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Fitz Friday 50 Game

  • 18-04-2005 11:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭

    Played the 50 game last Fri night in the Fitz. Although I haven't cashed in this tournie in ages, its still one of my favourite ones. Always has a good crowd and the one rebuy/topup gives you some outs. The scalp option is also good.

    First couple of rounds I got absolute crap cards but just kept mucking them and stayed patient. I then got A9 and flat called. Miracle flop 9AA and I slowplayed them and got a few chips off Shortstack (nice to finally meet Mike after reading his blog for so long). After that I just seemed to get great cards and hit nice flops. At the break I had about 8/9 K and still topped up as I knew the extra chips would come in handy later on. I went card shy then for about 2 hours. Its really annoying when this happens and you see everyone else building monster stacks and all you can do is muck or try to steal.

    The only other hand of note that I played was against Vincenzo. I had A4d suited and decided to try and steal the blinds. I raised 4xbb and was called in three places :mad: Flop comes A106 with the A10 of spades. I put in a large bet (think it was 2k, blinds only 100/200). Vincenzo calls straight away. Trouble here. Turn Q spades. Now I only have about 3k left and I need some chips, so I think if Vincenzo doesn't have the spades he might give me some respect and fold to an all in. So I get my chips in and Vincenzo thinks for ages and calls. I reckon I'm out kickered. He turns over 10h5s. For almost half his chips. WTF ? River no help to him and I double up.

    I go card shy again for the next hour and a half and finally get all my chips in with A4 again. Called by QJs, who flops a straight. I did have some outs to my flush but no help and I'm out around 14th or 15th.

    I don't think I did much wrong over the entire night but I have to say I was amazed at some of the calls by so called 'good regulars'. Originally when I sat down I thought it would be tough, but if you only got some cards you could have done some real damage. I was shocked to say the least. Maybe that is the way forward. Gamble in every tournament you play and you're bound to win one of them :confused:

    Davey Devil was still going well when I left but there was a long way to go. Any know who won ?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,362 ✭✭✭Hitman Actual

    Pat the Bookie (dont know his surname) won this, afaik. He had a huge stack, wouldn't do a deal, and proceeded to bully the table to victory. The only other person I know about was Chris Green, who came in fifth. The other story of the final table was a young newbie who had over 200K in chips at the final table (the highest I've ever heard of for the Friday game), who crashed out in six with some terrible calls. A definate case of bad play earning the chips and bad play p***ing them away!

    I went out early enough, but playing the game at all was my biggest mistake because I was wrecked from the free-roll the night before. And I agree that the play at the Friday game is occasionally crazy.

    One hand in particular is still annoying me: blinds at 50/100, I have TT UTG and raise 400 (leaving me with 1200). I get called by Pat Vickers (occasionally sane maniac), Jason (English maniac), and Vincenzo (certifiable maniac). Flop comes Jxx, but I push anyway 'cos I have another buy-in if someone has a Jack, plus I still have a couple of outs. Get called again by all three maniacs. At showdown, Pat shows KJ, Jason also shows KJ, and Vincenzo shows.... yeah, bloody KJ! Maybe it's just me, but I've never known KJ to be a hand that likes calling raises. And for all three to call with the same hand and then hit the flop... WTF! smile.gif

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,664 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hyzepher

    That newbie guy was also playing the Saturday HE/Omaha game. He again got to the final table with a monster stack. He was going on about his early crash at the friday game and guess what it happened again - although he got 3rd this time, i think. He had a huge stack - about 2/3 times what everyone else had. But some of his play was terrible - cant understand how he got the stack in the first place. At the final table I was avioding major confrontations but he was calling everything. He even called a huge raise by the 2nd chip leader and by the turn they were all-in against each other. he manages to hit runner-runner and amass an even bigger stack.

    With the popularity of poker I am witnessing a much lower stardard of play at the higher buy-ins. Even last Monday's game left me wondering how these guys can make the decisions they do. I was out after 10mins of that tournie after a terrible call.

    I was in the BB with 64os - no raise - flop comes down J64 rainbow. I check, villian bets 400 (blinds 25/50). I reraise 1500 - he thinks for a while and reraises me 3000 - I reraise again all-in and he calls. He has J8. Runner, Runner Q and I'm out.

    I will leave you to draw your own conclusions and to imagine the words I was muttering to myself as I walked downstairs - luckily my early exit helped in a small way to amass €900 in the cash game


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭dropsy

    I was at the 2nd last table Friday night with that newbie - he knocked Vivien out by calling Viv's all in reraise on a Jh turn with 2nd pair. As soon as he called (makine about an 80K pot) everyone at the table reckoned he must have had at least two pair so when Viv turned over JQd for top pair even he was cursing. Newbie turns over K6 for a pair of sixes and proceeds to river a king. Davey D was at the table too......newbie doubled up again a few hands later by calling an all in pf reraise with AJo.......hits his ace to beat pocket ladies.....unbelievable.

    I went out on the bubble when Vincenzo's 9td beat my aqo. How'd you get on in the end Davey?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    dropsy wrote:
    I was at the 2nd last table Friday night with that newbie - he knocked Vivien out by calling Viv's all in reraise on a Jh turn with 2nd pair. As soon as he called (makine about an 80K pot) everyone at the table reckoned he must have had at least two pair so when Viv turned over JQd for top pair even he was cursing. Newbie turns over K6 for a pair of sixes and proceeds to river a king. Davey D was at the table too......newbie doubled up again a few hands later by calling an all in pf reraise with AJo.......hits his ace to beat pocket ladies.....unbelievable.

    I went out on the bubble when Vincenzo's 9td beat my aqo. How'd you get on in the end Davey?

    which guy was he dropsy and for that matter, which guy were you ? were you two to Vivians right ?

    I was sitting to the right of Davey Devil at that table.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭dropsy

    Hi Careca,

    Yep, I was two to Viv's right and newbie sat between me and Viv when the 3rd last table broke.

    Between the newbie and Vincenzo there was plenty of opportunity to get chips into the middle at out table but both of them just kept hitting cards.....hard to beat loose players who keep hitting :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    Good to put a face to the name. you played very well dropsy, getting your chips in when it mattered. unlucky to bubble.

    I only saw one hand with that newbie. Flop comes 456 , no flush draw. Vivian goes all in, called by other player and newbie folds 23. Unreal. Now as it turned out vivian had a 3 and rivered a 7 but how he didn't put his chips in is beyond me. Other guy had AA.

    I'm only sorry now I didn't call his reraise when I tried to steal with A5 suited and he came back over the top. God knows what he had :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭Davey Devil

    Had a great night but not a great result. I was talking so much to Careca, I even mucked my BB by mistake. I really have to start concentrating more.

    That newbie really shocked the hell out of me, as did one or two other players. I can't understand how players of such poor standard are in what is for most a €110 tourney. Too much money in this country these days. Another one to suffer was Mike when some dumbass decides to call his decent raise with A3 only to flop a flush. Poor Mike couldn't get away from his overpair QQ's and flush draw. Unlucky there too Dropsey thought you played well and deserved a seat at the final table.

    Apart from all the chatting thought I played a soild game, played a nice hand with pocket 5's, raising preflop, on the flop and turn with them. I even threw it over after I forced a fold. I rarely show my cards when I don't have too but it was one of those hands that was so much fun to play I had to show.

    Made the final table with about *12 BB. Two rounds past before I saw a decent hand. I
    was in the cut-off with A9 and no action before me. Raised to *3 BB. Both BB's called which had me worried. Flop comes 6 high, and it's check, checked to me. I figure they both have over cards and can't possible call a raise so I move all-in with my last 14,000. SB folds and BB who happens to be newbie nutcase calls with 6,2. Still have outs but a 6 on the turn ends the tourney with an ok'ish profit of €70. Looking back on the hand I should have raised more preflop because the BB newbie had so many chips he was likely to call my raise with any hand. Another lesson learned.

    Thank god for drunken cash gamers to cheer me up, left with a good profit on the night. Most notable hand was in Hold'em with Pocket Aces vs some very drunk youngster. I made it 10 to go, he made it 30, I put in a pot bet and he calls. Flop comes J high, he goes all-in I call. Heart on the river made me jumpy but he mucked his hand when he saw my Aces. One of the other players, Mick I think said he saw the young lad's hand. K2 off.
