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Goals in Poker

  • 01-06-2005 5:05pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,897 ✭✭✭

    Coming off the very interesting discussion in another thread here about poker and making a living from it I thought I'd ask a few questions about everyones aims in poker. I'll start:

    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?

    1. I am a live game person. I am crap at cash games, ie up and down. I've lost as much as I have won. However, my tournament game is improving at a pace I am happy with. I am starting to make money, be it small amounts, regularly in tournaments online and live. My aim is to move up the levels in tournament poker at a steady pace so that in a couple of years I will not feel out of my depth at EPT events. I would like to be playing 'The Big One' regularly in about 10 years time. I'm in no rush as I want to learn the game and try new things and settle into a style I am happy with over the next couple of years.

    2. I expect to make money from poker but NOT playing Poker. I think I could do OK with tornament Poker over the next 10 years but I don't think it will pay the bills. I am really doing it for the enjoyment of the game. I know that statement will send certain people into spasms but money is not my overriding driving force. I put the same amount of passion into tournament poker, at this stage, as some put into earning a living playing exclusively STT's. Good luck to those people. It's just not for me.

    Poker is going to be 10 times bigger than it is today in a very short period. The people making money are not the players, on mass, but those that supply the market. In the California Gold Rush the makers and sellers of shovels became the millionaires. I intend to be 'selling shovels' in poker. Don't get me wrong, I am not setting up poker room or anything, but there are going to be plenty of people on the fringes taking a micro portion of a huge pie and doing well from it. Some will be regulars here on boards.

    3. I love MTT tournaments but am getting a better return from STT's. I hardly ever play ring games and if I do it is usually low limit omaha. :p

    4. Not to make money. As the wise 'Dub13' says 'You will easily spend e100 on a Friday night out on the lash in Dublin. I took up Poker (Sept 04) cause I didn't want to go the pub on a Friday anymore. The temptation would be too much to drink the customary 15 pints and 10 FatFrogs in the club after (Rugby crowd).

    I really like the challange against good, and bad players. It is a very good group of players in Dublin. On relection I would say that there is a smaller proportion of Juan Kerrs in Poker than in any other social group/sports club I've ever been involved with. There are people here I consider good friends - but busting them out of a tournament because I out played them is so so so so sweet - the challenge you see. (Note: This rarely happens :D )

    So, there you have it.

    PS On average I am a loser in poker Online but that includes my first 3/4 months where didn't know what runner runner meant.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,047 ✭✭✭bill_ashmount

    1. What is your aim in Poker? To one day enter the World Series
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker? Break even / Small profit
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)? STT
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway? Entertainment / Past-time

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭roryc

    I mainly play poker for a bit of fun. I started playing the freerolls about 18 months ago and never won a thing until 2 months ago. Only started winning regularly the last few months and started PAYING into tournaments only recently.

    I started to become known as the freeroll king but now i think that name is the bubble king! I dont plan on making money out of poker. its just something to do for a laugh. the money is just a bonus...

    oh yes, and I HATE ONLINE! I can make a few quid on it but i just dont enjoy it. I threw 20 euro into PPP at the start and got it up to about 200 after a week or two playing 5c/10c cash games and $3 MTT's. then totally lost interest in it. money is still sitting in my account. Just dont enjoy playing online. Sitting at home looking at a computer screen for hours isin't my idea of fun...

    Half the fun of playing poker is messing with peoples heads and SEEING their reactions!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    To continually improve and to have fun.
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    Yes, but not a lot. Having lost a bit initially I now have quite a bit more in my accounts than what I have put in. But it is still in my accounts and not my bank account. In reality though, even if I lost everything in those accounts it would have been pretty cheap entetianment for the time I have spent playing.
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    Online NL shorthand cash games. STT's are ok and MTT's are a loss maker. I've only played (proper) live twice but it was fun and I will be doing it again. Home games are great fun too.
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?
    Largely instead of watching television. I see it both as entertainment and a challenge. I've always been a competitive person and I really enjoy the challenge of poker. Playing live is always a good laugh, especially when talking crap with/at friends :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,124 ✭✭✭NickyOD

    Very nice post Dragon.

    1. Become a good enough online player to make $2K a week. Become a better than average live player. I'm not even thinking about about any serious goals in live poker yet because I havne't made any kind of a breakthough, but long term I want to money in an EPT event.

    2. Yes. lots!

    3. 6 handed limit holdem cash games. NL MTTs and Heads up Matches.

    4.Because I'm an action junkie!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,806 ✭✭✭Lafortezza

    BigDragon wrote:
    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    To make money 90%, enjoyment 10%, half the fun is actually looking at my cashier balance and seeing it in the black.
    BigDragon wrote:
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    Yes, because I'm better than most of the players I play against. The amount of money depends how much I decide to invest (time and cash-wise) at whatever limits take my fancy.
    BigDragon wrote:
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    These days online STTs and MTTs have been good to me. PL Omaha cash games have also earned me low variance profit in the last couple of months. I can't play hold'em cash game to save my life, I'm pretty sure I am down more than is sensible when I play these.
    I used to play alot of live games, tournaments and cash games in the Fitz. While very enjoyable from an entertainment point of view they just can't compare with online when it comes to earning money.
    BigDragon wrote:
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?
    Initially as something to do with my mates that was an alternative to boozing. The learning experience to date was very enjoyable. As I've improved I've become more interested in finding a profitable game instead of an enjoyable game.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭Davey Devil

    1. What is your aim in Poker?

    I love the big nights like The Fitz, 270. My aim is to play bigger MTT's than that.
    Oh and to knock Roy Brindley out of a tournament by out playing him and call him a cnut while he's getting out of his seat.

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?

    I have been making decent money in the 2 years I've played, so yeah I expect to make money. However it doesn't bother me if I don't. I'm like Dragon I don't play to make money.

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?

    MTT's. It's the only type of poker I'm interested in. I'm getting more into STT's recently
    but I still find them fairly dull.

    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?

    To win, not so much the money but to win tournaments. I treat it like a sport not gambling. I love the competitiveness of a big night in The Fitz. I've been playing more on the Internet than before but it still doesn't come close to playing live. Sure you get better structures on the net but for me I'll put up with it for that live atmosphere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,882 ✭✭✭Doc Farrell

    1. What is your aim in Poker?

    Aim in poker? honestly, to make money. any other aims? a little travel, a little good company, like big dragon, a few others. fun? occasionally, yeah, sometimes in the early stages of tournies. my aim overall is to see, without getting myself into debt, how far i can go. and i don't see any limits. literally, in how much i would gamble. and that scares me.

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?

    I currently make money, about a grand a month. but for that i play tiny no limits and avoid the gamble. So i think I will cut down on the hours, go into higher limits and try to move away from 'the grind', as easy and comfortable as it has become. however ina couple of months i may be running back to it.

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?

    I used to play only single table tournies, about 3-5 a night. Now, i don't touch them, i play cash omaha while watching movies and reading. i play mtts but dont do well in them online. I'm up a couple of grand in live tourneys but not much. I play live cash when i'm knocked out early but the discipline to sit there is difficult.

    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?
    toughest question. to make money definitely. to do something other than drinking. to use my mind, to feel the adrenaline of the final table, to compete, this is a question that I've been asking myself more and more. If i earned more in my job i might play poker less, then again, I might just play higher limits. I'm not comfortable just taking all the time, be it small amounts. I need to find something to balance it out, to give to a charity, or do something constructive that helps others. It's easy and natural for me to be a ruthless brastard. What i need to find is a reason, a human reason, to be that ruthless. If i had a family, people who depended on me, i might feel different. I'm going to see how far i can take this game and not give myself such a hard time over it.

    (all opinions are subject to change/denial and not necessarily the views of my public brain)

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 21,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dub13

    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    Whatever hobby/pastimes I have I always try to give it 100%,so my aim is to be the best poker player I can be....not the best player,the best I can be.Some poker groupies would also be good.

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    Online Yes,I will not take a loss online as if you lose you get nothing out of it at least if you lose in a "real" game you get a night out.Right now I am making a few $100s a month its not much but I pay of my credit card bill with it.With a nice big mortgage and two kids under 2 the extra few bob comes in handy when I am paying of essential bills such as my many trips over to see Liverpool play.

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?Like BigDragon I cant stand cash games...they just don't suite my style,my mates swear by them.I am a tournament player,I am not going to fool myself into thinking otherwise.I think this is allot of players downfall,they try to be good at everything or what their mates play...find out what you are good at and stick it it.Right now I am going through a 6 seat STT faze.

    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?
    My other half keeps asking me this.You just cant beat the feeling of being on the final table of a tournament,there is something romantic about a few guys having all the chips at the end of a nights play and then going to battle to sort out who the best player on the night is.Or on-till they do a deal.Also you meet some top people around the poker scene in this city (and at mikes events out in bogland).A non poker playing mate said to me the other day as I was getting ready to hit the fitz..."its not very sociable going playing cards in a dark room,come out and have a few beers and we will hit a nightclub"to which I replyed..sitting around a good fun table having abit of banter and playing good poker is allot more sociable than going to a nightclub not being able to hear anybody talk and paying 7/8 euro a pint.

    ps:sorry about the long reply,I cant sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,047 ✭✭✭Culchie

    1. What is your aim in Poker?

    Win a big live Tournament, make a few quid, help pay the bills etc...
    I am naturally a competitive person, so I like winning, hate losing, and want to be as good as I can possibly be.
    I'd love to win a satellite to won of those cruises or trips away ( I suppose I better start entering them if I want to do that !)

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?

    Yes I do expect to, and will stick to proper bankroll management to try and ensure I do this.
    I'm not into poker for the gambling side of it, I see it as a challenge, and my 'buzz' comes from success of defeating opponents and negotiating the 'field' rather than the 'buzz' some people get from backing horses down the bookies, or playing at a stake/buy-in which is above their head.

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?

    Primarily on-line 9 or 10 STT's ($10-$30), even though I now intend to play a few more MTT's as I have funds cushion to do so.
    STT income is nearly guaranteed at this stage. Net Income (6 month average) presently $445 per month ... climbing a little every month ... making fewer mistakes.
    I don't play cash, it's too volatile for me.
    I normally cash out once a month, start at $10 STT again, and take it from there.
    Going to start playing more live poker games more often, as and from now.

    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?

    I enjoy the challenge, beats watching TV, and it's a bit like ski-ing, in that there's always a bigger challenge waiting for you ... always a next level, the learning curve continues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭AmarilloFats

    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    Enjoy it and win money. I enjoy it when I win money and vice versa.
    And to be specificly to have a BB/100 of 10 at the 5/10NL Party tables in 18 months or so...and Make a Tele final table so me ma can see me playin'..Rapid

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    Ah yeah shu why not. I Would not play without the monies..

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    Short handed ring games..I love the Live MTT in the fitz also ..but most $$ comes from ring games..

    Tis good to write ur aims down...supposedly it's half the battle in achieving them...Good luck in yessers endeavours.

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    To have a life less ordinary. In poker terms I'd like to be the best player I can be and then be happy about that.

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    I make a fair bit of money from Poker but its not all (or even mostly) from the cards. I make money dealing games, running games, reporting about games, promoting games.
    I also make a bit from playing but I wouldnt be able to live on it, nor am I sure I would want to.

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    MTT Offline for teh w1n! Though I enjoy all types tbh.

    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?
    I'm addicted. No, I play as much for the social enjoyment as the money. I'm hugely competitive and I HATE to lose, the stakes are fairly irrelevant. I like the toughest competition and so I like nothing better then seeing the best players in the Fitz and off this forum sitting down at my table. Those arent the desires of someone who is solely focused on money :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭jem

    1. What is your aim in Poker? to be as good as I can be. To win first prize in the Kildare poker tourneyfinal .
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker? no. I don't play on line for money, could become too adictive. even though we only play €20 freezeout in our game and have only played in 3 outside tourney's I am well up about €1200. I am not in it for the money.
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?Face to face. Heads up preferably, have only evey lost 2 and both times was so tired I didn't care any more.
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway? to have fun, to out think the other players, to win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,440 ✭✭✭califano

    1. What is your aim in Poker?

    To improve to a level to be good/lucky enough to earn a high finish in a big online tournament and or to win a ticket to a major offline tv tournament. To walk by a bookies and hear one of the smokers outside say to the other as i pass by "Hear Joe dats yar man on that telly poker last night.....(Joe's muffled reply)..'Gangsters'".
    I love/hate hearing this type of typical conversation in the bookies!.

    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?

    No. Sportsbook betting is hard enough and ive been doing that since school. Im a relative newcomer to poker so in the first couple of years i want but dont expect to be making money. Poker seems even more volatile than sportsbook betting so ive got to be realistic. It seems to me a lot of pro's and semi-pro's might be making money but it isnt really theirs, its just gunpowder being kept dry for future battle.

    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?

    Heads-up mostly but the times i have played STT's ive had a degree success(losing less than expected).

    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?

    Because i like the game and i love the gamble. I like the way everyone is equal in a poker tournament. Theres no way im playing darts against Phil Taylor and winning a leg but i could very easily beat any world class poker player on a given day. Nobody grows old at poker. When your footballing or sporting days are over you are finished but poker players can go on and on like golfers or commentators i suppose.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 589 ✭✭✭5pin5

    to see the look on a players face when i have played with rubbish and done him :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 350 ✭✭tap28

    1.What is your aim in Poker?
    Originally my aim was to meet up with my friends, have a few drinks and enjoy myself every other Friday night.
    Now my aim is to keep improving as a player by playing, reading books and listing to better and more experienced player on sites such as boards.
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    Short answer is no. I play online and live. Online in the last year I have lost about €150 online, can’t seem to win in cash games however now in STT’s I am in the money more than not so that €150 is getting smaller and smaller.
    Live is a different story in our usual game I have probably nearly won half of them and in the 3 tourneys I have entered bubbled the first, second in the second and 8th in the third. So all in all I am up about €1800 - €2000.
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    Live ring and tourney nl holdem.
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway? I still want to meet up with my friends, we no longer drink when playing and enjoy myself. For me it is a great pastime, it is an escape form the grind of work.

    By the way does anyone know of a good excel bankroll management programme?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 8,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭mewso

    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    I've been playig for a while now and right from the start I've been fascinated by it and continually try to educate myself and improve my game. I would love to play in more "Big Games" and some day the WSOP but i general I just love to play.
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    At the moment no. I don't play cash games that often and that is where you go to make money. I think it's difficult to expect to win cosistently playing tourneys in the fitz for example. I haven't really got time to play cash games at the moment and mostly sit down for an STT in the evenings because I know I won't be playing all night. For a long time I have been more intested in the human side of the game as opposed to the odds/statistics/probaility etc. but more and more I am bringing these things into my game and when I have the time I will study it more. In the end I might evolve into a player that makes money but it's not something I am intentionally working at right now. Like Dave I am also interested in "selling shovels" and have ideas all the time. Just finding the time with a 9 to 5 job is not easy.
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    STTs but only because it's my main game at the moment. Not bad at MTTs either though.
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?
    I love the game pure and simple but I like the social side too and recently have not been in a position to go into the fitz and miss the crack. I've met some great people too what with sooted aces and the home games are great nights (must have one again soon).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭TacT

    BigDragon wrote:
    1. What is your aim in Poker?
    2. Do you realistically expect to make money from Poker?
    3. What format of Poker do you do best in (Ring, MTT, OL/OffL etc)?
    4. Why do you play Poker anyway?

    1. to make cash, slowly but surely.
    2. Yes.
    3. Ring games with 9/10 players and MTT. Although I hate speed/turbo. I like to slowplay.
    4. I love poker and I need the cash!
