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the half blood prince

  • 17-07-2005 2:10am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭

    i just finished. this book is really just setting the stage for the next book isnt it? it's quite well written, but i would criticise the dialogue sometimes - teenagers do not talk like that.

    silly i know, but does anyone know when the next one is out?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,372 ✭✭✭The Bollox

    I am about half way through, there's an awfull lot of tongue wrestles in it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭SingingCherry

    I finished it earlier today and there are quite a lot of horomones flying about in this one, but I suppose that's to be expected from teenagers!

    VERY good- I think the best so far. The last was full of teenage angst and Harry constantly throwing temper tantrums, and in this he's much more mature and level headed.

    As for the next book... I have a feeling we won't be getting that for a good long time, sadly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,658 ✭✭✭Patricide

    Very good book i really felt like i was there along with all the charecters and i was soo sad at the end but i feel there was a lot unanswered so im eagerly awaiting 7 dont think well see it for some time either though.Theres still a LOAD of story to be told kinda makes you wonder how jk will be able to fit it into one book and if she does how long is it gonna make it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,372 ✭✭✭The Bollox

    I just finished it, it is very good, and I believe the most appropriately named so far

    unfortunately the end was the most heavily cliche'd thing so far, it was more like the end to the first in a series

    I don't believe it was the best so far, I think The OOTP holds that title

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭keevita

    yeah, it was a bit of a shock at the end all right. i liked it a lot, but that big thing that happend (dont want to ruin it for anyone who hasnt read it yet!)
    was a real disappointment. i agree with harry being far more mature, not caring what ppl were saying about him, but i dont think the dialogue was too advanced for his age. love the shipping that went on too, expected but satisfying!

    also, mods, is there a possiblity of opening a HP board, maybe in hosted public? he´s got to be as good as the hoff! :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,238 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Just finished it half an hour ago after acquiring it this morning. Excellent stuff if a little predictable
    the identity of the half-blood prince was no surprise, Harry's new love interest was screamingly obvious and I knew who was going to die as soon as I heard there was a death in this book

    The final chapter is almost a torture of a cliff-hanger,
    after the funeral when Harry does the "noble" thing and gives his little speach
    . You can imagine the terminator 2 theme tune playing for the last few pages as it builds for the seventh and final book. J.K. Rowling better have started on number 7 because I don't think the fans are going to be all that patiently waiting for it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,238 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Mordecai wrote:
    teenagers do not talk like that.
    I know quite a few that do tbh.
    silly i know, but does anyone know when the next one is out?
    At least another year away :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭*Angel*

    I wasn't very happy with it, but I expected it to basically just put all in order for the next book, so it wasn't a surprise. I found it ok, nothing more tbh.
    Some things just seemed stupid, I don't think Rowling wrote of the relationships well, namely Harry and Ginny's. And above someone said teenagers don't act like that, so so true!

    Dumbledore's death, was to be expected imo, now all the attention can be faced on Harry.

    Absolutely pathetic, the fact that Hermione and Ron decided they were going to accompany Harry on his 'quest', Harry could at least objected a little more than he did. I do realise though that they would eventually follow him so far into his journey, but really he sure have argued more, especially having just left Ginny.

    Perhaps you think I'm mad but Snape I believe has NOT turned over to the dark side, I think that Dumbledore had reason enough to trust him (which I'm sure will be verified next book). You could very well argue the fact that he killed Dumbledore is proof enough that he obeys Voldermort, however I think under the circumstances it was Snape's only option, rather than both Snape and Voldermort dying therefore leaving no spy on the other side.

    So there's my stupid thoughts!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 176 ✭✭shacko

    This book is dreadfull. It's 450 pages of padding and 150 of story. What i used to like about the earlier potter books was how how the story progressed would progress through the year.. Now all we get is 500 pages of Harry's
    crush on Ginny
    and everthing i developed and rapped up in the last 100 pages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,238 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    I disagree with you on the teenage relationships Angel but your idea
    that Snape hasn't turned and in fact, killed Dumbledore with his permission
    is certainly intriguing and tbh is the sort of thing we've come to expect from JK Rowling.

    shacko, use spoilers!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,548 ✭✭✭Draupnir

    I would whole heartedly endorse the theory that Snape has in fact not turned to the "Dark Side". The Unbreakable Vow meant that, should he not kill Dumbledore, he would die. And quite possibly, Dumbledore had instructed him that he was to make sure that didnt happen. Dumbledore after all seems to place great trust in Snape and I genuinely dont believe he was wrong, no matter how good an Occlumens Snape was.

    My main reason for seeing a lot more in this particular issue, is that the sealing of the Unbreakable Vow appears on the cover art, and normally that kind of place is saved only for the most important parts of the story.

    I'll post more later at lunch time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭toiletduck

    finished it last night, really enjoyed it but as has been said, i think there was far too much padding!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭theCzar

    toiletduck wrote:
    finished it last night, really enjoyed it but as has been said, i think there was far too much padding!

    bang on, the whole middle part of the book was pure filler, and lacked adult appeal.

    In Summary, it was gripping, well written but instantly forgetable.

    I'm pretty disappointed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,884 ✭✭✭grumpytrousers

    Finished it last night as well. I though that when the book was good, it was very good; the stuff about
    Voldemorts early life
    was very well done and leaving aside the rivers of hormones flowing about the place, the story rattled along nicely. As a set up for book 7 it did the job nicely
    Loads of bits of Lord V's soul to pick up about the place!!!Bring it on!

    The one problem I have, and it's only a slight one, is that in books one to four, the bit after 'Harry Potter and' (in the title) tended to involve a 'quest' or some class of task to be achieved, be it finding a stone, opening a chamber, finding a prisoner or winning a tournament.

    And in those books there always seemed to be a specific double whammy, wherein the battle would inevitably be won, but the war went on; Harry et al would emerge victorious and then there'd be a post mortem of 'Well done son, but we're still up the Gary Glitter 'cos Voldemort x, y, or z'

    Somebody made the point of there being too much flab, and I can kinda see where that comes from. I don't have a problem with reading the irrelevant stuff; with zippy prose like this, it's a pleasure, but there is a feeling one gets of water being treaded - that Rowling is thinking 'Gotta get a few more books out of this before the final showdown'. What would have been nice (and what's alluded to on the blurb) is more of the worlds of Magic and Muggle colliding. The first chapter deals (and does it very humerously!) with the Prime Minister having a chinwag with Fudge, and yet nothing more happens in this thread...

    Anyway, no more than with Star Wars 3, as a set up for the final showdown, it's done it's job. It kept me out of trouble, out of the pub and up till all hours reading it; something Joseph fcuking Heller never managed...


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,487 ✭✭✭banquo

    shacko wrote:
    Now all we get is 500 pages of Harry's
    crush on Ginny
    and everthing i developed and rapped up in the last 100 pages.

    you meant 'wrapped'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,238 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    I'm not sure I agree with the "padding" argument.
    Harry's giving up his blossoming relationship with Ginny at the end of the book shows an important step in his growth to maturity. This is not something he would have done in earlier years (shown in his reluctance to stay out of contact with Sirius). Without what some posters are referring to as "padding", this wouldn't have been an important sacrifice at all. Maybe it's because I've dated a best mate's younger sister in the past I related to a lot of Harry's dilema as to how to handle his feelings for her but I think this sort of subplot was necessary in order for Harry to go after Voldemort properly in the final book. You can take him more seriously when he's prepared to sacrifice things he cares so much about (Ginny, Hogwarts, a normal life) in order to take Voldemort down.

    The whole Ron & Hermione thing has been a subplot of the books since the Chamber of Secrets and a lot of the fans of the series are absolutely dying for that to come to a conclusion so I can't see that as filler either.

    Quidditch has been a major subplot since the first book and the day to day running of Hogwarts has always been an important plot device to show the passage of time. So, where's the padding?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    Snape I believe has not turned, I believe DD asked him to kill him, rather than let draco - as he knew draco had 'good' in him (crying in bathroom, regret over warewolf near his friends) DD froze harry as he knew harry would interfere, I am sure DD could have easily disarmed Draco. he delayed draco until everyone arrived.

    When snape was called a coward, he flew off the handle (if he was on DD's side it would have been a brave and heroic act), as I think snape wanted to kill himself (Snapes arguement with DD over 'not wanting to do it anymore')

    Snape stopped harry from being tortured (this would not have killed him).

    again just my opinion - also RAB - regulas black?? the locket being the one they couldn't open in the Order??

    I believe Serius death, being crucial to harry owning Grimald Place.

    DD needed to die so harry could face Voldemort alone, as with alot of hero books :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,884 ✭✭✭grumpytrousers

    I spent most of yesterday mouthing an anagram of 'cnut' whenever Snapes name came up, and yet, the proposition here that he's really still on the side of the OOP makes sense. Literature has always had charactars sacrificing themselves for the greater good and as part of a bigger plan, and Dumbledore allowing himself be killed so as to keep Snape as an effective double agent makes sense. Reminds me, if memory serves, of something similar in the last Narnia book where Aslan is killed admittedly without the double agent shennanigans. And obviously the entire world ends soon after, but y'get me drift!

    Oh, and regarding's nothing new either. Any of you folks tried reading David Copperfield. Now THAT'S what I call padding...

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,238 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    hussey, I think you're probably right.
    the only problem now is to stop Harry from killing Snape in the 7th book!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭*Angel*

    Sleepy wrote:
    hussey, I think you're probably right.
    the only problem now is to stop Harry from killing Snape in the 7th book!
    Yup, and also the fact that Snape is gonna have all the 'good' side after him, and he's not going to have anyone to confide in now that Dumbledore is dead.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 176 ✭✭shacko

    It's Infernal Affairs all over again. Snape rocks and dont forget in otp were it's made clear snape had feelings for Lilly potter

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭Dagnir Glaurung

    Let's not forget Dumbledore's reaction when he saw Snape arrived. I think 'pleaded' is the word used. I can't imagine Dumbledore pleading with an enemy. More like a 'do it' plea. As shacko said, Snape had feelings for Lily. So he could have been really sorry for her death. Or maybe we just can't accept the truth ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,884 ✭✭✭grumpytrousers

    Aye, I was thinking this as I read the final chapters; it's just TOO much of a cop-out to have Snape turn bad in this manner. I'm not sure what the 'rules' are of baddies in fiction, but I think, and most would probably agree, that if a reader has invested 5 and a half novels of 'Snape is dislikeable, but not truly evil' (at least currently!), it's a breach of trust with the same reader for the author to effectively thumb his/her nose, shout 'yah-boo-sucks-fooled you' and run away...Dumbledore had done as much as he could do; harry will have come of age by the time book 7 kicks off, he has pretty much all the background information he needs now, and he's at a stage where if the wisdom if Dumbledore hasn't rubbed off on him by now, it's never going to. Dumbledores time had come, he knew it, he was weak, his hand was evidence of this and he effectively managed, in his final act of sacrifice, to leave the door open for the OOP to have an 'in' into Voldemorts camp, and, to an extent, to allow Draco Malfoy a degree of redemption...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,487 ✭✭✭banquo

    Since snape and Dumbledore are both skilled at Occulmency it's very probably [imo] that Dublmedore was pleading with Snape to kill him so to convince the Death Eaters that Snape was on their side. Definatley a sacrifice on Dumbledore's part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭theCzar

    I'd say it was worked out in advance that snape kills dumbledore, and dumbledore sacrificed himself to place Snape in an unimpeachable position with Voldemort so as to aid Harry when the moment came. Malfoy I think will be redeemed in the last book, helping Harry save the day. I look forward to finding who RAB is.

    I thought the "Romance" was cack handed, and I didn't like it. It was the main focus for much of the book, with the Prince and Dumbledore taking a backseat. I found the actions of Harry/Ron/Hermione to be consistently infuriating. Tsk. Teenagers.

    I know lots of HP fans will love it to pieces, but I also know love is blind. I thought it an unworthy addition to some of the finest books ever written

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,884 ✭✭✭grumpytrousers

    theCzar wrote:
    I'd say it was worked out in advance that snape kills dumbledore, and dumbledore sacrificed himself to place Snape in an unimpeachable position with Voldemort so as to aid Harry when the moment came. Malfoy I think will be redeemed in the last book, helping Harry save the day. I look forward to finding who RAB is.

    I thought the "Romance" was cack handed, and I didn't like it. It was the main focus for much of the book, with the Prince and Dumbledore taking a backseat. I found the actions of Harry/Ron/Hermione to be consistently infuriating. Tsk. Teenagers.

    I know lots of HP fans will love it to pieces, but I also know love is blind. I thought it an unworthy addition to some of the finest books ever written

    Weren't the flashback scenes brilliant though...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,475 ✭✭✭carpothepunk

    yeh the flashbacks were quality,and i also agree the theory about the you know what woth the you know who ;);)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 354 ✭✭punka

    theCzar wrote:
    I look forward to finding who RAB is.
    RAB= possibly Regulus Black?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,238 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    But he was a death-eater, no?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭theCzar

    punka wrote:
    RAB= possibly Regulus Black?

    Sleepy wrote:
    But he was a death-eater, no?

    doesn't that make it more likely e.g.
    he'd know about the Horacruxes
