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Should RTÉ Drop the DOGs?

  • 24-04-2005 10:40pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10,726 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi all...

    Time for a bit of an online campaign that I know our dear ICDG readers can get behind, like the BBC campaign in the past etc.

    At the weekend, I got my first look at RTÉ in widescreen on Sky Digital, and I couldn't believe my eyes what RTÉ were doing with the DOGs on screen, the little RTÉ logos in the top left of the screen.

    They looked horrendous, and really bad, compared to what they looked before when they weren't that transparent and even on 4:3. They are too central in the screen, elongated, stretched etc.

    Arguments that have been put up in their defence is that they aid channel identification in a multi-channel world. This is not necessary for any of the 5 free-to-air channels in the UK, and the RTÉ channels are at the top of the EPG's. Are people watching RTÉ more because of DOG's? I don't think so.

    So.... you the readers of ICDG, you have a chance to add to the debate.

    Vote if you want to keep them or ditch them. I intend, after leaving the poll for a few weeks, to mail this onto the RTÉ bigwigs.

    Your comments in the thread below are also most welcome, please add to the debate.

    Edit: This is a poll not just for Satellite, this is for all platforms; analogue, cable etc.

    Should RTÉ Drop the DOGs? (On screen logos during programmes) 162 votes

    0% 0 votes
    100% 162 votes



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 419 ✭✭chorus techy

    I agree - they look absolutely awful on sky digital - if they HAVE to keep the logos, they could at least sort out placing them correctly in the very top left corner of the screen when they are not transmitting 16:9 programmes. It looks ridiculous when the DOG is shoved halfway across the screen, because it is still in the 16:9 position! :rolleyes:

    If people need a silly little logo permanently on screen to tell them what channel they are watching, they must be stupid. It was a complete waste of money.

  • Site Banned Posts: 159 ✭✭Drummer

    Maybe you people can tell me why so many things dont fit on the screen anymore. More and more programmes showing signage or writing dont fit on the screen anymore. Is this cos the majority of stations transmit in widescreen format now ?

  • Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 19,117 Mod ✭✭✭✭byte

    They should most definitely be dropped. Annoying existance!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28,128 ✭✭✭✭Mossy Monk

    get rid

    those who are confused by what channel they are watching in a multichannel world can use the EPG. keep it on analogue if they worry about those on analogue cable. definately no need for it on Digital TV

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,681 ✭✭✭Johnny_the_fox

    but make them smaller.

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  • Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 19,117 Mod ✭✭✭✭byte

    If they were to leave it on analogue, I'd hope they would shrink them, push them further to the corner and make them more opaque! Asking for a lot there I guess :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭Charles Slane

    Yes, make them go away !! They really don't serve any real purpose on Sky Digital when you can find out what channel you're watching by the press of one button - and if you're too lazy to do that then you don't deserve to know what channel you're watching :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 363 ✭✭FIRE

    If people need a silly little logo permanently on screen to tell them what channel they are watching, they must be stupid.

    Im not stupid, im gifted. the man did tell me!! :D

    I like the dogs, on foreign satellite channels, and have no problems with them.

    I dont even have a problem with the RTE dogs, except that they aint transparent. I remember a while ago someone ringing RTE and complaining, to which the person in RTE claimed "they are transparent" :eek:

    If they could get them as transparent as TG4, that would be good, but like the rest I agree. WHY do RTE need to have them???

    101, 102, 104. We know where they are, and from the rubbish they show we know what channel were watching most of the time.


  • Registered Users Posts: 32,417 ✭✭✭✭watty

    Everything I have does its own dog:
    TVs x 2
    VHS x 3
    Analog Sat x 3
    Digital FTA box
    Sky Box
    Analog TV card on PC
    Satellite Card on PC.

    The "Den" dog is the worst.

    To answer an earlier post(s)
    1. Dogs are placed "in" to suit those with NTL/Chorus/Sky boxes set to CROP an 16:9 picture to 4:3.

    2. If you see text /captions chopped then check your TV settings and your Satellite settings:

    The "best" setting for ALL program types depends on your TV type. There are Three TV types:
    a) 4:3 only TV
    b) 4:3 Shape TV that does true WS (by reducing vertical drive as if it had a WS tube).
    c) A 16:9 TV

    For Type (a) a 4:3 only TV the best setting is 4:3 letterbox. Normal 4:3 material will fill the screen and 16:9 WS will be resized with blank lines to allow viewing the whole picture.

    For 16:9 WS and 4:3 sets that sho WS, the setting is 16:9 ON the DIGIBOX, EVEN for 4:3 material. On the TV it is 4:3, 16:9 or Auto. Some channels do not always send the correct flag for Auto. The Sky box sends no WS/4:3 flag on RF aerial connection, only on SCART port. On TVs with multiple SCART only one SCART may have auto WS switch. Composite, S-Video and Component doen't suport WS swtich from Digibox. This is a lack in Sky software, they could do "line23" signalling but don't!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭Scottish paddy

    I believe the main purpose for having DOGS is to reinforce the “branding” of the channel with viewers. I can maybe understand this for obscure or new satellite channels in a broadcasting landscape of 200 plus channels. What is not acceptable is for a publicly funded national channel to inflict this visual pollution on licence payers. To have programmes that are paid for by the viewer scarred in this way is not on. I have noticed that the DOGS are removed for adverts. Obviously the advertisers will not allow RTÉ to place this intrusion on their output, so why should the ordinary viewer? This campaign is long overdue in my mind, RTÉ should be bombarded with e-mails and letters about this! They should be asked why none of the terrestrial channels in the UK feel the need to have this scarring on their output, but Irish viewers are subjected to it. :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭ixtlan

    Yes, I agree, get rid of the DOGs... but it's unlikely to happen.

    While the UK terrestrial channels don't use them, most other channels do, including Sky One.

    Particularly annoying is the use of a DOG to advertise upcoming programmes. Sky have done this and Sci-fi too. Whatever about a small DOG, having "From the earth to the moon, 9pm Mon" scrawled across the screen on sci-fi is absolute insanity...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Macy

    Totally unnecessary for either analogue or digital. It's not that bloody hard to tell what you're watching. The fact that they can remove them for advertisers is enough to question their need - surely more likely that someone won't know the channel during ads than during programmes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Round Cable

    Well I got my first glimpse of RTÉ WIDESCREEN during the weekend, and the DOG's are disgracful, they are far too big and far too low on the screen. Well done DMC for starting this thread, I sent an email to RTÉ abot the ugly things and they said my comments were passed onto the relevent department. During the days of analouge they needed them for channel indentification, and tuning, in a digital age they are not needed with the epg, and RTÉ introduces them, honestly they are supposed to be Ireland's national broadcaster not some cheap UK digital TV channel.

    Unfortunally my email has gone into oblivion, perhaps a concentrated effort here at ICDG could change this and if someone is going to email them, send them a link to this page where they can see the majority of people never wanted them.

    EDIT: I have given up watching RTÉ, I just can't watch it, and I loved the stations before the DOG's were 'imposed' on us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    I voted to get rid of them because I hate them, on all channels. I haven't watched anything on RTE though in quite a while so I can't really remember how bad they are.

    I always find that having the damn thing in the middle of the screen (have a widescrean TV) is very annoying too.

    Why do you even need to know what channel you're watching anyway. As long as the program your watching is what you want to see right now it doesn't really matter what channel it's on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭Widescreen

    In my opinion the DOGS have only become a problem since RTE started their half baked widescreen service on Sky. If a programme is in w/s the DOGS look ok. Problem is that most progs are 4-3 therefore the DOGS looked "lost".
    Why o why do RTE half do everything!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,454 ✭✭✭swoofer

    Its a shame that a national broadcaster has to get into bed with rubbish sky channels and introduce a DOG. Now get this, RTE, has always broadcast in Ireland but when it went on SKY it opted for DOGS. I wrote to RTE from the beginning and explained that the BBC and ITV ,CH4 and 5 do not have dogs. The BBC tried but had to relent because of complaints. It was a dumbing down by RTE. I had to push for replies and in the end I got phoned and told " WE HAVE ONLY HAD 58 COMPLAINTS!! I gave up. I think the final straw was the screening of the Godfather with a dirty big dog onscreen, I knew then that RTE had sunk to the depths. For RTE read SKY for quality read BBC, shame really. I no longer watch RTE.

    I have found in this country that the chance of any national body ever ever admitting it got it wrong is absolutely zilch.

    The total irony of the thing is to have a DOG on terrestial TV is that I can only get 4 over the air channels where I live!! 4 and I need an onscreen DOG to let me know what CH I am watching but because of the DOG I don't watch it. That takes some beating. The future of the DOG is very frightening in that we will have the added bits like ALL NEW, or an ad for a programming that is coming up.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭JohnC.

    GBCULLEN wrote:
    The future of the DOG is very frightening in that we will have the added bits like ALL NEW, or an ad for a programming that is coming up.

    "Will have?" "Future?" I'm sorry to say we already have those now on some channels, and also animated ones. Yes, you read that correctly. Animated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,454 ✭✭✭swoofer


    I meant on RTE as it appears they have opted to be a mickey mouse broadcaster and slavishly follow the stuff on sky. We will of course keep hearing that we are a higly educated country ie the workforce etc but obiviously not well educated enough to know what tv ch we are watching without an idiotic DOG. I do despair with this dumbing down, its like the management fo litter and waste, how can you engender a sense of quality when the TV medium actually condones littering , eg onscreen rubbish.

    I must add that I have found a way round the dogs at last but must keep it secret in case the broadcasters get wind of it.


  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 91,219 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    Some people out there may have a TELETEXT button on their remote control. I'm not sure how technically difficult it is to figure out if you are watching RTE using it - IIRC it involves seeing something like AERTEL 1 or AERTEL 2 in where you would normally expect to see the DOG.

    I was going to point out that DOGs might be useful to those who had older TV's without TELEWHATSIT but since they've been widely available since 1977 chances are they only have 8 buttons anyway....

    The only use I can see for DOG is if they are trying to hunt down people selling pirate videos recorded from the TV, but it's a certainty that someone will already have the pre-release pirate DVD so the chances of this arising are approx. Nil.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Telefís

    I can understand why RTÉ want to use them from a branding perspective, and as a graphic, purely in design terms, I think they look very well - they're quite elegant...

    I'm 50/50 on this one I'd have to say. I don't watch films on television, so from that point of view I don't experience DOGs at their most irritating.
    I think they look fine for most televison programmes to be honest, if not perhaps a teeny bit too big, but otherwise think they're grand.

    I don't knoiw what they're like on Sky - certainly if there's aspect ratio problems there, then they ought to be resolved.
    But this problem is clouding the issue - how many people voted no on the basis of the Sky problem? If this was sorted how would you vote?
    From that perspective, I don't think this poll may be totally accurate...

    But a major major problem with RTÉ's ones at the moment that I don't think has been raised anywhere (though it may have been) is how they always disappear!
    I watch a lot of RTÉ (you'd never guess :)), and from Questions & Answers to the Late Late, after 23.00 or so the DOGs vanish!
    Returning from ad breaks around that time on so many programmes, the DOG gets lost during the break! It is utterly ridiculous - like the button-presser has gone home!
    Obviously they're mechanially generated, but there's a glitch in the system somewhere.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Round Cable

    RTE wrote:
    I can understand why RTÉ want to use them from a branding perspective, and as a graphic, purely in design terms, I think they look very well - they're quite elegant...

    Elegant??? They're hiddious, huge and too low in the screen, if they really want them they could take a look at how TG4 do them.
    RTE wrote:
    I don't knoiw what they're like on Sky - certainly if there's aspect ratio problems there, then they ought to be resolved.
    But this problem is clouding the issue - how many people voted no on the basis of the Sky problem? If this was sorted how would you vote?
    From that perspective, I don't think this poll may be totally accurate...

    I for one voted for their removal one way or another.
    RTE wrote:
    But a major major problem with RTÉ's ones at the moment that I don't think has been raised anywhere (though it may have been) is how they always disappear!
    I watch a lot of RTÉ (you'd never guess :)), and from Questions & Answers to the Late Late, after 23.00 or so the DOGs vanish!
    Returning from ad breaks around that time on so many programmes, the DOG gets lost during the break! It is utterly ridiculous - like the button-presser has gone home!
    Obviously they're mechanially generated, but there's a glitch in the system somewhere.

    I caught a glimpse of RTÉ without the DOG, and I have to say it looked so much better, much cleaner and my eyes were not dragged up to the top left, by a bright ugly blob.

    You say DOG's are not a bad idea, I have more or less stopped watching RTÉ because of them, however I can watch TV3 and TG4 no problem, well TV3 is a rarity too, what's on it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Macy

    RTE wrote:
    But this problem is clouding the issue - how many people voted no on the basis of the Sky problem? If this was sorted how would you vote?
    From that perspective, I don't think this poll may be totally accurate...
    Well personally, I watch RTE on analogue (well when I bother), and bloody annoying they are to me too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Telefís

    Well horses for courses...

    They annoyed the hell out of me at first, but I don't mind them now. Agreed that they're not exactly a classy feature on any station - just like microphones in news reports, the best stations hide everything - not wave their branding about in your face.
    From that perspective I'd like to see them go. But yes I do think their design is elegant - note not the positioning or size as said before, but simply as a graphic I think they're well designed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 lordluxor

    The DOGS are infuriating. Even Sky who DOG everything would not dare do it on their movie channels, yet RTE are happy to destroy the atmosphere of every film that is shown on their channels. I would really be interested to know if viewing figures have decreased since the introduction of these things.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The only use I can see for DOG is if they are trying to hunt down people selling pirate videos recorded from the TV, but it's a certainty that someone will already have the pre-release pirate DVD so the chances of this arising are approx. Nil.

    I seem to remember that Sky Channel (pre-Astra days) used a method like this, but what they did was only showed the DOG for about the first minute of the programme then removed it for the rest. That would still satisfy the piracy issue and I could probably tolerate it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭d-j-k

    To be fair to RTE that DOG isn't THAT annoying. It's pretty unobtrusive and seems to actively blend into the background.

    It's perfectly understandable that RTE would want to re-inforce its brand name and imaging in this way.

    As you may have noticed ALL RTE services now carry heavy RTE branding ... e.g. RTE 2FM, RTE News on 2FM, RTE Radio One, RTE Lyric FM, RTE R na G..

    and in TV .. network 2 rebrand to RTE 2 etc.

    They're operating in a very compeditive environment and it's important that they ensure that people know what they're watching.

    They do need to fix the widescreen positioning issues though..

    If you think Sky DOGs are bad ... try American network television!
    FOX runs banner advertisments on the bottom of the screen WITH "swooshing" sounds effects!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 824 ✭✭✭Round Cable

    I have no problem with RTÉ calling Network 2, RTÉ 2, in fact I think it's a good idea, however there is no need for the DOG's and I strongly disagree with you, I find them very intrusive. They're not transparent, far too big and far too low on screen, just looking at the Sky One's Dog, RTÉ's must be twice as thick, if they're that insecure about their brand that they need to permently write it on screen thay could at least look at sister channel TG4, now that's a small non obtrusive DOG, buried at the top of the screen, not near the middle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 urn

    d-j-k wrote:
    If you think Sky DOGs are bad ... try American network television!
    FOX runs banner advertisments on the bottom of the screen WITH "swooshing" sounds effects!!!!

    Didn't know about the sound effects, but I generally find the American way of positioning the DOG (transparent and in the bottom right hand corner) less obtrusive. Probably clashes with some programme astons but if it's transparent enough, that wouldn't be a problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 Quangle

    If the channel needs to be displayed continuously then it's unlikely anyone's paying that much attention anyway...

    With Digital TV they can probably be implemented as on overlay from the digital-text-thing anyway (like the "press the RED button" logos)

    Not sure which I hate more - DOGS or channels turning up the volume for Adverts...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭d-j-k

    Had a look at the RTE DOGs tonight again and actually, I withdraw my previous remark. They are too big ... taking up far too much horizontal onscreen real estate.

    The TV3 DOG is far less annoying... particuarly as it's on the bottom right of the screen rather than the top left.

    But it's also much more subtle...

    The problem is that RTE ONE and RTE TWO are rather big verbose channel names. If RTE was represented by a simple symbol it would be much less annoying.

    E.g. perhaps just the RTE logo followed by 1 or 2.. not the full word.

    Anyway, I think spelling the words ONE and TWO out in English is a bit odd for a corporation that is determined to be fully bilingual.

    RTE 1 and RTE 2 work in either language!

    Do RTE put up RTE ONE / TWO during programming in Irish ?
