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Honour system (pvp) opinions

  • 20-04-2005 10:49am
    Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭

    Starting a new topic to filter out the pve concerns (faction leaders etc)

    What do people (especially US players) think of the honour system?

    From what i can see its a nightmare. 3 and 4 raid groups camping towns, aoe spam just to get a little honour.

    The days of the /wave look like their almost over.

    Personally, id like to see honour only gained in certain areas such as BG's, the Arena and other designated 'honour' areas. PVP would still be allowed and encouraged everywhere, but actual honour spam would be moved to areas where people could gather to look for it.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    I think what its going for is to encourage honourable pks, but without a negative, people wont care, just gank away and if its honourable... well bonus!

    The gear is just crazy good so not onlyl should you expect the end of /wave but expect to be pk'ing from day one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭joe.

    I think that's the way it will work on pve servers and possibly the rp ones. I can't wait. No real reward for attacking other faction. Perfect timing too as i hit 59 yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    so the system will encourage PvP on the shock horror PVP servers... oh noes :P

    i think it's great, look forward to it a lot.
    gank or be ganked is always the way a war based mmorpg should be imo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Definately no more waving at the enemy heh. Places like Scarlet Monastry will be rather busy :P The US got an extra day subscription due to problems with it on the first day. Hopefully it'll go ok in Europe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭Fenster

    I play on Arthas, its a US PvP server.

    Its turned the entire Eastern Kingdoms and parts of Kalimdor (Theramore, Gadget and Sunrock off the top of my head) into warzones.

    Starting in Southshore, I spent about an hour doing the ol' back and forth with Tarren Mill. Moving to Chillwind to resupply, I got caught up in a Horde raid on the camp. At that point, I had to head over to Kalimdor. Theramore was under attack, with Horde raiding from the sea. We repulsed them easily, but they kept returning.

    Flying to Gadget, it was firmly in the hands on the Alliance. Any Horde who popped up died nearly instantly. Reaching Un'Goro, I dropped a few greenie Hordes and then helped push a raid party from Marshal's and the caves behind, where they had dug in.

    Hearthing and hitting Stranglethorn to help guild defend Nesingwary's and a few other levelling spots. BB was quiet, weirdly. Only a few people of each side there and neither was in the form to attack.

    Heading out, I ganked a Rogue and Warlock who were healing up in the tunnel and a Hunter at the graveyard. The rest of the zone...was nasty. There was intense back and forth at the arena, but as the game was a slideshow in there, my guild left it be. Nesingwary's was a slaughterhouse, you couldn't see the ground for the skeletons. If anyone here was part of a raid on the Hopeslayer, way back when in AC1, you wouldn't be far off.

    It was non-stop at Nesingwary's until the Horde finally regrouped at Grom'Gol, ahead of hitting the arena. At that point, I got seperated from my party and got zerged by a second Horde raid group.

    The lag is insane and people under 60 are pretty much screwed over, especially with the arena chest in STV, but its PvP like I've rarely seen before in games.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,048 ✭✭✭BKtje

    i can only imagine what its like.
    Im actualy glad my guild rolled on a pve server now (even tho i complained loudly). Gives us a chance to quest as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    fenster- that sounds like insane fun! looking forward to it :)

    let the carebears have their lame PvE. I want WAR

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,718 ✭✭✭Matt Simis

    Memnoch wrote:
    fenster- that sounds like insane fun! looking forward to it :)

    let the carebears have their lame PvE. I want WAR

    May I suggest Battlefield to you sir? :rolleyes:

    I like PvP, but I like questing and the uneasy interfaction-cooperation. Before the "honour" patch, I could have my cake and eat it..

    Yesterday an Alliance rogue (of all classes) and 2 of us Horde partnered up in the Ape caves in UnGoro. We were there for XP, fighting each other would be pointless, but working together without being able to communicate was fun. I really feel sorry that so many peoples first impression of WoW (lvl20 and below) will be non-stop ganking and universal KOS. It will take them an age to get to 60.

    The "bring it on" attitude is fine for those at 60ish already (im at 54 btw), but this could very well ruin things for everyone else. I may dedicate some of my time providing anti-alliance cover to lower lvl guildies so at least they have a fighting chance.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,967 ✭✭✭adnans

    I can't really get what Blizzard was thinking when they brought this patch in especially with the servers in this state as they are. And nobody can say that Bladefist is running fine. The 386 pc its based on will most likely keel over and die if things like Fenster described happen on it. I'm going to finish my STV quests today and wont return until I ding 60.

    -adnans aka Dudevon Duderson

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭Fenster

    That's why I said sub-60 players are screwed. They can't go anywhere without getting attack. I expect it'll die down, aye, but its still going to be rough.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,576 ✭✭✭Kairo

    Stranglethorn will be hellish, with that new gurubashi arena event. I also plan on getting my quest log for there emptied out.

    After that, im just gonna be leveling 10 different alts to 20 in good 'ol uncontested territory..and thats only if the servers don't die from lag. ;D

    You can feel the anticpation already..just running around bladefist..we had some awful trouble getting into Scarlet Monastery yesterday, the first few runs were a breeze tho.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I have a terrible feeling this is going to cause the game to suck, at least for a while. Thank god for Instances as thats all I do now with my guild. I emptied my STV quest log and filled up on SM, Zul, Uld and other instance quests. I dont mind the wars but it was bad enough in STV on Spinebreaker recently, its going to be slaughter now...


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Memnoch wrote:
    let the carebears have their lame PvE. I want WAR

    wow, theres me thinking that only us players could be this immature.

    The way the game in the US after this patch is PURELY PvP. You could take away all the quests, mobs, features and leave only PC's and PC Skills and noone would notice. 3 and 4 raid groups outisde every town AoE spamming for cp's, roving gank squads hitting _anything_ that moves, grey or not with impunity.

    Thats not what i signed up for. What i like about wow is the fact that i can lvl up my character and do quests within a pvp ruleset. What I dont like about the patch is that it turns the game into first and foremost a PK game. 5 corpse runs and 4 minute waits to res to kill a single mob is not a lot of fun.

    Memnoch, you didnt lvl to 60 because of the thrilling pvp action. You like everyone else playing this game, whether rp, pvp or pve, spent the time because they enjoyed the WoW world and became engaged with it. This patch threatens that engagement on all ruleset servers. Sure, things might calm down in a couple of weeks but why should everyone under lvl 60 have to pay the price of blizz not having the foresight delay this system untill the release of battlegrounds.

    Edit: The immaturity I meant is use of the word Carebear which ranks above 'nub' in terms of "Words most likely to be used by a 12 year old" :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,103 ✭✭✭CodeMonkey

    Dustaz wrote:
    Memnoch, you didnt lvl to 60 because of the thrilling pvp action. You like everyone else playing this game, whether rp, pvp or pve, spent the time because they enjoyed the WoW world and became engaged with it.
    You obviously haven't seen his other posts. He's a mage and likes to go into newbie zones and spam AOE kill groups of questing people cause it's fun :eek: This is what Memnoch and a lot of people on pvp servers want. I am actually thinking of playing on a PVE server as I don't want the pvp action to be the main focus of the game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    CodeMonkey wrote:
    You obviously haven't seen his other posts. He's a mage and likes to go into newbie zones and spam AOE kill groups of questing people cause it's fun :eek: This is what Memnoch and a lot of people on pvp servers want. I am actually thinking of playing on a PVE server as I don't want the pvp action to be the main focus of the game.
    I do, just not until I'm 50+ and defintely not with gank squads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,387 ✭✭✭Cina

    Looks crap, to be fair, and don't even get me started on battlegrounds. It feels so rushed and unorganised, which is a shame cause it's such a well made game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,256 ✭✭✭c0rk3r

    Aye you'd want to Ding lvl 60 within the next couple of hours or else your pretty screwed.Even getting to instances is going to be a pain in the arse eg, SM

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    Ah, mounts should make things reasonable, for 40+. But 20-40's will be so shafted :(

    Battlegrounds should probably fix alot of these PvP problems. Will confine the PvP to a nice, simple, instance. Where people can PvP as they choose.

    Anyway, I'm still hoping that these ganking spree's will be a temporary measure, as people adjust to the changes and take advantage of the new PvP eq :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    i don't understand. If you want to be able to quest in peace and not be attacked by the enemy then there is the PvE server for that.

    The whole point of the PvP server is so that you can be attacked at any time by any one. If you can't deal with that, you shouldn't be on a PvP server. It's really that simple.

    Questing and leveling in peace without getting ganked = PvE server.
    Constant PvP and gankage = PvP server.

    I've got 0 sympathy for ppl whining about not being able to quest or exp on the PvP server.

    the simple fact is that you can still PvP on a PvE server. Just turn your flag on when u are in the mood and go raiding. Or go into the battle grounds while they are implemented.

    What most people here are asking for is PvE rules on a PvP ruleset server. THe whole POINT of the PvP server is open warfare between the two factions. What a lot of people want is to be able to level to 60 in peace and then be able to attack anyone at all. Which is why they want to be on the "pvp" server. But heaven forbid if they get attacked on the way to 60.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    CodeMonkey wrote:
    You obviously haven't seen his other posts. He's a mage and likes to go into newbie zones and spam AOE kill groups of questing people cause it's fun :eek: This is what Memnoch and a lot of people on pvp servers want. I am actually thinking of playing on a PVE server as I don't want the pvp action to be the main focus of the game.

    na i did that for like 2-3 days after i hit 60, got bored of it very fast, though it was fun while it lasted. I only PvP with 50+ now usually.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Memnoch wrote:
    i don't understand. If you want to be able to quest in peace and not be attacked by the enemy then there is the PvE server for that.[/quest]

    I dont want zero danger. I WANT to attack and be attacked while im levelling and questing. Its another flavour in the overall game, and a really fun flavour too. I dont want it to be the ONLY flavour.
    The whole point of the PvP server is so that you can be attacked at any time by any one. If you can't deal with that, you shouldn't be on a PvP server. It's really that simple.

    I could deal with it just fine under the old system. I have a 60 on US and a 49 in EU plus a ton of alts, all on the pvp servers. When i was making my eu char i had no problem starting again on a pvp server because i felt the balance was just right overall. You dont seem to understand that a lot of people have no problem with pvp, but CONSTANTLY getting attacked and i mean constantly, with no room to do ANYTHING else is the problem.

    What most people here are asking for is PvE rules on a PvP ruleset server.

    Where exactly did anyone say that? Please point me to the part where we asked for pve rules or no pvp? Nope, i want a pvp server. I just dont want people rewarded for farming me for honour.
    THe whole POINT of the PvP server is open warfare between the two factions.

    Your missing the magical word "imo" in there. Remember according to blizzrd the factions arent at war. IMO the point of a pvp server is to play the game that was provided within a pvp envoiroment, not just to pvp.
    What a lot of people want is to be able to level to 60 in peace and then be able to attack anyone at all.

    Like you did?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Dustaz wrote:
    You dont seem to understand that a lot of people have no problem with pvp, but CONSTANTLY getting attacked and i mean constantly, with no room to do ANYTHING else is the problem.

    Exactly, there has to be a balance imo. Ganking and PVP, great, but not constantly. There are quests, there are other elements of the game, and I want to be able to enjoy those aswell as killing stinky Alliance.

    I'm reserving judgement on the patch for a while. I expect it will be mayhem for a while, but I'm hoping it'll calm down and return to some balance.

    It's worth noting that in the history and story, the two factions aren't actually at war. Not in the "kill on sight" sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    And this, pretty much sums it up:

    A LVL60 will get still get points from killing a LVL48. The LVL60 can fight people his own lvl and get more points, but farming LVL48/50s will be a lot easier (they don't stand a chance unless they're in a group)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    koneko - ya good luck finding a large group of level 48's to farm. Seriously anyone who tries to exclusively farm levle 48s is a moron and will get nowhere.

    a group of 5 players ganking a 48 = 5 points per player gg really.

    Sure if a lvl 60 runs past one he will prolly get ganked. But people who want to farm honor would be stupid running around looking of level 48-50 ppl to kill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭NeoSlicerZ

    meh, wish the honour patch had come in last night, 3 of us lvl 41, 43, 46 took out 5 alliance in the high 40s, ridiculously fun :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,967 ✭✭✭adnans

    Tobold says it all.

    Are the blizzard devs getting lazy. which takes longer to develop? new continent with new quests and mobs or new mounts and weapons and a reward system? Alliance players shouldn't be worried since we outnumber the horde 1.3 : 1 on bladefist, and if you think skill matters in PvP, read the above link.

    -adnans aka DudeVon Duderson

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    A to H Ratio: 1 : 1.1
    Activity Ratio: 1 : 1.2

    Bladefist horde lvl 60s outnumber alliance 60s by 1.1 to 1. Plus the horde lvl 60s spend on average 20% more time online than the alliance. So at 60 at the moment there is a fairly noticable horde advantage on bladefist. I've seen this myself as I leveled up - the alliance leveling curve seems to be well behind the horde.

    I'm sure given time Alliance players will get to 60 and slightly outnumber Horde, but I honestly believe a higher percentage of hardcore (and by that I mean people with daft amounts of time/mmorpg addicts) go horde than alliance. The fact that Horde are outnumbered and yet still have more lvl 60s and higher activity seems to support that. A level 60 only affects pvp balance for the time they're online, so relative activity is very important.

    I'd say Bladefist horde will be just fine.


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Memnoch wrote:
    koneko - ya good luck finding a large group of level 48's to farm. Seriously anyone who tries to exclusively farm levle 48s is a moron and will get nowhere.

    I'm not saying they're the smartest in the bunch :p

    Stupid people do stupid things. If they know where to go, they'll have more luck getting people around lvl50, instead of 60. Stupid people don't want a challenge, they want easy kills.

    But like I said (I think), I'm not against this, I'm waiting till it's up and running for a few weeks before I decide it's great/crap. The first few days of anything are hectic, this will be no different. Hopefully it'll settle into something good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭ykt0di9url7bc3

    Having great fun on PvE...
    lvl 17 Troll Rogue... having great fun with the quests wiith the lads in the house.. 1 undead mage, 1 Tauren Warrior, 1 Troll Hunter.....

    While the quests and the exploration is cool, we have regular skirmishes with Alliance pissing about in the South barrens... Hopefully when we lvl up more... we can take the fight to them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    I dont want zero danger. I WANT to attack and be attacked while im levelling and questing. Its another flavour in the overall game, and a really fun flavour too. I dont want it to be the ONLY flavour.

    solution - Play on a PvE server, and when you want to be attacked while questing and leveling simply turn on your PvP flag. When you've had enough, turn it off again.
    I could deal with it just fine under the old system. I have a 60 on US and a 49 in EU plus a ton of alts, all on the pvp servers. When i was making my eu char i had no problem starting again on a pvp server because i felt the balance was just right overall. You dont seem to understand that a lot of people have no problem with pvp, but CONSTANTLY getting attacked and i mean constantly, with no room to do ANYTHING else is the problem.

    the old system was crap. There was no reward for PvPing, only for PvEing. Which is kind of silly on a PvP server. hell if they made it possible to only gain exp by PvPing on the PvP server i'd be in favor of it. The reason you didn't get attacked much before was because PvP was largely pointless. What's the point in killing someone when they will just res in a few seconds with nothing to loose and nothing for you to gain. Now you gain honor points, which can lead potentially to some nice items, which is great. If you want to do other stuff go in instances, there are pleanty around for each level. Otherwise the PvE servers await. TBH though once the battle grounds are implemented in a month or two (max), then this will no longer be a problem as most PvPers will spend their time there. Meanwhile this gives those of us who have hit level 60 and are tired and bored of constantly farming instances something fun to do.
    Where exactly did anyone say that? Please point me to the part where we asked for pve rules or no pvp? Nope, i want a pvp server. I just dont want people rewarded for farming me for honour.

    If you dont' want to be constantly attacked, what you are talking about is PvE rules. Let me simplify it.

    PvP server = NON-consenual pvp. This means being attacked at any point any time pretty much anywhere. Just because people didn't bother before doesn't mean that it wasn't in the rule set.
    PvE server = consensual PvP. Quest when you like, fight when you like, and occasionaly turn on your PvP flag while questing for a bit of extra challenge.

    But really, I can't stand PvE carebears whining about open battle on a frigging PvP server.
    Your missing the magical word "imo" in there. Remember according to blizzrd the factions arent at war. IMO the point of a pvp server is to play the game that was provided within a pvp envoiroment, not just to pvp.

    Let me see.. play the WoW intro... what does it say? "The tenuous pact between the horde and alliance has failed. The drums of war thunder once more". drums of war . The point of a PvP server is to PvP. If you want to do all that other stuff just play PvE and turn on the PvP flag when you want a "pvp environment". Simple solution really.

    Also the game is called world of Warcraft

    edit - and oh yes... cry more noob :p
