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What a night! Science V's The House

  • 18-07-2005 7:33am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭

    Well well well, where do i start? For all of you snoozing away on Sun night/Mon morning - ya missed the best of BB yet! If i have it a little mixed up in relation to what was said when and in what room, then i apologise, it was very exciting

    I'll sum it all up for you...

    The BB war all started over FOOD :rolleyes: Science was cooking food for himsef and was told to divide it up into 8 portions because he was eating too much - by Makosi, Vanessa's shovel! :D Then Craig joined in, then Anthony - Craig calling Science selfish, greedy and spoilt!

    Then.. the bitching started - Kemal and Derek had already bitched about Orlaith earlier and Kemal and Makosi did it then, with everyone else doing it about Science as well as Orlaith. Craig thought he was the only one with the balls to say things to Science, Orlaith wants to leave because of Science, Derek stirred it even more by saying to Ant and Craig that Science was trying to take Maxwell's place and be their leader, Kemal and Makosi have formed Kemosi and will destroy Orlaith/feed her to the dogs/ruin her.

    Kemal was the one to take Orlaith on, with Makosi and Derek to back him up. Kemal went on about him and Makosi being friends for so long and that he didnt like taht people were saying things behind his back saying dont trust him, that he didnt want anyone coming between friends. Funnily Orlaith agreed with him until she twigged that it was HER he was on about.

    Then Derek started on her, saying if he was in court he'd have a sheet of charges to read out to her. Orlaith was shocked and denied she'd said anything about him. He droned on about not being the mole or being racist while she tried to defend herself. Orlaith gave in and said she had listened to others opinions. Derek blew on about not having a problem iwth women or even intelligent women and then he said he'd wipe the slate clean (oh so graciously). Kemal started again about her going on about not trusting him to his best friend and Orlaith tried to defend that. Then... (drum roll)... Makosi turned the tables on Kemal and asked him why he had voted for her and all Kemal had to say was that he didnt have to explain his decision.

    So Makosi and Kemal were bitching about Orlaith, and then not long after Orlaith and Makosi were bitching about Kemal with Makos saying he threated her and that she knew he had nominated her and go do it again, she'd had enough. kemal didnt love her - it was only a tactic. So now both the girls are hoping to go on Friday (believe it if you can :D) Then Orlaith decided they wouldnt quit and it would be worse if a few weeks from now they looked back and saw that they should have stayed in, with Makosi saying what if they stayed and looked back and saw that they should have left. They will both end up in a mental home, but of course Orlaith had to be the one to say she'd be there first. It would be terrible if they were looked on as quitters and even worse if they were seen to be "girl quitters".

    Then Kemal joined up with Makosi to bitch about Orlaith again and said to her that whatever she was doing in the house not to do it to him. She warned him not to threaten her and he went on about not doing it to him again, with it ending in Makosi telling him that she doesnt do anything to anyone in the house (as if!), to get off her bed and he wasnt her friend (awwwW). She finished up by calling him a tw*t and a big joke.

    Meanwhile Orlaith was in the diary room confiding in BB that she didnt like two faced people, Science was annoying her, she wanted to go but she didnt want to quit, she doesnt think Makosi and Kemal will be friends after BB and that Makosi needs to have people around her and be the centre of attention. She revealed that she could not stand that people were so much in love with themselves, and that she wasnt going to be nice to Makosi. Looks like all thats left for Orlaith to talk to is Eugene!

    And then the best bit happened!....
    Craig kicked off with Science in the sofa room accusing him of manipulating housemates, thinking that he was great and he wasnt a threat to Craig. Craig was going mental. Complete psycho! Science told him that he was a boy and science was a man. Wrong thing to say to Craig!

    Science said "Craig you only have loyalty to Anthony, you don't have any loyalty to yourself." Craig went on to say the only thing and only one he cared about was Anthony and keeping him in the hosue for as long as he could. He told Science that he "didnt want him in this f**king room" and that there should be someone else there and not Science (Max). Craig ranted that "its my room, its my space, you've got other rooms to go to" ! The cheek! Science tried to be civilised and calm things but Craig got angrier and angrier. He had "exposed" Science for what he was - honest, straight-talking, take no sh*t type! He told Science "you're out of your league with me boy, you do not know who I am or what I can do". Eh, i'd say Science is quivering with fear over a blue rinse in the middle of the night ;)

    Craig was mocking Science about throwing up last week when he came back at Craig saying "it was good you found your voice even though you had to shave your head and do foot massages to get there". :D

    Then in the kitchen Anthony and Science had an arguement over food, with Ant saying Science ate the most and when there wer two groups that he ate with both. Science said he didnt trust anyone. They were roaring at each other about the food with Anthony calling Science a motherf***er, wondering would it be shown how much Science ate, when Science piped up with "I've lost weight, you all gained". Score a point for Science! And it went on and on with Ant saying that he couldnt believe Science was in there and Max was out, the public made the wrong decision and that Science was a f**king p***k. And Science came back with a "cheers" :D

    Then along comes Craig and joins the roaring and ranting calling Science an assh**e and his evil way were revealed. Apparently Craig is the best. He told the whole nation that he was "the alpha male" (maybe in a convent?), went onto tell Anthony "make sure and tell him not to touch you tomorow" when Science shook Anthony's hand. boasted that "a lot of people were admiring his and Ants relationship", that he "couldnt believe he shook his (Sci's) hand after tearing into his best mate" that he wanted to kill him because Craig fell out with him and now so should Anthony, and said to Ant "please dont be his friend" about Science.

    He went on at Science about being a thief - stealing cigarettes out of Craig's drawer - when Craig actually told him to do it on the day it happened, and during his rant denied ever even saying it. Other housemates were in their beds when Science went in for the cigarette the other day and was actually worried about something like this happening - that the other would think he was stealing stuff out of Craig's drawer. Even Anthony tried to tell Craig that he had actually told Science to take one out of his drawer didnt calm Craig down and Craig was adamant that he didnt tell Science to do it. He was full sure Science was a thief.

    Craig got all gobby tonight all because of some comment he heard shouted over the wall this afternoon. All housemates were told go inside and half didnt know what was going on because they were all talking and didnt hear what was said by the person over the wall. Craig heard something, but no one actually knows what was said. Methinks it was the voices in his head! :D

    He kept asking Anthony for reassurances just like Saskia did after her arguement with Makosi with Craig saying "did i look bad tonight".

    In the end Science gave up, not because he was losing but because he knew when enough was enough.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭LundiMardi

    science is the man. He's a loud obnoxious ****er, but he's the man none the less.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭Bamboozled

    Craig was completely loopy.

    It was building all week.

    1: Craig watched Ant converse with Science easily over the last week.
    2: When Craig fell asleep on those nights, he asked Anthony what did he do while he was asleep and Anthony said he talked with Science. Craig's face was disfigured with jealousy after hearing that!
    3: After Anthony's date with BB, Craig asked Anthony to come sit next to him and tell him all about the date, even going so far as patting the seat so as Anthony could sit next to him and obey him by being told where to sit, but Ant went straight to Science who was standing by the cooker cooking something, to tell him about the date - not to Craig who was at the table eating his stir fry. Again Craig was almost mental with jealousy.
    4: Science joined Anthony and Craig in the Diary Room, while its usually just Ant and Craig, and when Craig knew Science was part of them, he was fit to burst - again with jealousy.
    5: When Science has tried to clear the air with Anthony, Craig has piped up and interruped, whined, kept calling Anthony Anthony Anthony, tried to distract and general be an annoying child that has to keep at its mother for attention.
    6: Since Derek uttered that Science was taking Max's place and trying to become their new leader, Craig has gotten really insecure - much more than he was. His jealous is rearing more and more and he only wants it to be Anthony and himself.
    7: When Anthony was on the date with BB Craig had himself glued to the other side of the Diary Room door because of his extreme obsession with Anthony. He couldnt bear that Ant was bonding with someone else otehr than himself.

    Jealousy gets him no where. He thought he was getting the public to see how Science really is and get us to hate Science. He just showed us that Craig is the one that has shown true colours and needs to be evicted. He needs profession help when he does get out. Its a very very unhealthy obsession he has with Anthony.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,286 ✭✭✭SprostonGreen

    I thought I was going to cringe to death. Craig the little dope, "I dont care about myself, so long as I get him (Ant) through to win this".

    Him standing up to Science was a joke, he just sounded like a kid with a tantrum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,019 ✭✭✭✭murphaph

    Nice one,
    Craig's obsessio is doing my head in and no better man than science to say what's what. I reckon craig's big head will explode before this ends!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,676 ✭✭✭Chong

    I hope Science he's quality television.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,475 ✭✭✭corblimey

    I would probably have punched Science in the face by now if I lived with him, but as a television personality, he's great to watch. It's ridiculous how much I love to hate him. Last friday, when Davinia announced the 2 lies BB had told, and Science just marched around the room shouting "I knew it, I knew it". So annoying, but so brilliant. I don't care if he knew or not, it was just the absolute worse timing for it, and for that I loved it.

    Heh, Vanetha sitting there like someone had taken her toast, and Science screaming that he knew it. Class. Can't wait to see this "fight" on the highlight show.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭Bamboozled

    I doubt they'll show very much on the highlights.
    More than likely they'll show it to be Science as the villian of the piece with clever editing.

    They're all running scared. It took the whole house to gang up on one person. They couldnt believe the public chose him over Maxwell, they couldnt belive the cheers he got on this friday, and now they're all really scared that he is in with a bigger chance than them for winning.

    Just because he annoys them beyond sanity, they have thought we should be too. They really dont listen to him because if they did, they'd find the comedy element too and his morals and principles. Yeah he annoys a lot of the public, but he's been the only one to be himself inside there. Even Eugene is bitching behind Science's back, and being nice to his face.

    All because they didnt open their eyes and saw what they wanted to see.

    They're still all convinced that the public are only shown an hour a night - they mentioned it again last night - going as far as saying that the fight probably wouldnt be shown because they'd never fit it all in.

    Somone buy them all a clue please!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,713 ✭✭✭Cianan2

    Lol, i hate craig so much. What is the story with that guy? To quote Little Britain, "He needs a nice big cóck up his arse." I didnt see it tonight, and havent seen it in a good few nights. Did they show all the footage of this war of words?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,132 ✭✭✭Dinner

    Cianan2 wrote:
    Lol, i hate craig so much. What is the story with that guy? To quote Little Britain, "He needs a nice big cóck up his arse." I didnt see it tonight, and havent seen it in a good few nights. Did they show all the footage of this war of words?

    Yeah they showed a bit of t. From what I remember (not very much) craig wasnt really able to take on someone as loud as Science.

    Oh, and then he showed off his Moobs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,713 ✭✭✭Cianan2

    Arabel wrote:
    Oh, and then he showed off his Moobs.
    Lmao, yeah he does that a bit too much...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 Galway22

    I dont like craig, he does my head in. I thought science was funny though, as he was agaisnt the house, and it didnt bother him, and he gave as good as he got. I say go science. Craig should be voted off Big Brother In my Opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,133 ✭✭✭Barrie

    Was watching the brawl too,I was surprised at craig though i didnt think hed stand up to science i like craig hes funny but his obsession with ant is gone creepy n stuff, :eek:...Science though has 2 personalitys i think good :) and bad :mad:>he could be screaming at one minute and then laughing and joking with you next,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭Bamboozled

    When you're defending someone you love, you'll go to any lengths, and that is exactly what Craig was doing.

    I was growing to be a "fan" of Science, mainly because he was the only one to go in there and be the same person day after day after day.

    After seeing that pack of hyena's try take him on, i'm even more of a fan. I'm not saying he's innocent, or that he was right, but he stood up against the whole house with the truth and the rest threw lies at him. Not to mention the laughs i get from the sincerity of his one-liners. He doesnt try to be funny or use it like Max did, and he's getting the most laughs. That's mainly why people are beginning to like him. He stands up for himself or anyone else thats accused of being in the wrong, and the lines he comes out with even then are brilliant :D

    If he annoys Craig like he did, he goes up in my estimation!
