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Mods should act more moddy



  • Subscribers Posts: 9,716 ✭✭✭CuLT

    Rozie wrote:
    I dispise this attitude. What bemuses me even more is that you think I haven't heard this a million times before.

    There ARE real people at the end of every screen - only the means of communication is merely "text and graphics". Heck, when you get down to it we're all "ions and atoms", but so what?

    This attitude is exactly what leads to people not giving a **** about one another online, and is exactly what causes troubles, and I will never buy into it.

    So don't buy into it. Get a livejournal account.

    Nobody's forcing anyone to stay. If you feel you can't leave that's your problem. Live with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    Madge wrote:
    Have to agree with you there. I was posting on a thread "is a college degree essential in life?" in AH and a mod posted and said I was posting off topic, I questioned him and he said to PM him. I did and I also pointed out to him that in another discussion he was BLATANTLY bringing another thread totally off topic- "what star sign are you?" in AH. I mentioned this to him in a totally civilised manner. I got nothing more than a 'you'll do what I say' response. I wonder if he has the nerve to defend his postition now??

    You got quite civil and detailed replies. I politely asked people to stay on topic and not degenerate into a bitching session over degree types. I put in a warning in that thread because it was getting close to being personal and muppety.

    Personally, my view is that I should try to stop threads becoming little personal fights between posters. From your post above and the PMs you sent, it was quite obvious that not only are you combative but aggressive also. If you had been civilised and reasonable in your PMs I'd have been a lot more receptive to your arguments.

    But attacking me and my decisions on PM is not going to be very constructive now is it? Civilised and polite discussion and combative attacks on people are not the same thing. If you want to pick a fight then do it elsewhere. I'm not in a mood to indulge you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    Rozies female? I thought you were a guy Rozie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 Tekken5isalive

    Gordon wrote:
    Rozies female? I thought you were a guy Rozie.
    ah here fook sake gordon. boo urns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Rozie wrote:
    Can people PLEASE stop calling me "He" and "A guy"? I don't see any reason for this other than to further show a lack of respect, but it's happened at least twice in the last few posts.
    I would have said "he" until you said this. Always assume a poster is male unless told otherwise. It has zero to do with respect.

    TBH, what I'm getting from you here is that you're generally unhappy that the Internet isn't a warm, fuzzy cuddly place where everyone gets along and everyone treats eachother as equals. You're using this thread as a vessel for your grievances. Even the above quote shows that you're taking everything just that tiny bit too seriously, as if everyone is saying everything with alternative intent or purpose.

    I've refused to read most of the last 40-60 posts on this thread, I can see that it's just the same tired argument going around and around. You may have been here for 6 months, but you just don't seem to have "gotten it". You don't understand the community. Nobody is out to get you, you're just failing to fit in, you're not watching what's going on. You talk about "using alternative moderating techniques" as if you're plugged into the community and you can see what every moderator is doing, when nothing could be further from the truth.

    There's one big thing that you're missing here:
    Moderators are active participants in the community, not bouncers charged specifically with keeping a distance while maintaiing control. They sometimes make mistakes, they sometimes make rash decisions, but overall they have zero interest in being bullies or power mongers. Any who are, are quickly weeded out and removed. However, we're not here to make you feel safe, welcome, or loved any more than we are here to make you feel unwelcome, unsafe or unloved. If you feel you're being persecuted without provocation, you're actually delerious. If you feel that anyone here bears you any ill will or wouldn't shake your hand, simply because you expressed your opinion here, then I suggest you seek psychiatric help.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 731 ✭✭✭Madge

    nesf wrote:
    I politely asked people to stay on topic and not degenerate into a bitching session over degree types. I put in a warning in that thread because it was getting close to being personal and muppety.
    The other poster and I were civily debating the issue, discussing valid points about the relevancy of business degrees. Not once, was any flaming or nasty comments etc posted.
    nesf wrote:
    Personally, my view is that I should try to stop threads becoming little personal fights between posters.
    how will you distinguish between a debate with valid points being discussed and 'little personal fights'? Because, as I have pointed out above you appear to have trouble makeing this distinction??
    nesf wrote:
    If you had been civilised and reasonable in your PMs
    Would you mind explaining what part of my PM's were uncivilised and unreasonable? thanks.
    TBH, I think you're just narky because I pointed out that you lead a thread totally off-topic and hence, probably went against the charter yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    PM wrote:
    You can't actually debate what I just said to you as you know it's true.
    I wonder why you were chosen as mod, as you don't display any of the skills required to be one.


    I suggest you start PRACTISING WHAT YOU PREACH. Now I'll continue posting what I think about certain degrees on the other thread, before I was rudely interupted by you and your two-faced critisism.

    Unreasonable? Yeah, just a tad. You seem to believe that you get to overrule me because you think I was incorrect. That isn't the kind of attitude that is going to help your case tbh.

    Simply put, to moderate one has to make decisions and calls on situations. Sometimes it's clear, sometimes it's not. You have to act in your own best judgement. That is what I did. People will not always agree with you. That is unfortunately how life is. How a thread looks to you and how it looks to me can be quite different things. Unfortunately, I have only my own perspective to go from. If someone says something that I think is out of place I don't have the benifit of seeing why they posted it, I can only guess.

    You didn't, and still don't, seem to grasp why I asked that thread to go back on topic. One person made a stupid generalisation over business degrees being useless and you took the bait. It wasn't a debate, it was you falling for flamebait.

    I called the situation as I saw it. You were not reasonable in PM. You got sarcastic and uppity when I asked you to take it to PM if you wanted to discuss a decision of mine. From there, you didn't ask me why I acted, just attacked the way I acted. You weren't reasonable at all. If you had been reasonable, you could have swayed me, my mind is rarely set in stone over a decision of mine. I make mistakes the same as anyone.

    But your attitude wasn't going to get me to change my mind tbh. I have enough to do without having to listen to you attacking me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭Rozie

    amp wrote:
    I was talking to Rsynnot about Gordon, who last I heard was still a bloke.

    But sure it's all about you. Let's change the whole of boards, and the moderating methods that have been honed over it's seven years, just because you, a person with serious personal issues, doesn't like it.

    Your tactics are annoying. You know I'm outnumbered so you relish in it. I don't see how withstanding the test of time works out when the forum is constantly changing anyway, and was never in this particular exact state at any other one time.

    There are at least 2 or 3 other people in this topic who have problems with the staff, and they're only the ones who have the guts to say it.

    Do you REALLY think everyone is pleased with the way the staff works? If you pointed out all the mess ups we're talking about here.

    You keep singling me out because I'm the one talking, trying to make me look ridiculous. But you know damn well there are other people that are thinking what I'm thinking, you just quite frankly don't give a ****.

    If they don't, it's down to selfish nature and they won't care until it affects them.

    Why don't you list out all the bans made in the last few months, and show them, and the reasons for them, in a topic where everyone can comment if they think they're fair or not? But of course that's not going to happen, is it, because I'm only one person with issues. Circular logic to the rescue!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot

    Do you REALLY think everyone is pleased with the way the staff works?

    Again, you do realise they aren't "staff". Moderators are volunteers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,659 ✭✭✭PowerHouseDan

    I think the Mods do a great job, there is one that i wish would have a rights gone but anyway. keep it up and leave the poor mods alone.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,193 ✭✭✭[Jackass]

    Staff - They love that word around here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,003 ✭✭✭rsynnott

    Rozie wrote:
    Your tactics are annoying. You know I'm outnumbered so you relish in it. I don't see how withstanding the test of time works out when the forum is constantly changing anyway, and was never in this particular exact state at any other one time.

    There are at least 2 or 3 other people in this topic who have problems with the staff, and they're only the ones who have the guts to say it.

    Vive la Revolution!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I am not Staff, I am not employed by to falicate posters.

    I am a mod of certain forums that I have an intrest in and want to see grow. has rules and each community has it's own set of rules as out lined
    in the charter. I give of my time to create something that is greater then the
    some of it's parts. IT would be great to think that all our posts add
    positivly to unfortuantly that is not the case with some people.

    When you create an account here you agree to the terms and conditions,
    when you post in a forum you are ment to read the rules of that forum.

    Break the rules and you have to face the consequences, plain and simple.

    IF you can't or won't follow the rules and guideline or you dislike them the
    don't post on the site or on the indivual forums you don't like or agree with.

    You can't make sweeping comments about the 'Staff' and 'staff attidues' for
    there is no staff and no mass conspirascy.
    Just a group of people trying to contribuate and not detract from what is

    Tbh Rozie you are in my opinion not adding anything positive to the site.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    This thread is upsetting to read... Rozie, please... stop. I agree to some extent with your sentiments, but... stop. I'm cringing here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,208 ✭✭✭✭aidan_walsh

    Rozie wrote:
    You know I'm outnumbered so you relish in it.
    Not nearly as much as you seem to, love. Now please forget it, or go away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,991 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Rozie wrote:
    There are at least 2 or 3 other people in this topic who have problems with the staff, and they're only the ones who have the guts to say it.

    2 or 3 out of a membership of thousands, not to mention the people who don't actually post but still gain pleasure from reading the site.
    Madge wrote:
    I also pointed out to him that in another discussion he was BLATANTLY bringing another thread totally off topic- "what star sign are you?" in AH.

    And of course if you see someone else do something wrong, then you have to do something wrong yourself.

    Besides, I fail to see how a thread like "what star sign are you?" could get any worse by going off-topic. I mean you could just write a bloody script that goes through posters, reads their birthdays and posts their bloody star signs. Pretty crap example to nitpick with.

    Edit: I dug up the thread you were talking about and read it. It goes "I'm Aries" "I'm cancer", "I'm scorpio" ... before being "dragged off topic" a little into the science of astrology and physics before going back to "I'm leo" "I'm virgo". Bad nesf. Bad moderator for interrupting the brainrot.

    As for the "college degrees" thread, it looks like bush was trolling you, simply looking for a reaction. The warning to stop looked like it was given primarily to bush.
    bush wrote:
    Well anyone I know that did it, did it for the sake of going to college.

    Madge, you posted a reasonable argument, fair enough. Then you got the "well I have a friend who..." line back in return. Classic warning that a troll war was about to break out. Nesf asked you to PM him, presumably to explain the situation to you, but you decided instead to give him abuse and that's when things got nasty.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭secret_squirrel

    Rozie wrote:
    I'm only one person with issues

    Lets face it thats not far from the truth is it? Every thread you post in has to be Rozie against the world. Maybe you should have copped on by now. But no I guess you will just take this as validation that the whole of boards is against you.

    I would expect that most people on boards would have had issues with a post or 2 by a mod at sometime or another - and so what? Mods are human too ( I think) they can make mistakes, show favouritism, but generally speaking I think they do good jobs - hell the size of boards seems to suggest that. If it wasnt for their hard work and the harder work of the admins boards would have imploded years ago.

    Atleast they are putting something back - review your threads Rozie - can you say the same?

    As regards being called she - I seem to remember from PI that you're going through so trans-gender type issues at the moment. if you're that sensitiveabout it why dont you either change your name to Rosie or put 'I am a woman' in your siggy.

    Tbh I assume all posters are male until proved otherwise. First rule of the internet.

  • Subscribers Posts: 9,716 ✭✭✭CuLT

    Read what you've written Rozie.

    It's more or less, "I'm the only sane person, it's the rest of the world that's insane". Paranoid delusions are symptomatic of schizophrenia.

    What do you expect us to think with your one-unspecified-gender-individual crusade?

  • Registered Users Posts: 37,301 ✭✭✭✭the_syco

    2 or 3 people.. out of what? 1000's of people. That sounds like a happy group, tbh. WhyTF should bend over backwards to please 3 people who proberly got out of the wrong side of bed?
    Rozie wrote:
    I'm only one person with issues
    Aye. Proberly so. WTF is wrong with you, anyhoo's. You seem to have a persecution complex, tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    I haven't found the mods to be the people the OP has made them out to be, they're reasonable people in my opinion. I've also met a few of the mods, and find them to be really nice people. Of course, I've learnt that being a mod/admin also means that you're seen as a bad guy by the offender for keeping the peace... granted, mistakes happen, but for the most part, the system works.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    the_syco wrote:
    2 or 3 people.. out of what? 1000's of people. That sounds like a happy group, tbh. WhyTF should bend over backwards to please 3 people who proberly got out of the wrong side of bed?

    Boards shouldn't have to bend over backwards to cater to the whims of a relatively insignificant minority as if that was done, I doubt any of the moderators or adminstrators would ever get any sleep or be able to have a life. I'd think that is quite selfish to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    Rozie's persistent use of the word "staff" has, for me, completely negated any meaning in this thread, in favour of that pungent, hairy, bridge-dwelling odour of....


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    This'll probably die down after a while... but I'll say one thing for now, the mods looked to have been reasonable people. Of course, when we have a problem with something, it's never our fault, always someone elses....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    Why are there always just threads of complaints and none of even a simple thankyou.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,330 ✭✭✭✭Amz

    I thanked you last night ... Seven times.
    I'm exhausted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    amz wrote:
    I thanked you last night ... Seven times.
    I'm exhausted!

    And yet all i got was a "Cheers Neil, you're leaving now, right?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    tklemonade temp site banned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,862 ✭✭✭mycroft

    Asok wrote:
    Why are there always just threads of complaints and none of even a simple thankyou.

    I've.....I've, I've always loved you Asok.......

    Oh Damn who am I kidding the boathouse was the perfect time.

    And Rozie, I suggest next time you leave your bedroom you refer to your mum as staff, and see how long it is as before you get a well deserved clip around the ear.*

    *Yes yes yes I'm sure you're a real grown up girl with a proper job and hectic life work balance juggling your stressful city job, drinks with the girls, and that cute guy from accounts with the dreamy eyes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    seamus wrote:
    I would have said "he" until you said this. Always assume a poster is male unless told otherwise. It has zero to do with respect.
    Myself, I always assume a poster is human until they're shown to be an Eliza bot. I don't make assumptions about sex or gender. I do try to remember what sex someone identifies as having and use appropriate pronouns. I don't get offended when I'm referred to with the pronouns she, her or asked if I'm a mummy, I do think it a tad strange when my username is clearly based on a man's name, but then so are a lot of women's names I suppose.

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,803 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Talliesin wrote: username is clearly based on a man's name...
    As in, fourteen-hundred-year-old Welsh poet?
