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What's the dumbest thing you've done while drunk?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 118 ✭✭Rubens

    Pretended to be a "secret" plain clothes guard or something on the Nitelink by pretending to talk into a "secret" microphone/walkie-talkie in my sleeve. Was decribing the people around me to the imaginary listener on the other end. Was convinced in my beer-soaked mind that I was very convincing !!

    Rock and fecking Roll

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,035 ✭✭✭Megatron

    standing in peoples gardens throwing stones at the windows til they woke up to see naked people in their garden, dicks being put through letterboxes.

    that acutally made me laugh , mind you , i just spewed a load of coke all over my monitor .. but it was worth it ..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 stnuc uoy kcuf


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭weemcd

    smashed my glass in my favourite pub last week and got kicked out. Hope im not barred :\

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭toiletduck

    drove, tbh

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Gijoe

    Tried to buy a kid off her mother in Crete

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭Femelade

    Gijoe wrote:
    Tried to buy a kid off her mother in Crete

    did she sell?

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭liamk

    almost severed my own hand by bringin a bread knife down on it at high velocity
    have perminantly damaged tendon as a battle scar tho...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,799 ✭✭✭Tha Gopher

    Gettin out of the taxi a few months back utterly flutered at 4am, putting my key in the door, assuming when it wouldnt open Id got the wrong key, ringing the doorbell twice, looking at the number on the door and suddenly realising I live next door

    Legged it round the corner in case anyone came out

    Other instances
    Getting extremely rowdy when I wasnt allowed into a college social in a certain club in town by the bouncers. Id started drinking at 7pm, and by the time Id arrived at the doors at 11 or 12 I drank a flagon and a half of cider, 2 cans of Bavaria, 2 pints of bud and a naggin of vodka

    I intended to only drink the cans and flagon pre club, but I ran into some mates on the way, ended up going to the pub first wherein i drank the 2 pints and for some mad reason decided to lump the naggin into me

    Anyway, once kicked out i somehow got into some very posh joint on the quays (think it was Fitzsimons. Marble floor lounge, leather couches, full of rich types)
    Was there a good while talking ****e before someone realised I was a drunken commoner and ****ed me out

    Calling people when drunk is also a bad thing

    Fell headfirst off a bus when i was 15 after a rake of vodka. I was so locked i didnt give a sh1te

    Donated a euro to tsunami collectors last christmas........

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,231 ✭✭✭✭Sparky

    A few weekends back, when i was pissed, i started getting up on the table with a load of girls while wearing ones throwover thing and started dancing, woke up next morning and said to myself what a prat i must of looked like.

    Drunkiness brings out the party Sparky_s TBH :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32 el lupo

    I went to a wedding reception in a hotel in Galway (didnt even know the people) with some of my friends. Turned out one of my mates worked in the bar so ended up getting completely hammered for free. Eventually left the place at some god awful hour in the morning and started walking back towards the city with one of my friends.

    Along the way we managed to:
    -fall as leep in the middle of the road
    -Knock over a big feicin brick wall in front of someones garden and then use one of the concrete slabs from the top to cut down a tree (well, beat it down really)
    -Chase some random guy going to work early with said tree
    -Pick up a really big bit of black pipe to carry home
    -Knock over at least 100meters of fencing that was closing off some road works. Finished knocking over the last bit just as a garda car came around the corner. two guards jumped out and proceeded to question us over the fencing and why I was carrying a big bit of pipe (told them I was bringing it home to make goal posts in my front garden)
    -After being searched, continued on the last leg of our trip where I found a dead cat and stuffed it into the letterbox of an insurance company
    -Finally got a cab home, got out and realised I had a big cut on my hand and had bled all over the back seat.

    Ahh, great nights

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭weemcd

    Decided to climb the roof of a local business after a session with a mate, we had been breaking things and climbing signs etc as well.

    Only for the police to drive past with my mate on the roof and me hanging from off it.

    Needless to say we jumped down and legged it to the filling station down the road, hopped their fence and hit behind the bins they had at the back. Absolutely sh!tting ourselves, laughing our balls off. After about 5 minutes we relaxed and rofled for a good 2/3 minutes realising this is the best fun we've had post-pub ever.

    Realising that our sneaking is on solid snake levels of skill, we decide to re-enact Metal Gear Solid, by crouching to check if the coast was clear, climbing walls, hopping fences etc. The streetlights bathed us in pale orange and blue lights, the whole thing gave it a glow and the feeling light was your enemy, to survive we would need to stay in the dark. We even went prone for a while, and crawled past some cars to avoid detection from the spetsnaz unit (the enemy in mgs3 for anyone who didn’t know.)

    The absolute coolest bit however was when we were approaching a small group of houses; we are almost there when a red l.e.d light comes on.

    We freeze.

    Suddenly we are blinded by a floodlight that is attached to a house and a small alarm.

    We fúcking leg it, again laughing as hard as we could shouting "cornel, come in!!"

    Then "SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKE" (as this is what would happen in the game if you were killed)

    After that we made it back to the road and walked about, tried to get back into the pub only to find the back gate was locked and everyone had fúcked off home. Realising we were naked (not literally of course, naked as in no weapons or stealth equipment) we sought to find suitable sticks to defend ourselves from the deadly spetsnaz units, and boss threats such as ocelot.

    Feeling secure with our new found protection we explored further our urban jungle, we had stumbled into a car park at the back of some flats, soon we realised we were surrounded by old mercs and bmw's. Left hand drive mercs and bmw's. Mercs and bmw's owned by immigrant workers, the local guys have a habit of getting into bother and they are all tight fúckers. And we were noisy as fúck. While running from the police and getting away with it, then not stopping our escapade was stupid. This was outright dangerous.

    At that point we decided it was best to climb over the small shed roofs, jump down, head back to the filling station, get a taxi.

    Get out alive.

    Without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever done ever never mind while drunk, incredibly dangerous, one that could probably have got us arrested, we could have fúcked our sh!t up climbing walls while drunk in the dark. The hair on my neck is standing on end as I type this.

    But fúck it was fun, I will never forget it. Me and my friend bonded that night, and fúck knows, we may even get pissed and do it again some night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭boidey

    when they were much younger some friends went joyriding in a big feckoff caterpillar. I'm glad I wasn't there.

    Whilst on the lash in sheffield, I decided to visit my friends in donegal. If I sink this pint I can just about make the flight from manchester to derry i thought . travel agent- train- plane- taxi.....................When on the lash don't take your plastic with you.

    Walkin home drunk. Decided I would call in to my mates, No reply @ 4:00am so out with penknife removed pane of glass which had been replaced the day b4. Fell asleep, I woke everybody up while I throwing up everywhere round his house. His folks were not impressed with me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,433 ✭✭✭kittenkiller

    I hope this thread'll have some new additions in the morning!
    C'mon you leaving cret crowd, go out & make us all proud!!!!
    Or at least make us cringe for you! :p
