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New World Order



  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    Yes, I am selling T-shirts. This is only because I have not found a website that sells them.

    History has proven that any secret society i.e. the Illuminati, can not survive if they are brought to the attention of the general public, and as I have worked in the advertising business, I know advertising works (see my website to understanding overt and covert manipulation).

    The t-shirts are not about making money (I actually break even on the cost), the t-shirts are for people to wear and to make people aware.

    David Icke is one of the people that has brought this subject to the general public along with Alex Jones, Michael Moore, Jim Marr etc. I do not rely on one person for my information. David Icke is just one of many who I have studied. This is a hugh jigsaw that all these people contribute to. I just keep adding the pieces one at a time. My approach is psychological which is not the approach that David Icke uses.

    Unfortunately conspiracy theories do not hurt or kill anyone, so to call it a conspiracy theory is a bit naïve, but it's where most people start. Disbelief being their first reaction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    right lets all take a chill pill here

    a few points

    scorptech wrote:
    I cannot provide five years of material on this website,

    There is nothing stopping you, if you think the members of the forums will find your experiences interesting then you are free to post all about them here.

    2) From his original post scorptech did NOT pimp his t-shirts. and having looked at the site, the link for buying the t-shirts is in a place where you would find links for merchandise for any website including Hosting and running websites costs money, and if this is how he chooses to raise money to keep his site on the web then that is his own business. as long as he doesnt try to sell anything on this forum.

    It is no different than someone posting a link to their blog on the Blogs forum as far as I can see.

    3) This is the only forum where scorptech has posted therefore he can not be accused of advertising.

    4) He has replied to your posts which shows that he is interested in your responses, unlike normal spammers.

    Now I will ask other members not to be jumping down peoples throats they minute they see a new member of the forum.

    there is a "report bad post" button on each post, i would prefer if people used this rather than get into a flame war.

    let that be the end of this little tiff, now get back on topic or i will ban every offending poster in this thread.
    Ry wrote:
    he Bang of Google Searcher off this

    One Generic search for "Freemasons" and from the results
    Take one Irish based bulletin board website
    Register account

    Replace "freemasons" with any other term and you will find that this is how some of's longest running members found the site, try to remember that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    scorptech wrote:
    I love these narrow minded sceptics who tar everyone with the same brush and assume that everyone is selfish and materialistic.

    You said it yourself it's human instinct and has been since a long time ago that it is underlying in all our actions so perhaps putting that t-shirt link was subconciously you wanting to make money? Just a thought,

    but what if I'm right...?
    scorptech wrote:
    Has the thought ever occurred to you that maybe there are people out there who just might know more about the subject than you,

    I don't remember saying otherwise. I'm more than aware of and I've never have claimed to be an authority on the subject. It's clear that you've done a lot more research into it than myself, I never questioned that.
    scorptech wrote:
    but hey, I forgot, from a psychological point of view, some people still have to be opinionated even if they no nothing about the subject.

    I don't recall saying I did have a greater knowledge of the subject?
    scorptech wrote:
    It's better to slag someone off then to admit that they no nothing about the subject (you might look stupid if you admitted that you knew nothing).

    Again WHERE did I state I was an authority on it in the first place? I'm not pretending to know more than you about it, I'm merely pointing out your zealousy of it and therefore PERHAPS fanatically warped view of it bringing freemasonry down by insinuating their actual involvement in secret world orders.
    Simply throwing a website link about such organisations into a thread while stating
    scorptech wrote:
    "Most of the masons do not know what is going on"
    is ignorantly pious and flawed if it is intended to be a point worth paying attention to and taking seriously.

    I ask you this: the basis that statement is made on is what? Have you an inside track to the apparent "evildoers" within the masons that you so clearly know there are? I think not.

    So no I do not claim to be an authority on the subject but I do expect one who does to at least be able to back it up with more than just a flail of his tongue leaving us with nothing more than an obtuse view of things.
    scorptech wrote:
    General defence mechanism used by narrow minded sceptics who can't see 10 feet in front of them.

    Says the zealot with a single statement and a website HE wrote to back it up.

    I'm open to your views but the thing is you've failed to explain how you came to all this knowledge and it's somewhat necessary if you're to be taken seriously as one who DOES know about the subject. I'm not trying to shoo you off boards. The more the merrier in my eyes but I've just seen one too many people tornado themselves into a topic with no regard for facts or actual knowledge. If I know nothing concrete I'll only post an opinion based on what I've learnt or have observed (if I even post at all) but I won't state THIS IS THE WAY IT IS. That approach bothers me and especially from a newcomer with so little in the way of evidence.
    scorptech wrote:
    If advertising my site helps people to understand the subject matter and make them more aware of what is going on, then the job is done.

    Based on nothing more than your own opinions from what I read. There isn't enough on where you yourself got this information.
    scorptech wrote:
    You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. You, my friend, are part of the problem.....

    I'm part of the problem for questioning what you base your views on? I'm part of the problem for keeping an open mind and not just listening to one persons view on it but questioning their reasons and policies first? I'm part of the problem for doing exactly what you say should be done in looking outside the bubble by not just taking what you say for granted as truth?

    I've nothing against you and to be honest I welcome you to the boards. My previous post was merely a point on being as useful as your post was. Bottom line is, it wasn't. If you claim to be knowledgable then expect to be questioned. That's all I'll say.

    This is NOT and nor do I want to start a flame either it's just clarification of my previous post.

    On with the show.


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori


  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    I appreciate your point of view and, I also, initially questioned the subject matter. As an IT professional, I am trained to think logically. As I said, the first reaction is disbelief, so my thought process was to research the subject to see if it was complete nonsense.

    What I did find out by talking to a wide range of people (from all walks of life and nationalities), reading numerous books, video footage, documentaries and cross referencing information, that this was possible. I have no interest in getting on my soap box and trying to convince people otherwise. I’m also happy to admit that I only know a small part of this global jigsaw, hence why I setup the site and intend to add to it as more and more information becomes available. I do not, and never have, claimed to be an authority on the subject, however, I have been interested in it for the last five years, so that has to stand for something.

    People throughout history have always been ridiculed for thinking outside the box, so I am more than happy for people to question my beliefs. If you feel that a “New World Order” is not possible, then do what I did, research it yourself.

    A few hundred years ago they said that the world was flat. We all know now that the world has always been round. It was only till science proved that the world was round that it changed our thinking. So, just because people disbelieve, does not mean that it does not exist.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,858 ✭✭✭Undergod

    2) From his original post scorptech did NOT pimp his t-shirts.

    I never said that, I was using it as a criticism of his 'materialiastic comment'. But I apologise if that's how it came across. And I had quite a high opinion of his website, and he justified the parts that I referred to. No flaming needed, wanted, implied or involved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Scorptech, I read the material on your website yesterday in work, and I happen to agree with most of your views, I have also long sensed something was unfair with the world, and spent much time trying to research and figure out the problem.

    To people who disbelieve the notion of a New World Order seeking to control the masses; you must understand that capitalism itself is a system of control over the masses, a system which when threatened by Socialism or Communism, actively went to war (economically, politically and literally) for the latter half of the 20th century to protect their own interests and powerbase. If you accept that you are already a cog in the machine of capitalist control, then you will understand that the people who have always benefitted from the pyramid scheme of capitalism, are (mostly) the people at the top of the pyramid, who have been there for generations in many cases.

    These people have devised the perfect system for maintaining their power and control over others, and it is called capitalism. This is not NWO theory or fiction, but economic truth. You are a worker (or will be) in a capitalist machine which is designed (through banking, interest rates, inflation etc.) to keep you as a worker, selling your labour to the capitalist who has the means of production (eg. factory, corporation etc.). In return for your labour, if you are lucky, you get some tokens (money) to feed your consumerist appetite to buy useless junk you don't really need from other corporations, and provide the basics of housing, food and clothing (transport is also a factor, but transport is only really a means of getting the workers to the factories).

    The NWO is simply a theory of a collection of these (top of pyramid - all seeing eye?) rich and powerful capitalists, who further their own agenda of power and control, because all throughout human history, power is the only thing that many have hungered for, and the illusion of someday obtaining enough wealth for you to have some freedom (freedom being a power in itself) before you die, is the only thing that forces you into work like a bullwhip to a slave, or a carrot to a donkey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    I totally agree with your sentiments, but where do you draw the line between capitalism and fascism??

    This goes way beyond capitalism. I personally agree with capitalism, but when people around the world have their lives manipulated, controlled and are killed so the few can profit, this is too much. Whistle blowers conveniently silenced or killed, people losing their livelihoods, do you call this capitalism? The list goes on and on, and this does not account for a large number of facts that we have not touch on.

    This is what you call a fascist police state and things are getting worse.

    Using a mixture of psychological techniques mastered over the last 100 years, we are being manipulated without us even knowing it.

    My advice is simple, stay positive and get out of debt. Try and be self sufficient as much as possible, and if you have a few spare quid, buy a bundle of solid silver coins, your going to need them.

    From a finanical point of view, I recommend one of the many documentaries I have "Money Masters". Type this into Google and you will find the website.

  • Site Banned Posts: 5,904 ✭✭✭parsi

    iregk wrote:
    Walt Disney was a 32nd or 33rd not sure which degree Free Mason and as common knowledge is told he was the face of what was a plan and an object to keep people entertained and distract them from what was reallying going on. This was the reason Disney land was set up.

    Well with all due respects he could have made the place a darn site cheaper if the plan was to distract the masses....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,858 ✭✭✭Undergod

    parsi wrote:
    Well with all due respects he could have made the place a darn site cheaper if the plan was to distract the masses....

    Now this guy is making sense!
    where do you draw the line between capitalism and fascism?

    Anarcho-capitalism, the only pure form of capitalism that can exist.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    Anarcho-capitalism is a possibility and seems to a better alternative to pure capitalism.

    Wouldn't it be a better world if success was based on the amount you gave to others rather than what you possessed.......

    Mind you, materialism will be irrelevant if the predictions for 2012 are anything to go by.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 371 ✭✭Beer is Life

    Whats this 2012 thing you are talking about? Where did you get this date? Why will paper money become worthless?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭Laguna

    Now I'm an IT Professional myself and also like to think of myself as a logical thinker AND having an open mind.

    It's not really news when someone declares an existence of an NWO, I mean come on, anyone with half a brain can ascertain that there is a showbusiness Government (i.e. front end) who talk **** to the masses, appear to to x y z etc., there is also a background Government who control the world (i.e. the NSA, the real CIA etc.). What my point is, whilst I think the whole situation is sickening, the way we're all living a life of work to bed, living to pay off debts, what can we REALLY do about it?

    People have been bringing the Illuminati to the public light for years, telling us about what they do, who they are etc. All these people end up defamed as either crazy/mental and are disregarded by the general public as the sad fact is, the majority of people are sheep like and want to be told what to do, what to wear, what to eat....

    I think capitalism is a load of hypocritical toss. I think how countries like the U.K. and the U.S. call themselves free societies when laws are in place (because theoretically, in a free society you could do ANYTHING you like) is a joke. I see the Western world's concept of society as shallow and lacking, why do I want the SUV?, do I really need a 5 bedroom house?, must I wear an Armani suit to be taken seriously?.

    It's childish to think we can change this centuries old caste system, this goes beyond the Illuminati in the 17th century, this goes back to Egypt and prehistoric civilization with the idea of Kings/Pharoh's (i.e. someone is literally better than you from birth, tough ****/deal with it, now go work in his field). It's human nature for one/groups of individuals to dominate a group (in our case, due to 6billion humans, a planet).

    I'd really like to be able to change things, but I'm a realist, these people haven't kept their power for so long for no reason...

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    On my website, I have a few steps on how to make the changes The whole idea with our materialist world is to make people selfish, greedy, angry etc, “I want it now” society.

    We CAN make a change and I have already started by changing myself. The Tibetan culture believe in the following karma i.e. what goes around comes around, what you give out you receive, like attracts like, you live by the sword you die by the sword etc. Anyway I’m sure you get my point.

    So, I’ve stopped wanting all the materialist goods i.e. bigger house, new computer, new car, expensive holiday etc. I have also managed to clear all my debt’s, which, in itself, has taken a burden off my shoulders. So, as far as I am concerned, it's better to give than receive. I feel happier and more positive, this in itself, makes me feel better.

    At the end of the day, you do what you want to do. As for freedom, well, do sheep in a field surrounded by bushes have freedom?? No, but it can be changed. Unfortunately we have this thing called “society” which keeps us in line i.e. friends, family etc. So, to do something outside the norm is classed as weird. Decide for yourself, because nobody is going to decide for you.

    As for the 2012 date, go to Google and type “photon belt”. This celestial change has also been predicted by the Aztec’s (amongst other cultures).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    First comes awareness, then comes anger, then comes revolution. Dont throw in the towel yet Laguna, apathy is the tool of the controlling few. The more people that are aware of something, the more difficult it will be for the leaders to enforce their agenda. It can even be seen in Ireland - when people become aware of Government rip-offs and issues.

    But, I agree, we have an uphill struggle, because we have surrendered many of our powers and freedoms already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    scorptech, can you link to the exact page on your site that you are referring to rather than the front page. linking to the front page over and over is of little use to people, and does begin to look like pimping.


  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    Thanks, but the last thing I want to do is pimp my site. It’s just better for people to get a complete overview of the subject rather than trying to cover it in sound bites. So, sorry if it seems that I am pimping my site.

    I have to agree with Kernel, secret societies throughout history, that have been exposed, have not lasted. So, the more people that are aware, the more we can do something about it.

    For example, what do you think would happen if 5 million people (I’m in the UK remember) went to their bank and paid off all their credit cards and loans and then cut up their credit cards. The banks would lose a fortune!! So, this should be the first step for everyone. As I was told a long time ago, “Out of debt, out of trouble”.

    I was in Dublin last week and found out about a guy called Eddie Hobbs (I never heard of him before). The look on peoples faces when Eddie told them what was happening. People knew about it, but when it is explained to them in layman’s terms, the penny drops and realisation kicks in.

    By the way, I don't know whether the Irish people were made aware of this but the Irish governement have just signed a treaty with America allowing the CIA, FBI etc access to your home. They can arrest you, interrogate you (even if what you do is legal in Ireland) and basically do anything they want.

    If you want to check this out, goto Google and search for the article that the Irish Examiner Newspaper reported on. Type "CIA+Ireland".

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭fatherdougalmag

    Just a note on the Bilderberg Group. I downloaded a video clip of shots taken from one of the meetings and our own Dermot Gleeson (AIB) is one of the attendees! Chin-wagging with Peter Sutherland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    Just a note on the Bilderberg Group. I downloaded a video clip of shots taken from one of the meetings and our own Dermot Gleeson (AIB) is one of the attendees! Chin-wagging with Peter Sutherland.

    did he identify himself on this video, how can you be sure it is him?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,858 ✭✭✭Undergod

    Just a note on the Bilderberg Group. I downloaded a video clip of shots taken from one of the meetings and our own Dermot Gleeson (AIB) is one of the attendees! Chin-wagging with Peter Sutherland.

    I have a list of attendees somewhere, I'll post themtomorrow if I find it, but there's three Irish representatives, including Dermot Gleeson if memory serves.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭fatherdougalmag

    There's a list here.

    WRT to Gleeson and Sutherland, they are photographed on the video along with other celebs. If you want to see yourself, the video clip is available via Bittorrent. I don't think it's copyrighted or anything but I don't know if it's ok to post where I got it from as I might be contravening forum/Boards rules. Suffice to say, it's one of the bigger Torrent sites. Most of it's in German but there's a section where they're reviewing photo's that were taken and that's where they identify some of the attendees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    There's a list here.

    WRT to Gleeson and Sutherland, they are photographed on the video along with other celebs. If you want to see yourself, the video clip is available via Bittorrent. I don't think it's copyrighted or anything but I don't know if it's ok to post where I got it from as I might be contravening forum/Boards rules. Suffice to say, it's one of the bigger Torrent sites. Most of it's in German but there's a section where they're reviewing photo's that were taken and that's where they identify some of the attendees.

    actually if it is the same video that was used for the Sky One documentary on the bilderberg compound then I believe that it is copyrighted.

    interesting list of names there though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    scorptech wrote:
    For example, what do you think would happen if 5 million people (I’m in the UK remember) went to their bank and paid off all their credit cards and loans and then cut up their credit cards. The banks would lose a fortune!! So, this should be the first step for everyone. As I was told a long time ago, “Out of debt, out of trouble”.

    That's true Scorptech, but as you and I know, the system of capitalism imposed by new world order interests is designed to enslave the majority of the people of the world, and as such, is designed to keep everyone *in* debt. Without being in debt, I would have nowhere to live, and would have a very poor quality life.
    scorptech wrote:
    By the way, I don't know whether the Irish people were made aware of this but the Irish governement have just signed a treaty with America allowing the CIA, FBI etc access to your home. They can arrest you, interrogate you (even if what you do is legal in Ireland) and basically do anything they want.

    If you want to check this out, goto Google and search for the article that the Irish Examiner Newspaper reported on. Type "CIA+Ireland".

    It was discussed in the After Hours forum, or Politics forum, as far as I remember, and it was said that such a law exists in all EU countries, including Britain?

    The problem I have with such laws (and even new anti-terrorism laws) is that while they may seem like a good idea to decent people at the moment, we must be vigilant and be aware that in the future, it would be easy to shift those laws in a more fascist way to imprison people for ideologies which do not agree completely with the current ruling government. Laws like that are way open for abuse by power hungry totalitarian governments in the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    Kernel wrote:
    That's true Scorptech, but as you and I know, the system of capitalism imposed by new world order interests is designed to enslave the majority of the people of the world, and as such, is designed to keep everyone *in* debt. Without being in debt, I would have nowhere to live, and would have a very poor quality life.

    It was discussed in the After Hours forum, or Politics forum, as far as I remember, and it was said that such a law exists in all EU countries, including Britain?

    The problem I have with such laws (and even new anti-terrorism laws) is that while they may seem like a good idea to decent people at the moment, we must be vigilant and be aware that in the future, it would be easy to shift those laws in a more fascist way to imprison people for ideologies which do not agree completely with the current ruling government. Laws like that are way open for abuse by power hungry totalitarian governments in the future.

    I agree that without debt we would have no mortgages etc, however, what did our grandparents do in their time? My grandparents had a home and they didn't need a mortgage. Yes they paid a rent man, but they didn't have this massive debt over their heads (miss a couple of payment after paying a mortgage for 22 years and they will still take your house off you). Our grandparents didn't have this worry. Ok, so they didn't own their house, but you can't take it with you anyway and there's no law that says you must buy your house and leave it to your family. Grandparents who need to go into a home will generally have to sell their house to pay for the home (in most cases). The whole mortgage debt system was to control the masses. Get them in debt and keep them in debt.

    As for the new laws, well you hit the nail on the head. What looks like a good thing to some people could give power and control to imprison people who do not believe or agree with the current system. If things keep going the way they are in the world, we will live in a fascist state, and man being man (throughout history, wanting to control the people) will use these laws to do so. Or freedom (if you want to call it that) is being completely eroded bit by bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    scorptech wrote:
    I agree that without debt we would have no mortgages etc, however, what did our grandparents do in their time? My grandparents had a home and they didn't need a mortgage. Yes they paid a rent man, but they didn't have this massive debt over their heads (miss a couple of payment after paying a mortgage for 22 years and they will still take your house off you). Our grandparents didn't have this worry.

    True, but even in renting a property you are still working for the capitalist who owns the property, so you are still enslaved by the system. You work to get money for your rent, which you give to the capitalist, who does no work whatsoever to get your money. That's capitalism. The guy with the means of production does no labour, instead the majority of the enslaved people sell their labour and time to the capitalist, who profits from it. The few controlling the masses.
    scorptech wrote:
    Ok, so they didn't own their house, but you can't take it with you anyway and there's no law that says you must buy your house and leave it to your family. Grandparents who need to go into a home will generally have to sell their house to pay for the home (in most cases). The whole mortgage debt system was to control the masses. Get them in debt and keep them in debt.

    Totally agree with the whole mortgage issue controlling the masses, but indeed, the entire system we live in now is designed to control the masses, not just mortgages and loans. The ingenius system of control that is capitalism includes even the concept of the market and supply and demand. It's a system which the elite know how to control and how to play, indeed it's designed to be easier to play when you are a rich capitalist (money makes money). It's been centuries in development, from the Templars (or even before them) to today, and is highly refined. But every single thing in the system to stacked against the proletariat.
    scorptech wrote:
    As for the new laws, well you hit the nail on the head. What looks like a good thing to some people could give power and control to imprison people who do not believe or agree with the current system. If things keep going the way they are in the world, we will live in a fascist state, and man being man (throughout history, wanting to control the people) will use these laws to do so. Or freedom (if you want to call it that) is being completely eroded bit by bit.

    Yes, and the whole confidence trick and the problem that the NWO has overcome is the method of bringing the normal decent people into a frame of mind whereby they think these laws are fair enough. Once they were conditioned by fear with 9/11 and other small attacks, the people were fearful and tractable, easily influenced to accept the laws and surrender their freedoms - almost without even realising or thinking about them.

    And thus, the iron grip tightens. You are right, it's all about power, not money, it's just that money is the key to power under the capitalist system, and essential part of the control and of the game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Anti-Terrorism laws in full effect in today's news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    It is all well and good the labour party apologising now but at the time when the media attention was there, the man was prevented from speaking his mind.

    probably the only opportunity he had to have his views heard by the party he is a member of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    Kernel - And thus, the iron grip tightens. You are right, it's all about power, not money, it's just that money is the key to power under the capitalist system, and essential part of the control and of the game.

    I agree, so what do we do? Carry on playing the game or walk away? This is the choice we have. Yes I know that we have to deal with corporate capitalist companies on a day to day basis, but going back to my original post, we can reduce the impact by getting out of debt, not trying to keep up with the "Jones" and stop being a consumer slave. This is exactly what I'm in the process of doing. My goal is to be as self sufficient as possible (I'm not talking about having chickens in the back garden!!) but I am in the process of clearing all my bills and will only have what I feel is necessary. If eveyone paid their credit cards etc and cut down on the need to buy the next "latest and greatest" gadget, then this will help towards the reversal of capitialism.

    I know there is another argument about this approach affecting the economy, but the more self sufficient you are and the less you have to rely on these companies for needs, the less this will affect you. Anyway, by 2012 we may not have a coins anyone??

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    It is all well and good the labour party apologising now but at the time when the media attention was there, the man was prevented from speaking his mind.

    probably the only opportunity he had to have his views heard by the party he is a member of.

    Yeah, it seems a bit OTT in a totalitarian way tbh... I watched the video of it on the news and they were quite rough with the old geezer. He'd been a member of the party for years, so I think he had a right to be heard at their conference to be honest.

    scorptech wrote:
    I agree, so what do we do? Carry on playing the game or walk away? This is the choice we have.

    We only have the illusion of choice nowadays really. Those in power are so firmly entrenched it may never be possible for the people to regain their power (if they continue to be distracted from the real picture anyway). Even if you were to walk away from the game, you would have to have had money to buy land... then you would have to become totally self sufficient... even if you bought tools or supplies you would be part of the system. Living on the land itself, you would also be subject to the laws of the government anyway.
    scorptech wrote:
    Yes I know that we have to deal with corporate capitalist companies on a day to day basis, but going back to my original post, we can reduce the impact by getting out of debt, not trying to keep up with the "Jones" and stop being a consumer slave.

    Yepp, we could do that, and it would help. However, to maintain our decadent lifestyle or even a level of comfort, it would be more beneficial to make the system work for us - the proletariat majority, instead the the few who control it. More militancy is the answer to this.. people showing their anger with government or corporate decisions, globalisation.. protests.. an increase in trade union power etc. etc.
    scorptech wrote:
    This is exactly what I'm in the process of doing. My goal is to be as self sufficient as possible (I'm not talking about having chickens in the back garden!!) but I am in the process of clearing all my bills and will only have what I feel is necessary. If eveyone paid their credit cards etc and cut down on the need to buy the next "latest and greatest" gadget, then this will help towards the reversal of capitialism.

    Well, good on you.. once you have done this you should feel freer to do what you want (provided you still have the means to do this)... debt is a terrible thing. An old Irish saying, which I believe in, is this: Cut the cloth according to your measure. Look at consumerist societies we live in (particularly the US) where a cut in interest rates to encourage people to borrow and thus spend more is often utilised to artificially boost an economy. With the result that more and more people get into substantial debt that they cannot really afford. In the US a lot of people have great stuff, but can barely afford to eat and are up to their eyeballs in debt.
    scorptech wrote:
    Anyway, by 2012 we may not have a coins anyone??

    Curious to know your prediction on 2012, I don't remember seeing it on the website? You thinking an economic crash (unsustainability of current capitalist model) or a massive world war?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭scorptech

    KERNEL - Curious to know your prediction on 2012, I don't remember seeing it on the website? You thinking an economic crash (unsustainability of current capitalist model) or a massive world war?

    You have to understand that this is a big geocycle jigsaw. If you look at each piece in isolation you would not believe it, but when you start putting the pieces together (which I have done over the last five years, and still adding to it) the picture becomes clear.

    As a business professional, there is a business term we use called the “business cycle”. This cycle lasts on average seven years give or take. The people who control the financial system lower interest rates to encourage people to spend money that they don’t have by using non-existent money (credit cards). So after a seven year period or so, they pull the plug, your up to your neck in debt and they take back your house etc. This is a very simplistic view as I cannot go into detail here, however, if you go to Google and type “Money Masters”, they have a dvd which you can buy which explains everything about how “they” manipulated the financial system to gain wealth. This dvd along with a number of other unconnected sources have told me that money will be worthless and we will go back to using gold and silver coins to barter in the near future.

    As for 2012, there are a number of predictions from sources such as the Mayan’s, Aztec’s etc that say there will be a celestial event around 2012 which will affect the earth. The scientific community call this the “photon Belt”. As a fledgling medium, I have discussed this with other experienced mediums and they to say that something will happen around this time (one theory is that we will move from the third dimension to the 4th and 5th). As to how severe this will affect the planet, I don’t know. Some people say we will not feel anything, others say that it will be a hell on earth with a probable loss of 3 billion people.

    So, you can see my point of being as self sufficient as possible. If these things do happen, you will have to rely on your own skills etc to survive. If nothing happens on 2012, than at least I will save money on a number of household bills and consumer goods!!

    PS. People will believe what they want to believe, so I'm not trying to convert or preach to anyone. My research, and the people I have spoken to over the last five years have suggested that something is coming, hence why I'm currently moving my family back over to Ireland at this moment in time. I feel that living in the UK next year will be a nightmare.

    If you are interested, also check out websites called "65 Degrees North".

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