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Do's and don'ts for first year students?

  • 30-08-2005 1:30am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Hey, anyone got some secret advise for us freshers? :D Basically stuff that isn't in the booklet or whatever, but that we need to know...! I presume a "do" would be to join societies ;) Any others?

    BTW, my brother told me that if you're under 18, it's marked on your student ID! :eek: Does this mean I won't be able to go into the campus bars? Or that i just won't get served? Do they even ask for ID there? Are there bouncers? Some ways of getting past them? Thank!



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,578 ✭✭✭Scraggs

    great idea DaveMcG!!
    i'll be paying close attention to this thread....

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Don't join up for everything you see in Fresher's Week.
    Go to your lectures, tutorials and all of that. Though you'd *think* that'd be obvious. *runs*
    Get involved with something! Clubs and societies are a great way to get to know new people. And to learn something new too.
    Only join the gym if you actually can get to use it regularly.
    Having a job in the Square if you're in UCD is not such a good idea. (yet I stay in the same job I've been in for over 2 years now...)

    And yes, if you are under 18 at the start of the year, it is marked on your student card. Which brings me to another thing: Don't lose it! It's 13 euro for a replacement.
    And bring your library books back on time. The fines are extortionate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    Do: talk to anyone and everyone. whoevers beside you in a lecture etc. after a few weeks ppl will already have some friends, so if the person beside you is alone, talk to them! make friends!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 839 ✭✭✭zap

    join everything that u even have a slight interest in, in freshers week. if your under 18 they print your date of birth on the card, when you go into campus bars during reg week, freshers week etc, they take ur card when ur goin in so u can't get served but u do get in. During the rest of the year you will not get asked for your card or ID unless ther eis aband or soemthing playing,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 BAm MArgera

    Just relax and have a lot of fun, everyone passes 1st year and don't stress too much over exams.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 388 ✭✭Blut

    Lectures are mostly pointless, just go to ones that either have a really good, interesting lecturer or ones you absolutely have to (really hard piece of the course or whatever)..make sure your tutorials are on at decent times that youll go to though, youll get a chunk of points which'll come in useful at exam time.

    Also, you can avoid the underage problem for the student bar by either going in there really early in the day during freshers (midday), usually before the bouncers go on the door. Or you can go in the fire escape thats a bit up the side, sometimes they have a bouncer at it but not usually. After freshers they wont have bouncers on the door apart from big events or the last day of college.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Clive

    Back in the day you could get your DOB off the student card with nail varnish remover, but these new fangled cards have a blue background I believe, so I don´t know if that would work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭John_C

    Don't buy an expensive new bike and lock it with a cheap old lock.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,403 ✭✭✭The Gnome

    DON'T get addicted to heroin. WHAT?!? It could happen! Alright fine, seriously DO enjoy your self but don't go mental which is easy to do if you're living away from home the first time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,541 ✭✭✭irlrobins

    this is the first year of modulation in UCD. You should be sent a info pack tomorrow (list of acceptances arrives in admin tonight) so by end of week you'll have the pack. Pack will contain your login for UCD computer network. DONT lose that! you'll need it for your first day to register your modules.

    Read the info on all the modules for your course. Some courses (law, vet for example) don't allow you a lot of choice for your core modules. Others (arts, science) need you to choose all your modules. It is much easier to choose modules of you read up on whats on offer in the booklet.

    On the first day there are 5 things to do.

    1. Submit your personnal info. (name, address etc)
    2. choose core modules
    3. choose optional modules and practicals etc.
    4. pay fees
    5. collect student card

    (6. go to the bar!!!)

    The first 4 are all done online. They don't all have to be done on the first day (read booklet in your info pack for more info) But on your first day there will be lots of help in the computer labs on how to use the system if you need it. and also people to advise on what to pick. So don't be afraid to ask.

    The sooner you choose your modules the better as some are limited in size.

    Thats all the advice I have. Boring but practical!

    Enjoy UCD! I did!!!!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Thanks for that post, twas very good :) A question: is it not cutting it a bit close to only have the information reach us by the end of the week, and then we have to be in the college on the 5th or the 6th? It doesn't leave much time to think! Nearly all of my friends didn't even know that we had to pay fees in the region of €750! So imagine if they only found out 2 or 3 days before they had to pay it! It might be a bit of a shock!

    For our student card, do they take the picture there and then or do we bring our own? Is there a deadline for picking the modules we wanna do? Do we have to pick the modules for first AND second semester at the start of first? Or do we just do it again for second? Thanks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 141 ✭✭Young Siward

    DaveMcG wrote:
    Thanks for that post, twas very good :) A question: is it not cutting it a bit close to only have the information reach us by the end of the week, and then we have to be in the college on the 5th or the 6th? It doesn't leave much time to think! Nearly all of my friends didn't even know that we had to pay fees in the region of €750! So imagine if they only found out 2 or 3 days before they had to pay it! It might be a bit of a shock!

    For our student card, do they take the picture there and then or do we bring our own? Is there a deadline for picking the modules we wanna do? Do we have to pick the modules for first AND second semester at the start of first? Or do we just do it again for second? Thanks

    You'll go into admin to sort out your details, then they'll give you a slip which you'll present down at the Student Centre (astra hall last year), where they will take a photo and give you your student card there and then.

    BTW DO go to a few different subjects in first year and get a feel for the them. I tried stats for the first few weeks and didn't like it, but gave it the benefit and hated it for the whole year! I passed, but others weren't so lucky.

    DO get a disc key from computer services, and if you're smart, go on their course and get a second one!! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    hehe, thanks :)

    Am I given a disc key automatically or do I go and ask for one? What does it do? Why would I need 2? lol. To sell it? :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,541 ✭✭✭irlrobins

    DaveMcG wrote:
    is it not cutting it a bit close to only have the information reach us by the end of the week

    You'll prob get the info before the end of the week. You've loads of time. Don't stress!
    DaveMcG wrote:
    It doesn't leave much time to think!

    Info on all the modules is online at Click on Undergrad Studies on the left for details of modules for each course.
    DaveMcG wrote:
    So imagine if they only found out 2 or 3 days before they had to pay it! It might be a bit of a shock!

    Loads of time to pay fees. Doesn't have to be on the first day. They'll chase u after 4 weeks if u forget.
    DaveMcG wrote:
    For our student card, do they take the picture there and then or do we bring our own?

    They take the worst pic ever witha digital cam. so no need to bring your own.
    DaveMcG wrote:
    Is there a deadline for picking the modules we wanna do?

    you have until the 30th to decide. But if you leave it too late, some modules will be filled. And you also have to choose tutorial slots etc. The sooner you do the less likely you'll be stuck with the 9am monday morning slot!
    DaveMcG wrote:
    Do we have to pick the modules for first AND second semester at the start of first? Or do we just do it again for second? Thanks

    you have to do both. But will be allowed change 2nd semester ones just before the 2nd semester. But again choice might be limited....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,541 ✭✭✭irlrobins

    You'll go into admin to sort out your details, then they'll give you a slip which you'll present down at the Student Centre (astra hall last year), where they will take a photo and give you your student card there and then.

    No its all changed. You need to logon to registration page and enter personal info. Then you go pick up your card. Each course has a different location. So check your info booklet.

    DO get a disc key from computer services, and if you're smart, go on their course and get a second one!! ;)

    I think you'll only get one if u attend the intro course. But its easy and quick. and worth the key. Think its a 128Mb one this year.....

    NEVER save your college work on floppy! Guaranteed to fail. The amount of times I was handed an assignment on a floppy that was knackered.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    You're helpful, thanks! :D

    When do we get our timetable for lectures and the likes? Do we not get that until we pick our modules and the likes? What about our tutor... what do they do? We don't go to reg every morning, I presume, lol. Do we have a tutor group or anything? Thanks, and sorry for the questions, I'm sure there'll be more soon! xD


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,541 ✭✭✭irlrobins

    Has good info on what you need to do on your first few days.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,541 ✭✭✭irlrobins

    DaveMcG wrote:
    You're helpful, thanks! :D

    When do we get our timetable for lectures and the likes? Do we not get that until we pick our modules and the likes? What about our tutor... what do they do? We don't go to reg every morning, I presume, lol. Do we have a tutor group or anything? Thanks, and sorry for the questions, I'm sure there'll be more soon! xD


    Well obviously as there is so many possible combinations of modules you can do everyone needs their own timetable. But as you pick your modules on the website you'll be able to view (presumably print) your timetable of your lectures/practicals/tutorials.

    Tutorial content varies from course to course. In arts it might be a discussion on lecture content, in maths it could be working on maths problems.

    Some tutorials are held by lecturers. Others by postgrad students.

    All questions welcome!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭Vainglory

    DaveMcG wrote:
    Thanks for that post, twas very good :) A question: is it not cutting it a bit close to only have the information reach us by the end of the week, and then we have to be in the college on the 5th or the 6th? It doesn't leave much time to think! Nearly all of my friends didn't even know that we had to pay fees in the region of €750! So imagine if they only found out 2 or 3 days before they had to pay it! It might be a bit of a shock!

    For our student card, do they take the picture there and then or do we bring our own? Is there a deadline for picking the modules we wanna do? Do we have to pick the modules for first AND second semester at the start of first? Or do we just do it again for second? Thanks

    Student cards : They take your picture there and then, you don't have to bring one along.

    Deadline for picking modules : 30th September, but you can do this from 10am on Friday 2nd.

    This is how it all happens ; The college get notification of acceptance of first round offers tonight at 9pm from CAO. Then they work like the clappers for the next couple of days to get all your computer logins, reg details etc printed off and put into envelopes. These are sent out to all new first years on Thursday, and you can use that computer login from 10am on Friday to register for all your classes.

    Second Semester Modules : Will be picked after the first semester .. all you need to register for on Friday is your core subjects (if applicable) and your electives.

    Disk keys : You get one if you attend an IT Induction class which as far as I know is about 30 mins long and run all during Reg week. There will be IT people walking around wearing orange tshirts..just ask them.

    Hope this helps..

    On a somewhat related subject, I'm in the process of organising what I'm going to put onto my Education-related stands in the SU Marquee which will be up between the Comm Block and the old bar during reg week...any ideas? Most education stuff, eg grinds, first years won't care about during their first week.

    I was thinking of putting together a sort of "What do I do IF" "What do I do IF I fail an exam in UCD", "What do I do IF I want to change course"...and then maybe some info on dyslexia, signs and symptoms, how to get yourself assessed etc?

    Anyway, input and ideas much appreciated as always.

    Education Officer, UCDSU

    PS I had a look at all the available modules..some of them look great. You guys are lucky :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,885 ✭✭✭Stabshauptmann

    Dont get banned from the student bar, it will ruin your year
    Dont spend all your money on clubs you wont use regularly
    Dont try and cut costs by eating a lot less
    Dont make enemies
    Dont go out of your way to be different/unique untill after you've gotten to know ppl
    Dont be the first person to throw a party on campus
    Dont **** someone in your class on the first class night out if your planning on a one night stand

    Learn to play pool/snooker
    Eat in the restaraunt/bar once or twice a week. You'll be spending time with classmates and getting a good meal at a good price
    Join at least one club (clubs are better than societies for socialising) even if you wont stick with it for the entire year
    Go out as much as possible at the start of term
    Go on one of the tours of the libary, I didnt and dont know how to use the libary
    Go to at least 60% of lectures and 90% of tutorials
    Get your free memory stick and set up your UCD email account

    If you are underage, get a fake ID, siblings passport or garda works best and just show it to the doorman. If he asks have you a student card the answer is yeah but its at home or Im here with friends from UCD Im (somewhere else); but some bouncers wont let you in with that excuse.

    Alternativly go in before the bouncers arrive, maybe as early as 6 Im afraid. Dont act the magget and nobody will ask questions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,885 ✭✭✭Stabshauptmann

    [disclaimer]While underage drinking is wrong and illegal, your student life will suck if you dont go to the bar from time to time. I disagree with the rule that you have to leave by 10, hence my above suggestions, but these suggestons are not made to facilitate underage drinking. In fact if there is a society/club event in the bar you can arrange with management to attend so long as you agree not to drink and hand in your student card[/disclaimer]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Thanks alot, very helpful :) I have my provisional licence "fixed" so that I'm actually 19 not 17 :p Haven't had any trouble with it to date, so let's hope it works!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,588 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    - Join clubs and societies (trust me)

    - Show up for lectures and tutorials and do your essays (trust me)

    - Return books on time (seriously trust me)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 424 ✭✭the_obsolete

    Go to at least 60% of lectures and 90% of tutorials
    That is crucial, you'll learn qucikly enough that tutorials will literally save your ass for the exams, also if you're feeling unsure bout coursework there should be a help centre around open at various times, don't be afraid to hop into one (saved my bacon last year! :p).
    Also pick up an instrument...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,163 ✭✭✭Slash/ED

    BTW DO go to a few different subjects in first year and get a feel for the them. I tried stats for the first few weeks and didn't like it, but gave it the benefit and hated it for the whole year! I passed, but others weren't so lucky.

    The man speaks sense.At the start goto a few lectures from different subjects (you can walk into any lecture at any time no matter what), it'll leave you in a better position ultimately and you'll know if you hate a subject that there's others there you change to easily that you might like better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Also pick up an instrument...

    I play guitar and ukulele, and a bit of piano and drums! :D

    Oh, is it easy to get a band together in UCD?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 955 ✭✭✭LovelyHurling


    1. Talk to absolutely anyone and everyone you come within a 20m radius of. Chase them until they talk to you too.

    2. Take the on-campus accomodation or if its too late move very very close to college, thats where all the freshers will be be in 2005 and you don't want to miss out on parties/ gatherings/ drop ins

    3. Drink. For the love of God until the doctor tells you to stop, drink.

    4. Buy a student Travelcard (Irish Rail/ Bus Eireann)... the change is in your pocket!

    5. Try to mix with other faculties. Il Presidente's modular fiddling should facilitate this nicely

    6. Take advantage of free internet access for games

    7. Discover Dutch Gold. Also discover Clonskeagh and Spar off licences respectively.

    8. Keep up, try not get left behind by going "too crazy" - yes it exists

    9. Pay attention to your lecture notes as opposed to veering off into the books too much. Mostly all you need study for a pass are lecture notes - if you have satisfied that and want a higher mark hit the books.

    10. Give up cigs, if you smoke - you'll be the richer for it. Health? No forget that, it just means you can buy more pints of Fosters- wohooo yeah!!

    Do not,under any circumstances:

    1. Get involved with a girl in your class (shudder). Nobody forgets. Nobody. Ever.

    2. Fall behind with your study - you don't want to know where Blackrock (repeat exams hall) is

    3. Take the pledge (drink or sex)

    4. Lose your Cavan accent. You gotta love yourself man!

    5. Stick to just one group of friends - spread yourself out dude - you are utterly butterly

    6. Forget that Librocop is always watching

    7. Blow all your easy-earned funds in the first week - drink at home first!! (drinking at home is like having sex - its respectable as long as you do it with someone else)

    8. Walk alone at night, girls

    9. Try to outshine your lecturers - they are all smarter than you thats why there here

    10. Break a leg while jumping off the walkway shelter (but do climb it in a drunken mess, thats the law)

    Okely dokely I think that sums up my contribution :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭Jonny Arson

    Attend at least 75% of lectures and all of your tutorials if possible. Tutorials are especially vital. You get marks just for attending.
    Do all of your coursework. Even if you don't have a clue to do a certain assignment... just do it. In many courses your coursework accounts for up to 25% of your overall grade.
    Take as many notes as you can at your lectures, write the date and lecturer on them (sounds nerdy but come the end of the year I guarantee you it will be helpful!)
    Another vital thing no one touched on is DO YOUR READINGS! Had I done this I'm certain I would have passed 1st year!
    Don't be naive and think you will breeze through the year. Have a good attitude to your course.
    Check out other subjects within your course.

    Get to know other people and be sociable unlike all the unsociable c*nts in courses like Arts. Be polite, friendly and if you see someone who is maybe a bit isolated go talk to them......... I wish someone had made the effort with me.
    Don't hang around with school buddies all year round like most people will do and don't spend the whole year with the same people you met in the 1st few weeks. You will rip your hair out hanging with the same people all the time.
    Get involved in college life. Join clubs and socs that appeal to you and are geniunely motivated and trustworthy. Don't waste your money on D4 money grabbing socs like B&L, C&E etc.
    Don't spend too much of your time working in a part-time job.... you want time to enjoy college life.

    and whatever you do..... don't fail 1st year like I do!!!!!!!!!! and enjoy yourself unlike I did! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 91 ✭✭john^doyle

    post #28 should be made into a giant poster :D

    im just starting at ucd (commerce) so all this stuff is very helpful, but wow there is so much to do. im gona have to make a list or sumthin.

    very good topic

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    john^doyle wrote:
    post #28 should be made into a giant poster :D

    I agree, it was great! :D
