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LAN Weekend!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,419 ✭✭✭nadir

    suck me bollix.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia wrote:
    Ok, let's start with this one. I'm not debating whether the cost of the hotel is overpriced. I'm debating that the LAN is overpriced. LAN != hotel. Also, this lan appears to be planned for Spiddal which isn't exaclty in the city so people pay for transport also.

    The whole package is 100 euro .. this includes the LAN .. 3 days gaming (galway lan being 30 euro), 2 nights stay in a hotel, and 2 breakfasts. As most people 18+ know someone who has a car or have a car themselves then the price of petrol to spiddal is quite minimal.

    Fobia wrote:
    A LAN is a local area network, generally consisting of several computer linked up to each other via Cat5 cable and a switch, I think can say that without much arguement. Am I far from an authority to say what a LAN party is? I've been to a good few in several different locations, so I'd have to disagree with you on that one.

    You think that because you have been to a few lan parties here and there and probably only in this country that your 'definition' of a lan party as a load of teenagers and students sleeping in a hall somewhere applies to every lan party for all ages everywhere in the world? That my friend is one of the most idiotic points of view that i have ever heard. Just because you have experienced it one way does not mean that that is the only way it is to be experienced.

    Fobia wrote:
    Perhaps, but I doubt you play in LAN parties everyday. Netcafe != LAN party unless the LAN party is being held in a netcafe.

    My point was refering to your stereotype of the type of person you think plays in a lan or goes to a lan party. You really think that lan parties only involve a certain type of person. You think that only students and teenagers play fps and the sort. How about you hop on a couple of cs, battlefield etc servers online and ask the people who play there what age they are and what they do for a living .. you might get a surprise
    Fobia wrote:
    As to your comments on the people you know. Remember this, LAN parties shouldn't be concentrated on MMORPG's (in fact, at all big irish LANs wont see anyone playing an MMORPG), so your points are irrelevent. The people who attend LAN parties are people who want to play genres such as FPS and RTS. I think if you look into it you'll see that most of the attendee's of big LAN parties do indeed fall into the age group of 18-26 or so.

    You miss the point .. the lan parties you go to have an average age of between 18-26 .. That is probably because you are between the ages of 18 - 26. Say you are still playing video games when you are 30 .. do you think you will be going to the same lan parties with 18 - 26 year olds or will you be going to lan parties with people your own age? I never said that i go to lan parties where people play mmo's .. the point was refering to the age grp of people who play video games .. do you think people who play mmo's dont play fps games? The best fps players I know play mmo's regularly

    Fobia wrote:
    I think I get to decide whether I wish you good luck or not. Yes I think it's a ripoff. But I think GalwayLANs can be a bit of a ripoff yet I usually really enjoy them. I do have a clue, I think it is you that doesn't. Can you explain how my opinions are idiotic without complaining about the cost of a hotel?

    Its people like you who make me sick .. you label everything a ripoff without ever really taking into account the costs and work it involves to organise something. Just because you cant afford something then it is a ripoff. You get 3 days gaming at a galway lan for 30 euro and you think its a ripoff sometimes? Do you have any idea of rent for somewhere, insurance costs, hardware costs, labour involved etc. etc. to organise a big lan party? Its great value at 30 euro and you live on a different planet if you think its a ripoff. Try and orgainse something similar to the galway lan and talk to me about whether its a rip off or not. Such a whiner!
    Fobia wrote:
    P.S. Learn to quote. Thanks.

    My quoting technique is exactly the same as yours .. what are you trying to say or where is the problem with my quoting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Fobia

    I have a very good idea of what it takes to organise a LAN party actually. My complaints about the GalwayLAN is because the reason it costs 30 euro is so that the admins can buy more equipment, whereas sometimes I think that no more equipment is really needed and as such the price should drop a little.

    As for your gamers statements, I know a good ammount of cs'ers, bf'ers and quake'ers, so I do know the average age. There are indeed some older people playing but they are the minority. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one.

    As for the cost of your LAN, yet again you're only listening to yourself. You see, the cost only includes breakfast. With lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks you're talking about 200+ for the LAN. Yes most people know someone with a car or have one themselves but you seem to forget that lugging out several pc's isn't that easy, so there's hassle involved also.

    As for the agegroups at LAN parties, well, the average age for ShannonLAN is higher than that for the bigger LANs around the country, but there's no age restrictions, it's coincidence that more of the gaming population there are, well, old :) . At GalwayLANs there are a few people who are 30+ and they enjoy the LANs just as much as the rest of us. Also, I'm intrigued by your "the best fps players I know are big mmo players" statement, may I inquire as to who the best fps players you know are?

    I made the quoting statement because in the post before I said it you kept quoting yourself and then talking about something completely irrelevent to the quote. Either you aint great at quoting (which is fine, it's something we all had to learn), or your english is poor, if it's the latter then maybe you should read over your posts before you hit that button, as I'm finding some of them quite hard to read...

    All in all, you don't know me, where I've been what I've done etc etc. So I don't think you're in a position to keep judging me, and as such I'd appreciate if you'd stop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,810 ✭✭✭DRakE

    One Hundred Euro? What A Rip Off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia wrote:
    I have a very good idea of what it takes to organise a LAN party actually. My complaints about the GalwayLAN is because the reason it costs 30 euro is so that the admins can buy more equipment, whereas sometimes I think that no more equipment is really needed and as such the price should drop a little.

    lol .. a word comes to mind when I think of u .. n00b! What the hell do you know about organising a large scale event? Tell me please of some of the large scale social events you have personally organised and then talk to me or the organisers of galway lan about your complaints. Who the hell are you to tell people who are organising an event that you dont think any more equipment is needed. You have no idea of what you are talking about.
    Fobia wrote:
    As for your gamers statements, I know a good ammount of cs'ers, bf'ers and quake'ers, so I do know the average age. There are indeed some older people playing but they are the minority. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one.

    eh .. you really are making yourself look stupid now. Because you know a few bf and cs players that are your own age then you think that accounts for all the thousands of players that play those games? Burst my bubble .. its you who is living in a bubble m8 .. a bubble that seems to block any sense reaching you. Try doing a psychology project on online gaming and the players who play online games .. the addictive nature of the games and the role reversal involved with the people of different age groups who play those games .. then talk to me about what you 'know' about online games and the people who play them
    Fobia wrote:
    As for the cost of your LAN, yet again you're only listening to yourself. You see, the cost only includes breakfast. With lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks you're talking about 200+ for the LAN. Yes most people know someone with a car or have one themselves but you seem to forget that lugging out several pc's isn't that easy, so there's hassle involved also.

    What dont you understand? Ill break it down slowly for you. Say the lan is charged at 30 euro like Galway lan. And then you have 2 cooked breakfasts which is say 20 euro. So that is 50 out of the 100 euro. Now at peak tourist season in Galway (You know the film festival, the arts festival and the races) you are getting two nights stay in a hotel for 50 euro .. thats 25 euro a night with full access to a 24/7 residents bar. Can you sit there and tell me that someone is making an unfair profit out of that or that they are ripping people off. Listen m8 someone of us are a bit older and dont like lans full of screaming kids. We are too old to be sleeping on floors. We like breakfast in the morning. We have cars. We think it is a very reasonable price to be quoted for a lan party of which the majority of us have been to many, many more times than you.

    Fobia wrote:
    As for the agegroups at LAN parties, well, the average age for ShannonLAN is higher than that for the bigger LANs around the country, but there's no age restrictions, it's coincidence that more of the gaming population there are, well, old :) . At GalwayLANs there are a few people who are 30+ and they enjoy the LANs just as much as the rest of us. Also, I'm intrigued by your "the best fps players I know are big mmo players" statement, may I inquire as to who the best fps players you know are?

    Again you only understand lan parties as big public events involving lots of screaming kids and teenagers. There are many lan parties that go on around this country and in other countries that are private or semi private .. for smaller and older groups of people. As to the best fps players I know .. you would not know who they were even if I told you. Some are from this country .. a lot are not .. they all play in national leagues and clans. Unless you are 26 and have been playing pc games since you are 12 and also studied the area for a number of university projects then it is safe for me to say that I have probably a little more knowledge of the subject than you.
    Fobia wrote:
    I made the quoting statement because in the post before I said it you kept quoting yourself and then talking about something completely irrelevent to the quote. Either you aint great at quoting (which is fine, it's something we all had to learn), or your english is poor, if it's the latter then maybe you should read over your posts before you hit that button, as I'm finding some of them quite hard to read...

    omg .. you really are slow. You cant pick up on the humour in the post. Im intentionally quoting myself .. because i had to constantly refer you to one of my first questions
    Playboy wrote:
    Are you a retard?

    Fobia wrote:
    All in all, you don't know me, where I've been what I've done etc etc. So I don't think you're in a position to keep judging me, and as such I'd appreciate if you'd stop.

    Im not judging you .. Im asking to you to keep your uninformed and idiotic opinions to yourself because you obviously don have a clue what you are talking about.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    DRakE wrote:
    One Hundred Euro? What A Rip Off.

    Please slowly break down the costs involved and tell me in all your knowledge of things financial why it is a ripoff?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,163 ✭✭✭✭danniemcq

    Fobia wrote:
    As for your gamers statements, I know a good ammount of cs'ers, bf'ers and quake'ers, so I do know the average age. There are indeed some older people playing but they are the minority. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one.

    would sir like a blue peter badge??? next time you are online and gaming send a question out askin how old ppl are, granted you will get a fair few young ppl but calling older gamers a minority is a gross mis-calculation. in the net cafe i'm in right now there are 12 people here gaming. and drum roll please drrrrrrrrrrrrr 7/8 of them are in their late 20's and upward. last night was the same when there was only 2 people playin under the age of 25.

    now granted there is a whole load of gamers in their teens/early 20's that come in on a daily basis but there is no real minority on either side
    Drake wrote:
    One Hundred Euro? What A Rip Off.

    read more of the posts before saying a one line reply. try and be constructive when replying

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Shut the fúck up you pack of whinging bítches.


    Playboy or danniemcq- when you get confirmed details, post them on this board in a new thread if you like, but I'd highly recommend ye post on or on Lan Parties forum aswell.

    I'm very tempted to lock this thread now because it's gotten out of control and it's boring me to tears.

    Dave - stop stirring shít smile.gif
    There are lots of different types of Lan Parties (and this type of event deffinately qualifies as a LAN Party) and 100euro [for 24hrs or 3 days??] including accomodation is not that bad at all. There were several GalwayLANs in the Anno where people booked a room in the hotel or in a B&B up the road (when the hotel was full) for the weekend of the lan so that they wouldn't have to sleep on the floor.

    Me - usually I go the distance aided by adreneline, metal and caffiene and then crash for 3-4 hours in the middle.
    At the next GL I'll more than likely be heading out on the tear or back home for a few hours kip both nights.

    If I'm free for this thing and there's space, I'll sign up. It would be great to get to go to a lan in Galway where I don't have to worry about stuff and just enjoy gaming and drinking, especially with an older crowd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Fobia

    Right, I'm getting tired of this.

    Playboy: You're beginning to annoy me, and frankly I don't care enough to argue anymore. We discussed this thread on irc last night and concluded that a) you're a nob, and b) you're a nob who doesn't know much. I don't care what studies you've done, you clearly have very little experience of online culture. You sound to me like one of these academic know-it-all's who like to think they're the bees knees but really wouldn't know what a bunnyhop was if it smacked them in the face and said "hey you, I'm a bunnyhop!".

    danniemcq: Well, up until your last post you've at least tried to be civil, so I wont go calling you any names. However I think the main reason the people in Clan are the ages you say is because the older one's can afford it, and the younger people are those who have their parents money - there are quite a few of us who would have liked to go to Lanfest regularily back in the day (in my case, before I stopped liking the type of games played there), but we simply couldn't afford it. However online the community is much different, all you need is a net connection and the game and you can play as much as you like. So whereas there is no minority either side in your netcafe, this number does not include the many online gamers, and let's not forget that at any good LAN party there are a good few people who come from outside the area, so I think this comparison is null and void.

    Also, Drake can be a bit of a cock and he doesn't generally agree with me, but he has alot of online experience also, and I think that most of the "hardkore gam0rz" of galway would agree with me on the matter of price. As I've said already (this is directed at Playboy, danniemcq and Syx), it's not about the cost of a hotel room and breakfast etc, we know and understand that it's a fair price for what you get, it's a ripoff because most gamers don't have that kind of money, and we think all this luxury is unnecessary for a LAN party. Perhaps if you brought in the option of sleeping on the floor and people getting their own food for a more reasonable price it would be fair.
    Syxpak wrote:
    Dave - stop stirring shít smile.gif

    Nevarr! :)

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,096 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    why would you go to sleep.sleep when you're dead.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    I'd pay the 100 quid for the fact its zero hassle to me and i get a bed i can go to anytime i like and its not too far away. So when ye do sort a date give me a shout and i'll try sign up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Fobia wrote:
    and I think that most of the "hardkore gam0rz" of galway would agree with me on the matter of price. As I've said already (this is directed at Playboy, danniemcq and Syx), it's not about the cost of a hotel room and breakfast etc, we know and understand that it's a fair price for what you get, it's a ripoff because most gamers don't have that kind of money, and we think all this luxury is unnecessary for a LAN party. Perhaps if you brought in the option of sleeping on the floor and people getting their own food for a more reasonable price it would be fair.

    But Dave, it is a fair price. It's a lan with a bit more luxury/creature comforts - like getting a taxi home after a few pints instead of walking.
    For what's offered (3days?) it seems like a fair price, especially when you consider that they're booking 10-20 rooms in a hotel (even in An Spiddeál) during the summer ie. the height of tourist trade where hotel prices generally go up a bit.
    Yes it's expensive for a Lan, but I honestly think you're using the wrong word to express what you mean when you say it's "over-priced" or a "rip-off".
    If they took your €100, kicked you in the balls and set your PC on fire, then yeah, maybe it would be a rip-off, but 100euro all-in isn't too bad for what you get. And it's in Spiddle, which means most people who'd be going would have a car/mate with a car and would be a bit older than the 15-20 mark.

    Playboy and danniemcq: please don't use the words "students and teenagers" again, it made my eyes bleed :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia wrote:
    Right, I'm getting tired of this.

    Playboy: You're beginning to annoy me, and frankly I don't care enough to argue anymore. We discussed this thread on irc last night and concluded that a) you're a nob, and b) you're a nob who doesn't know much. I don't care what studies you've done, you clearly have very little experience of online culture. You sound to me like one of these academic know-it-all's who like to think they're the bees knees but really wouldn't know what a bunnyhop was if it smacked them in the face and said "hey you, I'm a bunnyhop!".

    danniemcq: Well, up until your last post you've at least tried to be civil, so I wont go calling you any names. However I think the main reason the people in Clan are the ages you say is because the older one's can afford it, and the younger people are those who have their parents money - there are quite a few of us who would have liked to go to Lanfest regularily back in the day (in my case, before I stopped liking the type of games played there), but we simply couldn't afford it. However online the community is much different, all you need is a net connection and the game and you can play as much as you like. So whereas there is no minority either side in your netcafe, this number does not include the many online gamers, and let's not forget that at any good LAN party there are a good few people who come from outside the area, so I think this comparison is null and void.

    Also, Drake can be a bit of a cock and he doesn't generally agree with me, but he has alot of online experience also, and I think that most of the "hardkore gam0rz" of galway would agree with me on the matter of price. As I've said already (this is directed at Playboy, danniemcq and Syx), it's not about the cost of a hotel room and breakfast etc, we know and understand that it's a fair price for what you get, it's a ripoff because most gamers don't have that kind of money, and we think all this luxury is unnecessary for a LAN party. Perhaps if you brought in the option of sleeping on the floor and people getting their own food for a more reasonable price it would be fair.

    A few points and questions:

    1. What age are you?

    2. I will galdly give you my address (actually no need to .. im in clan most days) if you and ur little buddies from irc feel like ye can grow a pair of balls and call me a nob to my face. I can call you a retard and every other name under the sun if I feel like it because its nothing I would not say to u irl.

    3. As to the 'I dont know much' point .. I have probably infinite more experience in lan gaming and online gaming than you do. The reasons for this are (a) im probably about 4-5 years older than you (b) I have worked in a gaming lan for over 3 years (c) have been able to afford 2 pcs and an internet connection (dial up and broadband) for many many years. (d) have actively (and obsessively) played numerous mmo's and fps's for many years with a set international clan/guild.

    4. I study psychology so I thought it would interesting to apply it to one the main interests in my life .. gaming. I am by no means a know it all ... I just know a hell of a lot more than you. Check out here for an example of a project I am involved in

    5. As for your bunnyhop statement .. i have one thing to say to you .. STFU n00b!

    6. As for your point of 'maybe if they let us sleep on the floor in the hotel' .. what the hell is your disability? This is aimed at a more mature gamer who can afford it. For these people it is by no means a rip off. If you cant afford it, it does not mean it is a ripoff. Can you get that into your head.

    P.S. you have an absolutely limited knowledge of online gaming. As for your 'hardkore Gam0rz' of Galway statment, all i can say is lol u idiot .. what age are you and why the hell do you and ur small group of kiddie friends think ye are the hardkore Gam0rz of Galway. Spend 6 grand on a PC and play it 18 hrs a day for 4 years and then I might consider you somewhat hardcore. I know people who have clocked up 235 days played (thats 24 hrs per day) on mmo's in just over 2 years.

    Also you probably want to stop posting if you really want some shred of dignity left intact because you are making a complete ass of yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    SyxPak wrote:
    But Dave, it is a fair price. It's a lan with a bit more luxury/creature comforts - like getting a taxi home after a few pints instead of walking.
    For what's offered (3days?) it seems like a fair price, especially when you consider that they're booking 10-20 rooms in a hotel (even in An Spiddeál) during the summer ie. the height of tourist trade where hotel prices generally go up a bit.
    Yes it's expensive for a Lan, but I honestly think you're using the wrong word to express what you mean when you say it's "over-priced" or a "rip-off".
    If they took your €100, kicked you in the balls and set your PC on fire, then yeah, maybe it would be a rip-off, but 100euro all-in isn't too bad for what you get. And it's in Spiddle, which means most people who'd be going would have a car/mate with a car and would be a bit older than the 15-20 mark.

    Playboy and danniemcq: please don't use the words "students and teenagers" again, it made my eyes bleed :)

    Thank you for not been biased and seeing the truth of the matter :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,163 ✭✭✭✭danniemcq

    i'm starting to really really REALLy dislike you fobia. almost as much as people who make me stack my cd's and DVD's in alphabetical order...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Fobia

    Playboy wrote:
    1. What age are you?

    2. I will galdly give you my address (actually no need to .. im in clan most days) if you and ur little buddies from irc feel like ye can grow a pair of balls and call me a nob to my face. I can call you a retard and every other name under the sun if I feel like it because its nothing I would not say to u irl.

    Ah, the old "make it personal" post, a common sign of weakness in someone's arguement, and generally a sign that they can't hold a debate without resorting to the mentality of an 8 year old. I'm not going to answer the first question as it is irrelevent to the question at hand. As to the second question, I wont comment, as it'll only spiral out of control. If you can't keep it civilised then please, **** off. Thanks.
    Playboy wrote:
    3. As to the 'I dont know much' point .. I have probably infinite more experience in lan gaming and online gaming than you do. The reasons for this are (a) im probably about 4-5 years older than you (b) I have worked in a gaming lan for over 3 years (c) have been able to afford 2 pcs and an internet connection (dial up and broadband) for many many years. (d) have actively (and obsessively) played numerous mmo's and fps's for many years with a set international clan/guild.

    I don't know what age you are so I can't comment on the first statement, though again it is irrelevent to this arguement. The second point is related to a netcafe, not a LAN party. As for the third it just shows that you have money, you want some sort of praise for having money? You wont get it from me. As for (d), as have many many people, but we don't pretend to know it all. Also, I like the way you avoided my question as to the famous fps players you know, yet bring something similar up again. So this time I'll ask, what nick(s) do you play fps under, and what international clan's have you played in? This question is just to check your credibility rather than a personal jab.

    [quote= 5. As for your bunnyhop statement .. i have one thing to say to you .. STFU n00b!

    Hmm, well as you made it personal in your last post, I'll drop down to your level for this part; your "STFU n00b!" implies that either you think you are more skilled at this particular gaming aspect than I, or that you think that only "n00b"s think bunnyhopping is important, would you care to comment as to which you were implying?
    SyxPak wrote:
    For what's offered (3days?) it seems like a fair price, especially when you consider that they're booking 10-20 rooms in a hotel (even in An Spiddeál) during the summer ie. the height of tourist trade where hotel prices generally go up a bit.

    Aye, the cost is reasonable for a bed, 2 breakfasts and a room to play games in, but remember I'm trying to look at it from the aspect of the average 20 year old who likes games. It's not too expensive for a LAN + accomodation, but even if you don't want accomodation you have to pay for it, as such it's a bit of a rip-off. As you say at GalwayLANs people book into hotels and b&b's, but they don't have to - if you have the money you get a better experience, but if not you can still have fun.
    Playboy wrote:
    P.S. you have an absolutely limited knowledge of online gaming. As for your 'hardkore Gam0rz' of Galway statment, all i can say is lol u idiot .. what age are you and why the hell do you and ur small group of kiddie friends think ye are the hardkore Gam0rz of Galway. Spend 6 grand on a PC and play it 18 hrs a day for 4 years and then I might consider you somewhat hardcore. I know people who have clocked up 235 days played (thats 24 hrs per day) on mmo's in just over 2 years.

    "Hardkore gam0rz" is a joke, if you actually consider yourself "hardkore" then you need to grow up a little :) . What's with all these statements about my "kiddie friends" the people I discussed this thread with on irc are gamers associated with Galway, not people I meet in day to day life or anything. Also spending money on a pc has got nothing to do with how dedicated you are to gaming, spending alot of time on an mmo does, but as we've already agreed LANs arent about mmo's, so your last point is (yet again!) irrelevent.

    I'd like to stop posting on this thread, but you keep trying to insult me, and I don't enjoy being insulted when it's not in jest, especially from, as one would say, a nooblet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia (Dave) I would like to apologize to you. I was sure that you were maybe 20 - 21 years of age and had fully informed opinions and ideas. I did not realize you were 16 and still going through puberty and are therefore not responsible for the crazy illogical and naive things coming out of your mouth. I deplore bullying as much as i detest idiots and would never want to be invoved in an act of mental abuse against someone so young and unable to defend himself. I apologize again if i have upset you :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia wrote:
    Ah, the old "make it personal" post, a common sign of weakness in someone's arguement, and generally a sign that they can't hold a debate without resorting to the mentality of an 8 year old. I'm not going to answer the first question as it is irrelevent to the question at hand. As to the second question, I wont comment, as it'll only spiral out of control. If you can't keep it civilised then please, **** off. Thanks.

    Have you ever heard the saying that dont say anything over the internet that you wouldnt say irl?

    Fobia wrote:
    I don't know what age you are so I can't comment on the first statement, though again it is irrelevent to this arguement. The second point is related to a netcafe, not a LAN party. As for the third it just shows that you have money, you want some sort of praise for having money? You wont get it from me. As for (d), as have many many people, but we don't pretend to know it all. Also, I like the way you avoided my question as to the famous fps players you know, yet bring something similar up again. So this time I'll ask, what nick(s) do you play fps under, and what international clan's have you played in? This question is just to check your credibility rather than a personal jab.

    im going to be 26 in a couple of months .. you are 16 so that makes me about 9 - 10 years older than you. It is completly relevant because it means that I was playing online games when you were still a toddler and therefore I have a ton more experience than you. I never said I knew famous fps players .. I said the best fps players I know play mmo's regularly. They all play on international servers and in international leagues in the UK, France, Spain, Sweden, Finland and Germany. I can assure you that you wouldnt last a second in any game with any of these people

    Fobia wrote:
    Hmm, well as you made it personal in your last post, I'll drop down to your level for this part; your "STFU n00b!" implies that either you think you are more skilled at this particular gaming aspect than I, or that you think that only "n00b"s think bunnyhopping is important, would you care to comment as to which you were implying?

    Im really glad you are skilled at bunnyhopping .. what has that got to do with anything. My 'STFU n00b' was directed at you because you obviously think its some kind of an achievment to bunnyhop

    Fobia wrote:
    Aye, the cost is reasonable for a bed, 2 breakfasts and a room to play games in, but remember I'm trying to look at it from the aspect of the average 20 year old who likes games. It's not too expensive for a LAN + accomodation, but even if you don't want accomodation you have to pay for it, as such it's a bit of a rip-off. As you say at GalwayLANs people book into hotels and b&b's, but they don't have to - if you have the money you get a better experience, but if not you can still have fun.

    omg .. you have changed your tune from it being a complete ripoff .. could it be that i have won the argument?

    Fobia wrote:
    "Hardkore gam0rz" is a joke, if you actually consider yourself "hardkore" then you need to grow up a little :) . What's with all these statements about my "kiddie friends" the people I discussed this thread with on irc are gamers associated with Galway, not people I meet in day to day life or anything. Also spending money on a pc has got nothing to do with how dedicated you are to gaming, spending alot of time on an mmo does, but as we've already agreed LANs arent about mmo's, so your last point is (yet again!) irrelevent.

    When you dont have a job and you manage to scrape together the money for a top of the line machine and a superfast connection because you cant afford any lag when pvping in an online gaming then thats what I would call pretty hardkore. What does a 16 year old know about organising an event, never mind a lan. You are only old enough to have been able to attend a few.
    Fobia wrote:
    I'd like to stop posting on this thread, but you keep trying to insult me, and I don't enjoy being insulted when it's not in jest, especially from, as one would say, a nooblet.

    I have already apologized for insulting you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Fobia

    Playboy wrote:
    Fobia (Dave) I would like to apologize to you. I was sure that you were maybe 20 - 21 years of age and had fully informed opinions and ideas. I did not realize you were 16 and still going through puberty and are therefore not responsible for the crazy illogical and naive things coming out of your mouth. I deplore bullying as much as i detest idiots and would never want to be invoved in an act of mental abuse against someone so young and unable to defend himself. I apologize again if i have upset you :(

    ....I'm not 16, dunno where you got that idea from....I'll reply to your other comments in a minute but am not sure how as you wrote them thinking I'm an age that I'm not so alot of them not make alot of sense...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    I know people who know u dave .. toxick etc. Im sorry you are actually 15 ... my mistake :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    Let it drop lads. This kind of thing looks bad for an event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Fobia

    Asok wrote:
    Let it drop lads. This kind of thing looks bad for an event.

    Agreed. However my points still stand and I think that the fact that Playboy resorted to a) personal insults, and then b) using my age to try and weaken my credibility makes him quite, well, childish (how ironic).

    What started as a funny troll evolved into something nasty, so I'm walking out of this arguement. Goodbye.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia wrote:
    Agreed. However my points still stand and I think that the fact that Playboy resorted to a) personal insults, and then b) using my age to try and weaken my credibility makes him quite, well, childish (how ironic).

    What started as a funny troll evolved into something nasty, so I'm walking out of this arguement. Goodbye.

    1. You are a child

    2. Children of 15 years of age dont know **** about ****.

    3. For a 15 year old to tell a 26 year old that they know more about online gaming when I have 10 years more experience working, studying and playing games is quite ridiculous

    4. be quite b4 I get your parents to spank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Fobia

    Playboy wrote:
    1. You are a child

    2. Children of 15 years of age dont know **** about ****.

    3. For a 15 year old to tell a 26 year old that they know more about online gaming when I have 10 years more experience working, studying and playing games is quite ridiculous

    4. be quite b4 I get your parents to spank you.

    ...even with your newfound knowledge and attempt to use my age against me, you still reak of ignorance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Fobia wrote:
    ...even with your newfound knowledge and attempt to use my age against me, you still reak of ignorance.

    Exactly what is it I am ignorant off? Please display just one topic of knowledge related to gaming, computers etc etc. (or in fact any subject at all) that you are more proficient than me in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Thread Locked.

    Playboy and Fobia banned for a week.

This discussion has been closed.