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About the weights thread that was locked..

  • 22-04-2005 7:31pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,241 ✭✭✭

    OT I know, but just hear (or read) me out as this is the best place to post something like this.

    The thread was locked because we shouldn't be giving unspecific advice over the internet. What the hell? Of course he can get well informed on the internet, either from respected websites or from people on boards like this who know what they're talking about. Would you prefer if he went into weights completely ignorant and wrecked himself, rather than learning the basics first?

    We had a nice discussion going which was relevent to rugby, it was being kept in the one thread (until now) and was getting plenty of healthy responses. Now it's locked for no good reason, and the poster who could have learned something is in the dark.

    I just think it's stupid if the end goal is to get the person educated, and the thread where that is happening is locked. That doesn't seem logical.
    Post edited by Shield on


  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Information was given. Was in wrong forum (see Fitness). Thread was drawn out. No question. (Thanks for closing it Amz).

    Moving this to an appropriate forum (posting similar in Rugby again will result in ban).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Must speak in complete sentences. Must improve English.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 120 ✭✭rasherboy

    ok but just to make clear to amz that that training programme wasnt for the origional guy who posted and thread it was for sparkylarks who asked for a prop training programm!! so i already knew the position and so gave a programme i have! but i do agree that a professional would be best as they can give you one to your specific needs! as for if he has any medical problems i assume he would of told me which is the only logical thing i think of anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz

    Funkstard wrote:
    The thread was locked because we shouldn't be giving unspecific advice over the internet. What the hell? Of course he can get well informed on the internet, either from respected websites or from people on boards like this who know what they're talking about. Would you prefer if he went into weights completely ignorant and wrecked himself, rather than learning the basics first?
    Funkstard, I'm a qualified fitness instructor. I felt that some of the "advice" wasn't relevant to what was being asked by the original was looking for.

    It may be possible to give specific advice over the internet, but that isn't what was happening on the thread. There was no information given by the original poster other than his age and that he had been doing weights for some time and felt he needed a new program.

    There was no medical/injury history.
    No indication of what position he plays.
    No indication of what type of weights he had been doing up to now.

    Nobody seemed to even attempt to get this information for him before jumping in to offer their suggestions.
    I just think it's stupid if the end goal is to get the person educated, and the thread where that is happening is locked. That doesn't seem logical.
    The best thing for the original poster to do was speak to a professional, and I don't think that most of the people offering advice on the thread can claim to be that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz

    rasherboy wrote:
    as for if he has any medical problems i assume he would of told me which is the only logical thing i think of anyway!
    You'd think that wouldn't you?

    Alas it doesn't always happen, particularly if a person isn't asked specifically about medical problems or injury history they may feel it's not relevant or that they can act tough, or whatever by not mentioning it.

    Also a training program designed for one prop (you) isn't going to be as specific for another prop. That's why it's best to speak to a professional who can make a program which meets the individuals needs, hence my "one size fits all" comments.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 120 ✭✭rasherboy

    it isnt i agree but that programme wasnt made for me it was just a general starting out programme! i probably forgot to put that in was ment to just get him started till he got a more specific 1! next time ill be more clear!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz

    That's all I ask*!


    Color=red]*[/ColorMay not be all I ask.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,580 ✭✭✭uberwolf

    I unfortunately can testify to the impact of misinformation, no matter how well meant, from even highly qualified professionals who knew me very well.

    Mods are right to be very nervous about threads such as this one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭SparkyLarks

    Here's my few cents worth

    The discussion was about a weights program for playing rugby and so very relevant to the rugby forum, IMHO. Weights training is a part of rugby training and rugby specific weitghts training is more suited to a rugby board than a general fitness board.

    Most people advised the poster went and got professional help.

    There is a problem in rugby with teenagers going doing weights un supervised as well as taking suplements ungided, and they are putting themselves at risk in doing so. Discussing on the rugby forum will help highlight these dangers to young rugby players. ( Perhaps a sticky post on weights , wher the first posts detail the dangers asociated with weights might be an idea)

    As for my own posts, I did ask another poster ,who said they had weights programs for most postions, could they send me a programme for a prop, (which I am). I should in hind sight have PM'd the request to save confusion. I don't think people realised that rasjerboy's programme was for me and not stifler.

    I also mentioned the need to develop power as well as strength, In my 8 years involved in colege rugby, both coaching and playing, I have seen many young rugby players have no concept of this idea. I have seen players who despide being very strong have little explosive power which is of greater benifit to almost every position 1-15, whether for tackling rucking mauling, acellerating or breaking through tackles as well as postion specific advantages.

    I have also seen players work on theri leg and arm strength ignoring the midsection. For a forward especially, but also for backs, this means that you don't get the extry benifit of your extra strenght,

    However If a poster , myself included , gave either poor or dangerous advice then I do feel that is would be of greater benifit to leave the tread open but have those who know better , i.e trained professionals, disagree strongly with the advice given explaining why it is poor as this would allow any young rugby players reading the thread to see that the advice is wrong.

    If the advice is particularly dangerous the perhaps the post containg the advice should be deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Amz wrote:

    The best thing for the original poster to do was speak to a professional, and I don't think that most of the people offering advice on the thread can claim to be that.

    in that case, do you feel that the vast majority of advice on the fitness and health board should not be allowed?

    it would seem to me that either people can talk about it in a social way, such as, or it can be completely banned because someonme may be misinformed.

    possibly something in the charter to stipulate that any advice taken on the forum is at the readers risk, and this is not professional advice. it is the advice of enthusiasts?

    if you start this sort of thing on fitness and health, you run the risk of it spreading to any forum where you are dealing with factual advice.

    waht do you think?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz

    possibly something in the charter to stipulate that any advice taken on the forum is at the readers risk, and this is not professional advice. it is the advice of enthusiasts?
    Personally I'd like to see a "disclaimer" of sorts included in the charter.

    One of the very first things I was taught both in EPP lectures and when studying for my intstructors qualification was the importance of screening people. I wouldn't conduct a class, or design a program for someone without first taking the time to do a health check and find out what their exercise/medical/injury history etc. was.

    It helps me to design a program more specific to that individual and also means that I'm aware of any problems that may occur during the training.

    At least after screening if someone has a problem that occurs because they didn't inform me of something i.e. heart problem, diabetes, back pain etc. I can't be liable for anything.

    The thing with these forums is that because they're public some people, particularly blokes, might be a little more inclined to keep certain things to themselves in order to appear tougher to their peers, or whatever, thus there's an increased risk of missing something.


    I just don't like the "one size fits all" style of a lot of the programs I see online.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    i agree.
    but it is still a discussion board. and i think the disclaimer is the way to go. you cant stop people from giving their opinioin, but you need to ensure that people know that the only opnion worth listening to, is from a pro.
    not from some bloke who has worn a tracksuit once.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz

    i agree.
    but it is still a discussion board. and i think the disclaimer is the way to go. you cant stop people from giving their opinioin, but you need to ensure that people know that the only opnion worth listening to, is from a pro.
    not from some bloke who has worn a tracksuit once.
    Oh I accept that totally, that's why I'd be more in favour of a disclaimer, but until that's there (on rugby anyway) I'm going to be quite strict about those kinds of threads.

    I'll have a chat with Trojan and the fnj and see what they think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭SparkyLarks

    Hang on.

    Talking about what weights to to to train for playing isn't relevant for a rugby forun??

    But an internet blooper from a college TV station is???

    Can someone explain this please.

    Sorry to be annoying but a young rugby player was actually looking for advice on how to imporve his rugby game. I was so delighted to se someone on a rugby board asking questins about improving their own game rather than posting about players in far off lands.

    WOuld a thread have been locked if people were giving poor advice on how to throw a ball into a line out??

    If the advice is dangerous why is it still on the board availible for all to see???

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Is every forum under the Sports category going to allow training program requests, have disclaimers, stickers, and all the warnings about seeking medical advice? If so, then let's acknowledge that.

    People then seeking advice on Fitness about running would obviously then be off-topic, of course, as the topic would be more suited to Athletics.

    Personally, I'd leave the training topics on Fitness, but it's up for discussion so let's see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Hang on.

    Talking about what weights to to to train for playing isn't relevant for a rugby forun??

    But an internet blooper from a college TV station is???

    Can someone explain this please.

    You're right, that thread is not really relevant. We discussed this clip at a recent meeting of several Rugby board regulars, and it was requested that the link be reposted. I should have PMd it to them, but there you have it.

    I suggest reporting the post as off topic, and posting a complaint on the Feedback board if you feel the mods do not deal appropriately with the situation.
    Sorry to be annoying but

    In my experience people who say this are not generally sorry to be annoying at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭SparkyLarks

    I'm not sorry to be bringing up , I am sorry that I'm whining about it, but any way.

    They important thing here is that Stifler wanted some advice on doing weights for Rugby. a lot of advice was given none of it reckless or dangerous from what I can see, but I am open to correction here. Almost every poster said that Stifler should get professional advice.

    We need to make sure that Stifler, and any other posters in the future get the advice that they need.

    Was the thread locked because it was not relevant??
    I can't see how doing weights for rugby is not relevant to a rugby forum

    Or it was in the wrong Forum??
    If the MOD's would prefer that these sort of training questions were all in the fitness forum, I can uderstand that . That would allow for more qualified people to read the thread and asses the advice being given. which would be a good thing.

    If the thread was in the wrong forum then should the thread not have been moved?
    And IF the mods do want all fitness question in the fitness boards then a sticky on the top stating that might also be a good idea.

    Or because the advice being given was dangerous??
    If the advice is dangerous then it should be deleted, this advice is still posted and viewable.

    I'm still not sure why the thread was locked but whatever the reason I feel ther were more appropiate way's of dealing with it, as outlined above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Was the thread locked because it was not relevant??
    I can't see how doing weights for rugby is not relevant to a rugby forum

    Or it was in the wrong Forum??
    If the MOD's would prefer that these sort of training questions were all in the fitness forum, I can uderstand that . That would allow for more qualified people to read the thread and asses the advice being given. which would be a good thing.

    That's my opinion alright, and why I said "Was in wrong forum (see Fitness)" in my first reply above.
    If the thread was in the wrong forum then should the thread not have been moved?
    And IF the mods do want all fitness question in the fitness boards then a sticky on the top stating that might also be a good idea.

    It could have been moved, we may have made a bad call there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,958 ✭✭✭✭RuggieBear

    Re: Bang goes the Dynamite

    Trojan, you should ban yourself for a week as a warning and then review how you feel about it.

    I reckon SparkyLarks is making the odd good point. Tbh, the thread should probably be deleted....tho i'm not sure this is possible. if he follows the advice and injures himself, then Boards could be liable. (What a truly ****ed up world we live in :( ).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    I've reviewed the situation and given my self a one-week ban, suspended due to past good behaviour.

    I'm watching myself very carefully and will come down very hard with longer term bans if I see any further similar infringements in the near future.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭SparkyLarks

    I reckon SparkyLarks is making the odd good point. .[/QUOTE]

    That must be a first. :D
