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Pro Evo Soccer 5 Thread...

  • 27-09-2005 5:59am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,348 ✭✭✭ricey

    Been palying it there for age`s now and its the very same as WES9 just with the english, gameplay and everything else is the same.

    Its seems to be a great game i was always a Fifa man but the new Fifa has me thinking of converting to PES.

    Outta 10 for a football game il give 9.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    I'm undecided as of yet after playing it yesterday.

    Seems to be more slowdown than WE9, which I had practically none, but in PES5 it happens in open play just when attacking sometimes, not even only at set pieces. I had a slight bit in the first match I played, so I did the usual test (Milan - Real at the San Siro) and it was noticable unfortunately. :(
    Playing on 50Hz will probably erase that again, but its something I dont like doing, so I may stick with WE9.

    The other thing I noticed was the pace of every game is now the same, they all feel like a quick tempo game in WE9. PES usually does this and its a pity because its great in WE9 feeling the different flow of different games, whether it will be an open and quick game or a tight and slower paced game. The game feels a lot better when you can feel the difference in pace in a match from just after kick off and you know you're going to have to play slightly differently to come out on top.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 678 ✭✭✭iloveireland

    every pes takes time to get used to.
    is it out now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,348 ✭✭✭ricey

    every pes takes time to get used to.
    is it out now.

    Its not out for another four weeks, but a little magic n there you go.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    every pes takes time to get used to.
    is it out now.

    Trust me, its not getting used to it thats the problem. I mean its the exact same as WE9 except for the changes I mentioned, as I said in my first post.

    Nothing to do with "getting used to it", I've been playing this version since the beginninf of August. :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 637 ✭✭✭TOPDAWG

    ricey wrote:
    Its not out for another four weeks, but a little magic n there you go.

    i was told its out on saturday no??

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,564 ✭✭✭✭whiskeyman

    TOPDAWG wrote:
    i was told its out on saturday no??
    Oct 20th for consoles
    Oct 28th for PC

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 637 ✭✭✭TOPDAWG


    ahhhhhh and here was me all geared up for sat. theirs gonna be slaps.......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 614 ✭✭✭Cucullan


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭Gileadi

    dont games always come out on friday anyway?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,564 ✭✭✭✭whiskeyman

    a few questions.
    Has the free kick system / controls changed?
    I thought holding R1 while keeping top-left up resulted in a powershot, but its just never working.
    How can you thump free kicks?

    Also, are there any other flicks / dribbles controls or shot techniques by pressing different buttons?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭peepingtom

    Gileadi wrote:
    dont games always come out on friday anyway?

    officially its released on friday 21st Oct, but normally (in Dublin anyway) one of the shops will get fed up of people begging them to sell early and sell it to someone .... from the last couple of years experience its normally around 4pm on the thursday ... then word gets round and everyone starts selling ... massive buzz about it last year ... sad i know :o

    for more info on the game etc ...theres some deent info on here, although there are some prize tools prowling around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,348 ✭✭✭ricey

    I gotta say it all you PES Fans might not like it but FIFA06
    is much much better in no way is PES5 better just my opinion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    ricey wrote:
    I gotta say it all you PES Fans might not like it but FIFA06
    is much much better in no way is PES5 better just my opinion.

    Well theres really only one way its better if you think about, run into the box on th angle of the 18 yard box from either side on any level and shoot into the far corner ....goal every single time. Awesome in Multiplayer 17-16 i won other night thats longterm value for money.

    For anyone who loves the game sorry for spoiling it by posting a fifa06 sweetspot....


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    KdjaC wrote:
    For anyone who loves the game sorry for spoiling it by posting a fifa06 sweetspot....

    Haha, the funny thing is, that sweet spot has been in Fifa since the original Fifa International Soccer all the way back on the Megadrive. :rolleyes:

    The most fun part of that game was hacking the crap out of someone and then being able to run away from the ref as long as you wanted, always hilarious when you had one hack happy friend who just loved to waste 10 minutes of everyones lives about 5 times a match.....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,426 ✭✭✭Roar

    In this month's FourFourTwo it's rated as the better game between the two..

    I really cant wait for this, it should be magic

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    i just hope they fix the goalies and increase the power of the shots.

    they ruined the game with pro ev 4 and to be honest PES3 was the best of the lot.

    I don't think i'll be very impressed... graphics updates and logos blah blah so what it's not supposed to be fifa.

    Just as long as there are no glitches and the scripted gameplay is'nt over the top.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Bowser

    PES3 had the dreadded handball every 2nd high ball. Im hoping PES5 is more refined gameplay. Im tempted to get it on x-box this time but ill miss my R2 button!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭Serbian

    I love Pro Evolution Soccer like it was my third wife, but there are always things that have pissed me off about it. I have been playing the demo on the PC and I have found that the pace of the game seems to have been slowed down, which will take some getting used to. I have also found that the passing has been changed to pass the ball in front of the player. This is okay most of the time, but then there are times where a simple square ball is best (especially if the receiving player is being tightly marked) and they end up passing it to the opposition).

    Something that has been present at least since PES4 is when you play a pass (particularly with cross field passes, due to the distance they have to travel), your player is frozen on the spot. It doesn't let you move forward to pick up the pass despite an oncoming opponent, who inevitably intercepts the ball.

    Has anyone else noticed that players first touch goes 6 feet in front of them if they are sprinting when they touch the ball or if they jump over the ball when it's rolling towards the touch line? These things are exceptionally frustrating.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,836 ✭✭✭Vokes

    Serbian wrote:
    Something that has been present at least since PES4 is when you play a pass (particularly with cross field passes, due to the distance they have to travel), your player is frozen on the spot. It doesn't let you move forward to pick up the pass despite an oncoming opponent, who inevitably intercepts the ball.
    That is particularly frustrating. I like to play a mixed passing game with lots of long balls to switch flanks, but PES4 restricted me mostly to a shortpassing game.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,564 ✭✭✭✭whiskeyman

    If you hold down the R2 button you can move the player thats going to accept that pass. Use this when the ball is in the air to jostle for headers also

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭Serbian

    whiskeyman wrote:
    If you hold down the R2 button you can move the player thats going to accept that pass. Use this when the ball is in the air to jostle for headers also

    Cool, thanks Whiskeyman. I'll try it as soon as my PS2 copy of PES5 arrives.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,564 ✭✭✭✭whiskeyman

    Serbian wrote:
    Cool, thanks Whiskeyman. I'll try it as soon as my PS2 copy of PES5 arrives.
    actuall,y I think this really only works if its a lob pass when the ball is in the air.
    I tried last night and if it's a low pass on the ground, it's pretty hard to move the receiver.... but I think you can hold down R1 and R2 so make them stop running for the ball.
    not long to wait now til PES5 to see whats changed!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    You can use Super Cancel at any time to move your player. Most good players (and any that do well in competitions) use Super Cancel probably just as often as you use X to pass or L1 to change player.

    It's one of the games main features that goes unnoticed by a lot of people for some reason, and if you ever come up against someone that uses it well even if you think you are a good player, then you can stop scratching your head as to why they beat you so easily because this is more than likely the reason. (unless you're actually that bad but dont think so ;) )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,987 ✭✭✭✭zAbbo

    a trip to is in order

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭Serbian

    I remember reading about Super Cancel in the manual and doing it as one of the training exercises in PES4, but I didn't really get it at the time and just forgot about it. Now that it appears it's extremely useful, I really should try and learn to use it properly :p.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    Best use is for mid air balls or balls that are overlong, to say skilled players use is funny, as when you super cancel ytou have about .000000000004 seconds to do either A shoot B pass.

    If its a run in with the keeper shooting should go in or at least work him for a rebound, passing will play it to a player with the keeper off his line. hardly skillful is it? If used right could be the eaiest cheat in the game. Long ball away into the corner keeper runs out just super cancel and pass it leaves a player with an empty net.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    KdjaC wrote:
    to say skilled players use is funny, as when you super cancel ytou have about .000000000004 seconds to do either A shoot B pass.


    It has a huge part to play in playing PES/WE to high standard. Its the same with manual passing, if you're good at Manual passing then your opponent is shagged. To think its only use is for high balls and around the box just shows how unaware some people are of the importance of it and its uses.
    Actually your response makes me think you're getting it confused with something else, do you even know what Super Cancelling is? Your thought of having the tiniest amount of time after doing it makes me think you're talking about something different entirely?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    dar83 wrote:
    do you even know what Super Cancelling is? Your thought of having the tiniest amount of time after doing it makes me think you're talking about something different entirely?!

    Press R1 and R2 and player stops going for the ball in his auto mode, its not hard.

    If its a short pass you suck bigtime if you cant make a short pass hardly a skillful player who uses that, the only use is has is if its a long ball and your not gonna get it then Super Cancel and press pass or shoot.

    Do you know another way to use it?

    LOL@ high standard no offence but beat a player and the game is yours simple as that, high skilled etc counts for crap. You beat a player you have space its what you do with the space that makes you good or bad. Not supwer cancelling cos your initial pass was ****.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 614 ✭✭✭Cucullan

    Just started playing PES 5 for the xbox and I'm very disappointed with how slow the players turn etc, vollies and headers on goals seem to be improved but its gone so slow I'm finding it frustrating to play.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,987 ✭✭✭✭zAbbo

    It takes 2 weeks to get the hang of the flow of the game, its much quicker turning, once you know how

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,564 ✭✭✭✭whiskeyman

    bazH wrote:
    It takes 2 weeks to get the hang of the flow of the game, its much quicker turning, once you know how
    I thought the PC demo played terrible... way to slow, too many fouls, cpu seemed to "cheat".
    However, I brushed up on some moves (cheers for the link bazH!) and now cant wait to get the full version.
    The movement and physics are miles ahead of PES4, and the gameplay has vastly improved.
    Thinking about it now, I remember the first few days playing PES4 and I thought I'd never get used to it. I was so close to ditching it to PES3... but sanity prevailed!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,106 ✭✭✭dar83

    KdjaC wrote:
    LOL@ high standard no offence but beat a player and the game is yours simple as that, high skilled etc counts for crap. You beat a player you have space its what you do with the space that makes you good or bad. Not supwer cancelling cos your initial pass was ****.

    Thats funny, because most people that use it well, use it for exactly that, beating a player. You obviously dont grasp the subtle use of it, as the pass can be a great pass but you can still use Super Cancel to fool the defender and leave him for dead.
    Maybe try experimenting with it a bit more, you might find it more useful than you think...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,987 ✭✭✭✭zAbbo

    Using super cancel wont make you a super player, but most decent skilled players i played, do indeed use it.

    Whatever works for you i guess, but it would be regarded as an advanced move.

    Its not a case of not being able to make a pass, most decent skilled players, manual switch to the 2nd nearest defender and cover any space behind the recieving passer.

    Super Cancelling is more of enabling a free movement when a player is locked in a path.

    Anyway i agree with dar83

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    dar83 wrote:
    Thats funny, because most people that use it well, use it for exactly that, beating a player. You obviously dont grasp the subtle use of it, as the pass can be a great pass but you can still use Super Cancel to fool the defender and leave him for dead.
    Maybe try experimenting with it a bit more, you might find it more useful than you think...

    Dummy works a lot better than that, bazh hit the nail on the head
    Super Cancelling is more of enabling a free movement when a player is locked in a path.

    Anyway we see soon enough if Pes5 is any use online then i can reclaim my position as No 1 un-frikkin-defeated bestest boards player ever!!!!! ;)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,390 ✭✭✭d22ontour

    KdjaC wrote:

    Anyway we see soon enough if Pes5 is any use online then i can reclaim my position as No 1 un-frikkin-defeated bestest boards player ever!!!!! ;)


    Tbh i kind of got sick of beating you all the time so maybe pes5 will get you to offer more of a challenge.

    Un-frikkin-defeated my ass. :rolleyes:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    d22ontour wrote:
    Tbh i kind of got sick of beating you all the time so maybe pes5 will get you to offer more of a challenge.

    Banned for telling porkies.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,426 ✭✭✭Roar

    whiskeyman wrote:
    Thinking about it now, I remember the first few days playing PES4 and I thought I'd never get used to it. I was so close to ditching it to PES3... but sanity prevailed!

    christ i think we've all been there! booting it up, playing it for one game, saying "this is ****e" as you realise you cant use the same tactics from the last game... lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Mongo

    Anyone know anywhere to get this early in Cork??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,348 ✭✭✭ricey

    When is it out in the shops? Im sick of waiting to play

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28,128 ✭✭✭✭Mossy Monk

    is it this Friday? please let it be this Friday

    Friday = pay day

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    I don't mean to labour a point but i always thought proev3 was far superior in gameplay.

    I know all about the realism and such but the action was faster and the glitches were easier to put up with.

    Also 2 points must be made.

    1. between PES2 and PES3 there were 2 years. Lots more imprrovements. Less of the liscensing crap and more gameplay.

    2. THE KEEPERS!!! why does nobody bring this up? they are awful.

    I've played the demo on the pc and i have to say i'm way more impressed this time around. But still i'm worried. The trend towards sponsorship and licensing just will eventually turn it into fifa. There is a new easier transfer system now right?

    Anyway i'lll be keeping my PES3 just in case and trading in 4 for 5 so i can finally rid myself of the waste of money. Oh and i'll never ever buy a fifa game i'm not that desperate to waste my money.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 779 ✭✭✭mcgarnicle

    Anyone playing this on live at the moment?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,019 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    RaggaMuffin no chance.

    how can it be turned into a fifa if the gameplay continues to get better and better yet they get licenses? it is what the game needs. There is only so much development of the gameplay they can do. It is practically perfect. They just need licenses.

  • I have been playing pro for 3 years now exactly and i must say pro 5 is a big leap from 2, 3 and 4 in terms of changes but at first i thought **** pro has turned ****, but after 20 games or so with my flat m8 things are changing for the good im getting used to the way it plays and in all honesty its as good as pro 4 and in time i believe it will be better. theres alot more thought involved in the game. not just using ronaldo and taking him around four or five players using the the + on the joypad, more on teamplay than dependance, give the game a few weeks i bet you will think different.. btw the shooting system is calss now.... power or placed shots kicks ass
