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Columns of smoke...



  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Shoeless Ailbhe

    I think the national day of mourning was a really nice gesture and all, like I'd love all the world to do that for ireland if it happened us, but what annoys me is that they expected everyone to close shops and services and not work!! I mean, what about doctors and all that, like they're supposed to let people die?? And a my friend's grandaunt died on the wednesday, the day after the crashes, and they started the whole funeral thing on friday.... or had intended to, except the underteker, priest and gravediggers were all off duty and fu<ked it all up for the family!! Another thing is that 1/3 of the irish employees are employed by the government, and we ( well, our parents anyway) pay tax to the government, who then pay the people in hospitals, fire services and gardai who've to work on national days of mourning, and have to pey them double pay..... our money!! ( Well, our parents' anyway!!)

    Thats an argument of a friend of mine, whos dad is a doctor!!

    Thought I'd let her contribute to the boards!!

    But really I'm very worried and scared poopless that poop will happen!!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alaskagirl

    hey y'all. livin in america has been a tad bit chaotic lately. even being acroos the country from the mess, everything has pretty much come to a standstill. i am really glad we didnt bomb anyone on my birthday yesterday. everyone has american flags everywhere and its the only thing on tv and the radioo. i am getting really sick of everyones stories of "how close to home this hits." they all know somebodys uncles best friends sisters affair from 6 years ago who was driving by the state border to new york and saw the plane fly over head, or something like that. it gets absurd. our president is the stupidest person i have EVER known of. seriously, his head is full of rocks. i dont know HOW my idiotic country ever elected him. i really wish clinton was still president. he would figure someting out.

    i really dont want my country to go on some psychotic revenge binge and bomb random countries off of the map, i just want the terrorism to stop. it makes me really mad.

    apparently the terrorists religion tells them that it is their duty to rid this place of the people like americans who kind of have no morals and harbor liberated women and homosexuals and all sorts of hanky panky.So our destruction of any group of people would probably be some sort of religious discrimination and i dont want to do that. i just think there shoudl be some way of making all of these attacks stop without having to destroy an entire culture/country/ race.....ergggggg!!! whatever. it just makes me mad.

    also, i wish it wasnt on the news EVERYWHERE here and that EVERYONE wouldnt be talking about it. part of what is satisfying whoever did this is knowing that they are tearing apart our society.. If only we could go about repairing the cities attacked, and maybe work on national security or something. of course, now we cant even get on a plane with a pocket knife , no one can get into the boarding areas without a ticket, and soooo amyn other restrictions, which is a reall pain in the @$$ because i live somewhere that in order to go anywhere outside of my state and see any other places or family members, one has to fly!!!

    ok, ive rambled on long enough. i still have more to say, but i have to stop or ill make myself really mad about this whole mess. just dont take to harsh an outlook on all americans, WE ARE NOT ALL BAD!!!!!. so be easy on us even though our president is a c0ck and some of us arent all that bright.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    Someone is stealing my signoff...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭Mahotée

    Isnt this constant bitching about Americans (cos there's only one kind of them, you know) racism?

    By the way, let me tell you a really funny story, i was out at lunchtime with this girl i dont really know. She'd stolen my friends boyfriend and slags people occasionally. and then her mobile rang and her mother told her her grandad was dying, they'd pick her up from school later. She was really distraught, totally shaken up, understandably. She'd never had a death of someone close to her happen before. So I told her everyone in the school thought she was a slut, and pulled her hair and hit her and she fell down, so i kicked her. given that she was feeling really low, and all.

    Cos that seems to be the appropriate way to behave. Am i wrong Mark? nlb? sven?

    (this is the last time, i swear.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Mandibles

    Eeesh. Well. Am I supposed to throw in my 2 cents here? Well, considering I live about 30 miles away from the Pentagon (In Maryland.... that plane WAS headed for Camp David) and like, 5 hours drive away from NYC. Euhm... I like to think we're trying to move on from this whole incident. Maybe I'm being insensitive, but I think everyone is just oversaturated with the news coverage on this. It's really scary how close to home this whole thing is. Everybody knows somebody who was affected... there is some project going on for a girl at our school whose father was on one of the planes, and like half the school's parents worked at the Pentagon.....

    I also wish everybody would just shut up about Bush. I am NOT a Bush supporter or anything, but falling back on the Bush-bashing is so damn annoying and shortsighted. What the hell is anybody supposed to do in this kind of situation? Saying that Clinton or another president or leader would have completely changed the spin on the situation and NOT have decided to retaliate is just bulls**t. Nobody saw this kind of thing coming.... blaming the airports for crappy security and whatever is stupid, because half the bitching about airports that goes around is about how they are too paranoid. Going back, though... what country in this situation would NOT retaliate if they could?? *sigh* It's been a long week since Tuesday. At any rate, just... whatever happens, happens, and there's nothing we can do about it except cope. And bitch.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alaskagirl

    yeah i guess youre right. thats about it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭sisob

    Originally posted by Mahotée
    Isnt this constant bitching about Americans (cos there's only one kind of them, you know) racism?

    By the way, let me tell you a really funny story, i was out at lunchtime with this girl i dont really know. She'd stolen my friends boyfriend and slags people occasionally. and then her mobile rang and her mother told her her grandad was dying, they'd pick her up from school later. She was really distraught, totally shaken up, understandably. She'd never had a death of someone close to her happen before. So I told her everyone in the school thought she was a slut, and pulled her hair and hit her and she fell down, so i kicked her. given that she was feeling really low, and all.

    Cos that seems to be the appropriate way to behave. Am i wrong Mark? nlb? sven?

    (this is the last time, i swear.)

    i guess i gotta reply to this but im not really
    that bothered. was there an international
    day of morning for those vapourised and
    mortally indured at nagasaki? no, because there were no video cameras there to capture the hundreds of people trying
    to get to the river to drown themselves
    because most of their flesh had been torn

    i am sorry i hate america. and to the person
    who said that that is raceist: i have no problem with americans. appart from the fact
    that they heavily brainwashed by propiganda. its anoying but i cant hold it
    against them because it is not their fault.

    and because i dont hate americans, yes i
    do feel terible that this has happened. it
    makes my burn with anger to think that the
    idiotic decisions of the "institution of america" has lead to the deaths of 5k good,
    innocent people. so no, i am not heartless.
    mabye this was just not the right time to
    bitch about america. but as ive explained
    now more than ever i hate the america.
    because it trained the evil men who have caused so much pain.

    thats my bit said.

    ps. which kate is giving out to me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Shoeless Ailbhe

    Didn't steal it deliberately; Sorry :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭Smiley

    You know...about the whole Bush slagging thing...

    I think America needs a boring President, at least it did until these attacks happened.

    What they don't need is one whose gonna blow the bals of some country and most of it's surrounding countrys, and start a bloody world war.

    Besides, they haven't even proved that it was binladin yet anyway.

    Having said that, Americas got some pretty nifty toys, and someones gotta pay or these attacks.

    On a lighter note...

    My art teacher appraoched the class today wih a prospect which I thought had to be the nicest thing that has happened all day.
    She had an idea to make out cards for the schools in NY... sort of a nice little gesture of kindness.

    So we spent the rest of the afternoon making cards. And they'll be sent off to NY later this week.

    Nice, huh??

    On an even lighter note...


    Sorry about the delay and all...I haven't been within 10 foot reach of a computer for days (sob).

    Have a good one :):):)

    Talk to ye lot later,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa


    I'm sorry for sounding racist. I don't hate Americans at all. I may laugh at their education system and at Bush (and come on, but who doesn't), yet I'm one of the first to defend Americans when people start calling them stupid and what, as I know only smart Americans (so maybe I am slightly biased in their favour, I don't know).

    As regards Bush and this incident, something just dawned on me. Imagine if Gore had been president! At least Bush has enough advisers to hold off a war. Gore was a fu<king soldier who was in a POW camp! He would give one of those "didn't suffer for my country so it could..." speeches and nuke EVERYWHERE! So for once I'm glad of Bush. Even if I do hate him with a passion.

    If it had been Nader none of this would have happened. The planes would be fueled with celery and wouldn't have been going as fast nor would they have exploded. So it wouldn't be as bad. So there! Or at least if they could develop high octance celery! Ooh! I've got a young scientist project now!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭Mahotée

    i went over the top, again.

    mark, when nagasaki and hiroshima were bombed there was still technically a war on. from my basic grasp of history the japanese were losing and kept on fighting, and two atom boms were dropped, a couple of days apart. they would surely have surrendered sfter the first one, but there was still a war on. war is bad. but (and this doesnt make it better, i know) when theres a war on you know that you could die, or lose someone very close to you any day. (on another note, i was talking to a friend about ww2. if something like that happened now, with infantry and manpower, and all, it would be guys my friends age going out. sven, youd probably cwould not go because your leg is banjaxed. um . . . the rest of you?)

    what happened in new york last tuesday was terrorism . . . america hasnt learned to accept terrorists in quite the same way as us. i think thats good. we cant punish the ira, not really, because there are too many political entanglements. maybe this will stop that. i dont know how the US are going to get bin-laden, but he is the only real suspect. 'even if he wasnt directly responsible. he's kind of like a mafia don, apparently.'- a reliable american. vietnam was a war, and a mess. afghanistan has skipped the first bit and hopefully wont backtrack.

    im sorry, im really tired. i think ill come back to this tomorrow or the next day, alright? i will. the complicated thinking stuff, anyway.

    mark this is kate lorigan. im tallish. i right letters. ive done ctyi.

    aideen, re: days of mourning. do you mean devalera? as in eamonn? cos he lived a long fuull life.

    i think the reason i was pissed off is: i genuinely like amewrica. its never been mean to me. the weather and the people are kind. there's a good atmosphere there. if i could sleep, i would like to be america. other countries i feel for, because i know i should, but america i feel for because i know. its like lying on the grass in stephends green, in the sun. i dont really like taht the terrorists have gotten there too. i dont know how to explain it.

    maybe . . . other places i know about because of their civil wars, or their politics or their poverty or their weather disasters. but my awareness of america is from when i was little and everything was ok. and even taht could be a deceptive memory, but that's the way ive grown up with it in my head. lets all go to disneyworld.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alaskagirl

    hey, jus tthinkin that the whole celery thingy waqs very very VERY funny. alot of the people i know voted for nader and it is TOTALLY true. i still havent figured out how to insert quotes....

    ennyways, gotta toddle off to bed now, long day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    put it this way, americas meddling finally caught up with them, but it wasnt the leaders that suffered, it was the (relatively, and i mean that in the nicest possible way) innocent people. After all, if it was Osama Bin Laden, it was the CIA that helped start his organisation up with guns and training.
