. 40 minute levels starting with 8K in chips. 178 players entered. Top 18 paid but everyone is playing for top 3 which as well as the only decent cash payout offers tickets worth €6750 (I think) to the IPT final, which is a 16 player €100K guranteed event and also acts as a sat for the VC Cup, to be held in London in August. 4th to 11th also recieved addition online credit for VCPoker.

    I didn't like the look of my first table at all. To my left was a finalist at the first satelite in Galway. To my right were 3 tough looking players including an American with possibly the best poker face I've ever seen who check raised me in both the first two hands where I had no choice but to make a bet in position when I had second pair. He could easily have had garbage but it was too early to be getting jiggy.

    The moron fish of the table dumped his entire stack on a stone cold blush with AJ on a flop 554 and walked into someone's Aces. I then got involved in some pots with the player 2 to my right and won all of them and took my stack up to 11K by the second level before another player got busted and our table was broken up. I drew the exact table I did NOT want.

    I got moved to my friend Anthony's table and when I got there I could see he'd already busted it up and was up to around 20K. Thankfully he was across the table and I decided I did not want to get involved in any pots with him. I picked up a nice pot with KT in the blinds and by level 3 I was up to 14K with the average stack still only 9K. At this point Fintan was anouncing some chipcounts. He came over to my table and asked for my count. I knew exactly what was going to happen before he said it. "Nicky 'Big Mouth' O'Donnell" fourteen thousand!". I just laughed my ass off. "THAT'S not my nickname!" I think he must have jinxed me because I never got my stack over 14K again. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)

    I got pocket 9s in the small blind with 5 limpers and saw a cheap flop which came 5-7-K. Everyone checked to the turn which was an 8 and I bet the pot. One caller in the cutoff and I figure he hit the 8. River unfortunately was another 8, and I really should have made a small bet here but decided to go with my initial read and check and he made a decent bet. I took my time and folded. I'm pretty certain he was very strong there and I'd gotten 2 outered. Most people would have called but I'm certain I was right to give up the pot, although I was annoyed at myself for not making a small bet first.

    I then got QQ in the cut off at the 75/150 level and after 2 players limped in I made it 800 to go. They both ****ing called! Jesus these palyers suck. I mean if you're gona come into a pot for that much then ****ing raise morons!. Of course an Ace hit the flop and I'm forced to fold after one of them makes a decent bet.

    Then on level 4 I got moved again and was glad to be out of Anthony's way, but unfortunately I was moved to the worst possible table in the tournament. On my left was a real player from Cork I'd played with at last years Winter festival when he royally kicked every player at the table's ass. Aside from him there were 2 tough players who actually ended up coming 1st and 2nd in the tournament. ALSO there was the bounty player, famous entrepreneur Nick Leeson. He limped in from MP with 95 on one occasion :rolleyes: . The bounty on his head was pretty tasty. Basically you got your buy-in back and also a weekend package in Dublin for another event which was worth quite a lot.

    Just about everything possible went against me at this table. Because Nick was across the table from me, whenever he came into a pot so did everyone else in front of me, which meant I was getting good value to play cards I normally wouldn't from that position and I would either miss flops completely or get blown out of the pots by Joe behind me who was getting the cards to do so. So by the break at the end of level 4 I was back down to 8.5K with the average stack about 10K.

    I dont think I won a single pot for the rest of the tourney. I was forced to play some baby pairs that I was getting good value for but never hit. The fish of the table was raping everyone. He called a big preflop raise from Joe with 67 on the BB and then check raised him on the flop with second pair. Joe unfortuantely gave him too much respect and rather that play back at him just called him down and his pocket Kings were cracked by runner runner gutshots for a straight.

    I came up against the same player in the BB when I had 56 of spades. Flop was 4-6-7 with 2 diamonds giving me second pair and an up and downer. 4 handed I was first to act and bet the pot and the fish called me quickly. The turn was an unfortunate 7 of diamonds giving me the straight but making a possible flush. I had to make a decent bet and he came back over the top of me putting me almost all in. I wanted to get sick! I folded.

    The bounty then left the table and things calmed down a bit but unfortanately I went on awful run of unplayable cards an anted away my chips. I physically wasn't feeling very well either and was still recovering from a virus I picked up during the week. I quite literally was falling asleep at the table. By the 300/600/75 level I had less than 7BBs left. The one thing going for me was I could read the player to my left between me and Joe like a book and always knew when he wanted to play his hand. I picked up some trash hand in the SB and knew the BB didn't like his holding. It was folded around and I moved in. The BB folded and the Joe, UTG called. WHAT? Oh crap! I didn't see him come into the pot. I was so sick. There was no miracle flop for my garbage and I embarrassingly left the tournament about half way through around 86th place. The move on the SB was correct but I just hadn't been paying attention. Whoops! Go back to sleep Nicky! :rolleyes:

    My friend Anthony was chip leader going into the seconnd day with 32 left but was on the wrong end of some unlucky beats when it went down to the last 2 tables. His JJ busted by AT and when he defended his BB with QT the flop came 3 Q T and he pushed, was called by AQ and an A hit the turn. He went out 13th. The best player won the tournament for sure. He made an incredibly brave call when it was down to 5 when his pockets 8s busted 2 players in the same hand. The guy who came second was a total luckbox, who was down to just 13K at 5K/10K/2K and quadrupled up when a teamplay backfired, then his 33 cracked JJ when he rivered a set. There were some incredible bad beats on the final day. Pocket Jacks just never seemed to hold up as a favourite. Every bad beat seeemed to happen on the river, QQ lost to KQ when a K hit the river and Aces were cracked by JQ whent he flop came QQQ. Those of you who think online poker is rigged would do well to see some of the shocking bad beats that happened, so you could see the reality of how frequesntly they can happen. The blind structure basically meant there was very little postflop play and everyone was basically pushing or folding.

    There was also an amazing incident early in the tournament when Quad Kings met Quad 9s, but the pot ended up being split. apparrantly another player at the table said he mucked the K that came up on the turn and somehow the dealer had put it back on the top of the deck. I for one can't believe that teh dealer could have done that but whatever really happened it was one amzing **** up. Not only did the guy with Kings miss out on half a massive pot, but lost out on a free buy in for the best hand on the night which was awarded to Quad Jacks.

    Positives: A lot of very very good players at the event and competition particularly on the final day was fierce. I was really impressed with the winner, and also Lauren Szidak who played an absolutely awesome tournament to come 5th. I was disappointed she did't make final 3 because she really deserved it, and would be a great addition to the IPT final. Fintan and the organisers deserve creadit for the enormous amount of work involved in co-ordinating what was a huge event and I'm looking forward to playing the the last one in Dublin.


    - I know there's nothing pokerevents can do, and they're trying their best to recruit croupiers (I was even asked if I was interested) but some of the dealers are only trainees and are struggling. This was hilighted by "the incident" but once they get more experienced, I'm certain things like that will be forgotten about.
    - I guess it's the nature of low buy-in events but the blind structure unfortunately means that in the mid to later stages there is little or no postflop play and the tournament becomes a game of races and you need to be lucky enough to come out the better of several coinflips and even 40/60 situations. Sean who deservedly eventually won, was at my table early on and shortstacked was all in 3 times before being called after he pushed UTG with A8 and I think he cracked Tens. His AT beat Jacks when he was either all in or almost at the last 2 tables and he and every other player that made the final table had to be lucky enough to survive several situations in which they had no choice but commit all of their chips. With 8 left I don't think was anyone with more than 8 BBs. The player who came second was particularly lucky to be there and he didn't even know he was playing for a ticket, and seemed completely clueless when a deal was struck for the remainining cash when it was down to 3.
    - The backs of some cards were speckled more than others and could be identified. That happened at 2 different tables and had to be changed.
    -The drinks in the conference room cost more than the drinks in the main hotel bar.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    Saturday Night
    A €100+10 plus 1 rebuy event was organised for IPT players at the Macau Casino and I'd budgeted to play in both events. I was feeling much better on the night and again got off to a solid start. I didn't see a flop for the first 2 orbits and when a couple of player left the table we were 8 handed when I decided to limp in UTG with A8 suited. Not a play I'd normally make but I figured the no would want to raise without a big hand with me in the pot. Flop came 883 and I checked. MP player made a decent bet and a solid female player on the button moved all in and I naturally stuck in all my chips. She had 8T and I hit my Ace for a boat on the turn to almost double up. A couple of hands later I rivered a straight with QT to take down a decent multiway pot and was second in chips at the table defore getting moved.

    About an hour in I took down a couple of pots preflop getting no action with Aces or Jacks. and then start blinding off a little before the add-on period but was still up a bit from starting chips before adding on. I was probably about average in chips by the break.

    After the break a I saw nothing playable for a while before defending my blind with A9. Flop came x-T-A and I bet the pot and he reraised all in. I folded certain I was outckicked, and he showed me AT. Bad move by him.

    Not long later I'm pretty short and get reraised all in holding AQ. I called and was delighted to see AJ. Flop came xKQ. Turn was a blank and naturally the river was a 10 giving him the nut straight and I'm out. Oh, well!

    All in all a really awful weekend for me, in which to be honest I didn't do a whole lot wrong, but it was still nice to meet some very nice people. The Friday experience I'm writing off as a lesson to be learned for the future. "PAY ATTENTION!" lol.

    I guess it's back to kicking ass on Pokerstars.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,679 ✭✭✭Daithio

    Any idea of the names of the top 3 nicki? Joe O'Neil, Christy Smith or Ken (surname begins with P) amongst them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    Sean Minton (probably spelt wrong) was a deserved winner, who is a regular in the Macau. Sean Spillane I think was the name of the guy in 2nd. I think someone said he's from Killarney but I'm not sure. 3rd was I think Paul Corrigan also from Cork but I could be worng.

    Main players on the final day also were Paul Lennock (I've no idea how to spell his surname) and "Big Al" Kelleher (winner of WSOP sat at the Merrion last year) and I'm pretty sure I saw Mick McCloskey about on the Saturday. I don't think Joe O'Neill made the final day. There were most likely some other familiar names from but I wouldn't know their faces.

  • Registered Users Posts: 442 ✭✭Lplate

    1st was a guy called Sean from Cork, 2nd was a guy called what am I doing here form Cork and 3rd was Dave from Killarney. Nicky got it more or less correct. The best 3 players at the final table were 1st, 3rd and Lauren. One hand that Nicky didn't mention that's worthy of note. The hand following the great call by Sean with 88, 4th place is all in for his last 6k. Bearing in mind that top 3 was where you wanna be the other 3 all called. Flop comes 542 all hearts. Check, check to Mr what am i doing here - ALL IN!!!!! Other 2 look at each other in bewilderment, Sean comments that I hope you're not bluffing, fold, fold - he goes to muck and take the pot!!!!!!!!!! Dealer says on their backs and he says "what?" Then turns over K2 - no hearts. All in has Jh but the 2 holds up.
    I agree that it was a very well organised tournament and I met a lot of fiendly people and generally enjoyed it a lot. I went out in 28th with a stupid call to a reraise all in after I had raised 3xBB UTG with JJ and found AA. Up to that I hadn't made any real mistakes but it only takes 1. It was my second live multi so overall I'm happy enough that i didn't disgrace myself and am definitely going to Dublin for the next one. Ourr regular Killarney table brought 6 to Cork and 3 made the 2nd day, including Dave who finished 3rd, so we acqiutted ourselves well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭kpnuts

    Daithio wrote:
    Any idea of the names of the top 3 nicki? Joe O'Neil, Christy Smith or Ken (surname begins with P) amongst them?
    Hi Daithi, it's Ken POWELL :D
    No, alas, no Dubs at final table ... housemates Joe O'N and Owen Mullen were sat beside each other from redraw on saturday morning and immediately clashed all-in in the blinds ... both were gone shortly after... I limped along to finish 14th for 350 euro (so I actually made more out of my 20-euro last-longes bet with the Boylesports Brigade than I did from the tourney!) ... I gave up my chance to win the tourney when I passed JJ on the bubble... i had only 48k so was table short stack, blinds something like 3k-6k and a 20k raise in to me, so I folded the JJ on the button ... after bubbling in Fitz on Monday and Merrion on Tuesday, I couldn't face the possibility of doing the hat-trick, but I kinda wish I had now. Anyway, I won the tourney in the Macau last nite (actually, I split it with another bloke), so I got 2,600 euro for that, which was a nice way to round off a superbly enjoyable weekend. Next stop Belfast, I reckon :D
    See you during the week, no doubt, and well done on the 2nd O'Callaghan Brothers 1-2 of the week in the presidential suite of the Rochestown Hotel!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    Lplate wrote:
    1st was a guy called Sean from Cork, 2nd was a guy called what am I doing here form Cork and 3rd was Dave from Killarney. Nicky got it more or less correct. The best 3 players at the final table were 1st, 3rd and Lauren. One hand that Nicky didn't mention that's worthy of note. The hand following the great call by Sean with 88, 4th place is all in for his last 6k. Bearing in mind that top 3 was where you wanna be the other 3 all called. Flop comes 542 all hearts. Check, check to Mr what am i doing here - ALL IN!!!!! Other 2 look at each other in bewilderment, Sean comments that I hope you're not bluffing, fold, fold - he goes to muck and take the pot!!!!!!!!!! Dealer says on their backs and he says "what?" Then turns over K2 - no hearts. All in has Jh but the 2 holds up.
    I agree that it was a very well organised tournament and I met a lot of fiendly people and generally enjoyed it a lot. I went out in 28th with a stupid call to a reraise all in after I had raised 3xBB UTG with JJ and found AA. Up to that I hadn't made any real mistakes but it only takes 1. It was my second live multi so overall I'm happy enough that i didn't disgrace myself and am definitely going to Dublin for the next one. Ourr regular Killarney table brought 6 to Cork and 3 made the 2nd day, including Dave who finished 3rd, so we acqiutted ourselves well.

    Yeah, I knew I wasn't gona get the names completely right. I remember that hand when it was 4 handed. I couldn't believe it. I'm pretty sure I could be heard going "What the ****?" The fool bet into an almost dry sidepot with botton pair. Considering he himself somehow managed to comeback with barely more than 1BB yes, "I don't know where I am" is a pretty apt nickname. It's pretty annoying that a muppet like him is going to be in the IPT final. Nice job on getting to the second day. 28th was where I went out in Galway but was the final day bubble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭kpnuts

    Seamus Spillane is that clown's name. He was utterly clueless, he was moved to my table in the early stages, came in on the big blind, and promptly mucked his hand pre-flop even though there was no raise in to him :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    kpnuts wrote:
    Hi Daithi, it's Ken POWELL :D
    No, alas, no Dubs at final table ... housemates Joe O'N and Owen Mullen were sat beside each other from redraw on saturday morning and immediately clashed all-in in the blinds ... both were gone shortly after... I limped along to finish 14th for 350 euro (so I actually made more out of my 20-euro last-longes bet with the Boylesports Brigade than I did from the tourney!) ... I gave up my chance to win the tourney when I passed JJ on the bubble... i had only 48k so was table short stack, blinds something like 3k-6k and a 20k raise in to me, so I folded the JJ on the button ... after bubbling in Fitz on Monday and Merrion on Tuesday, I couldn't face the possibility of doing the hat-trick, but I kinda wish I had now. Anyway, I won the tourney in the Macau last nite (actually, I split it with another bloke), so I got 2,600 euro for that, which was a nice way to round off a superbly enjoyable weekend. Next stop Belfast, I reckon :D
    See you during the week, no doubt, and well done on the 2nd O'Callaghan Brothers 1-2 of the week in the presidential suite of the Rochestown Hotel!

    Nice job last night KP. Have you any idea how Anthony Keane did? He was chap who wne out 13th in the IPT and the guy who raised when you folded your Jacks. That was me you were chatting to by the kitchen in the Macau last night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭kpnuts

    Cheers, Nicky. Anthony was busted out in 9th/10th ... 2 players KOed at same time so they both got 100 euro

  • Registered Users Posts: 636 ✭✭✭Pokerevents

    Irish Poker Tour - Cork Super Satellite 250 Euro Freezeout

    They travelled from far and wide to test their luck, skill and endurance in the battle for a cut of the 45,000 euro prize fund and a ticket to the 16 player, qualifiers-only final of the VC Poker Irish Poker Tour. The two day Cork Super Satellite was a showcase of quality poker and proved once again the popularity of chips in Ireland.

    Held at the Rochestown Park Hotel, the shuffling began at 7pm with 181 players seated. Starting with 8,000 in chips and blinds at 25 and 50 to be upped every 40 minutes. Antes to be introduced at stage six. Play was to stop at 18 players remaining or 3.30am, whichever came first. The tight play made it clear that time was going to be the only reason anyone got any sleep.

    Thirty three players survived to day two, including some players so highly seasoned they’re practically marinated. Alan “Big Al” Kelleher came 4th in the 2004 WSOP $3,000 No Limit Hold ‘Em event. Lauren Szidak and Paul Bracken, the human equivalent of a suited pair, play semi-professionally at The Vic in London. David O’Mahony won a supporting event at this year’s Irish Open. Sean Mintern plays professionally in England.

    Nine players made up the final table. Roger Harmon had chip lead with 303,400, Paul Corrigan was on short stack with 49,200. Seamus Spillane kept his seat despite this being his first tournament. Play was tight but the quality of this final table kept the railbirds engrossed. It took 7 hours to produce a winner with short stacks going to chip lead, monster pots and all-in action bringing howls of triumph.

    The Cork Super Satellite of the VC Irish Poker Tour was a huge success with those ousted early able to cover their losses on 100 euro sidetables. Aside from the 45,000 euro prize pool there was also a 250 euro prize for high hand, celebrity knockout and last woman seated. VC Poker also threw in online tickets worth 250 each for 4th to 10th place. If you’d like more details about the Poker Events Irish Poker Tour, which is still running in Dublin, or other Poker Events tournaments in Galway or Cork you can log on to, e-mail us at or call 091-799990. We look forward to seeing you.

    Place Player Prize Package
    1st Sean Mintern (UK) 13,000
    2nd Seamus Spillane (Cork) 10,250
    3rd David O’Mahony (Killarney) 8,250
    4th Noel Magnier (Cork) 4,500
    5th Lauren Szidak (US) 2,500
    6th Paul Corrigan (Galway) 1,250
    7th Roger Harmon (Cork) 1,000
    8th Mick O’Brien (Cork) 750
    9th Fergal Finn (Cork) 500

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  • Registered Users Posts: 442 ✭✭Lplate

    NickyOD wrote:
    It's pretty annoying that a muppet like him is going to be in the IPT final. Nice job on getting to the second day. 28th was where I went out in Galway but was the final day bubble.

    Thanx. I know I learned a lot. Having played as well as I could have with the cards I was dealt on Friday it was a bit disappointing to make that stupid call to go out. It was a classic case of calling the player not the cards - I could put that guy on anything from mid-pair to Ax as he was seemingly intent on getting a stack. He went out shortly afterwards.
    I doubt that Seamus Spillane will be at IPT table - almost certain to sell his ticket I think.
    I played a stt after and your mate Anthony was in it. Funny hand (not for him) from that. He raised in MP after all folded to him, about 3 or 4 xBB, maniac in SB goes all in, Anthony looks at him and I'm sure got a good read and said "I'll gamble", calls and turns over (I think) K5s. Maniac flips over 85o and flops 88, then rivers a 5 for good measure. I managed to chop that with Big Als lady so covered my 275 entry to round off a great couple of days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    Lplate wrote:
    I played a stt after and your mate Anthony was in it. Funny hand (not for him) from that. He raised in MP after all folded to him, about 3 or 4 xBB, maniac in SB goes all in, Anthony looks at him and I'm sure got a good read and said "I'll gamble", calls and turns over (I think) K5s. Maniac flips over 85o and flops 88, then rivers a 5 for good measure.

    Ouch. I don't know any player that can smell out BS better than Anthony.

  • Registered Users Posts: 991 ✭✭✭ZZR1100

    blinds were crazy on the final. chip leader had something like 8 rounds of the table. no post flop play.all in pre flop was the only bet.well run.spectators shouldn't be allowed to bend down to see your hole cards though or am i being picky :).commentary is fun but (fintan ) you shouldn't say player xxxx is thinking of calling , hasn't played many hands today (tight ).As it happend it helped me alot :)
    cu in may
