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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,003 ✭✭✭rsynnott

    How is keeping high moral standards in the education environment bigoted?

    Well, there's nothing immoral about the left wing, under any moral system I've come across.

    So, you're probably talking about the LGBT. Well, first, I resent being called immoral. I don't call you nasty names! (Well, not much). The catholic church, clearly dislikes gay people; at least that is its policy; sympathy for gay people is growing there. Fortunately, Ireland is a secular nation, and so is Trinity! And there was never any question of Trinity being Catholic. So, I don't really get where you're coming from. Who are you to set morals?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭ItalianStallion

    rsynnott wrote:
    And of course, Trinity has a tradition of fascism... :rolleyes:

    Trinity's "tradition" in recent decades looks pretty damn liberal to me; we provided a lovely Labour (learn to spell in real English) president who'd previously been legal advisor to the Campaign for Homosexual Law Reform, plus David Norris, I'm fairly sure we were the first university in Ireland to admit women, we're the only university to allow transexuals to change their name and gender on degrees...

    Hmm, and there was me thinking you ran for PRESIDENT of the SU.

    What on earth do you have against Finna Gael? They're certainly not left wing; like FF, they tend to avoid having any orientation at all, to avoid offending people.

    You want to ban gay people and the left wing? (Liberal is a vague term, but I assume this is what you're getting at). Well, as far as I can see, Trinity benefits far more from gay people and the left wing than it does from Americans who can't spell. Perhaps we should ban that group? :)

    How do homosexuals benefit our College? they waste college funding on stupid programs as well as embarassing us to the rest of the country. Besides, we Americans are much more important as we contributute more in funding and fees. If our tourists stopped comming, y'all would be screwed. Compare that to the loss of the homosexuals.
    Those people you site are stains on our Tradition. Robinson is an extremist and david norris is depraved. All of the changes you cite are of relativle recent date, and go against the Idea of the Sacred and Undivided Trinity.
    I ran for president as I repersented Tradition. Its funny how a Texan has to come to your country to instruct you on that principal. I just find it diesturbing how you country which has such an old and noble tradition has in a single generation, lost its heart for the sake of being "european." Hang your heads in collective shame!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,487 ✭✭✭Kevin_rc_ie

    If IS just slightly adjusted the way he posts he wouldn't sound bigoted at all. But he'd probably cease to be IS then too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭ItalianStallion

    rsynnott wrote:
    Thing is, tho, Gambino isn't a proper elitist; he gives out about "riff-raff", gay people, liberals and other random groups. This is just basic bigotry; no need to make it something it's not.

    It would seem that the most close minded people ive ever met were liberals. they are bigoted against anything that appears to seem respectable. They are the ones denying people free speech at debates and protests. They were the ones i constantly bashed heads with. Stubborn, closeminded, leftwing, extremist bigots. Im pretty sure liberalism is a sickness though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 182 ✭✭zippo22

    ...and they should tighten entrance requirements and have personal interviews so that they can weed out potential hazzards before they have a chance to infect others. .....
    You're right. They should start with a spelling test.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭ItalianStallion

    rsynnott]Well, there's nothing immoral about the left wing, under any moral system I've come across.

    it would appear that you havent come accross many moral systems then. Almost all of the ones in the world are intrinsically conservative. you might mean the "new age" one where everything is great, or the secular humanist one where everything is equil, but I wouldent consider these legitimate philosophies. Almost everyone ever created has its core value in protecting the family. Do you honestly want to try and debate that and get burned?

    So, you're probably talking about the LGBT. Well, first, I resent being called immoral. I don't call you nasty names! (Well, not much). The catholic church, clearly dislikes gay people; at least that is its policy; sympathy for gay people is growing there. Fortunately, Ireland is a secular nation, and so is Trinity! And there was never any question of Trinity being Catholic. So, I don't really get where you're coming from. Who are you to set morals?

    The Church dislikes homosexuality, not homosexuals. Id have though some one who has allegedly come accross so many moral systems would know that. Homosexuality is a perversion and a sickness. It is the perversion of order and a chaotic state of being. I have several gay friends, and i dont hate them because they are homosexual, but i do hate the homosexuality of my friends. We must remember to hate the sin and not the sinner.
    As for college, Trinity has traditionally not been secular. Even if that means protestant, the very word "Trinity" has theological connotations. Oh, and protestantism aslo sees homosexuality as sinfull. I would love to see my old Alma Matter revert to that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,487 ✭✭✭Kevin_rc_ie

    i thought it was homosexual acts. specifically anal sex the Christian church wasn't too happy about. I view it as, no one has a problem with two guys who live together and love each other, and give each pleasure, as long as they try not to sodomise each other.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,003 ✭✭✭rsynnott

    How do homosexuals benefit our College? they waste college funding on stupid programs as well as embarassing us to the rest of the country. Besides, we Americans are much more important as we contributute more in funding and fees. If our tourists stopped comming, y'all would be screwed. Compare that to the loss of the homosexuals.

    Oscar Wilde anyone? :) No, seriously, gay people are just a minority looking for equal rights? Is that so difficult for you to cope with?
    Those people you site are stains on our Tradition. Robinson is an extremist and david norris is depraved. All of the changes you cite are of relativle recent date, and go against the Idea of the Sacred and Undivided Trinity.

    Well, the women's rights thing was around 1900. (Though rights extended at that time were minimal). Before 1850, catholics couldn't go, you know :). And what is this idea of a sacred and undivided trinity of wihch you speak? The Church of Ireland was Disestablised in the 19th century. Any religious principles went out the window at that point, as far as I can see.

    David Norris won substantially equal rights for hundreds of thousands of Irish people. 'nuff said.

    Mary Robinson was an extremist? Goodness. One of the most popular extemists in our history. And a good UN commissioner of human rights, too, until your country forced her to resign over her criticisms of your execution policy.
    I ran for president as I repersented Tradition. Its funny how a Texan has to come to your country to instruct you on that principal. I just find it diesturbing how you country which has such an old and noble tradition has in a single generation, lost its heart for the sake of being "european." Hang your heads in collective shame!

    Old and noble tradition? Ireland? Which one are you speaking of? The one of being a brutally oppressed colony? Or the one of being an oppressive pseudo-catholic country, with social services run by the church and kids whose crime was to have a prostitute or single mother as a parent sent to Magladane Laundries? Get real. Europe pulled us into the 20th century, neatly bypassing the 16th through 19th.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,487 ✭✭✭Kevin_rc_ie

    did rsynott steal isaw's avatar?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,003 ✭✭✭rsynnott

    It would seem that the most close minded people ive ever met were liberals. they are bigoted against anything that appears to seem respectable. They are the ones denying people free speech at debates and protests. They were the ones i constantly bashed heads with. Stubborn, closeminded, leftwing, extremist bigots. Im pretty sure liberalism is a sickness though.

    Ah, protecting the family. Interesting. Of course, all left wing people want you to reproduce through test tube, correct?

    Oh, I've never been one for controlling freedom of speech, except where it escalates into incitement to hatred. Give the mad "christian" conservatives enough rope to hang themselves.

    As I've mentioned before, Trinity hasn't even been protestant since 1857. And the current Anglican church is a little amibvalent as regards homosexuality, you know. In any case, the church also criticises things like divorce. Do you really want a divorceless system, every abused wife tied to her abuser until death? And the bible goes further, criticising things like lending money with interest and mixing fabrics.

    And I've only adopted this avatar recently; didn't realise someone else was using it...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭bug

    Trinity doesnt belong to the public! It is the domain of the students/staff for their tenure of work or study. Riff-raff should steer well clear, and they should tighten entrance requirements and have personal interviews so that they can weed out potential hazzards before they have a chance to infect others. I am reffering to the many corrupting factors in trinity such as the lgbt, labor, fg, socialist workers, the su and other meilus that want to wreck Trinity tradition. Liberalism is a sickness you know

    Actually I thought it still belonged to the queen of england, the land that is...
    anyone care to put this myth right?

    As a non trinner..shock horror...I've attended many plays in the players theatre and also sat on the pitch in the pav for one or two on a friday evening. I've also picked up my cans and put them in the bin, (more than most of the students have done I might add)...I hope this complies with your non-riff raff standard. As for code of dress, I'm sorry - I'm off laughing in the corner and pointing and at you.

    "riff-raf" seriously, who uses early twentienth century language like that?

    The original post smacks of arrogance and self-importance. You should write a letter to the queen and complain :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,003 ✭✭✭rsynnott

    Hmm, maybe I should go over to Gambino's college and run for SU Pres or equivalent there! Wonder how far I'd get :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭DrIndy

    did rsynott steal isaw's avatar?
    LOL :D

    Thats is probably one of the most apt and perceiving comments I have encountered considering this is developing into another interesting debate!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭cuckoo

    bug wrote:
    sat on the pitch in the pav for one or two on a friday evening. I've also picked up my cans and put them in the bin, (more than most of the students have done I might add)...I hope this complies with your non-riff raff standard.

    As long as it was the big blue recycling bin, to the right of the pav if you're standing on the pitch looking at the building, then that's perfectly acceptable behaviour within the hallowed railings of trinity.

    Right, i'm opening the bets on how long it takes for the interesting debate this has turned into to be closed.....

    *passes Indy the popcorn*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 191 ✭✭dublinguy2004

    This discussion is deteriorating into some liberal/gay/FG discussion now but can we back to the original point about randomers just freely walking onto campus in blatent disregard to the rules that have been laid down?
    During Trinity term, security guards can be seen patroling Fellow's Square, New Square and indeed College Park telling students to move on which is fair enough. But for some reason this 'sitting out' phenomenom seems to be tolerated when huge numbers of yanks and babbling spanish kids come to town during the summer break. This is a university and not a public park. If they'd like to engage in recreational sun-bathing or whatever it is they want to do, they should go on a visit to St. Stephen's Green or somewhere and stop disturbing those of us that are entitled to a tranquil university environment in which to study in. If they don't respect this, then we should charge visitors in Oxford-style, tell the security guards to do their job or come up with some other solution.
    The Pavilion Bar has become a bit of a problem. The ground around the Pav is badly damaged because of drunken antics and people falling about the place. It was heart-breaking to see the repaired cricket ground being trampled upon even though there were clearly marked signs everywhere and there were ropes in place. I even saw a group of idiots (I'd like to think they weren't students themselves) playing rounders with a hurler through this cordoned-off area. A stop needs to be put to these summer evenings of debauchery. I'd guess most of those about the Pav on summer nights haven't even got a student card and are therefore not members of DUCAC and may not use the facilities unless they are signed into the bar book. Get rid of these people!!! Because if we don't, and there's a major accident/drink-related incident involving some non-member of DUCAC, then we could lose the licence. The Pav needs to be brought under control by College 10-4-job authorities otherwise the gardai will do it for us as there is an obvious public order problem.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,523 ✭✭✭ApeXaviour

    The Pavilion Bar has become a bit of a problem. The ground around the Pav is badly damaged because of drunken antics and people falling about the place. It was heart-breaking to see the repaired cricket ground being trampled upon even though there were clearly marked signs everywhere and there were ropes in place. I even saw a group of idiots (I'd like to think they weren't students themselves) playing rounders with a hurler through this cordoned-off area. A stop needs to be put to these summer evenings of debauchery. I'd guess most of those about the Pav on summer nights haven't even got a student card and are therefore not members of DUCAC and may not use the facilities unless they are signed into the bar book. Get rid of these people!!!
    You seem to forget that it's these drunken louts, coming in their droves on those fine joyous summer evenings, that all but pay for DUCAC with their business.
    Might give you an indication as to why the behaviour is tolerated somewhat. The extra summer pav "bouncers" keep it in good enough check tbh.

    So are you a student then dublinguy? You seem like a bit of a square

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,114 ✭✭✭Kappar

    ApeXaviour wrote:
    So are you a student then dublinguy? You seem like a bit of a square

    Ah, don't jive him turkey. Calling him L7 is way harsh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭ItalianStallion

    i thought it was homosexual acts. specifically anal sex the Christian church wasn't too happy about. I view it as, no one has a problem with two guys who live together and love each other, and give each pleasure, as long as they try not to sodomise each other.

    the Church is against the practice of homosexuality

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor

    the Church is against the practice of homosexuality
    :rolleyes: how is that related to this thread? [pretends to be mod]//please stay on topic [ :D ]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭ItalianStallion

    rsynnott wrote:
    Hmm, maybe I should go over to Gambino's college and run for SU Pres or equivalent there! Wonder how far I'd get :)

    my new college happens to be the most conservative Catholic Lawschool in the country. Conservatives dont tend to believe in pasaficism, so i'd like to see the results of one making alot of bother.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor

    Please excuse my ignorance,,, :rolleyes: who is that guy(itallionstalion), some of the posters here seem to know him???

    Dont want to sound ignoble but he comes across as some kind of nutcase (in a Ian Paisley way)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    gays are a minority just as much as other people with mental illnesses are. why not let respect their wishes like we do those with schizophrenia?

    If you're going to suggest that homosexuality is a mental illness, then you're a ****ing idiot, because the amount of studies to the contrary is overwhelming. And, I imagine that in using that comparison, you don't know very much about mental illness either, so I suggest you go and read up on it.
    its sickning that legalizing paedophillia is on the homosexual aggenda.

    Beautiful. Are you aware that the proportion of male-female paedophilia (that's a man with a young girl, in case you're in any doubt) is higher than male-male paedophilia? And, seeing as you're such a devout Catholic, by your logic, the priests are all a pack of dirty kiddy fiddlers, and we should arrest them all and silence their "agenda".
    Dont want to sound ignoble but he comes across as some kind of nutcase (in a Ian Paisley way

    I'd go with "selectively educated fanatic", but that's just me being polite..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,314 ✭✭✭Nietzschean

    Italianstallion banned for a week, for turning yet another thread into drivel.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 37,303 ✭✭✭✭the_syco

    ApeXaviour wrote:
    If you think that then you do not know any typical "trinner" students. Take your dumb stereotypes elsewhere please..
    Sorry, but i was implying that all trinners don't wear Gucci. What some may consider "riff-raff" may be students. Not all students wear "fashionable" clothes.
    This is a university and not a public park.
    Meh. Its a monument thing. Also stuff is stored in Trinity, which the public has access to.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭DrIndy

    Please excuse my ignorance,,, :rolleyes: who is that guy(itallionstalion), some of the posters here seem to know him???

    Dont want to sound ignoble but he comes across as some kind of nutcase (in a Ian Paisley way)
    I'm a friend of him and have known him for many years. He has his own views, which I respect even though I disagree with them. He is a true gentleman on a personal level.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,301 ✭✭✭airetam_storm

    DrIndy wrote:
    I'm a friend of him and have known him for many years. He has his own views, which I respect even though I disagree with them. He is a true gentleman on a personal level.
    So he not really Ian Paisley then :eek:

    I was in myself today and not being a student there would i be considered riff-raff(what a good word :D )

    And your uber-conservitave views are somewhat akin to that of the neo-fascists, and you accuse others of being closed minded? :confused:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,314 ✭✭✭Nietzschean

    since he's currently banned it would be unfair if for ye to discuss him anymore.

This discussion has been closed.