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Wanted! Games Programmers, Artists, etc

  • 07-10-2001 2:21pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 35


    New International Irish games Company setting up within Galway city is look ing to interview individuals who are interested in joining onto our experienced team in developing a "AAA" Microsoft XBOX / Sony Playststion 2 title

    Interested individuals who fall into the following categories may apply

    Games Programmers
    Ctrong C/C++ along with Direct 3D skills for Game Programming, experience with 3D engines a plus

    3D Artists
    3D modelling skills theat work or have good knowledge of 3D Studio Max R4 for characters

    2D Artists
    Illustration computer artist and photoshop artists for texturing/mapping

    Animating artist & Level Designers wanted also

    Contact us



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 219 ✭✭Bosco


    Nice to see jobs like this coming to Galway :)

    Good luck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭phobos


    But this is going to mean that every teenage geek is going to innundate Easons with requests for C/C++ books, just so they can extend their gaming fantasies beyond 2nd & 3rd level education. The want to developing a computer game is probably what motivates every young person to learn programming in the first place. But they try to find the easy route, and end up learning something like VB. Or even sometimes HTML, and think that they are programming when in fact they are making cheesy websites.

    I'm afraid kids it's not a point and click world, when it comes to making games. But if you are going to get in to programming, do what I did and learn C first. Keep the hell away from VB. It's all attractive, and produces results fast, but the transition to other languages will wreck your head.

    Right now where was ;)

    Yes it is good that companies like this are expanding beyond the big smoke. But the queue for such a job would be amasing.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭phaxx

    /me holds head in his hands moaning about c++

    He's not messing, don't learn VB!

    "Hello World!" is roughly where my c/c++ skills end...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    God phobos, you sound bitter. Did someone beat you to a great game programming job with their l33t html skillz?
    Or more seriously where did that daft rant come from, and why did you place it on this thread?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    The daft rant mightn't be best-placed in this thread Qouz, but he's got a point! :)

    Teaching people **** languages REALLY irritates me. My younger sister is just starting off a computing degree in Kevin st. Guess what language they're using to teach them how to program? ****ing VB! Christ! Talk about crippling them for life.

    What's the god-damned point of starting off with that abortion of a language? Because it's got a pretty windowsy development environment? It's like they expect graduates of the course will never amount to anything but lowly code monkeys. I'm getting her started on Java myself. :) Hopefully she'll soon know enough about a decent language to go "ah VB, this is a load badly-designed ****" as opposed to "VB is cool cos they taught us it in college and it's by Microsoft".

    (mind you, if I had my way I'd ban M$ from colleges altogether. I've yet to meet someone who couldn't handle going from a solid UNIX background into win32, but the reverse is seldom true in my experience. Teach people using the best tech, and the most modern concepts available and they'll be able to adapt down to whatever rubbish is in use in the industry, rather than start them off on crap just because it's popular.)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    Yeah, vb is not a language to learn how to program with. Learn C or Java first. You'll get better jobs and experience this way and if you need to cross over to vb you'll do so quite easliy, well easily bar the "What the f*** is this sh***, f***ed up s*** bag bleedin Microsoft!". Trust me I'm a vb muppet, and I hate it.

    My sister is a Notes developer so she only knows lotus script but I'm getting her into Java too, before she's sent for some vb training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    i just started a computer course, i have to do some vb over the next two years, fortunatly by the sounds of it i'm learning java first :) we aint doin C++ or anything like that till 3rd year

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    Focus on Java and just pass your vb exams, if your good a Java will be a doddle anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    As great as C/C++/Asm is right? I still need to make money yeah? I mean if working in vb makes me money and with that money I can afford to move out and pay my way through 2 year dip in Smalltalk/UML/Java then, one hand washes the other know what I'm saying?

    Also, what's to stop you learning C/C++ on your own? Would you believe I had written opengl screensavers, linux memory mapped kernel ports and fscked around with linked lists before ever taking a class in qbasic or any other class in programming?

    QED :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭DeadBankClerk

    Originally posted by The Pinky
    developing a "AAA" Microsoft XBOX / Sony Playststion 2 title

    i want to play!
    its called mario twins!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,193 ✭✭✭Kix

    Heh. I started off with BASIC on a VIC20 and programmed VB before I ever used C/C++. Now I'm a complete C/C++ head.

    It might hurt ya, learning VB first, but it won't kill ya. If you're got the aptitude to be a programmer, that is* .

    GOTO can be unlearned.


    * I'm definately of the "some do, some don't" school of thought on that one. No amount of learning and practice can help some people become good at programming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    Ya've a good point there TypDef. Vb has been my bread and butter for a while now. I'm bored with it though and want to move onto something new, I've come to my current job from Java and the lad beside me comes from C++. Vb jobs are the only ones left it would seem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,836 ✭✭✭Vokes

    hey dr_teeth, i take it your sister's doing ft228, dont worry they'll jump straight into C++ in 2nd yr. If she had done the Applied Science/Computing degree in Kevin St. she would have started straight away on C

    and can anyone recommend a very very good assembly book???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    You might want to try
    Introduction to Assembly Lanugage Programming
    by Sivarama P. Dandamudi
    though on hardback I think I paid £60.00.
    I might swap you for few weeks for Godel,Escher,Bach by Douglas Hopfstader if you have it & you are interested?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,979 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    jesus in blanch it was html and Vb
    the nerdz were thrilled at knowing VB
    "wow i can make a number appear in that txtbox,this is how they make keygens"
    i wanted to hit them
    dont learn VB it aint worth sh*t im doing java now after doing c
    its more rewarding than kiddy programming like html and VB

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,836 ✭✭✭Vokes

    thanks for the recommendation Typedef, ill have a look for it in hoggis figgis or easons. and as for Hopfstader's book, im afraid i dont have it, sorry

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,199 ✭✭✭Keeks

    Originally posted by Kix
    Heh. I started off with BASIC on a VIC20 and programmed VB before I ever used C/C++. Now I'm a complete C/C++ head.

    It might hurt ya, learning VB first, but it won't kill ya. If you're got the aptitude to be a programmer, that is* .

    GOTO can be unlearned.

    Don't learn VB first. BASIC on the VIC20 was a programming language as in you actually had to write the code... VB is only a point and click tool with maybe a few lines of code here or there.

    I'd advise to start with C and progress to C++ and not the other way round. Or better still start with assemly and work backwards. It maybe the hardest to start off with but it makes the rest of them look easy :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Originally posted by Keeks

    I'd advise to start with C and progress to C++ and not the other way round. Or better still start with assemly and work backwards. It maybe the hardest to start off with but it makes the rest of them look easy :D

    Jaysus Keeks, are you trying to put people off coding for life?! :) Killing off the competition before they leave school, never mind hit the job market! :)

    Don't start with asm, if you don't have a clue about programming then it's a bad one to start with. He's right though, if you do get to know it well, then anything else will be easy :)

    I'd recommend Pascal to C, then messing with Delphi, Java, VB, and C++. After messing with C you could go the asm route, but I'd strongly suggest knowing some C first.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,494 ✭✭✭kayos

    Rigth I am a VB programmer and I also know ASM/C/C++/Open Script and a few other Langs.

    VB has a very bad name for certain reasons and one of them being ppl havent used it since VB3/4 and the improvements have been vast. The way most ppl learn VB is simple here's a form drag on a button drag on a text box etc. But in the real world and where I work designing Forms is a small part of my job and it is only ever done once in a blue moon.

    I've written systems for some of the biggest insurance company's in Ireland and the States and it is all written in VB. The systems I write are scalable n-tier systems. The software runs full call centers and branchs all over Ireland for one client and a full web system for motor/home/travel insurance, Life Assurance products x3 and a Loans system. All this running off a VB system. Now can some one out there please tell be way VB is a muppet Lang that is usless when we can write such powerfull software..... maybe its because you dont know how to program VB in a powerfull way. Just like I can program C/C++ but not as well as others.

    I'll admit VB has its short falls but so do other langs when it comes to certain things. I would never try to write a 3d shoot 'em up in VB but then again I would hate the prospect of writing full underwriting and rating systems in C/C++ as it honestly would be a nightmare.

    I have a bee in my bonett when ppl say VB is no good and no good as a lang. Why dont ppl understand just because it doesn't do something they want that its not useless. Yes C/C++ is more powerfull but that does not make VB useless. Pick the right tool for the job. Why spend 2 days writing something in C++ when it will take 2 hours in VB and work just as well. VB has no place in games but has a huge place in business programming.

    When it comes to learning how to program I honestly agree with Kix programming is a mind set either you have it or you dont. Just like writing SQL Querys needs a full understanding of Sets. VB might be a nice lang to cut your teeth on or even straight C for that matter just to get the newbies doing something that they can actualy do once they have the basics C/C++ is what to learn. I starting programming back on my C64 when I was about 9/10 writing basic I got interested in it I went to college and learned C++ (loved the whole idea of it and went mad doing stuff on my own). Once you have the mind set programming is easy to move from one lang to another just learn a new syntax.

    Sorry but I have to add one last thing never ever call HTML a programming Lang cause its not never has been never will be. It is a formatting syntax that works across platforms.

    I know I'm going to be flamed to hell for this post but all I say is if your going to flame me have proper reasons and I'll listen to them otherwise dont bother.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,979 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    the reason many people dont like it (including myself) is
    because its so easy to learn, many script kiddies think that they are l33t and its annoying
    u should have heard some of the sh*t that was going on in my college.
    people were sneering at me and my mate coz i was helping him design a webpage (he hasn't a clue about anything computers so i helped him) and i could heard them say "oh HTML , so crap compared to VB come on lets do some VB coz were great*"

    of course unknown to them i was a quite avid c programmer then hehe

    *slightly exaggerated

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,979 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    oh, (completey disregarding my own opinion)
    i learned about types from VB
    does that make me a hypocrite

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    People who sneer at you only do so through ignorance. If you know what you're about then you don't need to rub it in everybody else's face, you tend to help them out with, oh, for example, their webpage. The sneering idiots also forget that once upon a time they knew less. You come across them from time to time, try to ignore them.
