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Clodagh Luddy; 2002-2006 (hopefully!)

  • 08-09-2005 1:26am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 31


    Session 1, Sarah's RA Group, Computer App.
    Was very, very shy. Also the only girl in the class staying residential :eek: not the greatest combo!
    Played lemmings for so long it could be responsible for my inescapable habit of walking into things :rolleyes: Roomed with Debbie! Yay for midnight tea&toast in the corridor!

    Session 1, Gemma's RA Group, Art & Art History.
    Art was great! Made a very scary A1 of my roommate Carmel... of whom no more shall be said. :o Also -spectacularly- failed to grasp the concept of perspective in a painting of balloons. Maybe 'grasping the concept' of Circles rather than Weird Squiggly "S" Shapes would have helped first ;) Had Ultan as my TA! Crazy Justin Tamberlake wannabe that he was, he managed to convince two successive years of TAs that I was swedish. Grrr. The class was great, I wish I kept in touch with you guys better though bumping into the same person everywhere I go is pretty funny :D
    Do drop me a line should anyone decide to get a perm though! :p (ahh I tried!)

    Session 2, Brona's RA Group, JAPLANG!
    Damn brilliant year! Kinky Sex, flying cats, canoodlement and tentacle ahh umm..... Class was hilarious. Also I got married. :cool: Sun Xia was so nice, and the only picture I have of Colm has him looking decidedly Dodgy. However, he definitely was, DEADLY!!! (no really, it is necessary) Our project rocked, well my part didn't (and no I haven't gotten any better at speaking in front of people, or speaking in general for that matter) but the manga porn sections were definitely Memorable! Wish I could have kept up jap for the leaving, but that would require getting up at 6:30, which my AMAZING roomies Langer #1(Gráinne!) and Langer #Tourist(Ali!) will laugh uproariously at before telling you that Colm will shave his sideburns before I get up that early.

    Session 2, Grace, Roisin and Hannahs RA Groups at different times of the day, a little bit of Chinese L&C and then Speculative Fiction Writing!
    Left Chinese on the second day I think, sorry again for the abrupt departure! I'm sure you can all speak wery goood chinese now whereas I can only say "Hello, I am frog" in a bad accent. :D
    And then to Spec Fic, to any who be a disputin' that it war a great class I say YARR*! Both teacher and YARR**! were cooky&brilliant, I swear throwing a frisbee/hackey sack YARR***! is... uhm, essential to learning! ;) Hope you keep up YARR****! writing, if I do actually put pen to YARR*****! in some constructive fashion I shall let it be known. And oh YARR******! is it a releaf to escape the puns. (I only swore I wouldnt do it during class!)
    Now I could ramble on for longer,
    but that could set into motion a chain of events that would cause the universe to IMPLOOOOODE!-ah

    *I disagree
    ******boy ?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Woo! Japlang 04! *highfives*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 620 ✭✭✭Mr.D.Leprachaun

    Clodagh's one of the coolest Swedish people ever! :D Even if she did sod away off out of Chinese and leave us all alone without her... :mad:
    Anywhatchamaycallit! I remember particularly well your extremely complicated card games! What's wrong with plain simple Black Jack, or snap? Heh, remember that time you sent me to nck the pencils that a bunch of people were playing spoons with? ;) lol!

    Btw how do you claim to be a frog in Chinese? Please PM me the pinyin as I sadly lack a truly silly phrase in Chinese which means that I have failed my main goal for the course! :(AnyHugh, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Dave Carroll (the hairy Northern one)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 372 ✭✭Outcast

    Hey Clodagh, Niamh here, I knew you in 2002. I was friends with Sinead (the only other girl in Computer App). Pity we weren't on the same session any other year. SunXia was my TA for Chinese. She was so cool wasn't she?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Acid_Violet

    I remember first meeting you and thinking you were another one of those BLOODY YANKS (just joking)

    I found out that I'd heard of you through some people and consequentially we got a lot of amusement out of that;)

    I loved your room cos I'd just come in and eat your food and stuff! :p

    keep in touch or suffer the rath of millions!!!!!!!!!

    (but you probably guessed anyway)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 400 ✭✭TalkISCheap

    Cloudy!! Ahhh..... where to start......

    Cathal here, by the way. Yeah, i can't remember who it was that told me your real name. Do keep in touch, there is much more to be said which has temporarily vapourised. (not vaporized - damn yanks....)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    You were in my Chinese class. w00t! for possible 2006-ness! *high fives*

  • Registered Users Posts: 333 ✭✭Chowburger

    Cloudy! Japlang and Specficwri (things are cooler if they're one word)! Yarrr, those were two absolutely mad years, both abundantly full of gay and/or chicken porn... *sigh* Gotta love it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 67 ✭✭Desmoulins

    Yay- Cloudy! :D I was very pleased to finally know who you were, and this year was fun. Several weeks and two train journeys later, and I think its safe to say we'll be friends for a while :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 566 ✭✭✭elephamt king

    Hey Cloudy,
    Japlang rocked, best course ever. there was far too much yowee in that class even for CTY.anywhoo, i dint know you were session 1,1,2,2.
    crazyness, another member of the club.
    anyway i never got to know you that well but you rocked muchly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    I was 2,1,1,2,2, can I join this club of yours?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 566 ✭✭✭elephamt king

    youre in it, and i have told you before, remind me of the 5 year freak thing much and i'll (and have done) beat you for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 333 ✭✭Chowburger

    I was 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, and therefore add up to more than any of you can ever hope to achieve! :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 566 ✭✭✭elephamt king

    grrr, you're also in 6th year(i think)
    any way you all know youre safe because i would never hurt a CTYIzen, but i will make exceptions

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 407 ✭✭Love

    Were you the Clodagh that got covered in grass during activites one day this year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 950 ✭✭✭Feral Mutant

    Yay for Clodagh, Yay for Japanese '04, Yay for abusing the word deadly, Yay for making Guy afraid of tentacles due to reasons which noone wants to hear and Yay for trying to get back in for a 5th year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 bandana

    I couldn't be more irish dammit, thats the worst part! nnngh...*mumbled threats towards yanks...swedes...timberlake fans...*

    You forgot yay for crazy vicious card games and yay for abusing the use of yay!

    Niamh I cant quite place you, but I remember little enough of what happened Yesterday to not be meaning any offense! ;)

    And yes, I was grass, grass was me :D (with special guest star: Paper Bag Avec Spider.) My claim to fame this year! :p

    Heheh, Become a chicken porn connoisseur since we left Emileen? I think that letter Cormac and I started is going to Remain 'that letter that cormac and I started' for a looong time! (or maybe 'me and cormac' if the mini grammar demons ever leave me alone... *shiver*...)

    Woot for 1,1,2,2! (and hopefully also the 5 year freak thing :D)
    I didn't know you'd been in all the same sessions as me, first day of 2nd and 3rd session you were always that guy (oh god... can open... puns... Everywhere!...) that I knew I'd seen before but couldn't quite place. :rolleyes: Eeesh my memory is terrible!
    And again; Japlang rocked!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Another one of Grace's Girls \o/

    Don't listen to anything Kelan tells you about me. He likes to think I'm a dom, a necrophile, on speed, a dendrophile and he only knows what else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭cookiemonst3r

    Cluddy!!!!Cloudy!!!! watever u wanna be called. HEY!!!!!! u were the bestest roomie ever. and u were the second person i ever talked to in CTYI.hehe and remember our toast parties in danielle's room?? they were fun

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,383 ✭✭✭Aoibheann

    Yaaay, you finally got yourself a thread! *dances* Twas muchly excellent that you decided to join specficwri, the class most definitely wouldnt have been the same without you, what with the nevermore/semi-nevermore corner, the list ultimate responses that so NEVER got old, oh no...Ah thems were the days

    It was excellent getting to know you this year. Keep in touch, because you know that if you dont, it will set into motion a chain of events that will cause the universe to IMPLOOODE-AH!!! *hands on face*

    And now, my typing is dying a slow and painful death, and I refuse to correct another typo, I shall bid you adieu. You have my details. Catch ya soon! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 655 ✭✭✭smiley_knees

    Cloudy's soooo great! It was so much un havin you and Ali as roomies last year. Seriousy, the tree of us in one room... good times. And yes, the one room I'm refering to is the kitchen... Remember the time i feel asleep on the floor then you two slept on top of me... Fun fun fun!!! :)
    I miss you, and sorry for not writing you a note. If I had of done one at camp I fear it would have been generic, and you're too cool for that!
    Though your note was *pretty* damn cool... *cough*page-lenght*cough* :D You know what I mean!!!

    Love you!!!
    -G xxx
    (your favourite roomie EVER)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 50 ✭✭Katie-Bob

    Ah Cloudy, I have so much to thank you for. Which I will not go into on a public board but you know what I'm rambling about, anyway:


    I didn't write you a note either because its almost like I won't talk to you again and well I will, you can't get away from me that quick!! Thank you for everything, you've stuck with me through good times and bad (wow cheesy but true! ;) ), you rock m'dear!! Luv ya!

    Always your friend (and roomie!)
    Katie :) xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 BenBen

    I seem to remember you and Liz becoming absolutley obsessed with saying Ben ben ben heyben etc at our workshop thingy. I think thats when Bennish *finally came into its own right, and I thank you. *bows*

    You were great! No-one else I know speaks quite so fluent Bennish. :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 bandana

    :p *coughcough*lessoftheembarrassingdetailsPLEASE!*coughSplutter* :p

    repeat:)repeat:)repeat:)X3: specficwri did rock!
    As did All of my various roommates, toast parties, portraits of certain people with slightly not true to life hair,tHe KItChen, cards and the Voice among other things ;) ... WELL ANYWAY 'all that aside'!

    I keep stealing stuff off Kelan! He has so many movies :D and has already seen a subbed version of final fantasy advent children.... *shakefist* :mad:

    also the raccoons.
    yeah thats the end of the senntence.
    (ben benben Hey BEN!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 346 ✭✭Shellie13

    i dint know you were session 1,1,2,2.
    crazyness, another member of the club.

    Yay! another 1!!!! :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 96 ✭✭emptyspoon

    bandana wrote:
    and has already seen a subbed version of final fantasy advent children....

    Oh my "friend" has it aswell. He wanted me to pay four euro to get it off him. Hah. Like I'm gonna PAY for something...

    And in other news, Clodagh. You cool. Tu cool, as some french people might say. Your gadgets are also cool. Hmm I should write something more *pseudo-intelligence* esoteric here.. TRAITOR! That should do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 655 ✭✭✭smiley_knees

    emptyspoon wrote:
    Your gadgets are also cool.
    Oooh, that's what he said...*sleazy grin*

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 conorL

    Hey thats my name!!! :p
    I'm only 6 months late to add to this thread...oops!

  • Registered Users Posts: 655 ✭✭✭smiley_knees

    It needed an update :P (so not what the Mod's are gonna say)

    I *heart* Cloudy!

    BTW, what's this about the Rocky Horror during Easter??? I shall go with thee!
