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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    Dustaz wrote:
    AFAIK synergy have cleared as much of MC as any horde guild have.
    Last I heard they were wiping at Lucifron. I don't really care about any silly horde/alliance sabre rattling but on this one particular server, bladefist, the guild Werd who just happen to be horde have been the first to do every instance and kill every boss, including kazzak, azerugos, onyxia and whatever.

    I'd also like to point out I wasn't involved in those things, and I don't think most people, including me care who was first really but it's clearly disingenuous to suggest any of the alliance guilds are close.

    I've faced WOTF with my lvl 60 gnome warlock in US release, if there's a class that's gimped by the opposition having WOTF it's the warlock, and yes WOTF is over-powered compared to the other racials. However nit-picking that fear ward is not a racial despite it being racially limited and equally over-powered is more dubious logic. Fear ward is fantastic and I wish the horde had it too, but personally if it and WOTF both disappeared tomorrow for everybody i couldn't care less.

    This has turned into a ludicrous alliance vs horde argument with no sense to it. I've played both sides, who the **** really cares if each side has a few imbalanced abilities, or outnumbers the other. There's twats on both sides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭kipple

    This got paladins nerfed, who tbh in PvP were never that great, and now are pretty crap.

    I agree that paladins were never that great in PvP but they were over powered in PvE.
    non-stop whining
    On every single topic there is non-stop whining. I can not read the WOW message boards any more. The game is really good I dont understand all the whining all the time.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    Dustaz wrote:
    AFAIK synergy have cleared as much of MC as any horde guild have.

    gah we did those two bosses weeks ahead of em :P but we had to put MC on the back foot to get onyxia keys done for everyone (50 UBRS runs ) and get her done :)

    we'll clear some more MC bosses soon. Synergy are pretty cool ya.

    I think the real test will be which side has a pick up group to kill MC bosses first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,967 ✭✭✭adnans

    koneko wrote:
    you come across as if you take this a little too seriously, not like it's fun.
    a little too serious?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,838 ✭✭✭DapperGent

    Dustaz wrote:
    the best newbie areas,
    Having played both sides I don't think this is true at all.

    Alliance have Loch Modan, Westfall and Some Nightelf place uncontested, from what I have seen they tend to be hassle to raid as well, mostly left alone I think. Horde have The Barrens (which besides being a horrible horrible zone) gets a lot of alliance traffic and people raiding the Crossroads. They also have Silverpine Forest which is a cool enough zone and seems to be mostly left alone from what I've seen.

    Next up Alliance have The Wetlands, Redridge and Duskwood (coolest zone I've played :)) Wetlands and Duskwood might get a bit of Horde traffic but there are no Horde settlements or quests (that I know of) in them so leveling is pretty smooth.

    At the same time the Horde are leveling in Hillsbrad/Alterac (hella contested :)), Stonetalon (contested, alliance settlement/quests) and Ashenvale (very contested when I was there).

    Later on: 1K Needles is even, Desolace is even, Dustwallow Marsh is even, Horde have a slight advantage in Arathi but South Shore is just a quick ride from Refuge point to the Inn, Horde have a slight advantage in the Badlands but again Thesselmar is close, Swamp of Sorrows is pretty much Horde though Nethergarde is pretty close and gives the Alliance the advantage in the blasted lands. STV is even enough I think.

    Man that sounded like whining which it isn't but when I had an Alliance character I don't think I even saw a horde til I got to Arathi/STV. I had plenty of PVP leveling my horde from early on. It's been way more fun leveling as horde (apart from the poxy barrens) but definately harder.

    As far as racial skills go I only know Tauren and Dwarf. I think warstomp kicks the ass of stoneform but maybe thats cos I'm a shammy and can cure disease and poison. WotF does seems way too useful in comparison to either I think.

    Anyway. I don't get the whole point of the race to 60, crush the instances first Werd guys (and my brother is one of them :)), I way prefer the game as a liesurely stroll, enjoying the quests and ganking only rogues and people killing my mobs. Well for the most part. :)

    I liked the analogy someone used (Dustaz?) as the PVP being a cold war rather than an all out one. That's the way I always imagined it and would like to see it kinda stay that way rather than a honour farming gankfest. Raiding settlements I think is fun though, if I'm in the mood I'll stay and help or go somewhere else and quest. Since the patch it's actually been way better than I thought it would be (or less bad) though there was some seriously irritating stuff. Like a huge group of Alliance camping the entrance Uldaman not to go inside but just to annoy the horde, using the backdoor made certain quests a hassle and meant I didn't get them done that time. That was annoying as hell. If they had gone to flatten Kargath I would have understood.

    The group of rogues stealth camped in the Alliance part of Stromgarde were lousy feckers too. Totally impossible to even have a fair fight with all the alliance mobs around. Obviously impossible to do the quests. Lousy rogues. :(

    Personally I'd class that sort of thing as griefing rather than good PVP but that's me.

    In general I couldn't care less which side on Bladefist are the kings of the high end. It affects my play experience not one whit. I'm still concentrating on getting fecking Uldaman done without cheesing. :)

    It's a shame we have people on both sides rather than in one guild on one side. More the merrier! We should have done some organising way back when and designated a horde server and an alliance server. At least that way we wouldn't have to worry about losing our 60s cos they can't raid from a guild that isn't monstrous. I think Bored of Ie should have 3 or 4 more people hitting 60 within a week of each other with some others not far behind. I wouldn't be surprised if we had maybe 10 60s or close to it in another month. Hopefully the guys who are already 60 won't have gotten pissed off by then. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,256 ✭✭✭c0rk3r

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    quozl wrote:
    Last I heard they were wiping at Lucifron. I don't really care about any silly horde/alliance sabre rattling but on this one particular server, bladefist, the guild Werd who just happen to be horde have been the first to do every instance and kill every boss, including kazzak, azerugos, onyxia and whatever..

    If you dont think Werd, Synergy and every other guild out there havent got Conquests site bookmarked then your pretty naive.

    Bottom line is that no euro guild is doing anything for the first time worldwide. I actually agree with memnoch in that a better test will be whos pickup groups are better, but again that more or less comes down to how many people have done it before/looked at the avis/looked at the website.

    We shall settle this in BG's gents :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    Dustaz wrote:
    If you dont think Werd, Synergy and every other guild out there havent got Conquests site bookmarked then your pretty naive.

    Bottom line is that no euro guild is doing anything for the first time worldwide. I actually agree with memnoch in that a better test will be whos pickup groups are better, but again that more or less comes down to how many people have done it before/looked at the avis/looked at the website.

    We shall settle this in BG's gents :)

    dustaz - here is a few things.

    1) Kazzak - we dropped him pretty early after he appeared in game and he was in game both in US and EU pretty much at the same time. We had to figure out all the strategy for ourselves since there was 0 info about him availible at the time.

    2) Lucifron - the strategy on CQ's site doesn't actually work on this guy because of a change in the last patch (not the new one) so we came up with our own strategy for this guy.

    3) Magmadar - this strategy we used from CQ/Discordia

    4) Garr - This guy has no strategy posted on the CQ site and the video actually gives no info :P. We figured out our own strategy on him.

    ALSO to note, a lot of conquests' strategy involve paladins pulling stuff with divine shield, and fear ward (magmadar) which we don't have, so it's not simply a matter of copying their strategy :)

    That's not to say that we haven't been helped by their strats.
    But a lot of the stuff we have done our own.

    Also I played on the US server,s and lead a couple of MC raids in there long b4 CQ posted anything in the first place. So I had actually already learned the strategy (that we had developed) to deal with a lot of the trash mobs inside MC :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    See post above Dustaz. Of course I know everyone looks at the conquest site, however I also know how limited that site is.

    I also just said that on this server Werd did everything first, I certainly didn't suggest they did it the first in the world. US has had the game for 3 months longer than EU. Korean's didn't even get their beta chars wiped and killed onyxia within a week of release over there.

    You seem to be giving up on logic and just resorting to personal insult and deliberate attempts to twist the argument. I'm only weighing in on the things I see as deliberate dis-information.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,810 ✭✭✭DRakE

    I think that Blizzard should just scrap PVP and focus on PVE.

    PVE is more fun anyway >_<

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Hey, no trolling moderators!
